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Submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the degree


Supervised by: - Submitted by: -

Ms Sanehal Ms Anshu Jain

Department of Management BBA 5th Sem

Roll No. 173042210043



I, Anshu Jain, hereby declare that the project entitled’ Marketing Strategy of JRM Foods Pvt.
Ltd.’ is an outcome of my own efforts. The project is submitted to the Guru Jambheshwar
University of Science and Technology, Hisar, for the partial fulfilment of the Bachelor of
Business Administration examination 2019-2020.

I also declare that this project report has not been previously submitted to any other university.

Supervisor: - Signature of Candidate

Ms Sanehal Name: Anshu Jain

Department of Management BBA 5th Sem.

Dayanand College, Hisar Roll no.: 173042210043

Dr. Neeru Bala


Department of

Management Dayanand

College, Hisar

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd for
their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to Ms. Neeru (Head of the dept. of
management) for giving me untiring support and invaluable suggestions.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who
have willingly helped me out with their abilities.


Topic Page no.

1. Introduction

2. Objectives of the study

3. Research methodology

4. Analysis and interpretation

5. Findings of the study

6. Suggestions

7. Limitations of the study

8. Conclusion

9. References/Bibliography

10. Annexure


JRM was set up as a partnership concern, Jain Rice Mills, in 1974. In 2012, it was reconstituted
as a private limited company. The Hansi (Haryana)-based company mills, processes, and sorts
basmati rice. The Company JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. formerly known as Jain Rice Mill was
founded by two brother Sri Raj Kumar Jain & Pritam Kumar Jain. The present board of directors
of the company consists of Mr. Pritam Kumar Jain, Mr. Harish Jain and Mr. Sandeep Jain.

The then “Jain Rice Mills” is now a very renowned name in the Rice Industry as leading Rice
Manufacturer & exporters throughout India in Domestic Market as well as in the International
Market. It is engaged in the marketing of more than twenty-five brands for Domestic
&International markets as per various quality standards.

It is based in the historical city Hansi, Haryana, India surrounded by the fertile land of Rice
Growing Area Known as a big business hub for the past 100 years was earlier a big hub for
cotton industry. The area Hansi is very close to the National Capital New Delhi about 130 Kms.
Which is on the National Highway with good approach. The rice cultivation to this area is very
new & the yield is of very high quality & in good quantity. It is presently exporting to all major
markets of Middle East Countries, Europe, Africa, UK, South Africa, South East Africa etc.
This company JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. has production capacity of 15 Metric Tons Per Hour. It is
engaged in manufacturing both Basmati & Non-Basmati Rice. Basmati group varieties are called
superfine varieties whereas the Non-Basmati Group PR Varieties are medium fine & other are
thick Rice Varieties. At JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. It produces a wide variety of rice to cater to the
need of their clientele spread across the globe. This Rice Mill is spread over 15 Acers of Land.
The plant & machinery is equipped with state of art machinery Bulhar of Germany, England,
Japan. These are the most modern integrated plants with latest technology of drying, milling,
grading, sorting facility with environment & Eco friendly storage & automated packaging units.
The plants have their own in-house modernized Laboratory for pre testing any samples before
shipment observing all mandatory international standards & can be challenged anywhere in the
world. The Packing available in the automated plant is for:
1Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg & 25Kg

Products offered

Jain Rice Mill offers various varieties of rice these are as follows:

1. 1121 Basmati Parboiled Golden (Sella) rice.

2. 1121 Basmati Parboil Creamy-White(Sella)rice.
3. 1121 Basmati Steam Rice &Raw Rice.
4. 1401 Steam New Improved version Pusa Basmati rice.
5. Pusa Basmati Golden Sella (Parboiled) rice.
6. Pusa Basmati Creamy Sella (Parboiled) rice.
7. Pusa Basmati raw and steam rice.
8. Short Grain brown rice.
9. Medium grain brown rice
10. Medium grain white rice
11. Long grain white rice
12. Long grain brown rice.

Branding is an important aspect of any business; large or small, retail or B2B. Marketing may
contribute to a brand, but the brand is bigger than any particular marketing effort. The brand is
what remains after the marketing has swept through the room. It’s what sticks in your mind
about a product, service, or organization—whether at that particular moment; you bought or not.
The brand is ultimately what determines if you will become a loyal customer or not.

