2 Atividade - 7° Ano - Inglês

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Universidade Federal de Goiás

Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação

Disciplina: Inglês
Professora: Gisele Câmara O. Costa Date: September 28th, 2020
Série: 7° ano Carga horária: 4h
Turma: ________
Hello, 7th grade students! How are you? Let´s start our second English Activity!
• Essa atividade deverá ser entregue no prazo de 15 dias (13/10), para o meu
e-mail: giselecosta@ufg.br.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

1st Activity

Acesse o link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3REdwjmUoDo e escute a música

“Home” - Gabrielle Aplin.
Complete cada parte da música com as palavras que estão dentro dos quadrinhos ao

Gabrielle Aplin

I'm a phoenix in the ________ SKY

A fish that's learned to fly
And I've always been a daughter PLACE
But feathers are meant for the ________
And so I'm wishing, wishing further WATER
For the excitement to arrive
It's just I'd rather be causing the chaos DISASTER
Than laying at the sharp end of this knife
With every small __________
I'll let the waters still
Take me away to some _________ real

Refrain / refrão
'Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone HEAD
Is where you go when you're _________
Is where you go to rest your bones
It's not just where you lay your _________
It's not just where you make your bed
As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?
Home home home home
So when I'm ready to be bolder
And my cuts have healed with ________
Comfort will rest on my shoulder TRY
And I'll bury my future behind
I'll always keep you with me MIND
You'll be always on my _______
But there's a shining in the shadows TIME
I'll never know unless I _______
With every small xxxxxxxx
I'll let the waters still
Take me away to some xxxxxxx real

Refrain (2x)

Observe a tradução de algumas palavras/expressões da música “Home”.

“That’s learned” (learn)– que aprendeu (aprender)

“Daughter” – filha
“Fly” - voar
“Meant” (mean) – destinado(a) / feito(a)
“Excitement” – animação
“Laying at” (lay) – deitar sobre
“Arrive”- chegar
“Sharp” – afiado(a)
“Small” – pequeno (a)
“Disaster” – desastre
“Take me away” – leve-me embora
“Wishing” (wish) – desejando (desejar)
“I’d rather” – eu preferiria
“Set in stone” – permanente / inalterável
“To rest your bones” – descançar
“Make your bed” – arrumar sua cama
“Together” – juntos (as)
“Where” – onde
“When” - quando
“Matter” – importa
“Ready” – pronto (a)
“Bolder” – confiante
“Healed” (heal) – curado (curar)
“Shoulder” - ombro
“I’ll bury” – eu enterrarei
“Shadows” – sombras
“Keep” - manter
“Unless” – a menos que
2nd Activity
Leia a letra da música novamente e encontre as palavras para os objetos abaixo.

3rd Activity

a) Leia a biografia da cantora e compositora “Gabrielle Aplin” e complete o

quadrinho abaixo.

Gabrielle Ann Aplin was born on October 10th, 1992. She is an English singer-
songwriter. Aplin came to public attention after she gained a large online following by
posting acoustic covers of songs on her YouTube channel. Aplin grew up in the small
village of Sutton Benger, England.

Source: https://peoplepill.com/people/gabrielle-aplin/Access on September 22nd, 2020.

FULL NAME (nome completo):

BIRTH DATE (data de
PLACE OF BIRTH (local de
NATIONALITY (nacionalidade):
OCCUPATION (profissão): singer and songwriter
b) Agora, escolha um(a) artista e complete o quadrinho com as informações
dele(a) abaixo.


c) Acesse o link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3REdwjmUoDo e escute a

música “Home” novamente, prestando atenção na tradução da letra.

De acordo com o refrão da música “Home”. Podemos dizer que a palavra

“home” representa, de modo geral, um lugar:

( ) perigoso e sombrio ( ) barulhento e agitado

( ) aconchegante e seguro ( ) escuro e frio

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