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Lynn Hardy © 2018, 2019

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The names of certain individuals mentioned in this book have been changed to protect their privacy
and identity. The events recorded herein are accurate, and have been represented as they
occurred to the best of the author’s recollection and ability.

Resilient Publishing
P.O. Box 234
Star, ID 83669

Cover by Jeff Sharpton

All scripture quotations in this book are used by permission, and unless otherwise indicated are
taken from Amplified Bible® (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 Additional
scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified Bible® (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman
Foundation. The Lockman Foundation.

Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV), Copyright ©
1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960,
1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Scripture quotations taken from the 21st Century King James Version® (KJ21), Copyright © 1994
by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture taken from the New King James
Version® (NKJV), Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations from New Living Translation (NLT), Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale
House Foundation. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

COPYRIGHT ......................................................... 1
ESTABLISHING THE COURTS .................................. 5
Jesus Paid the Price 7
THE COURTS OF HEAVEN .................................... 14
THE JUDGE ........................................................ 21
OUR LAWYER .................................................... 22
OUR COUNSELOR ............................................... 23
THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ............................ 25
FIRST WITNESS – THE DREAM ............................ 27
The Dream 28
Interpretation 31
SECOND WITNESS – THE EXAMPLE ...................... 33
CONCLUSION OF EVIDENCE ................................. 45
CURSES ............................................................. 48
Fearing a Curse 52
Declaring a Curse 54
Generational Curses 59
SIGNS OF CURSES ............................................... 62
DESTROYING MOST CURSES ................................ 73
ACCESS TO THE COURTS ...................................... 81
COURT ACCESS REVOKED .................................... 82
Prepare Yourself Error! Bookmark not defined.
INTERCEDING FOR OTHERS ................................ 107
GENERATIONAL CURSES .................................... 110
CANCELING CONTRACTS ................................... 111
First Word 120
Second Word 124
Believers’ Boot Camp Series

People think of boot camp as a place where

you train for combat. Any veteran of the armed
forces will tell you that basic training is mainly
about three things:

❖ Knowing what weapons are available

❖ Learning how to use those weapons
❖ Receiving orders and following them

The Believers’ Boot Camp series, published

in 2016–2017, is a collection of books I
authored, which teach us how to hear more
clearly from God with the goal to ready ourselves
for a face-to-face meeting with our Lord, Jesus.
The series reveals the “weapons and tools” God
has given us and how to use them, so we can
bring God’s kingdom to Earth. Each book in the
series focuses on a single topic to clearly define
one tool or weapon from our Heavenly Father.
The series uses the Word of God to reveal all
that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is
our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is
our Guide to understanding it. There are a lot of
people that feel that Jesus destroyed all curses
on the cross. That we only need to call on the
name of Jesus. “Destroying Curses in the Courts
of Heaven” is the missing key to authority that
God’s people need to conquer the enemy and live
in victory here on Earth.
May God flood the eyes of your heart with
understanding so that you can know and use all
that He intends for you.

Books in the
Believers’ Boot Camp series:

Volume One

Volume Two

Volume Three

Volume Four

Your Authority

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that

has come on you to test you, as though something
strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch
as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that
you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (1
Peter 4:12-13 NIV)

Many Christians will quote the verse above,

stating that a sickness or infirmity is to be
expected in our walk with God even though
there is no indication in the language of this
verse that indicates it is referring to these
things. It actually states just the opposite: “you
participate in the sufferings of Christ.” The Bible
never mentions that Christ had so much as a
cold. His body had to be perfect to be a suitable
sacrifice on the cross, so He had no physical
infirmities either. So what is this verse referring
At the time this verse was written, Christians
were being crucified and stoned for their faith,
just as Jesus was tortured and crucified. This is
the “fiery test”: the attacks we endure because of
our faith. Jesus spoke of this:

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater

than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will
persecute you also. (John 15:20)
Peter asks why they are surprised by these
ordeals. Jesus told them to expect it. The next
verse confirms that is what we are talking about:

If you are censured and suffer abuse [because you

bear] the name of Christ, blessed are you…
(1 Peter 4:14)
This passage is about censuring the message
of the Word of God and being abused because
you refuse to keep quiet. It is not why about
suffering with diseases and infirmities. Yet there
are many faithful Christians who suffer with
sickness, disease, or infirmities today.
In large gatherings of Christians the power of
God descends and many people are healed
instantly. Yet there are always those few, 1-5%,
that receive nothing. We research the Word of
God (the Bible) and know what it says about
healing or blessings and we are still plagued by
sickness or financial ruin. When caught in this
situation, there are many reactions:

1. Blaming God
2. Blaming yourself for not being good enough
3. Thinking this must be “God’s plan” for us
4. Thinking God did this so we could “learn something”

None of these are true. This is what the Bible

says about each of these:

1. We have two enemies in this Earth who seek to
destroy us and either can be blamed for calamities:
Satan (1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:11-13) and our
corrupted nature that opens the door for havoc to
come. (Proverbs 19:3, 11:3, James 1:13-15) Job 1:6-12
is a clear example.
2. God sees us as He sees Jesus because of His sacrifice.
(Galatians 4:6-7, 1 John 3:1) This is because we are “in
Christ.” (1 Peter 5:14, Philippians 1:1-2, Romans 8:1)
What this means is that we are always good in God’s
3. God’s plans for us are good not bad. (James 1:17,
Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 37:23, Matthew
4. God is our Father. (1 John 3:1, Matthew 7:9-11,
Romans 8:15-16) Just as you would never give cancer
to one of your kids to teach them a lesson, neither
would God.

The Christian community is abuzz with talk

of a “Great Awakening” or an “Outpouring of the
Glory” that is coming. God sent me a trio of
open-eyed visions explaining that both are to be
unleashed. First, there will be an increase of
God’s glory. People will feel drawn to the things
of God. Wisdom about Him, His voice, and even
visits to Heaven will become common place so
that we can be properly trained by Him and
learn about His ways. Then the full extent of His

glory will come. Prayers in the name of Jesus
will bring instant healing. Christians will finally
fulfill what the Bible speaks of; we will do even
greater things than He did when He was walking
here on Earth.
The Awakening began in 2017. This is a
glorious time. In my limited exposure to the
entire body of Christ, I hear story after story of
visions and miracles that have been occurring
over the last two years which reveals the
destinies of Christian brothers and sisters.
These revelations have brought a hunger for
knowledge of God. This hunger is increasing: it
is the Awakening of the sleeping body of Christ.
Before the Outpouring of God’s glory arrives,
we need to know about our authority and the
Courts of Heaven. This book will explain why
this knowledge is important. We have learned
much about our authority in recent years, but
the Holy Spirit has revealed a missing piece, a
hidden key that has remained unconnected to
this subject: it lies in the Courts of Heaven.
To find this missing key to authority first we
must know what authority is and how much has
been given to us. To use authority, we need to
know why we have it and how to use it.
If an officer pulls you over and simply says,
“You are doing something wrong, you need to
stop,” it isn’t going to mean much or necessarily
prevent you from doing it again. One of the first
things an officer usually does is he states exactly
what law you broke so you will know he has the
authority to write you a ticket. If you aren’t used
to wielding the authority God has given us, find
out how to do this in my FREE book “Keys to
Authority for Every Believer” before continuing
with this book. You must know about authority
to operate in the Courts of Heaven. (Free
paperbacks available at


The Courts of Heaven are comprised of many
of the same components as courts here on
Earth. God created man in His image and Earth
in the image of Heaven. It is logical that through
divine inspiration man has developed a
structure of societal organization much like
Heaven in many ways.
There are multiple Bible verses which
support the existence and function of a court
system in Heaven. The Courts of Heaven

❖ A Court
❖ A Judge
❖ Lawyers
❖ A Prosecutor

When we pass from this life to the next we
won’t be set free to wander about, flying through
the clouds doing whatever we please. This would
be very disorganized and result in chaos. It is
not God’s way. He is orderly. We learn this about
our Creator in the second verse of the Bible.

And the Earth was without form and void…

(Genesis 1:2)

The Hebrew word translated “without form”

is tohuw, which means formless, a place of
chaos and confusion. “Void” in Hebrew is bohuw
and means an undistinguishable ruin. Jewish
mothers often refer to a messy teenager’s room
as a “Tohuw ‘eth bohuw,” meaning a disorderly,
chaotic ruin. This state of the Earth referred to
in Genesis was not acceptable to God who began
creating order from the chaos.
Creation reveals who our Creator is.
(Romans 1:20) Scientists have discovered that
matter is organized and beautifully
choreographed far past the atomic level. The
original Greek and Hebrew meaning of the words
in the Bible makes it clear that there is an
organization to God’s kingdom which includes a
court system.

Jesus Paid the Price
When many Christians hear about our
participation in the Courts of Heaven their first
response is, “But Jesus paid the price and freed
us from the law and all consequences of sin.”
This is true. Most people will quote the following
to backup this statement:

For God did not send the Son into the world to judge
and condemn the world [that is, to initiate the final
judgment of the world], but that the world might be
saved through Him. Whoever believes and has decided
to trust in Him [as personal Savior and Lord] is not
judged [for this one, there is no judgment, no rejection,
no condemnation]… (John 3:17-18)

In the Amplified Version of the Bible,

descriptors were added in brackets to more fully
explain the meaning of the text. To understand
what the Bible is referring to, we need to go back
a couple of verses:

In order that everyone who believes in Him [who

cleaves to Him, trusts Him, and relies on Him] may not
perish, but have eternal life and [actually] live forever!
(John 3:16)

The topic is our eternal salvation. Believing

and confessing Jesus as Lord allows us not to be
judged on our own merits but His, so that we
can receive eternal life. It does not say that the
Courts of Heaven are no longer functioning and
that verdicts have ceased to be rendered from
these courts in this life. Only the judgments
pertaining to the next life are cleared as we take
Jesus as Lord.
Most Christians are aware that Jesus came
and shed his blood as an atoning sacrifice to free
us from the consequences of the Law: through
Him we are no longer condemned to Hell when
we break one of the Ten Commandments. We
place our trust and rely on Jesus as our way to
Heaven, confessing it with our words that this is
what brings salvation. (Romans 3:22) But we
have to claim that freedom by accepting the
sacrifice God gave us in Jesus.
We don’t get to go to Heaven because we
know about Jesus, we have to confess that He is
the Son of God and confess that He is Lord in
order to receive that promise. By declaring that
we are His property, we get to go where He is.
This is echoed in the natural world. If you
declare fealty to an earthly king, you have the
right to live in His kingdom.
This principle is clearly demonstrated in the
Book of Luke. There were two thieves on the
crosses next to Him. The one that said,
“Remember me when you come into your Kingly
glory.” Jesus replied that he would be with Him
in paradise. The man admitted that Jesus was
going to be king in Heaven.
The freedom from the effects of the Law come
the same way. We must declare that we are free
from the effects of the Law that was established
against us before we accepted Jesus as Lord. As
stated previously, God spoke to create the world;
He created us in His image, therefore our words
have power. We must declare our rights out loud
here on Earth.

For by your words you will be justified and acquitted,

and by your words you will be condemned and
sentenced… (Matthew 12:37)

Take note of the legal terminology used:

justified, acquitted, condemned, and sentenced.
Our words here have impact in the Courts of
Heaven, which are still in operation. Our words
can get cases thrown out of court (acquitted).
Jesus’ life was foretold by prophecy hundreds
and even thousands of years before His birth.
Knowing what was necessary to bring
authority back to man, God gave a
foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice with the
Passover lamb. No matter how pure they
seemed, the blood of the lambs could only atone
for sin for one year. If you study what the lamb
was subjected to, you will find that Jesus was
crucified on Passover and treated exactly the
same as the Passover lamb. Here are some of the
main points:

1. One of the other names the Israelites use when referring

to Passover is “the Festival of Redemption.” Christ is
our Redeemer. (Galatians 3:13, Titus 2:13-14)
2. The Passover lamb had to be killed at 3 PM. Christ died
at 3 PM during the first month of the holy calendar
year. (Matthew 27:45-50)
3. The Passover lamb had to be killed in Jerusalem, but
outside of the city gates. (Deuteronomy 16:5-6, 2 Kings
21:4) Christ was killed in Jerusalem, but outside of the
city at Calvary. (John 19:16-19, Hebrews 13:10-13)
4. The Passover lamb must be unblemished. (Exodus
12:5) Christ was unblemished (1 Peter 1:18-20) When
Pilate said, “I find no fault in him.” (John 19:4, 6) he
was essentially saying that Christ was without blemish.
5. No bone in the Passover lamb was to be broken.
(Exodus 12:46) Likewise, not a bone in Christ’s body
was broken. (John 19:33-36)

Since the lack of judgment is linked to

salvation as previously stated, we should look at
what exactly the Word says about that process
to get a fuller picture about judgment. Merely
knowing that Jesus died for your sins and took
responsibility for your punishment on the cross
does not get you into Heaven. Demons know
that He is the Son of God and they tremble at

the mention of His name (James 2:19), yet by
knowing who He is, they do not merit eternal
salvation. You have to do something in order to
receive Jesus’ salvation:

…because if you acknowledge and confess with your

mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power,
authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved. For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as
Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being
made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and
made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he
acknowledges and confesses [his faith openly],
resulting in and confirming [his] salvation.
(Romans 10:9-10)