Some of its well-known premium brands being distributed are as under:

 JRM Dulhan
 Mannat
 Valley
 OM Brand
 Big Boss
 India King
 Swastik
 Doodh Malai
 Gokul Bhog
 Hansi King.

Process flow chart for super polishing/refining for customized or exports market

Rice making unit

Silky unit

De-stoning unit

Color sorting machine



To preserve and enrich the legacy of Basmati in India by ensuring genetic integrity of the seed.
They encourage farmers to adopt scientific agricultural practices and world-class rice processing
technologies to emerge as the industry benchmark for product quality and customer service.


As one of the renowned name in Basmati millers and exporters, they are committed to deliver
precision-perfect quality to their customers; nurture a professional work environment, which
fosters employee excellence, growth and job satisfaction; and build a financially strong, growth
oriented company that creates value.


The JRM Food Pvt Ltd. is regular listed vendor of a very large group M/s. United Beverages
Group for broken rice. The company has good modern storage capacity which enhances the
quality as “Aged Rice”. It maintain & observe all international quality standards. The quality
assurance system at JRM Food Pvt. Ltd. make sure that the product being distributed all over the
world is of very high standards & quality with utmost hygiene which is the essence of its

Certifications: ISO 9001-2008, HACCP SAFE (with respect to activities as an Exporter &
Processor), WHO-GMP, ISO 22000-2005, FSSAI (Issued by Govt. of India).


A marketing strategy involves long-term objectives for a company whereas the sales strategy is
more short term. A marketing strategy involves how a company promotes and distributes the
product, but the sales strategy includes how to get the particular customer to buy a product or
service. Marketing strategy helps building brand loyalty.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and process for creating, communicating, delivering,
and exchanging offerings, that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large.
Marketing values extend to society as a whole. Selling is not the most important part of
marketing! Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg.

Peter Drucker, famed management theorist, put it this way:

There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to
make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well
that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer
who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the product or service available.

What is marketing strategy?

“The marketing strategy is the way in which the marketing function organizes its activities to
achieve a profitable growth in sales at a marketing mix level”

So, by adding the word “Strategy” we’re now talking about the WAY this function ORGANIZES.

Developing Marketing strategies

The task of any business is to deliver customer value at a profit. In a hypercompetitive economy
with increasingly informed buyers faced with abundant choices, a company can win only by
fine- tuning the value delivery process and choosing, providing, and communicating superior
Corporate and Division Strategic Planning

Some corporations give their business units’ freedom to set their own sales and profit goals and
strategies. Others set goals for their business units but let them develop their own strategies. Still
others set the goals and participate in developing individual business unit strategies. All
corporate headquarters undertake four planning activities:

1. Defining the corporate mission

An organization exists to accomplish something: to make cars, lend money, provide a night’s
lodging. Over time, the mission may change, to take advantage of new opportunities or respond
to new market conditions. To define its mission, a company should address Peter Drucker’s
classic questions: What is our business? Who is the customer? What is of value to the customer?
What will our business be? What should our business be? These simple-sounding questions are
the most difficult a company will ever have to answer. Successful companies continuously raise
and answer them.

2. Establishing strategic business units

An SBU has three characteristics:
a. It is a single business, or a collection of related businesses, that can be planned separately
from the rest of the company.
b. It has its own set of competitors.
c. It has a manager responsible for strategic planning and profit performance, who controls
most of the factors affecting profit.
The purpose of identifying the company’s strategic business units is to develop separate
strategies and assign appropriate funding.

3. Assigning resources to each strategic business unit

Once it has defined SBUs, management must decide how to allocate corporate resources to each.

Several portfolio-planning models provide ways to make investment decisions. The GE/McKinsey
Matrix classifies each SBU by the extent of its competitive advantage and the attractiveness of
its industry. Management can decide to grow, “harvest” or draw cash from, or hold on to the
business. Another model, BCG’s Growth-Share Matrix, uses relative market share and annual
rate of market growth as criteria to make investment decisions, classifying SBUs as dogs, cash
cows, question marks, and stars.

