Book - Social and Political Life - I Unit Ii: Chapter 3 - Government

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Chapter 3 - Government
What is government?
• Government is an administrative organ of a region
or country that makes political decisions to run a
• Every country needs a government to make
decisions and get things done.
Functions of Government
1. Maintaining law and order: If there is a dispute or
if someone has committed a crime you find people
in a court
2. Providing pubic facilities like electricity, water,
hospital etc.
3. Running the railway services and postal services
4. Take actions on many social issues, for example :
Poverty, education, health etc.
5. Protect the boundaries of the country and
maintaining peaceful relations with other countries
6. Ensures that all its citizens have enough to eat and
have good health facilities

7. Undertake relief measures in case of natural

disasters like earthquake, flood, tsunami .

8. Decisions about where to build roads and school

9. Ways to increase the supply of electricity

Example of institutions that are part
of government
1. Supreme court 2. Indian Railways

3. Bharat petroleum:
Levels of Government

1. National level

2. State level

3. Local level
❖ National level: This is the topmost level of government. The central government looks after
topics of national interest. The prime minister is head of central government. The central
government operates from the National capital New Delhi.

❖ State level: Different states have their own level of govt. The state government is headed by
the Chief minister of that state. The state Government looks after the state subjects.
❖ Local level:- 1) District level 2) Village level

❖ District level : At district level , the goverence is in the hands of government officials who
are known as civil servants. The government officials look after implementation of various
❖ Village level : At the village level, the government is headed by the Sarpanch . The
government at the village level is called the Gram Panchayat. It looks after topics of local
Laws and the Government
❑ Laws are made by the government and citizens are
bound to follow them. Laws need to be enforced for
proper functioning of the government.
❑ Government has the power to implement laws. Foe
example: Driving licence.
❑ Likewise, the citizen can approach the court if a law
is not being followed. For example: Rejected for a
job because of their religion or caste.
❑ Court has the power to give justice to the aggrieved
Types of Government

Form of

1. Democracy 2. Monarchy

• The monarch (king or queen) has the power to make

decisions and run the government.
• The monarch may have a small group of people to
discuss matters with, but the final decision-making
power remains with the monarch.
• Unlike in a democracy, kings and queens do not have to
explain their actions or defend the decisions they take.
1) In a democracy, people rule themselves through
their representative.
2) In a democratic government people have a right to
choose their representative. Once elected these
people form the government.
3) In a democracy the government has to explain its
actions and defend its decisions to the people.
4) For example: India.
Universal adult franchise
✔ In modern times, Universal adult franchise is the norm
in most of the countries.
✔ Universal adult franchise means that all adult citizens of
the country have the right to vote. This means, that
poor and rich, men and women, Hindus or Muslims or
Christians, Sikh or Buddhists; everyone has equal voting
✔ Vote of each person carries equal weight irrespective of
the economic status, caste , gender or religion.
✔ In most of the countries, universal adult franchise could
become a reality only after many years of struggle.

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