The word kyrios means “lord” or owner: a

landlord is the landowner. It has an additional
meaning of hereditary right or preeminence to
whom that service and obedience is due. In
other places in the Bible it refers to those who
have accepted Jesus as Lord as “bond servants.”
These are willing slaves to a master. This means
we agree to do things His way, not our way, to
put Him first in all things.
I, personally, don’t have a problem with this.
After all, He is God; I’m pretty sure He knows
what is best. If you have not yet accepted Jesus
as your Lord, owner, and Savior – your only way
into Heaven – it is easy to do. Saying the words
is simple, but meaning them is what matters.
The thief who hung on the cross next to
Jesus made this simple statement, “Lord,
remember me when You come into Your
Kingdom.” (Luke 23:42) That simple confession,
because he believed that Jesus would rule in
Heaven, was enough for the thief to be forgiven
and see Jesus in Heaven. It is a matter of the
heart – deep down, what you believe beyond a
doubt – that you state out loud, saying what you
believe with words and sincerity. If you have not
yet taken Jesus as Lord, I would recommend
reading the first book in the Believers’ Boot
Camp series; “Why Doesn’t God Speak to Me?”
(FREE on Kindle, iBooks, my website &
Facebook page) This book will explain the basics
of how to hear from God, how to read and
understand the Bible, and many other things
that will be useful as you read this book.
If you study this subject, you will find that
this is a consistent principle throughout the
Word of God: faith is always accompanied by
words (Psalms 116:10). First you believe, then
you speak what you believe, then it happens.
Redemption for our sins works the same way.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to

forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 ASV)
The Greek word homologeō, translated
“confess” has a specific definition: to come into
complete agreement and see it the way God
does, declaring what we know. If we admit we
have done wrong, but do not change our attitude
about the issue, then we have not fulfilled the
order to “confess.” If we do change our opinion
about that action and admit we have done it,
then He removes the consequences of that sin.
Don’t misunderstand: Nowhere in the Bible
does it say that you go to Hell for not confessing
your sin. Your eternal destination is secure
when you take Jesus as Lord. But there are
consequences of sin committed on Earth, and
the Holy Spirit is kind enough to show us how to
be free of them through the writings of John.

By the testimony of two or three witnesses must any

charge and every accusing statement be sustained and
confirmed. (2 Corinthians 13:1)

One of the most common questions I get is

why is it necessary for us to appear in the
Courts of Heaven? Jesus is our Advocate in
Heaven, but we need to make an appearance
and be the second witness to what He has done
for us. This way that which we are confessing is
established as a fact.
In the Book of Luke, Jesus shares a parable
showing that one should always pray and never
give up. In this story about an unjust judge the
Lord concludes by stating, “Will not [our just]
God defend and protect and avenge His elect
who cry out to Him night and day?” (Luke 18:7)
Through this teaching we are encouraged to go
before God in prayer. First, we must know what
the Bible says about the Heavenly Court System
so that we know how to receive justice.


To cite each and every scripture that
supports the existence of the Courts of Heaven
would be overwhelming. However, I can provide
a few scriptures that establish this fact in the

Shall not the Judge of all the Earth execute judgment

and do righteously? (Genesis 18:25)

This clearly states that there is a Judge, so

you know there is a court. Other verses speak
clearly about this court.

Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to

approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts…
(Psalms 65:4 KJV)

The Hebrew word for courts is chaster, which

can mean “enclosure, abode, court.” Jesus is our

King. A king’s court is where judgments come

God stands up to open Heaven’s court… (Psalms 82:1


The King James version of Psalm 82:1 reads:

God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he

judgeth among the gods.

The Hebrew word shaphat translates as

“judgeth,” meaning to rule, govern, or judge. The
Living Bible translates the Hebrew word ‘edah as
“heaven’s court” because it depicts, in a physical
sense, an assembly of individuals where shaphat
happens – a place where rules or legislation
come from. This word is used and translates as
“judge” more than 170 times in the bible.
Don’t let the word “gods” throw you. The
Hebrew word ‘elohiym can be translated as
“rulers, angels, or divine ones.” We, as children
of God, would fall into this category. Perhaps,
after we die, we will be part of that assembly in
the courts. The workings of Heaven’s
government are portrayed very clearly
throughout the Word of God.

Thus says the Lord of hosts, “If you will walk in My

ways [that is, remain faithful] and perform My service,

then you will also govern My house and have charge
of My courts, and I will give you free access [to My
presence] among these who are standing here.”
(Zechariah 3:7)

“Have charge of my courts” is the meaning of

the word diyn, or “to plead a case.” “Standing
here” is the meaning of ‘amad, or “to present one
before a king.” Combine the two words and this
verse says that the reward for faithful service to
the Lord yields free access to God and the ability
to be present in the King’s court. This is where
one would present a case for judgment.

…And ten thousand times ten thousand were standing

before Him; The court was seated, And the books were
opened. (Daniel 7:10)

“The court was seated,” or diyn, has the

same meaning in Aramaic.

But the court [of the Most High] will sit in judgment,
and his dominion will be taken away, [first to be]
consumed [gradually] and [then] to be destroyed
forever. (Daniel 7:26)

The two verses in Daniel are a prophecy

given about the coming age. Verse 26 is referring
to the works of Satan. The Aramaic word shĕlet,
translated “dominion,” also means power to rule

over authority, or that judgments set by the
Courts of Heaven will take away the authority of
Satan and his minions, first gradually, then
suddenly. Our appearing in the Courts of
Heaven is necessary to keep Satan from having
authority over us.
Most books on the Courts of Heaven will
quote the statements made by Jesus, which
shows how He operated in the courts to aid his

Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you,

that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for
you that your faith may not fail. (Luke 22:31-32 ESV)

The word for “demanded” in Greek is

exaiteomai means to demand for trial. Satan was
in the Courts of Heaven placing charges against
the disciples. The Greek word deomai means to
pray or petition. Petition often means to make a
formal request before a court. Jesus made an
appearance requesting strength in faith to be
given to those who followed Him.
This shows that Jesus operated in the
courts. “As He is, so are we in this world.” (1
John 4:17) Applying this verse, we should be
operating in the Courts of Heaven. However,
Jesus did this before He was crucified. I asked
God for proof of our need to operate in the

courts from the New Testament after Jesus went
to the cross.
One day, while I was watching a Christian
minister on TV, he quoted a verse in Ephesians.
In my mind, the Holy Spirit spoke clearly in a
strong, nearly audible voice, “That is not what it
means. That verse is about the Courts of
God urged me to look up the verse in the
original language. Blue Letter Bible, an online
app, combines “The New Strong’s Expanded
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible”i with six
other references. Researching in Greek isn’t an
easy task for anyone unfamiliar with the
language. The Holy Spirit instilled the basic
meaning in my thoughts, but now I had the task
of proving that He had done so. There are
thirteen Greek words with a half-dozen
definitions for each word… it took all day for me
to research one small paragraph. (See the Greek
word glossary at the end of the book.)
Here are the verses in King James numbered
where the Greek words occur:

(I.) To the intent (II.) that now (III.) unto the

principalities (IV.) and (V.) powers (VI.) in (VII.)
heavenly places (VIII.) might be known (IX.) by (X)
the church (XI.) the manifold (XII.) wisdom of (XIII.)
God (Ephesians 3:10)

The interpretation given by the minister was that
the magnificent grace of God is now being seen
among those in Heaven. It is displayed when He
allowed Gentiles (non-Jewish) into a relationship
with Him. The way the Greek is translated into
modern English would seem to be accurate.
However, everything inside me screamed that it
was wrong. Those in Heaven already know how
wonderful God is, why would the church need to
flaunt His goodness? It also didn’t flow with the
passages before and after this verse. Keeping the
same words in the same place, here is what the
Holy Spirit brought me:

(I.) In order that (II.) at this present time (III.)

dominion (IV.) and (V.) the power of judicial decisions
(VI.) among (VII.) things taking place in Heaven
(VIII.) will be known (IX.) through (X.) the church:
(XI.) The manifold (XII.) wisdom of (XIII.) God
evinced in the forming and executing of His counsels.

Translated this way, it flows seamlessly into

the next paragraph:

This is in accordance with [the terms of] the eternal

purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord,
in whom we have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him [that is, our faith gives us
sufficient courage to freely and openly approach God
through Christ]. (Ephesians 3:11-12)
This states that the eternal purpose of what
Jesus did was to give us access to the throne of
God where judgments are rendered. The body of
Christ has failed to take full advantage of this
access. Without using what Christ paid for, only
one argument is heard in the Courts of Heaven:
Satan’s accusations.
Judgments coming from the throne of God
are seen in the New Testament in an additional
verse as well:

…then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from

trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment
until the day of judgment… (2 Peter 2:9)

There are decisions that will continue to

come from the throne, after receiving a
judgement against us, until the day of judgment.
We need to know the individual components of
the court and the procedures used there if we
are going to be of use to our God in Heaven.

Members of the Courts of

There are at least 76 Bible verses that refer
to God as our judge. Here are three:

A stream of fire came forth from before Him; a

thousand thousands ministered to Him and ten
thousand times ten thousand rose up and stood before
Him; the Judge was seated [the court was in session]
and the books were opened. (Daniel 7:10)

…and to the general assembly and assembly of the

firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in heaven, and
to God, who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the
righteous (the redeemed in heaven) who have been
made perfect [bringing them to their final glory].
(Hebrews 12:23 AMPC)

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is

able to save and destroy. (James 4:12 NIV)

The parable about the judge Jesus gave in

the Book of Luke was a story about a widow
appearing before an unjust judge and asking for
protection and justice. After a time, this judge,
who neither respected nor reverenced God, did
as she asked because of her continued
pestering. After presenting this parable, Jesus
says, “Will not our just God defend, protect, and
avenge His people who cry to Him night and
God is a just Judge for those who seek Him.
He has not abandoned us, He sent the two best
aids we could ever ask for and each helps us in
the Courts of Heaven, Jesus, and the Holy

Jesus is referred to as both Mediator and

For there is one God, and one mediator also between

God and men, the man Christ Jesus… (1 Timothy 2:5

But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by

as much as He is also the mediator of a better
covenant, which has been enacted on better promises.
(Hebrews 8:6 NASB)

My little children, I am writing these things to you so

that you may not sin and if anyone sins, we have an

Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous…
(1 John 2:1 NASB)

In the first Book of John (or John 1), the

word “advocate” is paraklētos, which means one
who pleads a case before a judge; a council for a
legal defense. The word “mediator” in Greek is
mesitēs meaning to act as a mediator between
litigating or covenanting parties, according to
“Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament.” This makes it clear that Jesus is
our legal aid in the Courts of Heaven.

*Other verses for Jesus as Mediator: Hebrews 9:15,

9:24, 12:24, and Romans 8:24

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another
Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor,
Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever... (John

The Holy Spirit is our Counselor. The Greek

word paraklētos is defined as a guide, mentor, or
expert and is used five times, once for Jesus and
all other times for the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our
advocate and lawyer in Heaven and the Holy

Spirit is our counselor and our advocate who is
with us here on Earth.

So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us

up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to
offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the
Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and
pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and
groanings too deep for utterance. (Romans 8:26)

This verse sums up the role the Holy Spirit

plays in the Courts of Heaven. The Greek word
hyperentygchanō is only used once in the entire
Bible. This word is as complicated as it is long.
Let us break down the word into its basic parts:
• hyper – for benefit
• en – is an amplifier to add intensity to the next phrase
• tygchanō – literal translation is “to obtain by hitting the
mark.” The bullseye, is more accurate.
To fully understand how this word should be
applied in English, we need to remember that to
sin means to “miss the mark.” The Holy Spirit
works on our behalf as an advocate so that we
can hit the mark instead of missing it. This is
why “Strong’s Concordance” defines the word as
“intercede for, to petition.”

In the Old Testament, the word translated
“Satan” isn’t a name of a person. Lucifer was the
name of the angel who rebelled against God
because he didn’t want to submit to what he
considered lesser beings, mankind. In the
original Hebrew, “Satan” is a legal term that
literally means, “one who places charges against
“Angels on Assignment” by Pastor Roland
Buck is an anointed book. Many who read it are
brought to tears as the Holy Spirit convinces
them of the authenticity of the experiences
recorded by the esteemed pastor. In fact, he was
visited by angels during a two-year period.
During one of those visits, he was told that
Satan doesn’t understand what the blood of
Jesus did and he is constantly bringing cases
against us. The angels explained that for now
they could only scatter the build-up of Satan’s
forces. The heavenly messenger indicated that
he was looking forward to the day when God
would release them to kick Satan and his forces
out of Heaven once and for all. The angel
referred Pastor Buck to this scripture:

…for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps

bringing before our God charges against them day and
night, has been cast out! (Revelations 12:10)
Verse 12 of that same chapter tells us where
Satan will eventually be cast out to:

Therefore be glad (exult), O heavens and you that

dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the
devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury),
because he knows that he has [only] a short time [left]!

The messenger from God was showing us

what things will happen in the future. This
means that right now, Satan is still in the
Courts of Heaven placing cases against us.
When explaining the basic functions of the
court, I have heard many people say, “I’ll just let
the Lord take care of all that.” This shocks me.
If a defense attorney asked us to take the
stand to defend ourselves in a trial we wouldn’t
presume to say, “Oh, you just take care of all
that for me.” We would do as they advised us.
Yet many Christians presume to tell God and
Jesus what they will and will not do. If He has
told us in the Bible of our need to participate in
the Courts of Heaven, shouldn’t we do as our
Lord instructs us?
These are the major components to the
Courts of Heaven. Before we look at why we
should go to the courts, how they function, and
manner in which we are told to participate, let
me share with you why I felt the need to write
about the Courts of Heaven.