4. Assessing Growth Opportunities

Assessing growth opportunities includes planning new businesses, downsizing, and
terminating older businesses. If there is a gap between future desired sales and projected sales,
corporate management will need to develop or acquire new businesses to fill it.
Business Unit Strategic Planning

The Business Mission

Each business unit needs to define its specific mission within the broader company mission.
Thus, a television-studio-lighting-equipment company might define its mission as, “To target
major television studios and become their vendor of choice for lighting technologies that
represent the most advanced and reliable studio lighting arrangements.” Notice this mission does
not attempt to win business from smaller television studios, offer the lowest price, or venture
into nonlighting products.
SWOT Analysis

The overall evaluation of a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is

called SWOT analysis. It’s a way of monitoring the external and internal marketing
External Environment (Opportunity and Threat) Analysis A business unit must monitor key
macro environment forces and significant microenvironment factors that affect its ability to earn
profits. It should set up a marketing intelligence system to track trends and important
developments and any related opportunities and threats. Good marketing is the art of finding,
developing, and profiting from these opportunities.
A marketing opportunity is an area of buyer need and interest that a company has a high
probability of profitably satisfying. There are three main sources of market opportunities. The
first is to offer something that is in short supply. This requires little marketing talent, as the need
is fairly obvious. The second is to supply an existing product or service in a new or superior way.
How? The problem detection method asks consumers for their suggestions, the ideal method has
them imagine an ideal version of the product or service, and the consumption chain method asks
them to chart their steps in acquiring, using, and disposing of a product. This last method often
leads to a totally new product or service.
An environmental threat is a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that,
in the absence of defensive marketing action, would lead to lower sales or profit.

Internal Environment (Strengths and Weaknesses) Analysis It’s one thing to find attractive
opportunities, and another to be able to take advantage of them. Each business needs to evaluate
its internal strengths and weaknesses. Clearly, the business doesn’t have to correct all its
weaknesses, nor should it gloat about all its strengths. The big question is whether it should limit
itself to those opportunities for which it possesses the required strengths, or consider those that
might require it to find or develop new strengths.

Goal Formulation
Once the company has performed a SWOT analysis, it can proceed to goal formulation,
developing specific goals for the planning period. Goals are objectives that are specific with
respect to magnitude and time.
Most business units pursue a mix of objectives, including profitability, sales growth, market
share improvement, risk containment, innovation, and reputation. The business unit sets these
objectives and then manages by objectives (MBO).
Strategic Formulation
Goals indicate what a business unit wants to achieve; strategy is a game plan for getting there.
Every business must design a strategy for achieving its goals, consisting of a marketing strategy
and a compatible technology strategy and sourcing strategy.

Porter’s Generic Strategies Michael Porter has proposed three generic strategies that provide
a good starting point for strategic thinking: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.
• Overall cost leadership. Firms work to achieve the lowest production and distribution costs so
they can underprice competitors and win market share. They need less skill in marketing. The
problem is that other firms will usually compete with still-lower costs and hurt the firm that
rested its whole future on cost.
• Differentiation. The business concentrates on achieving superior performance in an important
customer benefit area valued by a large part of the market. The firm seeking quality leadership,
for example, must make products with the best components, put them together expertly, inspect
them carefully, and effectively communicate their quality.
• Focus. The business focuses on one or more narrow market segments, gets to know them
intimately, and pursues either cost leadership or differentiation within the target segment.

Porter draws a distinction between operational effectiveness and strategy. Competitors can
quickly copy the operationally effective company using benchmarking and other tools, thus
diminishing the advantage of operational effectiveness. Porter defines strategy as “the creation of
a unique and
valuable position involving a different set of activities.” A company can claim it has a strategy
when it “performs different activities from rivals or performs similar activities in different

Strategic Alliances Even giant companies—AT&T, Philips, and Nokia—often cannot achieve
leadership, either nationally or globally, without forming alliances with domestic or
multinational companies that complement or leverage their capabilities and resources. Just doing
business in another country may require the firm to license its product, form a joint venture with
a local firm, or buy from local suppliers to meet “domestic content” to support requirements.
Many firms have developed global strategic networks, and victory is going to those who build
the better global network. Many strategic alliances take the form of marketing alliances.

Program Formulation and Implementation

Even a great marketing strategy can be sabotaged by poor implementation. If the unit has
decided to attain technological leadership, it must strengthen its R&D department, gather
technological intelligence, develop leading-edge products, train its technical sales force, and
communicate its technological leadership. Today’s businesses recognize that unless they nurture
other stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, distributors—they may never earn
sufficient profits for the stockholders. A company might aim to delight its customers, perform
well for its employees, and deliver a threshold level of satisfaction to its suppliers. In setting
these levels, it must not violate any stakeholder group’s sense of fairness about the treatment it is
receiving relative to the others.

