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English Test

I. Give the meanings:

1. wish
2. amazing
3. Prey
4. Squeak
5. Scared
6. Munch
7. Buzz
8. Wonderful
II. Give the opposites of:
1. near
2. Better
3. Quietly
4. High
5. Slim
6. Morning
7. Sad
8. Day
9. Poor
10. Beautiful
III. Write the past tense of:
1. boast
2. Catch
3. Eat
4. Find
5. Work
6. Speak
7. Change
8. Bore
9. Munch
IV. Frame sentences:
1. Beautiful:

2. Hungry:

3. Scared:

4. Wish:

5. Sunshine:

6. Munches:

V. Give reference to context:

1. “Ha! Ha! I am happy as I am”

2. “Wow! What a colourful dragonfly!”

3. “I will cut the cover to help the butterfly”

VI.Answer the following:

1. What was the colour of the dragonfly and where did it live?

2. What was the ant doing when the dragonfly confronted him?

3. How did the dragonfly meet its end?

4. What colour is the bumble bee?

5. Why did the chameleon eat the dragonfly?

6. Name any 4 insects from the lesson “the proud dragonfly”

7. Write the rhyming words from the poem ‘Incy wincy spider’

8. Who climbed up the water sprout?

9. What did the Grandpa say to the boy about the butterfly?

10. Who cut the cover of the butterfly and Why?

VII. Grammar:

1. Define Negative sentence.

2. Define interrogative sentence.

VIII. Write the composition: Independence day.
Science Test-Ls 3
I. Fill in the blanks:
1. A _________ is needed to make a stationary object to move.
2. The force applied with the help of muscle is called __________ force.
3. The reason for the fruits to fall from the tree is due to _____________ force.
4. Force changes the ______________
5. ____________is the motion which gives the required result.
6. The goal keeper applies force and ___________ the ball.
7. Skating is an example for ___________ force.
8. Force involves an __________ between two or more objects.
9. The ___________ pulls all the objects towards itself.
II. Choose the correct answer:
1. The force applied by a machine is called _____________ force.
a) mechanical b) gravitational c) muscular
2. When an object or a thing moves from one place to another, it is said to be in ________
a) routine b) motion c) attention.
3. _________ is a force of action between two surfaces in content.
a) non-contact b) friction c) magnetic
4. Early man accidentally discovered fire by rubbing two __________
a) magnets b) woods c) flint stones
5. ___________ is needed to apply force.
a) water b) energy c) car
6. Vacuum cleaner is an example for __________ force.
a) contact b)muscular c) non-contact
7. I use my hands to make pots. The force used here is _________ force.
a) gravitational b) muscular c) non-contact
8. __________ can stop a moving object
a) water b) force c) sky
9. Sliding is an example for ________force.
a)mechanical b) frictional c) gravitational
10. Ox cart is an example for _________
a) pulling b) pushing c) friction.

III. Match the following:

A B Ans
1. Push Running car
2. pull Force exerted by machine force Flint stones
4. force Riding a bicycle
5. mechanical force Plucking the flower
6.frictional force Lighting the match box
7. spark Changes the direction

IV. Circle the odd one:

1. Sliding, note, running.
2. Rubber, steel tumbler, comb
3. Push, pull, sleep
4. Sitting, dragging, moving
5. Ox-cart, horse cart, motor bike.

V. Name the following:

1. Two types of force:
2. Two examples for muscular force:
3. Two examples for frictional force.:
VI. Correct and rewrite the following:
1. A magnet is a material that repels things made of iron.
2. The force applied by a machine is called muscular force
3. Change in position of an object is called heating
4. Chikimuki kal is an example of mechanical force.
5. Stretching the rubber bank is an example of pushing.
VII. Answer the following:
1. Define push.

2. Define pull.

3. Define force

4. Define frictional force.

5. What is contact force.

6. What is muscular force?

7. What is gravitational force?

8. Which force is involved in riding a bicycle?

9. What are the effects of force?

10. Name the types of force.

11. Draw and colour a magnet.

Social Science lesson 2
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. A __________ stitches clothes
a) barber b)tailor c) teacher
2. An _____________ fits and repair electrical appliances
a) Electrician b) doctor c) engineers
3. Traffic police ____________ the traffic.
a)regulates b) signals c) teaches
4. Good Samaritan law was executed in the year__________
a) 2000 b) 2004 c) 2014
5. ____________ grow and harvest crops.
a) soldiers b) engineers c) farmers

II. Fill in the blanks

1. ____________ ____ is the lifesaving treatment which is given before the actual treatment.
2. Nurses assist ___________ in hospitals
3. ____________ give justice to the people in various cases.
4. _____________ enlighten us with knowledge.
5. ____________ fight and protect our nation.
6. _____________________ wear protective jackets.
7. Buildings are constructed using a plan made by an _____________
8. _________________________ formed Indian National Army
9. _______________ is the guardian of the constitution.

III. Match the following:

A B Ans
1. farmer Fire engine
2.police ambulance Police station
4. lawyer Fire station man Court
6.101 Ambulance
7. 100 Protect people
8. 108 agriculture

IV. Name the following:

1. People who save and protect people from fire –
2. The leader who formed the Indian National Army –
3. Guardian of our constitution –
4. The roads are laid by –
5. The one who protects our community from crime. –
V. Write true or false:
1. A tailor stitches clothes.
2. An electrician fits pipes and tubes.
3. Traffic policeman controls traffic
4. Doctors protect people and their properties.
5. The Supreme Court is the guardian of our constitution.
6. Fire fighters save people and properties from fire
7. Doctors protect our country
8. We are getting food from the farmers.
9. An engineer gives structure to the building.
10. Nurses help in giving justice to the people in various cases.
VI. Answer the following:.
1. What is the role of a farmer?

2. What is the full form of POLICE?

3. Explain good Samaritan law

4. How does the soldier protect our country?

5. Who is an engineer? What does he do?

6. Name some community workers working for us.

7. What are the various duties of a nurse?

8. What are the tools used by fire fighters?

9. Explain the duties of any 5 community helpers.

Social Lesson 3

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