Proof of Effectiveness

Even though I have read many books

concerning the Courts of Heaven and discovered
dozens of scriptures that supported activity
taking place there, I remained unconvinced of
the necessity of our role in these judicial
proceedings. Over a four-month period, God
revealed the effectiveness of these court
appearances in three miraculous ways.
According to the Word of God, claims are proven
by at least two or three witnesses. (2 Corinthians
13:1, Deuteronomy 17:6) I set before you these
miraculous witnesses which God provided before
describing the operations in the Courts of


Before I heard about the need for us to
appear in the Courts of Heaven, I asked the Lord
if we needed to “plead” the blood of Jesus over
our sins every day. At this time I knew that
“pleading the blood” was like entering a plea in
court, saying that “because of the blood of
Jesus, in this case, I am forgiven.” I had been
raised with this belief and used it regularly
without any more knowledge than this. The
Bible is clear about His blood covering our sins,
I just wasn’t sure what my part was in it. The
Word tells us:

For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the

sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time.
(Hebrews 10:10 NLT)

…who has no day by day need, like those high priests,

to offer sacrifices, first of all for his own [personal]
sins and then for those of the people, because He [met
all the requirements and] did this once for all when He
offered up Himself [as a willing sacrifice].
(Hebrews 7:27)

A short time later I had a very vivid dream. It

was so real, so clear, I asked the Holy Spirit if it
was from Him. Immediately, as I thought of an
item in the dream, what it represented came to
my mind as He gave me the interpretation.

The Dream
I gazed over the rail of a large sailboat. Joy
washed over me as I spotted land: provisions
were rationed and all on board were hungry. I
gave a shout to alert the captain.
The scene changed and I tromped off the
boat along with more than a dozen other
passengers. An islander welcomed us. We were
escorted to an enormous Victorian-style house
and were told to make ourselves at home and to
select a room; dinner would be served soon. I
rushed up the dark wood staircase to claim a
place. Though we had no money, dinner was
served and we all ate until we were full. After the
meal, our hosts cleaned up and retired to bed by
A light breeze kept the humidity from
becoming too uncomfortable as I strolled along
the porch encircling the house. In my peripheral
vision, I saw something moving. A green slug-
like creature slithered up to the top of the post
of the portico. Backing slowly off the planked
surface, my eyes remained focused on the
creature until I was cloaked in darkness.
I dashed into the forest surrounding the
house drawn to the loud, raucous screams that
echoed into the night. My legs pumped as I
sprinted closer toward the sound.
The light of a campfire came into view. One
of the boat’s passengers squirmed away from her
boyfriend who was tickling her. Feeling foolish, I
walked past the pair as well as several tents
where lively conversations, singing, and
marshmallow roasts were underway.
The green slimy slug was still on the top of
the post when I returned to the house. No one

else seemed concerned, so I headed up the stairs
to my bed.
The next morning, our group gathered our
belongings and some provisions from the house
and started toward the boat. A police officer
stopped us, and then approached me with a pad
of paper in his hand. “I have here a list of
charges,” he stated, handing it to me.
“We were told there was no charge for our
stay,” I protested, “and they knew we didn’t have
any money.”
The officer explained, “These are not fees,
but violations.”
Scanning the list, I laughed at these so-
called violations which included such things as
walking after dark, and talking and singing after
sundown. “This is ridiculous! We didn’t even
know these things were against the rules,” I
“You cannot leave if you can’t pay the fines,”
the police officer shot me an icy glare. “You can
see the Judge in the morning. If He dismisses
the fines, you can go.”
We shuffled back up toward the house. Off in
the distance I noticed an area that was enclosed
by a chain-link fence. A shabby-looking building
housed bedraggled, thin-faced people who
looked as discouraged as I felt.

● Boat with passengers: People who haven’t yet received
the message of Jesus
● Island: Dedication of our lives to Jesus/Christianity
● Hotel: God’s provision for us as His children
● Green slug: Demons sent to watch us and report on our
● Police officer: Satan
● Judge: God
We are all passengers in the boat of life. Just
as I and the other passengers in the dream were
told our stay was free, when we become
Christians, we are told that salvation is a free
gift from God.
Satan sends out his minions: small, impish
demons not unlike the dream’s green slugs who
watch us and report on our actions. The officer
issued ridiculous tickets for “infractions.” Why
were they so ridiculous? Because through the
blood of Jesus, all is forgiven, so all charges
against us are a sham – the sacrifice of the blood
of Jesus has taken care of our iniquities. Much
like our court systems today, Satan is one of
those crooked lawyers who puts forth unjust
charges. If you do not appear and defend

yourself, judgment is awarded to the plaintiff, in
this case Satan. In keeping with the laws and
rules God has put in place, Satan has authority
to keep us shackled and bound.
The officer let me know that I would have to
pay the fine or appear before the Judge in the
morning to have them dismissed. In the dream,
we were broke and had no money. On our own,
we cannot pay for our sins, but God sent Jesus
to pay that price for us. Still, we need to appear
in court and state our case or be incarcerated in
the chain-link area.
The enemy’s goal is to keep us in chains –
sick, broke and/or poor. Salvation is never in
question if we have truly received Jesus with our
whole heart. However, just because we are
spared the fate of Hell, doesn’t mean the Courts
in Heaven have stopped dispensing rulings.
According to the Word of God it is quite the

And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, “Now have

come salvation and strength, and the Kingdom of our
God and the power of His Christ; for the accuser of our
brethren is cast down, who accused them before our
God day and night.” (Revelation 21:10 KJ21)

According to the surrounding passages, this

is a complete timeline: Satan is cast out during
the Tribulation period. This means he is still in
Heaven constantly accusing us, the brethren.
The cost has already been paid, but we have to
stand up and assert what has been done when
charges are brought against us.


The first volume in the Believers’ Boot Camp
series gives mention of a man who was being
mightily used by God, who experiences the gifts
of prophecy, dreams, and visions. For all intents
and purposes, I refer to this man as John. The
Holy Spirit revealed things concerning John to
me, showing the judgments coming from the
Courts of Heaven and how they affect our lives.
The following is an excerpt from that book:

I was diving into everything I could find from his

teachings when I discovered that he had recently
passed away at the age of sixty-five from a rare form
of cancer. “How could this be? His ministry prayed for
hundreds if not thousands who were instantly healed.
He had been to Heaven twice… he had such amazing
gifts! How could a sickness strike him down when the
Bible tells us that it is God’s will for us to have a long,
full life?” (Psalms 91:16, John 10:10)
The Holy Spirit urged me to look into this. There
were three items that revealed why John left at such an

early age and it perfectly explains judgments from


He was taken to Heaven and before the throne of

God. John explained that he spent minutes thrusting his
hands out before him defensively, screaming
“Aaaahhhh” in terror because of the tremendous power
of God. When he returned, he railed at God for three
days, “God, why do you let people suffer? With one
tiny drop of your power I could walk up to every
hospital in the city and command them to come forth
healed in the name of Your Son!”
God’s answer was a strong and firm voice, “I long
to give gifts to men more than men long to receive
gifts from me, but I don’t want to give men a gift that I
will have to judge them for later. You, John, could not
handle the adoration of man that would come with
what you ask.”
After learning this, I began to wonder what could
have brought a judgment from the Courts of Heaven
that could remove a man at such an early age when he
had seen God face-to-face. Then I heard about his
miraculous trip to Jerusalem.


One week before John was to leave to guide a

group on a trip in Israel, his business partner, who was
handling the finances and travel arrangements, left
town and took all the money the people had given for
their trip with him. John felt God wanted him to do the
responsible thing and make good on the promise that
was given to the twenty-two people who had trusted
him with their money so he took out a loan for $50,000
to pay for the promised trip.
Back in the 1980s, this was more than three times
his annual income. Because of this, John was quite
irritated and not acting very godly as they visited
Jerusalem. That night two angels appeared beside his
bed. Each angel grabbed one of his arms as they said,
“The Lord has need of you, come with us.”
John looked back over his shoulder as he was
being hauled bodily from the room. His wife lay asleep
on the bed—his body was not next to hers. He knew
that this was actually happening to his physical body, it
was not an out-of-body experience.
The two angels took him through the hotel wall,
and time and space bent around John, as it seemed like
they were traveling hundreds of miles per hour. With a
thud, he landed on a street paved with stones. The first
thing that hit him was the smell. John had only been
queasy once in his life, but the intense odor of animals
and their feces mixed with overpowering human body

odor was enough to gag him—he thought surely he
would die from the stench alone.
Gone were the pajamas he was wearing; now John
was dressed in robes that reached down to his sandaled
feet. A corded belt held the robes together. He knew
instantly that he was on Market Street in Jerusalem in
the time of David. He also knew that he had to go up
one side of the street and tell everyone three things:
Saul’s reign would soon end, David would be the next
king, and David would restore Israel to greatness
Not knowing what else to do, John went to the
first person and relayed what God had told him. Even
though he thought in English, when he spoke it came
out in Hebrew. When the person responded, he heard
them speaking in Hebrew, but understood in English
what they were saying. He received many types of
answers. Some said, “Yes, yes, we know, Saul killed
thousands and David killed tens of thousands” or “long
live King David!” Some people asked if he was a
prophet and wanted to talk to him, but he quickly
excused himself and got on with the job God assigned
to him.
While making his way from person to person,
John’s thoughts were going wild: How will I support
myself here? I could be a carpenter… but do they even
have saws yet? What will my wife do? I will be “that
pastor who deserted the tour group in Israel in the
middle of the night!” Without a body she won’t be able

to collect life insurance… how will she support
All this went through his head as he did what he
knew was his job from God. As he neared the end of
the street, across the way was a small auburn-haired
young man. A golden glow surrounded him that
extended out by about eight inches. The young man
motioned toward him, “Come here!”
John looked around and quickly realized that the
soon-to-be-king was addressing him. David
approached him and they met in the middle of the
street where a cart being pulled by a donkey passed
them by. David had dark auburn, wavy hair and a face
that would be the envy of any male model. He stood
less than five-feet tall and probably weighed one
hundred pounds at the most.
David took John’s hands in his own tiny, child-
size hands and said, “I know who you are and I know
why you are here and I will see you again.”
When the future king released his hands, John was
whisked again through time and space. He landed in
his jammies on his bed, bouncing with the force of this
landing. His wife woke and mumbled, “Do you feel the
presence of God here…it is so strong!”
The next morning, John reluctantly shared what
happened with his tour group. He said they looked at
him in fear, like they were sure he was a cult leader.
Their tour guide arrived a short time later. He was very
excited and insisted, “There is a brand-new exhibit,

first time ever to be seen here in Jerusalem. We must
go there.”
The tour group wanted to go; reluctantly John
agreed to see that instead of a unique site in the Holy
Land, Magdala. At the lowest level of the exhibit was
the newly unearthed Market Street from the time of
David—it looked exactly as John described it. The
group was convinced that John’s trip was real.
After John described this event on the television
show, he admitted that he still didn’t understand what
the purpose of this trip was, why God sent him back in
time to old Jerusalem. To me, the meaning and the
purpose were easy to understand. I didn’t realize that it
was the Holy Spirit who was making the meaning
transparent, even while he was telling the story.
Over the next few days, I gave the information
about reason for the trip to David’s Jerusalem to three
different people, verbatim, just as I had discovered
each piece. I asked if they knew what God was trying
to tell John. All three had no idea what John was
supposed to gain from the trip. At this point, I realized
it was wisdom from the Holy Spirit that had brought
the purpose of this experience to me.
Purpose: John was struggling with how to
financially achieve what God had assigned him to do
because his business partner had stolen the funds. God
gave John a very powerful example of His provision.
He took John to somewhere he couldn’t get to by his
own means: Jerusalem in David’s time.

He miraculously provided for John while he did
God’s work: He spoke and understood Hebrew and
was dressed for the job.
After the job was over, God provided for John:
there was no need to worry about what he was going to
do next or his family, God had taken care of
God had stepped into John’s life in a powerful
way to give him a living parable: an example that he
should have applied to his entire life: Do not worry
about how to do things or your provision, God has
taken care of it all. The final revelation as to why he
was judged became clearer to me as I looked further
into his ministry.


I began looking for more information about dream

interpretation from John’s ministry. I saw an episode
on YouTube where John was given a word from
another pastor, encouraging him to pass on what he
learned about dream interpretation so what he is doing
isn’t lost when he dies. John made an agreement with
God: if God would reveal the steps to doing what he,
himself, was doing by instinct, then John would, in
turn, instruct the body of Christ in interpreting dreams
from God.
John appeared on many Christian programs, had
his own TV program, and had many books published.
In addition to these, he offered a class about dream

interpretation, both online and in person. Sounds like
he was doing good work, right? He really was. His
work was good and shouldn’t be discounted in any
way, but there was one major issue that caused
judgment to come from the throne of God that gave the
enemy a chance to take John out.
Here was a man who heard from God regularly,
saw and spoke to angels in the flesh on more than a
dozen occasions, he went to Heaven more than once,
and he went bodily back in time. John was able to
interpret thousands of dreams for others, yet he still
didn’t understand why God sent him back in time to
Old Jerusalem and I believe that cost him his life.
Much like the dreams Joseph interpreted for the
Pharaoh, when it is revealed by the Holy Spirit it
seems simple.