Feedback and Control

A company’s strategic fit with the environment will inevitably erode, because the market
environment changes faster than the company’s seven Ss. Thus, a company might remain
efficient yet lose effectiveness. Peter Drucker pointed out that it is more important to “do the
right thing”— to be effective—than “to do things right”—to be efficient. The most successful
companies, however, excel at both.
Product Planning

Working within the plans set by the levels above them, product managers come up with a
marketing plan for individual products, lines, brands, channels, or customer groups. Each
product level, whether product line or brand, must develop a marketing plan for achieving its
goals. A marketing plan is a written document that summarizes what the marketer has learned
about the marketplace and indicates how the firm plans to reach its marketing objectives. It
contains tactical guidelines for the marketing programs and financial allocations over the
planning period.

Strategical planning

Target market

A target market is a group of customers within a business's serviceable available market at which
a business aims its marketing efforts and resources. A target market is a subset of the total
market for a product or service. The target market typically consists of consumers who exhibit
similar characteristics (such as age, location, income or lifestyle) and are considered most likely
to buy a business's market offerings or are likely to be the most profitable segments for the
business to service.

Once the target market(s) have been identified, the business will normally tailor the marketing
mix (4Ps) with the needs and expectations of the target in mind. This may involve carrying out
additional consumer research in order to gain deep insights into the typical consumer's
motivations, purchasing habits and media usage patterns.

Selecting the "right" target market is a complex and difficult decision. However, a number of
heuristics have been developed to assist with making this decision.

Value proposition

A value proposition refers to the value a company promises to deliver to customers should they
choose to buy their product. A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a statement that
introduces a company's brand to consumers by telling them what the company stands for, how it
operates, and why it deserves their business.

A value proposition can be presented as a business or marketing statement that a company uses
to summarize why a consumer should buy a product or use a service. This statement, if
compellingly, convinces a potential consumer that one particular product or service the company
offers will add more value or better solve a problem for them than other similar offerings will.

Tactical planning

Product feature

A function of an item which is capable of gratifying a particular consumer need and is hence
seen as a benefit of owning the item. In business, a product feature is one of the distinguishing
characteristics of a product or service that helps boost its appeal to potential buyers, and might be
used to formulate a product marketing strategy that highlights the usefulness of the product.


Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product. Sales
promotion is designed to be used as a short-term tactic to boost sales – it is rarely suitable as a
method of building long-term customer loyalty. Some sales promotions are aimed at consumers.
Others are targeted at intermediaries and at the firm's sales force.


In the broadest sense, merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to
a retail consumer. At a retail in-store level, merchandising refers to the variety of products
available for sale and the display of those products in such a way that it stimulates interest and
entices customers to make a purchase.

In the profession of merchandising you are either employed by the store in which you work, or
by an independent distributor. As a professional merchandiser, in a retail setting, you will not
only know your products (i.e., coffee, juice, soda, etc.) but you will gauge other “vendors” like
products as you tend to your job. Working with the store and other merchandisers, shelf space is
often given or taken as need be in some locations (for some young merchandisers this is known
as “war”).

Pricing is the process whereby a business sets the price at which it will sell its products and
services, and may be part of the business's marketing plan. In setting prices, the business will
take into account the price at which it could acquire the goods, the manufacturing cost, the
market place, competition, market condition, brand, and quality of product.

Pricing is a fundamental aspect of financial modeling and is one of the four Ps of the marketing
mix, the other three aspects being product, promotion, and place. Price is the only revenue
generating element amongst the four Ps, the rest being cost centers. However, the other Ps of
marketing will contribute to decreasing price elasticity and so enable price increases to drive
greater revenue and profits.

Distribution channel

A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service

passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer. Distribution channels can include
wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even the Internet.

Distribution channels are part of the downstream process, answering the question "How do we
get our product to the consumer?" This is in contrast to the upstream process, also known as the
supply chain, which answers the question "Who are our suppliers?"



The objective behind this research project is to understand the marketing strategy which is used
by JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. in highly competitive and dynamic environment of paddy production
and selling.

More specifically, it also aims at following: -

1. To give an overview of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.

2. To focus and discuss the Marketing Strategies of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.
3. To know about the term marketing within the organization.
4. To study the distribution and marketing strategy adopted by JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.



Methodology refers to the comprehensive actions of research in the report. Research

methodology is one of the important aspect of any project. This gives us clear cut view of
method so used while gathering the information so needed for the completion of project. In this
chapter we describe the methods used in our project report.

Data Collection
Data may be described as Primary or Secondary data. Primary data are data collected by the
researcher himself while Secondary data are data collected by others to be "re-used" by the
researcher. For this research, I have made use of both primary and secondary data to achieve my
Primary data
Primary data use in this study is one-to-one interview. This interview technique is systematically
planned and as the name suggests is conducted with one participant at a given point in time.
It needs a researcher to prepare questions in advance and to make sure the researcher asks only
the most important questions to participant. It lasts anywhere between 20 minutes to half an
hour. During this time researcher collects as many meaningful data as possible from the
participants to draw inferences. This method of collecting data involves presentation of oral
verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral – verbal responses. Contact was established with
employees of JRM foods Pvt Ltd and their marketing plans and strategies were asked. Also, the
process of placing their product in the market through various channels were questioned. With
the help of my personal network it was easy for me to get the answers of the interview.

Secondary data
Secondary data use in this study is Internet search. Information and data were collected from
various websites to helps us understand and analyze JRM foods Pvt Ltd. marketing strategies.
Other secondary data sources that were utilized are literature review from the company brochure
and textbooks.
This method helped in knowing facts, and figures related data and comparison of the company’s
strategy and working to that of other.



This chapter presents analysis and interpretation of the study as set out in the research
methodology. Analysis is the procedure of efficiently applying measurable and sensible systems
to portray, consolidate and recap, and assess information. This is one of the important elements
of a research paper. I tried to collect both quantitative data and qualitative data.
The following section is divided in two parts:
1. Marketing Strategy analysis.
2. Data analysis.

Marketing Strategy Analysis

This section deals with the company’s marketing strategy and answers some of the questions like
How it formulates marketing strategy? What procedures it follows for formulation of the
strategy? Its SWOT analysis and what other factors it focuses on?

Marketing strategy starts with defining the corporate mission at corporate level. The company’s
vision is-

‘To preserve and enrich the legacy of Basmati in India by ensuring genetic integrity of the seed.
We encourage farmers to adopt scientific agricultural practices and world-class rice processing
technologies to emerge as the industry benchmark for product quality and customer service.’

This mission defines the value of its business from the point of view of the company. This
mission takes a long term view and stress company’s major policies and values.

At next level it assigns resources to its business unit of rice production and sales. It invests in
high- tech machinery providing greater efficiency and also providing better quality.

Looking at its growth opportunities it can be assessed that it seems that it may achieve a place
among top 3 rice mills in Haryana in coming 5 years. It seems to look forward for both intensive
and integrated growth. However, it doesn’t think to diversify its business but to expand the
market share both nationally and overseas.

The second level that is at business unit, its mission is to provide good quality, and standardized
rice at reasonable rates.

The company defines its business mission- ‘As one of the renowned name in Basmati millers
and exporters, we are committed to deliver precision-perfect quality to our customers; nurture a
professional work environment, which fosters employee excellence, growth and job satisfaction;
and build a financially strong, growth oriented company that creates value.’

When conducted company’s SWOT analysis this mission shows its ability to be

realized. Following is the SWOT analysis of the company: -

Strengths: -

 Business location and product exclusivity. This mill is situated which makes easy
transportation facility. Also its location allows easy availability of raw rice as it is
situated near the area where rice production is huge. Another advantage is it being near to
the grain market which helps it in easy purchasing and transportation of raw material.
 Certification: It is certified by ISO, FSSAI, HACCP SAFE and other like institutions
which prove its authenticity.
 It has a good established distribution channel which may help it reaching different
regions. Also its good relations and personal network helps it reach foreign market.
 Its quality is one of its strength. It produces high quality rice.
 Its market share is also quite good as compared to its competitors. It is much more
expanded as compared to other rice mills of its competition.
 Its packaging is easy to handle, and convenient to use. Also its packaging bags are of
good material that can support the weight of the product.

Weakness: -

 High cost of production. Despite using high-tech machinery rice millers generally face
the problem of high cost of production which increases cost and even if gaining 1-2% of
profit of total sales they end up having high prices.
 Products and services similar to competitors’.
 A weak brand name. As data shows despite it’s good quality Mannat Premium brand is
the only one showing in the market. Rest are far behind the race. To compete at state
level, it needs to add more to advertising and promotion of its brand.
 Limited human resources and staff. It really needs a highly competitive staff to gain an
edge over the market. The human resource that can help achieve its objective.