Freely you have received; freely give.

(Matthew 10:8 NIV)

Jesus sent out His disciples to do his works with

these words. Yet everything John had been given from
God was for sale, and was not cheap. Some of the
harshest reviews of his books were that all the
information needed to interpret dreams was not
included in these books that promised to teach you
about that topic. To get all the information, you had to
sign up for the classes: each was $140. This is not
God’s way.

I am convinced that charging for all his materials
after the supernatural trip resulted in a judgment from
the throne of God – Satan was allowed to bring the
cancer to John. God doesn’t bring sickness, Satan does.
Given that most preachers and evangelists charge for
learning materials (even if at a more reasonable rate)
why were the consequences for John so severe?
When I discovered that John died on my birthday,
I knew God had revealed the meaning of his trip to Old
Jerusalem to me for a reason. It was only weeks later
that God downloaded the contents of this book to me
in a prayer session with Him that lasted from 11 p.m.
to 4 a.m. the next morning. Knowing why John was
taken from the Earth at the young age of sixty-four was
a critical piece to the puzzle.

…From everyone to whom much has been given,

much will be required… (Luke 12:48 AMP)

God is just and fair. When God speaks to

someone, He gives the enemy equal access if Satan
should demand a judgment in the courts. The more
God speaks to a person, the more severe the
consequences. Look at Moses as an example:
The Bible tells us that he spoke with God face-
to-face, not just in dreams and visions like other
prophets. God appeared in Moses’s life in a big way.
Many people think because Moses struck a rock in
anger instead of just speaking to it that he was no

longer eligible to enter the Promised Land. If you
look at what Moses said just before he hit the rock,
there is more to the story.

Then he and Aaron summoned the people to come and

gather at the rock. “Listen, you rebels!” he shouted.
“Must we bring you water from this rock?
(Numbers 20:10)

The word “we” is not in caps. Moses isn’t

talking about how God will bring water to the people;
he is claiming partial credit for the miracle of
drawing water from the rock. Moses had lost sight of
whose power it was that enabled the amazing
miracle. When used by God, we must be careful to
always point to the source of the miracle. Even so, it
seems a bit harsh. All Moses did was to misspeak in a
single sentence and strike out in anger. This one act
caused him to lose out on the Promised Land. But
this was fair. God gave Moses much and expected
him to do exactly what He told him to do.

This was the second witness brought to me

by the Holy Spirit. There are judgments coming
from the Courts of Heaven and if we remain
ignorant of them, the enemy can take us out;
even generals in the army of God can be
removed because of judgments from the courts.

After spending some time researching the
Word concerning these things, an inward urging
compelled me to approach the Courts of Heaven.
The next day an unexpected witness appeared.


I read the Word of God and went through my
morning prayer list, then remained silent,
waiting on the Holy Spirit. Following an inner
urging, I entered the Courts of Heaven through
prayer. I followed the example of this I found in
the Bible and interceded for myself and my
A thought came so firmly in my mind, I knew
it was from the Holy Spirit: prophets interceded
for nations. God had called me as His prophet to
the nations in a miraculous demonstration (See
my website for this story.) I gave
a mental shrug, thinking, “It must be time to
begin this part of my job.”
This time when I entered the Courts of
Heaven, I declared myself as a prophet of the
Most High, called to the nations of the Earth. As
I stated this aloud, a cool breeze wafted past me.
It felt like I had just stepped into a walk-in
refrigerator. A tingle of the Holy Spirit from my
head to my toes warmed me up a second later. I
began by asking for God’s grace and mercy upon

this nation, then continued with prayers for the
I recalled how many had said that all things
are under the feet of Jesus and we are in Him so
all things are under our feet. Also, we fight not
against flesh and blood, but against
principalities and powers in heavenly places
(Ephesians 6:12). For this reason I came against
the principalities of the air over my nation, not
knowing at the time that I was overstepping my
authority and leaving myself open to attack. I
finished the intersession, grateful for the
demonstration from the Holy Spirit.
That night when I crawled into bed, I relaxed
into prayer and meditation. Instantly a vision
overcame me. A man stood off in the distance –
he was completely black and yet, extraordinary
in the amount of detail that could be seen in this
shadow form that stood against a pure white
door with light seeping around him.
I had seen Jesus when worshipping at
church a week or so before and instinctually
knew this wasn’t the Lord. However, my
curiosity got the better of me as I thought,
“Maybe I should try and speak to him?”
The instant these words came to mind, every
hair on my head stood up and goosebumps
surged across my body. Not the good Holy Spirit
kind, but the creepy kind. The Holy Spirit has
come upon me many times, but never has the
hair actually stood up on my head. It was the
oddest sensation. I had once placed my hand on
this electric ball which had my hair standing on
end – this was exactly the same. It seemed like a
quarter-inch of the base of every hair was
extended from my scalp. It didn’t take a genius
to realize this was a warning from God.
I mumbled under my breath, “In Jesus’
name I command every spirit that is not from
God to leave this room; I plead the blood of
Jesus over this house and myself.” The vision
vanished and my hair relaxed. I conversed with
the Holy Spirit silently before easing into
It would be several months before I knew
what that dark angel meant, but for now one
thing was clear: my presence in the courts had
been noticed. (The full story can be found in
“Keys to Authority for Every Believer.”)

The combination of these three events
confirmed that entering the Courts of Heaven is
both essential and effective. Before I even knew
there were courts, God showed me that charges
which are covered by the blood of Jesus are
brought against us daily by the enemy. We have
to appear before Him, our Judge to get the
charges dismissed.
After I learned about the courts, the Holy
Spirit revealed how they were operating and how
they affect His people. Finally, once I entered the
courts in the way His word shows us to, not only
did I feel my entry, but so did the enemy who
sent stronger forces against me.
In the Courts of Heaven you will find the
missing piece of authority the enemy has stolen.
It is here that generational curses are destroyed
and Christians are set free by the blood our
Savior has shed. Be aware if you experience any
of the following:

o financial hardship that seems to persist

o health issues or hereditary conditions that prayer from
any source doesn't seem to remedy
o repeated attacks from family members or “friends”

These are things a quick trip to the Courts of

Heaven may be able to clear up as you assert
your God-given, blood-bought authority. Let
your faith be strengthened as we delve into what
the Word of God says about why we go to the
courts and how to operate there.

Why Go to the Courts?

Satan’s deception of not being involved in

things of this Earth is a great tactic. The same
can be said of the tools of the enemy. If you fail
to acknowledge what tool he is using, how can
you defend against it? There are three main
reasons to enter the Courts of Heaven.

➢ interceding for a loved one

➢ getting charges dismissed
➢ clearing a generational curse

The first two are pretty self-explanatory. If

you have sinned, charges can be brought
against you. Once charges are established, a
court appearance is necessary.
You can also make an appearance in court
for someone you have authority over, such as a
child. A well-known author with many published
books about the Courts of Heaven discovered the
courts because his son was on the verge of
committing suicide following a divorce. After two
years of pleading the blood and getting nowhere,
the Lord revealed the courts to him. The
procedures, on how to enter the Courts of
Heaven, I will describe later in detail.
Once an appearance was made, the blood
was pled; the words the father had said were
rebuked; the cases were dismissed; and the
enemy lost his authority and could be removed.
Immediately, the son’s suicidal depression left
his son, evaporating like fog on a sunny day.
This is just one of the many judgments
coming from Heaven. Perhaps the most
unrecognized and misunderstood is a curse.
Let’s explore that in-depth.

The idea of a curse seems so antiquated, it
sounds like something from the dark ages and
not applicable to the current day. Some people,
including Christians, poke fun at those who
believe that Satan is the cause of some of the
misery we experience here on Earth. Fiction
television has reduced curses to things a witch
does by mixing gruesome ingredients or waiving
a wand while chanting a few lines. This has
twisted our perception of spiritual principles
that have been in force since Adam and Eve left
the Garden of Eden. The removal of part of this
curse can be seen in Genesis 8:21.

…the Lord said to Himself, I will never again curse the

ground because of man, for the imagination (the strong
desire) of man’s heart is evil and wicked from his
youth; neither will I ever again smite and destroy every
living thing, as I have done.

God promised not to curse the land in that

particular way again. However, it doesn’t mean
that all curses are done away with; He has just
placed a limit to what He would do. It is fairly
well-known that Jesus became a curse for us,
redeeming us from the curse of the Law of Moses
by shedding His blood.

Christ purchased our freedom and redeemed us from

the curse of the Law and its condemnation by
becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is
everyone who hangs [crucified] on a tree (cross)”
(Galatians 3:13)

Jesus freed us from the curse of the Law,

but there were curses before the law. Moses
spoke what God commanded and curses were
brought upon Egypt as judgments from God for
their treatment of His people. This was before
the Hebrew people left and the Law was given.
Therefore, there are curses that existed outside
the Law of Moses.
Through Jesus, we become “sons of
Abraham” (Galatians 3:7, Romans 4:16),
redeemed from the Law of Moses where sin
places us under a curse, but we must use our
rights and authority given to us by Jesus to
remove them. The Bible never states that God’s
ability to pass judgment upon the Earth is
removed. These judgments may allow the enemy
to place a curse upon us as it was done when
judgment came against Egypt. The Bible tells us
when all curses on Earth will be removed:

And there will no longer be any curse, and the throne

of God and the Lamb will be in the city. His servants
will worship him, (Revelations 22:3 NET)

This means that until Jesus returns and is

ruling Earth, Satan can still put curses upon
people if he has the legal right to do it. Don’t let
the term “legal” fool you. Yes, Jesus did away
with the Law which was sending people to Hell
for violating it, but the Bible says nothing about
Christ doing away with the Courts of Heaven
and God stepping down as Judge. If there were
no orders coming from Heaven, it would be
How do we know when a curse is against us?
Even in a nation that was used to dealing with
curses, it could take a while to recognize when
one was in operation. In the time of David, there
was a famine on the land. It lasted year after
year. By the third year, David inquired of the
Lord about it.

God told David that Saul had broken the covenant with
the Gibeonites by attacking them and the curse could
only be broken once this violation was accounted for.
Once the debt was settled, David went before God
again in prayer and the famine was ended.
(2 Samuel 21)

We have established that curses still exist.

This is nothing to panic about. Unlike Harry
Potter’s fictional world, witches on this Earth
cannot curse you unless you accept what is
done or participate in it; greater is He that is in
you than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
The blood of Jesus covers anything a wannabe
Hogwarts graduate might try to do. There is also
Old Testament protection:

Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in

her flying, So the curse without cause does not come
and alight [on the undeserving]. (Proverbs 26:2)

If we have not transgressed, there is no legal

right for a curse to come upon us. How do we
give curses permission to come? There are three

1. Fearing a curse
2. Declaring a curse
3. Inheriting a curse

The wonderful thing about being a Christian
is that all things have been placed under the feet
of Jesus (Ephesians 1:22, 1 Corinthians 15:27).
No matter how many chains the enemy has you
bound in, the blood of Jesus will set you free. To
be free, first you must know where you are

Fearing a Curse
What the wicked fears will come upon him, but the
desire of the righteous [for the blessings of God] will
be granted. (Proverbs 10:24)

So I will choose their punishments, and will bring the

things they dread upon them… (Isaiah 66:4)

Fear is the opposite of faith. Peter walked on

water until he looked at the wind and waves and
began to fear (Matthew 14). We constantly hear
in the Bible, “fear not.” The New Testament says

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading

again to fear [of God’s judgment], but you have
received the Spirit of adoption as sons [the Spirit
producing sonship] by which we [joyfully] cry, “Abba!
Father!” (Romans 8:15)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power
and of love and of a sound mind. (1 Timothy 1:7

Fear is not of God. If it is not from God, then

it is from Satan. Fear is the most powerful
weapon at his disposal; Satan uses fear the way
God uses faith. Fear is believing in the power of
the enemy to do you harm, placing your faith in
him. When you believe a curse has power and
become afraid because of it, you put yourself in
the hands of the enemy.
You may be thinking, “The Bible says we are
to fear God, so fear must be from Him.” The
Hebrew word the Bible uses when it speaks of
“fearing” God is yare’, meaning to stand in awe
of, to be awed to the point of fear, reverence,
honor, respect. What the Bible means when it
says fear and trembling in connection with God
is that you are in such awe you are trembling.
We must be more secure in what Jesus has
done for us than what the enemy can bring
against us. Learning to operate in the Courts of
Heaven brings that complete security to us in
order that we can walk through this life with
faith not fear.

Declaring a Curse
The power of life and death are in the tongue.
(Proverbs 18:21)

Out of the same mouth come both blessing and

cursing. (James 3:10)

There are half-dozen verses in the Bible that

tell us about the power of our words. As a being
created “like God” you have the power to accept
a curse and even call one upon yourself. Once
you have taken Jesus as Lord, you are seated in
Heavenly places with Him, far above every power
on Heaven and Earth. (Ephesians 1:21, 2:6) This
means you are in charge, through Him. The
enemy only has the power you give him.
Declaring a curse isn’t saying, “I curse
myself.” It can be anything negative that the
enemy can use against you:

➢ “I will never remember.”

➢ “I always get the flu.”
➢ “I know I will get hurt today.”

How often does what you say come to pass?