Opportunities: -

 Development of new technology: Continuous technology development for paddy

machinery can help the company in low cost and good quality production with minimum
 Its growing customer base.
 Market price.

Threats: -

 New substitute products emerging in the market like Motta.

 Price competition among the local paddy and Pusa paddy.
 Storage and distribution of the paddy can become a threat as risk of spoilage is there.
 Due to higher plotting of land, production of paddy is decreasing.
 Economic pressure is there as price is tentative.
 Government policies.


Among the different competitors and brands of rice the product which is produced from the
local level is highly demand because of its flavor, quality, and the price. Although it is
expensive compared to other; but is very suitable and fresh rice and liked by customers.

So it can be concluded that the company with proper planning and analysis can achieve its
business mission.
Goal formulation: - Company’s goal to acquire market share locally, and nation widely and
to be among top 3 in next 5 years in realistic and achievable.

Strategic formulation: -The company focuses narrow market segments, get to know them
intimately, and pursues either cost leadership or differentiation within the target segments.
This strategy of Porter is adopted by the company to gain an edge and compete in the market.

Program Formulation and implementation: -The company’s program formulation and

implementation is very effective. It formulates program carefully after analyzing the
programs expected result’s worth.

Feedback and control: -The company responds to its changing environment very quickly. It
analyses its customers’ demand timely. It also modifies its strategy according to the
environment’s need.

At the final level the product i.e., the paddy that company is selling is the thing that need to

At the strategic planning level firm need to define its target market and value proposition.

Value proposition of the company defined,” we offer our experience and proven skills at
reasonable rates, without compromising efficiency or excellence.”
They having worked with companies of all shapes and sizes from national to local, they are well
aware of the financial issues and pressures that significant litigation matters can generate, apart
from the merits of a particular dispute. By offering their extensive experience and proven skills
at reasonable rates, they believe, they present a unique value proposition for sophisticated legal
They also understand that how to leverage their practice through, for example, the effective use
of lower rate contract attorneys for high volume document reviews and other similar tasks. This
ensures that you are not billed high rates than necessary for many aspects of work and that their
talents are not diverted from other, more critical aspects of your case. Simply, they understand
the importance of assigning the right lawyer to the right task so that neither efficiency nor
excellence is compromised.
As talking about target market company defines its market ad local regions of Haryana, U.P., M.P.,
West Bengal, and Maharashtra. It captures those narrow markets where customers want a
substitute of High level brand like India gate and a local brand like 9 to 1 brand of GRM. As a
result, it recently defeated 9 to 1 brand of GRM in U.P. and M.P., it also showed a better rank as
compared to Veer Overseas, a rice mill.

Tactical marketing plan includes:

Product features:
As one of the leading grain handling and merchandising company, they focus on delivering
increased operational speed, capacity and convenience to their customer. Their marketing and
distribution network has expanded market access to ensure competitive prices for growers and
consistent, high-quality supplies for end users. Their product is perfectly aged. And also their
packaging protects product from spoilage which adds to the benefit to the customer. And also
their packaging bags are reusable, which adds to the benefit.

They generally offer a discount or commission to brokers for the deals. They also offer various
incentives to retailers. Incentives includes wall clock, pens, t-shirts, pen holders and such usable
things in number which acts as both advertisement and promotional technique.
 Product mix of different brands

Brand Name Average Annual Sales(in tonnes)

Mannat Premium 10070
JRM Dulhan 4145
India King 1867
Others 2987
Total 19069

Product mix of different brands

MannatJRM DulhanIndia kingOthers

It can be interpreted from above chart that the most selling brand of the company is Mannat.
However, others brands like JRM Dulhan and India king are also making their place in the
marketing, other brands like om brand, Hansi king, valley are far behind in the race and also fails
to secure a position in the market.
 Product demand
Product name Annual sales (in tonnes)
Creamy White and Steamed Basmati 7546
White Rice 5735
Golden Rice 0931
Pusa White 2980
Brown Rice 1879
Total 19069

Product demand

Creamy White and Steamed BasmatiWhite RiceGolden RicePusa WhiteBrown rice

The above chart shows that the highest selling products are White Basmati, and Creamy white
and Steamed Basmati rice. Golden rice has the lowest demand and is sold occasionally. Whereas,
Pusa has medium demand. Brown rice has moderate demand.
It can also be said that more than 50% market is captured by White Basmati and Creamy and
steamed Basmati Rice. And the rest lies with Brown, Golden and Pusa rice.
 Promotion
 Promotion for customers
Promotion technique Expenditure on
technique(in rupees’)
Event sponsorship 25,000
Samples 55,000
Premiums 60,000
Coupons 20,000
Total 1,60,000

Promotion techniques used for customers.