Start taking notes and the results will surprise
you. I had a personal experience with my
daughter that demonstrates this perfectly.

One morning the phone in my office rang as I
dashed down the stairs, late for lunch with my
husband. The small, quiet voice of the Holy
Spirit told me it was the school so I stopped to
answer it instead of letting it go to voicemail. I
wasn’t surprised to hear the school nurse on the
other end of the line. She informed me that our
oldest daughter had been hurt in P.E. Briefly the
facts were relayed to me:

▪ Ashley couldn’t straighten her arm without being in

▪ She hadn't fallen or hit anything.
▪ There were no signs of bruising or swelling.

The nurse put Ashley on the phone and I

asked her, “What have you learned about
symptoms that come upon you without a
She whispered, “Demons.”
“Would you like me to take care of them for
you?” I asked. After she agreed I said, “I plead
the blood over Ashley and in Jesus’ name I
command every evil spirit to take your hands off
my daughter. “Now Ash,” I said, “try to
straighten your arm.” She whimpered in pain as
she attempted to do what I asked.
Acknowledging Ashley’s pain, the nurse
suggested I pick her up from school. “There
must be something more to this, something I am
missing,” I thought. Casting out demons has
always been a simple matter for me, so I called
Mom and Pops who have a healing ministry.
Many have been healed instantly when they
They agreed to pray for Ashley when I picked
her up. I phoned my husband Tony letting him
know why I could not make it to our lunch date.
“Her elbow used to hyper-extend before it was
broken,” he said. “I bet she pulled a tendon by
slinging her arm back. Are you taking her
straight to the doctor?”
I took a deep breath, dreading what I had to
say as Tony is an engineer and prefers to rely on
facts and medical doctors. “No, Mom and Pops
are going to pray for her.”
Exasperated, he said, “The sooner she is
seen by the doctor, the better.”
“Honey, can you give God until tomorrow
morning? If she isn’t better by then, I will take
her in.”
Reluctantly he agreed. On the way home I
put Mom and Pops on speakerphone. They
prayed, but Ashley remained in pain.
As we pulled into the driveway, Ashley
asked, “Mom, how do you do that thing you call
rebuking words?”
“What words do you need to rebuke?” I

Her cheeks reddened as she ducked her
head. She whispered, “It was cold when I got up.
I knew it would be miserable to run outside in
P.E. Before I knew it, I said aloud, ‘I am going to
get hurt in P.E. today!’ ”
“Oh, Ash, you cursed yourself!” I said as I
smiled to ease the sting of the words. “I’m so
glad you remembered and told me about it. It’s
easy to fix. You are exactly right, you need to
rebuke the words,” I said. “That is just an old-
fashioned way to say cancel, nullify, or cause to
be of no effect. All you have to do is declare that
you rebuke the words you said earlier in Jesus’
Seconds after Ashley did this, my sister
called. Ashley struggled out of the car as I told
my sibling what was going on. “She has rebuked
the words, but her arm still hurts.”
My sister had just read about this in a book
and asked if she could pray with us. I was
grateful for the helping hand. “Thank you, Lord
Jesus for the authority you have given us with
your death on the cross,” she read. “I now bind
any evil that has attached itself to Ashley
through her unintentional words. In Jesus’
name, the curse is broken, and the evil causing
her pain and swelling is cast out in Your holy
name. Thank you, Jesus, for sending your
healing to Ashley, for she is your child and you
have said that by your stripes she is healed.”
Immediately following the prayer, Ashley was
able to straighten her arm without pain. This
curse no longer had a home in Ashley because
she had rebuked the words and commanded it
to go. It wasn’t until a few days later that I
realized how it was connected to the Courts of
My sister called and said the Holy Spirit had
spoken to her during her prayer time. “The
vision you experienced with the black figure was
a ‘dark angel,’ not just a demon. Do you know
what that means?”
At first it meant nothing to me, but later
when I asked the Holy Spirit, I recalled the book
I read about the Courts of Heaven. It mentioned
that there were levels to the courts, just as there
are on Earth. The position you are called to in
the body of Christ determines what courts you
can operate in. The author warned that
operating in the higher courts attracts attention
from the enemy who doesn’t like having his
plans disrupted. This is supported in the Bible
which tells us that there are ranks of angels.
(Ephesians 6:12)
All the puzzle pieces fell into place. The night
that the dark angel appeared was the same day I
entered the Courts of Heaven as a prophet of
God called to the nations and interceded for
America and our leaders. The next day was the
day Ashley was hurt. The more powerful angel
had been standing by, possibly even
encouraging Ashley to state words so he could
disrupt my life and hers by attacking her.
Your words have meaning. As you begin
taking your place in the Courts of Heaven, take
note of what you are saying.

But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to

give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking)
word they speak. For by your words you will be
justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be
condemned and sentenced. (Matthew 12:36-37)

This is referring to judgments that take place

because of our words. Don’t give evil a place to
come against you by speaking negative words. If
you do speak them and the Holy Spirit brings
them to mind, rebuke the words and repent for
saying them.

Generational Curses
The Lord! the Lord! a God merciful and gracious, slow
to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and truth,
keeping mercy and loving-kindness for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but Who
will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity
of the fathers upon the children and the children’s

children, to the third and fourth generation. (Exodus

Some people claim that because God

declared this to people who were under the Law
of Moses it doesn’t apply to us. This verse comes
from Exodus, but it predated the Law. Moses
had not yet gone up the mountain and brought
the tablets down to the people. This statement
was given to let the people know how important
it was to follow His ways which God then stated
in the Ten Commandments.

…But You remain the same, and Your years shall have
no end. (Psalms 102:27)

…but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
(Hebrew 1:12 KJV)

God didn’t just make up rules and

consequences when He gave the Law, He was
revealing who He was and how He ran His
kingdom to a people who no longer knew Him.
The rules in Heaven still exist, without which
there would be chaos. However, the price, the
punishment for breaking those laws has already
been paid by Jesus. We just need to stand up
and claim it.
The Word of God reveals that the
consequences for sin may affect three to four

generations. A sin of our ancestors that is
affecting us is often referred to as a generational
curse. These detrimental and destructive forces
can be identified by how they manifest, or show
up, in our lives. Some of the signs of
generational curses are:

❖ genetic disorders
❖ family traits (drug/alcohol addiction, bad temper)
❖ bad luck that cannot be shaken

Negative, harmful things that happen to each

generation of a family are curses. Did your
ancestors die at a certain age? Do financial
problems pop up for no reason keeping you at a
level of poverty as it has for your parents and
grandparents? Is there a genetic predisposition
for diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer, etc.?
Conditions such as these may have scientific,
fact-based explanations, but the truths which
come from the Bible reveal the real cause. Truth
is always stronger than facts when mixed with
faith. These conditions are a curse which may be
handed down from one generation to the next.
They can be taken care of in the Courts of

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom
is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
(James 1:17 KJV)

Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for He

is good: for his mercy endureth forever.
(Psalms 106:1 KJV)

God is good, He is love. A shadow of turning

means that not even a tiny spot of darkness is in
Him. Sickness, disease and many other horrible
things came into being when Adam and Eve
chose to eat the forbidden fruit. This was not
God’s perfect will, but a side-effect of a choice
made by one man and one woman. The Bible
refers to all of these things that were not in
God’s original perfect Garden of Eden as a
Many of the curses mentioned in the Bible
are from “the Lord.” This doesn’t mean God is
the one making bad things happen. God has put
rules into effect. He is Judge which means there
are rules in place. Since it is His judgments that
allow curses to come upon us, technically He is
responsible. However, He is not the one doing
these things.

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and
destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and
have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
(John 10:10)

This is Jesus speaking. The thief is Satan.

Our Savior knew that He was destined for the
cross and what that would mean; freedom from
the curses. The blood of Jesus blots out our sin
when we appropriate it, but curses can still
affect Christians until they state their case
before the Judge. Once a person accepts a
curse, it has a legal place in our life until we
take authority over it.
How can you tell if there is a curse,
generational or otherwise, active in your life?
Look for the effects of the curse. If you are
suffering from any of these symptoms, it may be
that a curse has attached itself to you.

Mental Disorders
Your life shall hang in doubt before you; day and night
you shall be worried, and have no assurance of your
life. In the morning you shall say, Would that it were
evening! and at evening you shall say, Would that it
were morning!—because of the anxiety and dread of
your [minds and] hearts and the sights which you shall
see with your [own] eyes. (Deuteronomy 28:66-67)

Worry, anxiety, dread in your heart that you
cannot shake… sounds like depression, doesn’t
it? These feelings are part of the curse and we
are able to free ourselves of it because of what
Jesus has done.

The Lord will smite you with madness and blindness

and dismay of [mind and] heart. (Deuteronomy 28:28)

The word “blindness” is a figurative

blindness: an inability to see what is right in
front of you. This is why “of the heart” follows
the description – this is referring to your inner
being, not the organ that pumps blood. Madness
of the inner being is also part of the curse.

A nation which you have not known shall eat up the

fruit of your land and of all your labors, and you shall
be only oppressed and crushed continually. So that you
shall be driven mad by the sights which your eyes shall
see. (Deuteronomy 28:33-34)

Soldiers who come back from war with post-

traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be
suffering from a curse. The fact that they have
seen some truly horrible things and endured
unimaginable stress is undeniable. However, the
Word of God states the He freely gives us
comfort and peace and a sound mind. (2
Corinthians 1:3-4, 2 Timothy 1:7 NET) We can
choose to focus more on biblical truths over
scientific facts.
Science has proven a chemical imbalance
may be the root cause of depression. From God’s
word we know that imbalance may be the result
of a curse. We also know that God can bring
peace that is beyond understanding. Jesus paid
the price for us to be free from these afflictions
of the mind and soul by suffering in our place
upon the cross. We have the right to deny the
effects of horrendous experiences in our life and
attempt to embrace the good that God promises

Inability to Prosper
And you shall grope at noonday as the blind grope in
darkness. And you shall not prosper in your ways; and
you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually,
and there shall be no one to save you.
(Deuteronomy 28:29)

This verse shows a domino effect of a curse.

Noonday is when people are hard at work. If you
can’t seem to figure out what you should do, if
you can’t form a plan or you are walking
aimlessly through life, it could be due to a curse.
Without a clear vision for where you want to go,
it is nearly impossible to thrive. It is easy to be

taken advantage of and be swindled out of
money when you are in a place of darkness with
no guiding vision.

Bad Luck Clings to You

You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the
field…You will be cursed when you come in and you
will be cursed when you go out.
(Deuteronomy 28:16 & 19)

Does bad luck seem to follow you around?

Do unfortunate situations seem to happen over
and over no matter where you go or what you
do? This may be a curse or a test from God.
Here is the difference:

▪ A test determines if you have developed in your

spiritual walk and are ready to go to the next level of
God’s destiny for your life. You will always have a
choice during a test. A trial lasts for a certain period of
time. Do your actions line up with the Word of God? If
they do, you should pass the trial or test. If not, it will
repeat itself until you do.
▪ A curse may be the cause when things seem to happen
that are beyond your control and you are powerless to
stop them. Through no fault of your own, they happen
again and again..

If you are holding to good, righteous behavior
according to the Word of God, but
circumstances either recur or remain the same,
you may be suffering from a curse.

Unable to Get Ahead in Life

The transient (strangers) among you shall mount up
higher and higher above you, and you shall come down
lower and lower.

He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he

shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.
(Deuteronomy 28:43-44)

…you shall build a house, but not live in it; you shall
plant a vineyard, but not gather its grapes.
(Deuteronomy 28:30)

When you miss promotion after promotion

for which you are qualified, this could be the
result of a curse. This is not from God: He
grants blessing and favor to His beloved. You are
just as beloved to Him as Jesus. A vineyard is
something that takes time to grow; the longer it
remains planted and is fruitful the more it is
worth. Planting vineyards in this verse
represents a business because they usually take
time to grow to a productive state just like a

vineyard. The effect of a curse would be that you
start a business but it fails where the same
business succeeds for in the hands of other

You shall carry much seed out into the field and shall
gather little in, for the locust shall consume it.
(Deuteronomy 28:38)

“Carrying seed out” means you are working

and getting little back for it. Toiling for our food
was the result of the first curse God spoke of
when Adam and Eve fell. He reiterates it here. If,
no amount of hard work gets you ahead, this
could be due to a curse that has been passed
down from your ancestors.

Bad Relationships
You shall betroth a wife, but another man shall lie with
her… (Deuteronomy 28:30)

Unfaithfulness in a marriage causes a

generational curse to form. Does it seem like you
marry the wrong person time after time? God
can change hearts and make any relationship
work if given the chance. We have free will, but if
you clear generational curses in the Courts of
Heaven, you won’t be fighting an uphill battle.

Kidnapping and Runaways
Your sons and daughters shall be given to another
people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing
for them all the day; and there shall be no power in
your hands to prevent it. (Deuteronomy 28:41)

This is one of the most unknown and

destructive curses. Every year as many as 2.8
million children run away from their homes.
Four- to-six percent of all kids will be abducted
annually.ii If this unfortunate circumstance has
befallen you or your family, I would strongly
advise that you get to the Courts of Heaven
before it is too late.
God’s will is clear:

The seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

(Proverbs 11:21 KJ21)

In this passage, our seed is our children. We

are righteous through Jesus. It is God’s will that
our children are safe.