Event sponsorshipSamplesPremiumsCoupons


The company uses mainly 4 techniques i.e., event sponsorship, samples, premiums and coupons.

The company distributes samples to induce customers to buy the good quality of rice, they also
organize fairs on different occasion for free sample distribution and for directing people how to
cook the rice to get better result.

This has a great impact on company sales as local customers usually gives a good response
towards the rice, ultimately increasing sales.
Premium products like cap, t-shirts, wall clocks, pens etc. having imposed the company’s
advertisement are offered with the product.

Coupons are also used in the company for promotional technique.

They insert coupon in bags and those coupons may offer a money gift, or the product gift.

 Promotion for trade dealers

Promotional technique Expenditure on technique(in rupees’)

Dealer gifts 1,10,000
Trade allowances 90,000
Push Money 98,000
Premium 1,02,000
Total 4,00,000

Promotional technique used for traders.

Dealer GiftsTrade allowancesPush moneyPremium

 Distribution channel:
The company distributes its product through various channels. The following pie chart shows the
most used technique and the least with the area occupied by the sectors:
Channel used Area Occupied by the Chanel (in%)
Through Brokers 52%
Through Wholesalers 24%
Through Retailers 16%
Through Internet 8%
Total 100%

Distribution network



This can be inferred from the above chart that the company mostly relies on brokers and
wholesalers for its product distribution. As the company sales in tones’ so it cannot handle the
small quantity orders from retailers and internet customers. Also due to offering a variety of
quality of rice handling small orders of customers for different retailers make it difficult to
manage. But sometimes a large demand of same quality or a regular demand by the same retailer
is fulfilled by the company. It doesn’t take order of retailers directly but in certain circumstances
only. Generally, it distributes product through brokers making deal to different wholesalers and
 Expected future growth

Company sees itself in top 3 in its region in coming 5 years. It says that with its future strategy
and improvement, it can secure a market leading position in coming years. Looking at the
graph below, as company says, its profits increases following way, keeping in mind previous
two years’ data also:

Year Sales (in crores’) Profit (in crores’)

2017 195 3.92
2018 199 3.98
2019 200 4.00
2020 224 4.50
2021 233 4.75
2022 245 4.80
2023 255 5.00
2024 265 5.20

Expected future growth


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Sales Profit


As company expects its growth in coming 5 years, it provides an estimated data on how its
company will achieve its profit in near future. As it can be seen that profit is generally nearly 2%
of the total sales, it increases in the same manner in future also. The reason that company
provided for its growth trend is, first of all, it says it is importing more high tech machines that
can produce
rice with greater quality and lesser wastage. Secondly, it is reaching the narrow segments of the
state like Maharashtra, U.P., M.P., and West Bengal. In its own state i.e., Haryana it is expecting
to grow its customer base through tie up with other firms. As quality of rice seed is also
improving in our country, the company is expecting better produced rice which will help it
increasing it sales. Moreover, growing trend of brown rice has given an opportunity to the
company to increase its other product sales also. Company is expecting an average of Rs. 10
crores sales every year.

In some years it expects more profit due to low expenses and in some it has more expenses like
replacing old machines. Overall it can infer that the company is expecting a slow and steady
growth but due to minor difference in its current position in top industries, it is looking a place in
top 3 industries in the region.



Based on the data gathered the following observations are made:

1. JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. does not mass communicate through advertisements, online and social
media marketing, mobile marketing or any other like technique but uses word of mouth
advertising to communicate through its customers.
2. It focuses on product quality and generally captures the market segment of those brands
offering low quality at same price.
3. Scarcity of man power in the Marketing & Sales Department for capturing greater and
wider market segments.
4. Although it has good personal networks but it is not maintaining a well-known brand
name position in nearby areas.
5. Taking satisfaction level of its customers, they are quite satisfied with the product offered
and its quality and price along with packaging.
6. It operates highly sophisticated machines which produce good quality paddy however
difficult to maintain.
7. As a cost effective technique, company is using its own logistics service. It is not much
dependent on other’s logistics service.
8. As company is focusing on good quality, the good news is that the current trend shows
that customers are ready to buy good quality even at a high price. So company can
provide quality products, maintain its profit and grow and retain its customer base
without compromising for price.

After working as intern in the company, I felt some of the lacking that need to be looked
upon. I would like to suggest some of the measures to company to increase their market
share and product share of different quality. First of all, the company need to recruit more
professional worker and need to create more professional environment. It also need to
increase its market share through advertising like wall painting, newspaper advertising,
pamphlets, so that it can capture the whole regional market. It can communicate the ways
in which rice can be made more delicious as a way it will also work as a promotion. The
company can organize a monthly event in which it can invite its business acquaintances,
family and friends, and prospect customer and tell them the process of manufacturing of
rice, its different uses, its different ways of cooking and many other such activities. It can
collaborate with local and nearby restraunts to advertise their product. To maintain a
good professional staff, it can search for employees outside the region (as it is difficult to
find professionalized staff in the local less developed area) although it may be costly, but
will ultimately add to the profit. Currently it is selling only rice, but it can also sell other
rice products such as rice flour, bran oil etc.



In undertaking this study, a number of problems were faced. Thus the study has several
limitations. As a student, in the research field, I have no past practical experience of data
collection, data processing, data analyzing, integrating and presenting. So it is a limiting factor
for obtain accurate information. Secondly, for the time limitation I could not gather more
information to justify exact condition. To observe the whole corporation activities and come up
with a fruitful result requires huge amount of time. The time constraints are limiting factors. In
collecting primary data, it is really hard to get correct information from people as they might not
feel comfortable or provide their false feeling. The internship proposal is conducted based on
several secondary data which were rather inefficient or unreliable. Due to confidentiality clauses
within the organization, it was not possible to gather some more information that could make the
report much greater from all aspects. The web resources were also not ample to get sufficient

The study reveals that the company owners are not following a highly professionalized
environment when it comes to marketing and sales. Also due to high cost of production
of rice from raw adds little to the profit in the highly competitive environment. Frequent
price fluctuations add high risk to the company operation. So the company needs to focus
on its brand value and the marketing of product so that it can get either large sales
volume or loyal brand customers. It can also be concluded that company is facing
shortage of highly professionalized staff that can add to its brand value. The company is
also facing challenges due to government policies. Highly sophisticated machinery adds
more to the problem as they are difficult to handle.
As it is a paddy producing company it depends on nature for the quality of the production
as it can only refine the quality not produce the quality.
Although it is emphasizing the quality, but generally quality of paddy depends on the
nature which is uncontrollable factor.
Moreover, it can be concluded that the company needs more efficiency to both maintain
its current customer base and attract more customers.

 Mr. Anupam Mishra- Regarding their marketing activity (Marketing manager of

JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.).
 Mr. Sandeep Jain- Regarding their company (MD of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.).
 Mr. Harish Jain- Regarding their overall working of marketing and sales
department (MD of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.)
 Background and history of JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd. URL
 Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Pearson Education India; Fifteenth edition

As an intern, I was assigned an activity of managing a stall in a 2-day fair organized

by the company in the month of June.
Following are the details of the event:
Day: Saturday-Sunday
Date: 29/6/19-30/6/19
Timings: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on both days
Venue: Panchayati Ramlila Ground, Hansi
Organizer: Shri Pritam Kumar Jain (Board of Director, JRM Foods Pvt. Ltd.)
Chief-guest: Kuldeep Bishnoi and Renuka Bishnoi MLA of Haryana
Result of the event: This event was a great success and local public also showed
great enthusiasm. People were keen to see how rice can be made more delicious
by adding different flavors. The event attracted more local customers to the
company. Also, some of the wholesalers contacted the company for big deals.
Some exporters were also interested to deal with the company.
My learning: As practically experienced, marketing is much more than it seems
in theory. It needs a lot of effort to attract new customers. And moreover to retain
them. I am so delighted to experience the practical life of marketing. It is like
putting your soul and heart in the business and convincing customer regarding
product’s quality. It required some efforts and also a great deal of patience to
handle customers as rice was to be cooked again and again after every 30 minutes,
and people were in a rush to move. I somehow managed to cover that time. At the
end I would like to say that theories in practical life if compared looking only at
tip of the iceberg will look as not applicable and totally different, but in the deep
roots, we can see most of the theories and procedures same as we are taught in
books. The only difference that lie is, we don’t know from where a tree grows,
but in deep we all know that its root lies in the soil that provide it nourishment.

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