Incurable Sickness
The Lord will smite you with the boils of Egypt and
the tumors, the scurvy and the itch, from which you
cannot be healed. (Deuteronomy 28:27)

Also every sickness and every affliction which is not
written in this Book of the Law the Lord will bring
upon you until you are destroyed.
(Deuteronomy 28:35)

Cancer, gout, and scabs, are part of the

curse. Specifically mentioned are the injuries
and diseases that man cannot heal. It is
important to go before God and see what is the
root cause of these diseases – where we have
transgressed – so that He can correct our heart
and purge our souls so that these curses have
no place in our lives.

The Lord will smite you with consumption, with fever

and inflammation, fiery heat, sword and drought,
blasting and mildew; they shall pursue you until you
perish. (Deuteronomy 28:22)

The Hebrew word shachepheth, translated

“consumption,” describes a wasting disease of
the lungs. The verse shows the purpose of the
curses; to “pursue you until you perish.” This is
not God’s will, but it is justice for our sins
unless we apply the blood of Jesus.

Decreased Anointing
You shall have olive trees throughout all your territory
but you shall not anoint yourselves with the oil, for
your olive trees shall drop their fruit. (Deuteronomy

In the book of Revelation, the olive tree

symbolizes the vessel through which the
anointing flows. The second half of this verse
verifies that there will be a decrease or removal
of the anointing.
To be anointed, literally, is to have sacred oil
poured on one’s head because God has chosen
the person for a special task. “Christ” isn’t
Jesus’ last name. It comes from christos, a Greek
word meaning “anointed”; in Hebrew it is
mashiach, or “Messiah.”
If there is sin in your life, your appointed,
divine destiny that God created you for may be
limited or even removed. How do you find your
divine destiny? The first step is to clear any
cases against you and to become right with God
through an appearance in the Courts of Heaven.
Finding your destiny will be explored in
“Roadmap to Heaven,” the next book in the
Believers’ Boot Camp series.

Theft of Property
Your ox shall be slain before your eyes, but you shall
not eat of it; your donkey shall be violently taken away
before your face and not be restored to you; your sheep
shall be given to your enemies, and you shall have no
one to help you. (Deuteronomy 28:31)

Has your property or money been taken from

you unjustly? It may be a curse or it could be an
illegal act of the enemy working through another
person. In either case, God will rectify the
situation once the case is cleared. You can even
demand restitution for what has been taken
from you!

Unanswered Prayers
The heavens over your head shall be brass and the
earth under you shall be iron. (Deuteronomy 28:23)

Do you feel like your prayers go no higher

than the ceiling? Have you petitioned God’s help
and received only silence? You may be under a
curse that is keeping your prayers from being

Curses can be identified by any of the
previously stated symptoms in your life. There
may be several curses in operation at any given
time. Not all of these require a trip to the Courts
of Heaven, but all require the appropriation of
the blood of the Lamb. Under the Law of Moses –
the Ten Commandments – two things were
needed to be free of the curse: confessing that
you were in error and a sacrifice of blood. This is
clearly demonstrated in the Old Testament.
Every time Israel was disobedient to God’s
commands, both steps had to occur in order to
make things right.
This can be done in a few easy ways:

Confess your sin to God.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:9 ASV)

The Greek word homologeō translates as

“confess,” but the full meaning is to come into
complete agreement with and see the way God
sees it. When we see our sin the way God does,
we won’t want to commit that sin again. Often
people think of this part of the confession as

“repenting,” which literally means to go in the
opposite direction. This is the true meaning of
“confess” in this verse.
How do you know what to confess? God has
sent us a Guide who leads us into all
understanding: The Holy Spirit. He will put a
insistent quiet voice or feeling upon your heart
concerning what is right and what is needs to be
changed. The Ten Commandments are a basic
starting point, but as Jesus revealed, they are
only the beginning. Start with letter of the Law,
and confess any trespasses to show God that
you are ready to be obedient. The Holy Spirit will
help you with the rest.

Plead the Blood

[In fact] under the Law almost everything is purified
by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood
there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the
remission of the due and merited punishment for sins.
(Hebrews 9:22)

This shows that blood is required as

payment for any sin. The blood of Jesus takes
care of all our sins as well as salvation, but it
has to be claimed, just like salvation.

And you, being dead in your sins and the
uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened
together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was
against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of
the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled
principalities and powers, he made a shew of them
openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:14)

This states that ALL trespasses are forgiven.

“Blotted out” means removed from the records in
Heaven. “Contrary” in Greek is hupenantios, and
its precise meaning is “covertly contrary.” Even
the things that Satan hides, Jesus’ blood takes
care of. Remember, though, we must confess our
sins to get them blotted out. By speaking the
words while our heart sees it as God does these
sins are erased in Heaven and cannot be used
against us.

But as it now is, He has once for all at the

consummation and close of the ages appeared to put
away and abolish sin by His sacrifice [of Himself].
(Hebrews 9:26)

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the

forgiveness of our trespasses, (Ephesians 1:7 ESV)

Jesus provided the payment necessary for

our sin. “Pleading the blood” is a legal term for
stating a reason for your innocence. You are
stating that because of the blood of Jesus, this
sin is removed from you, blotted out, and it is
remembered no more. Imagine Satan’s
frustration: He keeps putting charges against us
and when we plead the blood his evidence just

Watch Your Words

But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to
give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking)
word they speak. For by your words you will be
justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be
condemned and sentenced. (Matthew 12:36-37)

The word hēmera means a “civil day” or a

legal twenty-four hour period. The word
“judgment” is the Greek term krisis, which in
one interpretation is “a trial.” Combine the two
and the meaning becomes: you will be justified
each day at a trial for every word you speak.
This makes it clear that words matter and can
be used against us.
If the Holy Spirit brings words or phrases to
mind for an official decree, pleading the blood of
Jesus over these words is also a wise decision.
These two things – the confession and the blood
of Jesus – will keep words from being used

against us and clear any words that are already
in use in the Courts of Heaven.

Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord.

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white
as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall
be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

“Let us reason together” is from the Hebrew

root word yakach, generally translated as “to
plead.” Here, its meaning is that we are invited
to plead our case so that our sins can be washed
away. In the New Testament it is expressed this

So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn

around and return [to God], that your sins may be
erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of
refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of
reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of
the Lord… (Acts 3:19-20)

In this context, repent simply means to

change the direction you are going. When we
repent for our sins and apply the blood of Jesus,
God wipes them out. What do “times of
refreshing from the presence” mean? The next
verse sheds some light on this.

And that He may send [to you] the Christ (the
Messiah), Who before was designated and appointed
for you—even Jesus. (Acts 3:21)

This is a loaded scripture. When we realign

ourselves with God, it is one of the steps that
sets us up for a visit from our Lord. This will
also be discussed in the forthcoming book,
“Roadmap to Heaven.”
Now, returning to the subject at hand, one
must understand the blood of Jesus and why it
has power over curses. Many times you can
derail a curse before it has been activated. When
you plead the blood over an action or words, you
are admitting that the action was wrong and
needs to be covered by the blood of Jesus. If our
hearts are truly sorry for an action, it will be
removed and the enemy won’t be able to use it to
place a curse upon us.
Should a curse already be established, after
these steps, you need to cancel the curse. It is
as easy as stating, “I cancel any curse that has
been established against me.” For good measure,
you can add, “for there is no cause, no evidence
against me.”
If a curse has been handed down from
previous generations, you will need to go to the
courts. Some curse-like symptoms are
agreements or contracts, (covenants) established
with demons. These can be canceled in the

Courts of Heaven. If you wonder how one gets to
the courts, Jesus has made it so easy for us!

Court Privileges

So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He

was taken up into Heaven and sat down at the right
hand of God. (Mark 16:19)

Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High

Priest who has [already ascended and] passed through
the Heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our
confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our
absolute trust in Him as Savior]. (Hebrews 4:14)

Jesus is at the right hand of God, a place of

ruling power.

But God, being [so very] rich in mercy, because of His

great and wonderful love with which He loved us, even
when we were [spiritually] dead and separated from
Him because of our sins, He made us [spiritually] alive
together with Christ (for by His grace—His
undeserved favor and mercy—you have been saved
from God’s judgment). And He raised us up together
with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him
in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ
Jesus. (Ephesians 2:4-6)
…we are of good courage, I say, and are willing rather
to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the
Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:8)

When we take Jesus as Lord, our spiritual

bodies are in Heaven with Him. Other passages
show that we, indeed, have access to the Courts
of Heaven right now.


The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out
of the control and the dominion of darkness and has
transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His…
(Colossians 1:13)

And to the church (assembly) of the Firstborn who are

registered [as citizens] in heaven, and to the God Who
is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous (the
redeemed in heaven) who have been made perfect…
(Hebrews 12:23)

A citizen has a right to go before the king to

be heard. These are two of the verses which
state that we are citizens of Heaven once Jesus
is our Lord.

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ

Jesus. (Galatians 3:26 KJV)

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are
the sons of God. (Romans 8:14 KJV)

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power

to become the sons of God, even to them that believe
on his name… (John 1:12 KJV)

Citizens have a right to be before a king, but

as a child of a king, you are heard because of
your place of special privilege. How much more
so with our heavenly Father and our King,
Jesus. This is what gives us access to the
courtroom of Heaven to come before the Judge of
Heaven and Earth.


Our access to Heaven is based on our
relationship with God through Jesus. It is a
privilege that the King has the right to revoke. To
understand this, we need a little background on
the gifts of God. For our purposes let us narrow
the discussion to two specific passages in

To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to

another, one, each according to his own ability; and
then he went on his journey. (Matthew 25:15)

Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all
power of absolute rule) in Heaven and on Earth has
been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of
all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe
in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, (Matthew 28:18-19)

Jesus used the word dynamis in conjunction

with gifts bestowed upon individuals to do the
work of the master. This Greek word means
“power”; it is the root of the word dynamite or
dynamic. This reaffirms that power is given as a
gift from God, as seen in conjunction with the
gifts of the Spirit.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

(Romans 11:29 ESV)

When God gives gifts, He doesn’t take them

back. If we continue in disobedience, our
spiritual eyes may be clouded over – one of the
aspects of a curse, but we still retain the original
gift God gave us. This explains how the following
is possible:

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter

the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the
will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to
me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
your name and in your name drive out demons and in
your name perform many miracles?” Then I will tell
them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you
evildoers!” (Matthew 7:21-23 ESV)

In this verse, the Greek word basileia

translates as “the kingdom.” The full definition
according to the “Strong’s Concordance” is “of
the royal power and dignity conferred on
Christians in the Messiah’s kingdom.” The King
James Version simplified this to read: “will get
into the kingdom of Heaven.” However, the
indication of royal power and dignity of the
kingdom of Heaven makes more sense. Dignity
means a state of being worthy of respect. In
essence the first part of this passage is saying
that you will lose your place of respect in the
Courts of Heaven where the royal power is
located and being released.
The people mentioned in this passage of
scripture were casting out demons and doing
miracles in the name of Jesus, so obviously they
knew something about the Word of God. They
were not just charlatans peddling snake oil (fake
elixirs or miracles), they were actually operating
in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Two of the gifts of
the Spirit are performing miracles and

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for
He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He
change His mind about those to whom He gives His
grace or to whom He sends His call]. (Romans 11:29)

This means gifts can be used for self-gain.

During the spiritual awakening of the 1970s,
gifts of the Spirit were greatly abused, which
caused the Body of Christ to shy away from
these manifestations of God’s power facilitated
by the Holy Spirit. Stories of “prophets” who
would give a prophecy then demand payment for
the words they spoke were commonplace. The
beginning of the quoted parable speaks of them:

Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to

you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent],
but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you
will recognize them [that is, by their contrived doctrine
and self-focus]. (Matthew 7:15-16)

Demanding payment is not God’s way. They

were abusing the gift given to them. However,
even with this abuse, they retained some of the
power God gave them. The name of Jesus is
given to everyone who believes. It seems that
even the disobedient retain a measure of
authority through the name of Jesus to cast out
some demons.

Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter
the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will
of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me
on that day [when I judge them], “Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons
in Your name, and done many miracles in Your
name?” And then I will declare to them publicly, “I
never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished
from My presence], you who act wickedly
[disregarding My commands].”
(Matthew 7:21-23 AMP)

Notice that the people in this passage refer to

Jesus as Lord. This makes them Christians. “On
that day” is the same phrase referred to earlier.
It is translated from the Greek word hēmera,
which means “a civil day, or a day in your life.”
So when some Christians call out “Lord, Lord,”
they will be unable to enter the Kingdom of
Heaven where the courts are, even if they are
doing miracles in His name.
When escorting a leader into the Courts of
Heaven who had abused the authority granted
through the name of Jesus, I heard, “Myron is
barred from the Courts.” In the third Bootcamp
book we discuss how it is possible to wield
unauthorized authority. If you continue to abuse
the power and privileges of your royal status, it

seems you can lose your access to God as
There is a penalty for those who disregard
the commands of Jesus: they aren’t allowed in
His presence. Many people take this to mean
that they are kicked out of Heaven and thus lose
their salvation. However, the Bible does not
support this:

➢ Whenever the Bible mentions being kicked out of

Heaven and assigned to Hell, it usually uses language
like, “into utter darkness” or where there is “weeping
and gnashing of teeth.” There is no mention of either of
these in conjunction with banning these people from
His presence.
➢ There are ways to lose your salvation. However, self-
centered greed and disregarding the new commandment
Jesus gave us are not among the reasons listed.

For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the

world by [personal] knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are
overcome, their last condition has become worse for
them than the first. For it would have been better for
them not to have [personally] known the way of
righteousness, than to have known it and then to have
turned back from the holy commandment [verbally]
handed on to them. (2 Peter 2:20-21)

As is often the way in scripture, one verse
expands upon and gives greater definition to the
other. This first verse shows us that if we receive
the Lord then revert to our old ways, we are
worse off than if we never heard His Word at all.
However, remember that when we come to
Him, we are His children. If your child says “I
hate you,” “I wish you were dead,” or “I wish I
had other parents,” do you take them seriously?
Do you disown them or prepare their adoption
papers? Of course not. And until a child reaches
a certain point in their maturity, they are not
able to make certain decisions. A passage from
Hebrews shows the level of maturity we need in
order to leave our Heavenly Father.

For [it is impossible to restore to repentance] those

who have once been enlightened [spiritually] and who
have tasted and consciously experienced the heavenly
gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted
and consciously experienced the good Word of God
and the powers of the age (world) to come, and then
have fallen away—it is impossible to bring them back
again to repentance… (Hebrews 6:4-6)

“Fallen away” means to deny God and Jesus.

What precedes the phrase in this scripture are
the irredeemable circumstances in which one
would walk away from Jesus. We have to have
done all of the following:
➢ experience the heavenly gift
➢ share in the Holy Spirit
➢ experience the good Word of God
➢ experience the powers of the age to come

You must have done all of these to be

qualified to denounce your faith. One of these is
straightforward. Have you received the fullness
of the Holy Spirit? If you haven’t ever been
baptized and recognized His voice inside you,
then you are not qualified to denounce God. The
others are a bit tricky:

Heavenly Gift: The Greek word epouranios means

“heavenly.” More literally, it means “things that exist
in Heaven.” If you have not had a direct encounter
with things from Heaven, you are not capable of
denouncing your faith. This isn’t only angelic
encounters or trips to Heaven; it can be a new body
part that miraculously replaces a missing or broken
Good Word of God: “Word” was not capitalized in
any version of this text that I looked up. This got me
curious. “The Word” often means Jesus or the scripture
and is always capitalized. Why isn’t it here?
The Greek word used is rhēma and means, “spoken
word”; one of the applications adds, “a matter of
dispute, case of law.” What was translated as “of God”
is the word theos, and one of the definitions is “God
and his counsels, interests, things due to Him.” When
you add these two together, you get someone who has
experienced the spoken counsels of God. This may
refer to the Courts of Heaven, or it may refer to
hearing from the Holy Spirit; there is some wiggle
room. Hearing counsels of God, however, is necessary
if you are to be taken seriously when you turn your
back on God.
The Powers of the Age to Come: The gifts of the
Spirit are “tastes” of the power that we will wield in
fullness in the age to come. Do you prophecy, pray for
the sick and see them healed? Has a prayer resulted in
a miracle? If not, then you are not qualified to walk
away from God.
As you can see, God has made it very
difficult to lose that which His Son paid such a
high price. Using His gifts for selfish, greedy gain
is not enough for that punishment. Even so,
being cast out of his presence is a heavy penalty.
The Courts of Heaven is where our underutilized
authority lies, and if we cannot get into the
throne room, we cannot go before God.

And then I will declare to them publicly, “I never knew

you; depart from Me [you are banished from My
presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My
commands].” (Matthew 7:23 AMP)

“The One Man Bible” was created by

Reverend William J. Morford. He spent many
years in Israel with Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda,

the grandson of the man who brought the
Hebrew language back to life when the country
was re-established. It translates the verse in this

…you working without Torah (Teaching) must

continually depart from Me.

These are people who are working without

knowledge of what the Bible says. The phrase,
“Lord, Lord!” is a cry for help to the Lord whom
they trust. The verses that follow in Matthew
speak of those who hear the words of God and
do as the Lord says. He will be like a house built
on a rock. Storms will come but the house (our
life) will stand. But a man who doesn’t build his
house on the rock (Jesus) when the storms
come, his house will be destroyed (Matthew
7:24-25). This is because they are banned from
His presence in the Courts of Heaven and
cannot get the cases against them dismissed.
This is confirmed in the Old Testament:

Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My

ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My
house and have charge of My courts, and I will give
you access [to My presence] and places to walk among
these who stand here. (Zechariah 3:7)

Access is granted through our obedience to

God’s ways.

Order in the Court

As previously stated, God represents

orderliness. Likewise, His courts operate
according to rules He has in place. You should
never go into the courts without being able to
receive instructions from your Lead Advocate,
Jesus, through your earthly Counselor, the Holy
Going to the Courts of Heaven is for mature
Christians who know God’s ways, not newborn
believers. You would not push your way into an
earthly courtroom without being able to receive
charges against you, therefore, you should not
enter the Courts of Heaven without being able to
receive information from the Judge over Heaven
and Earth.
In the previously stated verses Jesus
mentions the need to study the Torah, the first
five books of the Bible.

Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His

inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof
and conviction of sin, for correction of error and
discipline in obedience, [and] for training in
righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s
will in thought, purpose, and action), so that the man of
God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and
thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy

To be properly equipped for the good works

God has in mind for us, we need the Old
Testament and learn about the ways of our new
homeland, the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible
shows us the operation of the courts. The Book
of Job begins with Satan in the assembly (court)
and before God brings charges against Job.

Now there was a day when the sons (the angels) of

God came to present themselves before the Lord, and
Satan (the adversary and accuser) also came among
them. (Job 1:6)

Does Job [reverently] fear God for nothing? Have You

not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he
has, on every side? You have conferred prosperity and
happiness upon him in the work of his hands, and his
possessions have increased in the land. But put forth
Your hand now and touch all that he has, and he will
curse You to Your face. (Job 2:9-11)

Satan’s charges were that Job only loved

God because God protected him and was blessed
by Him. This would be akin to sending an
offering to a minister because they promised you
would be blessed when you did so. You aren’t
giving an offering to God thanking Him for His
goodness when you are only trying to buy a
We can and should pray for our loved ones
by standing on scriptures and the promises of
God, this can be done inside or outside of the
Courts. Jesus in contending for you in the
Courts and will use your words as evidence. As
we do this, we thank Him for what He has done,
not giving offerings because the offerings will
save us. Job was not there to answer the
charges levied against him. Consequently, Satan
was allowed access to him.

Surely I wish to speak to the Almighty, and I desire to

argue and reason my case with God… (Job 13:3)

When the suffering failed to leave, Job, being

aware of the courts, tried to petition God as he
prepared his legal defense and his case. In the
following verse, there is a debate where Job tries
to justify himself. God quickly shuts him down.
In the courts, we must acknowledge that God is
just. Any access the enemy has to us is because
of a righteous judgment.
When Job finally did this and submitted to
God, he was restored. We have something much
better; we have the blood of Jesus. This is
something the enemy has no defense against.

…for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps
bringing before our God charges against them day and
night, has been cast out! And they have overcome
(conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb
and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not
love and cling to life even when faced with death.
(Revelation 12:10-11)

The “him” stated here is Satan in the

previous verse. “Testimony” is a legal term
making it clear that Satan needs to be defeated
in court. “Sifting” is a term some have used in
the case of Job and Jesus used it in connection
with Satan’s demand for Peter. Sifting is when
Satan attacks in order to try or test one’s faith –
it is a trial. Satan’s ultimate goal is that you will
fail the test and be removed from the Earth. Our
defense of his attacks has three parts:

1. Do not love and cling to life when faced with death. We

must confess that we have sinned and are being rightly
punished by God.
2. Plead the blood of the Lamb.
3. Give testimony in the Courts of Heaven.

We can do this outside of the Courts, but on

occasion, the Lord will want us to come before
the Judge to receive the charges against us.
These are sins in our lives.

Make sure you are hearing from your
Advocate before entering. If you don’t feel like
you can hear from Jesus through the Holy
Spirit, we have developed a free online school,
the Courts of Heaven Academy, to help you.
How do we get into the Courts of Heaven if
the Lord says to come? Most people know how to
do this from an old song:

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his

courts with praise… (Psalms 100:4 KJV)

You get into the gates of Heaven by thanking

Him for what He has done, and you gain His
presence by expressing admiration for who He
is. Jesus has made it that simple. These two
elements in your prayer will give you access to
the Courts of Heaven.
The best example of court procedures is
found in Isaiah.

Put Me in remembrance [remind Me of your merits];

let us plead and argue together. Set forth your case,
that you may be justified (proved right). (Isaiah 43:26)

This is the proper order of petition in


1. “Put me in remembrance” – Remind God that you are

His child and a citizen of Heaven through the

righteousness of Jesus Christ and that you are working
for Him: you have taken Jesus as Lord.
2. “Let us plead and argue together” – This is where
you confess your sins, known and unknown, repent
with a willing heart to do better, then plead the blood of
Jesus. You will also need to repent for and rebuke any
words you have said.
3. “That you may be justified” – Ask for justice: you
have been cleared of wrongdoing by the blood of Jesus
so ask that all cases be dismissed because of lack of

Zechariah also shows a court setting and

what we can expect to see there.

THEN [the guiding angel] showed me Joshua the high

priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan
standing at Joshua’s right hand to be his adversary and
to accuse him. (Zechariah 3:1)

Because of this example, I always ask to

hear the charges against me. I have heard some
outrageous things. Once, I told someone that if I
were in their shoes, I would probably ask for a
divorce. In this case the couple in question had
been to counseling many times and the spouse
promised to change some very hurtful behavior.
Each time, the promised change only lasted a
few months. This admission came after
explaining why, Biblically speaking, he really
didn’t have grounds for a divorce because there
had been no adultery.
The next day I went to the courts and asked
for my accusers to come forth and state any
charges against me. I heard, “Traitor, traitor,
traitor,” chanted over and over again in a mental
I asked the Holy Spirit how I had betrayed
the Kingdom of Heaven, and immediately the
conversation with my brother flashed into my
What we say and mean in our hearts, is
counted in Heaven as done. I hadn’t asked for a
divorce, but I meant it when I said I would ask
for one even if it was for the wrong reasons. This
would be committing an intentional sin, which
would give grounds for the enemy of the
Kingdom of Heaven to accuse me. What does it
mean when you intentionally give grounds over
to your enemy? It is treason.
I confessed that I had sinned, that it was
wrong and I wouldn’t ever do that again and
pled the blood of Jesus over that sin. I finished
by asking that the case against me be dismissed.
A friend once heard “unrighteous.” She
couldn’t fathom what that meant because she
knew she was righteous through the blood of
Jesus. This may have been stated for several
reasons, but whatever the charges, ask the Holy
Spirit to reveal the root cause, confess that you
are guilty but will no longer act in that way and
plead the blood over it.
One time, I heard nothing although my mind
was quiet for a while. So I asked, “Mighty Judge,
are there no charges against me?” I heard,
“Righteous, righteous, righteous,” chanted by
the crowd. It brought tears to my eyes as I
stated, “Thank you, God that I am righteous, not
by my own doing, but through the blood and
sacrifice of my Savior and Lord, Jesus.”
Going to the Courts of Heaven is a privilege
that was paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus. If you
had access to the President of the United States
or the Prime Minister of England, what would
you do to get the honor of approaching them?
Would you study up on protocol? Learn the
It wouldn’t be a chore to learn what you need
to, it would be wonderful to have access to
someone in a place of power who could make
your life better. How much more of an advantage
and privilege would it be to have access to the
Creator of all that we know?
Would you casually barge into a head of
state’s office saying, “Hey dude, there’s this
thing… You got my back, right?” Likewise, would
you leave without so much as a “Thank you?”
Many of us do this to God without realizing what
our actions mean.

It is important to follow proper court
procedures whenever possible. Yes, there are
times when we run to our father’s feet saying
“Help me, Daddy!” and He produces a miracle.
But as we get older, our Father expects us to
learn and adapt to His ways.
Terminology may vary, as well as the order of
some of the procedures. Below is an example of
how I enter the courts. While it isn’t the only
way, I have found it to be effective when I enter
invited by the Lord. Each step is numbered and
then explained with the corresponding numbers
that follow.

Thank you, Mighty God of all that is, was, and shall
be, for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus. You who are the
eternal and just Judge who reigns with righteousness
all throughout eternity, and I come before you now as a
citizen of Heaven and a child of the Most High.

Jesus, my Lord and Advocate, thank you for joining

me; I submit to you and your authority here. Please
guide me in all that I do.

Holy Spirit, my Counselor, guide me in all the way of

this court, help me to see and hear what is going on –
open my spiritual eyes and ears. I thank the witnesses
gathered here today.

I come before you, as Your Word tells us to come
boldly before your Throne; Not in my own
righteousness, but in the righteousness of my Lord,
Jesus. I confess that my ancestors ways were not your
ways. They have sinned against you and your
kingdom. I, too, have sinned against You and Your
Kingdom. My tongue has not been tamed, I have
spoken wrongly about myself and others. I renounce
any words I have spoken that don’t line up with Your
plans for my life or the lives of others. I ask that the
Blood of Jesus blot these words out now from all
records in Heaven and Earth.

I realize that I don’t know as much as I should about

You and Your ways. I desire to learn Your ways and
turn from any sin in my life.

I have taken Jesus as the Lord of my life and am His

willing bondservant. According to your Word, His
blood cries out from the ground, asking for mercy. I
thank you for that mercy Father and I ask that you
grant me mercy and forgive me for my sins, so that I
may learn your ways and turn from my sin: Place me
before the Throne of Grace and Mercy and free me
from the attacks of the enemy.

Lord Jesus, the Word says you will contend for us. I
ask that you contend for me in the Courts of Heaven

should the enemy come against me while I am
studying Your ways.

Remove any veils hindering my thoughts and open my

spiritual eyes so I may see and understand the ways of
Your Kingdom.

I thank you for the grace and mercy granted through

the blood of your son! Amen.

This is a prayer template only. If you come

with our prayer team to and enter the Courts of
Heaven we will be listening to the Holy Spirit to
see if anything else needs to be done. Sometimes
there are other things that must be declared and
broken to receive freedom such as declarations,
decrees, agreements or such from our ancestors.
You should now have grace and mercy to
learn God’s ways so that you can take your
rightful place in the Courts of Heaven as a Child
of the most High and a Citizen of Heaven. You
want to stay in that place of grace and mercy
until you are able to:

➢ Hear the Holy Spirit clearly

➢ Know about your rightful place in the Courts
➢ Know the procedures for operating in the Courts

As long as you are trying to learn about God and

are turning from any sin that is revealed to you

by the Holy Spirit, you should remain in that
place of grace. Please consider learning about
God and the Courts from where you have
received freedom. (We operate under the
principles of Matthew 10 - Everything is free and
you decide if it is of spiritual benefit from God
and what it is worth.)
Wait in silence. If you hear any words
repeated over and over these are charges against
you. They may be; unfaithful, liar, adulterer,
thief, traitor, or many other charges. You may
also hear words such as holy or righteous,
meaning there is nothing currently against you.
• If you hear charges, ask the Holy Spirit what
they mean and repent for the sins associated
with them. Then plead the blood of Jesus
over them.
• If you don’t know what they mean, do not
enter a confession: it would be a false
confession and the enemy may place
additional charges against you. Ask the
Judge for a “stay of judgement so that you
have time to learn what they mean then exit
the courtroom with step seven.
• If you don’t hear anything, ask, “Mighty
Judge, are there no charges against me this
• If you still hear nothing, apologize for coming
to the courtroom before you were ready. Ask

for a “stay of judgement while you take time
to learn His ways. Exit the courtroom with
step seven.

1. I repent for any sins I have committed (confess any the

Holy Spirit brings to your mind) and I plead the blood
of Jesus over them. I ask for grace and mercy for any
sin I am unaware of until the Holy Spirit reveals it to
me and enables me to do it no more.
2. I rebuke any words I have said that are contrary to Your
will and repent for any idle words I have said (confess
any that come to mind) I plead the blood of Jesus over
3. Mighty Judge, I ask that all cases pending against me
be dismissed for lack of evidence for all my sins have
been blotted out by the blood of Jesus. I ask that all
judgments that have been won against me be overturned
for lack of evidence as well.
4. Mighty God, You who are just, I ask that You send out
Your angels to return what the enemy has tried to steal
from me with these cases. I ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.
5. Mighty Judge, I thank you for sending your Son, Jesus
who is my Lord. Because of His sacrifice, I have been
able to come here and understand what was against me.
Holy Spirit, thank you for being here and helping me
understand what I need to know! All is for your glory,
Mighty Just and Righteous Judge!

Explanation of the Procedure:

1. “We enter His gates with thanksgiving; we enter his

courts with praise.” We begin by thanking Him for
something (I go big and straight to Jesus) then we extol
His greatness which is praise. Any proclamation of how
great God is counts as praise.
2. Many verses speak about the assembly gathered before
God. I like to acknowledge them as I officially enter the
court. Asking for my accusers to come forth is based on
Zachariah’s vision of Joshua who saw his accuser
(Zachariah 3:1). I ask for the same. How can we come
against charges if we do not know what they are? In a
book about the Courts of Heaven, a seer did this and
saw the enemy come forth and state the charges. What
God will do for one, He will do for another.
a. A seer is someone whose spiritual eyes are opened.
Before the time of King Saul, they were called
prophets. (I Samuel 9:9)
3. The Bible says if we confess our sins He is faithful to
forgive us of them. It also states that the blood of Jesus
wipes all memory of those sins from the records in
Heaven. This means the enemy can no longer use it as
evidence against us. By pleading the blood we are
dismissing all the evidence the enemy has against us.
You must do this each time you sin.
4. The Word tells us that we will have to give an account
of every idle word we speak. The Greek word for “idle”
means words spoken outside the faith of God or against

God’s will. If the enemy is using our words against us
or against someone else, rebuking them cancels the
effects of them. Pleading the blood removes them from
use in future cases.
5. Now that the evidence against us has been cleared, we
need to ask for the cases to be dismissed so that all
authority the enemy has over our lives is removed. Do
not proceed to the next step unless you hear dismissed,
overruled, or something to that effect.
6. Jesus said He could ask and the Father would send
legions of angels to assist Him. The Bible tells us that
God restores doubly what Satan takes from us and, in
some cases, restored seven-fold. Also, the word tells us
that what we ask in Jesus’ name will be done so our joy
will be full. God is a just Judge, He restored twice what
the enemy had taken from Job and will restore us as
7. Thank the Judge for the honor of entering His
courtroom and spend a moment worshiping Him and
His Son for all they have done.

If the enemy has had a place in your life for

some time, the demons may come back to see if
you will give them leverage over you again by
walking in the same sin that allowed them
access before. Symptoms may reappear, desires
for the sin you have set aside may come upon
you or bad behavior may recur. If you give into
these desires then the enemy will re-establish

his hold over you; the demons will get their
rights back. If this continues for more than two
weeks for you may have missed something and
not understood the charges. There are two

8. Learn more about the Courts and what may have gone
wrong and the free online school. There may be a soul
wound that needs healing which can be done after
completing the 301 course: Receiving Charges.
9. Often charges can be discerned and interpreted with the
gift of the Holy Spirit. Send them into us at and ask
that they be discerned. If they are, bring them to the
free weekly Dreams & Visions meeting for

These are the basic court procedures.

However, there are a few additional actions that
any Christian may take in the Courts of Heaven;
interceding for others, breaking generational
curses, and canceling contracts or agreements
which allow the enemy access.


“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you,
that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for
you that your faith may not fail…” (Luke 22:31)

Satan is referred to as our “adversary” in 1
Peter 5:8 (KJV) “because your adversary the
devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking
whom he may devour…” The Greek word for
“adversary” is antidikos, which literally
translated means “adversary in a legal setting.”
The Greek word for “demand” is exaiteō and it
means “to ask that one be given over from the
power of another,” according to “Strong’s
Concordance.” This means that Satan was in the
assembly before God’s court and was bringing
charges against Job, asking that Peter might be
sifted, or tested, and that his faith be put on
The Greek word deomai translates as “pray,”
but also “to beseech or petition.” A petition is a
formal request. It means to submit a plea, which
is the definition of plead. Because Jesus was on
this Earth and Peter was one of His disciples,
Jesus had authority over him. Jesus used this
authority in the Courts of Heaven to submit a
plea for Peter to be strengthened in faith.

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone

steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to
do the things that I do; and he will do even greater
things than these, because I go to the Father…
(John 14:12)

Jesus interceded in the Courts of Heaven for
those under His authority. As this verse states,
we can do the same. We can also do as Job did
and intercede in the Courts of Heaven for those
who have persecuted us.

…and My servant Job shall pray for you, for I will

accept [his prayer] that I deal not with you after your
folly. (Job 42:8)

When you read the Book of Job, be careful to

note who is speaking. God said that what
Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and
Zophar the Naamathite said of Him wasn’t
accurate, therefore He didn’t accept their
prayers. In verse 10, it says Job prayed, and
cited the Hebrew word palal, which means “to
intercede.” So we can intercede for friends as
well. Our children are automatically under our
authority because we have authority over them
on this Earth.
To implement this authority in the Courts of
Heaven, do the following after you have come
into and recognized the court:

Say something to the effect of: “I come before this

court on the behalf of ________ for (he/she is my
son/daughter or who is under my authority).

Place a plea for grace and mercy: “Mighty God, I
know you are merciful and full of grace. I ask for
mercy upon _________. Moses always asked for
God’s mercy when Israel was disobedient or He was
upset with them. God always was merciful to them!

Confess for their sins. If you know what they are,

name them.

Confess for and rebuke any words you have said

against them.

Ask for cases to be dismissed.

Once you hear dismissed, ask for the enemy to be


More details about entering the Courts for

Grace and Mercy for older children is in the first
course at the Courts of Heaven Academy. Above
all else, always listen to the Holy Spirit. Let Him
guide you through these proceedings.

Satan is still operating under the Law of
Moses. He will dig through your past and even
your ancestor’s past, so that he may apply a
curse he can to you to slow you down.
Hereditary conditions or sinful behaviors can

manifest themselves and include but not be
limited to fits of temper, alcoholism, drug
addiction, and depression. Any repetitive
behavior handed down can be a generational
Finding the curse may be done in the
following way:

➢ Confess that the behavior is wrong (if it is a sinful

➢ Tell the enemy to leave, “Satan, take your hands off
➢ State the promise of God that relates to your condition.

If the enemy continues to harass you for more much

easier than breaking it. You must know how you
participated in the sin and whether it was created
through a soul wound to effectively break a
generational curse. See the Courts of Heaven Academy
Workbook: Foundations in the Courts of Heaven to
begin learning more about curses and how to break

If you or any of your ancestors have made an
agreement with a demonic entity, Satan may try
to enforce that contract on your life. Ask the
Counselor and your Advocate if you need to
repent for a specific action of your own or for an
ancestor’s action. Then proceed with the usual
steps, but instead of breaking a curse, break the

Job’s Accusers

The ways of the Courts of Heaven are

complex. This book does not cover all there is to
know about them; I doubt any book could. For
this reason, it is of primary importance that we
show compassion and patience toward one

Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that

you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing
at the door. (James 5:9)

You never know what the person next to you

has endured in their life. Nor do we ever know
what afflictions and past experiences the enemy
has brought against them. To pronounce the
exact cause of an attack by the enemy without a
strong leading of the Holy Spirit is dangerous.
James, who was the biological brother of Jesus,
continues to explain:

As an example of suffering and patience, brothers, take

the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
Behold, we consider those blessed who remained
steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job,
and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the
Lord is compassionate and merciful. (James 5:10-11)

Some of the cases against us are a “sifting,”

a test or a trial that comes before a promotion.
The blood of Jesus is atonement for sins, so
sickness and disease under the curse cannot
come upon you as it did with Job. If Satan tries,
we need to go to the courts and plead the blood.
What the enemy uses during these times is as
varied as our individual situations. Be assured,
whatever difficult circumstance is against you, it
will only be for a time, a season of testing.
You and I are not able to correctly discern a
cause without help from above. Remember Job’s
accusers. His friends thought they were helping,
but God said that they did not speak right about
Him. Because of this, Job had to pray for them
before they could get right with God.

…the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is

kindled against you and against your two friends, for
you have not spoken of Me the thing that is right, as
My servant Job has. (Job 42:7)

…My servant Job shall pray for you, for I will accept
[his prayer] that I deal not with you after your folly, in
that you have not spoken of Me the thing that is right,
as My servant Job has. (Job 42:8)

Don’t kindle God’s anger against you.
Instead, encourage one another that the blood of
Jesus has indeed set us free from sin. Love one
another, bless one another, and in good time
God will reveal the cause and provide the
answer. Above all, trust that God is a just
Judge. Even if you don’t know exactly what or
why something is happening, always know that
He loves you and that one day when you are
beside Him you will understand.

Witness of the Courts

On September 22nd, I was contacted a

second time by a Facebook reader, Carolyn. She
said that she had been praying for her estranged
children of thirty years, but the only result was a
worsening of the problem. Here is some
background on her:
A few years ago, Carolyn discovered that she
was able to see into the spirit realm. This would
make her a seer. The Old Testament uses two
words when referring to a seer: ra'ah and
chozeh. Ra'ah literally means “to see,”
particularly in the sense of seeing visions. Other
meanings include “to gaze,” “to look upon,” and
“to perceive.” Chozeh literally means “a beholder
in vision” and can also be translated as “gazer”
or “stargazer.”
From the description that Carolyn gave me,
it seems she is a chozeh. For her at least, it
seems that the veil between this natural world
and the spiritual realm is thin. When the Holy
Spirit allows it, she is able to peer into the other
dimension. After we exchanged a couple of
messages, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to
speak with her on the phone.
During the conversation I briefly described
the Courts of Heaven and what the Bible says
about it. Carolyn said, “When you spoke about
the courts, I saw myself standing in the doorway
looking in on the courts where God was Judge.
My knees were trembling and I was too afraid to
go in.” Since this book wasn’t yet released, I
verbally explained to Carolyn why we can boldly
approach the throne of God.
A couple of days later, I was messaging
Carolyn again. This time, the Holy Spirit rose up
strongly inside her, “I am so righteously angry
about my children being stolen. I want to storm
the gates of heaven, enter that courtroom of
which you speak, and have them RELEASED!”
“We can do that right now,” I replied. “Give
me a call and I’ll walk you into the courts.”
It didn’t take long. I gave her the rundown
about how we would enter, then took the lead
using the examples in this book. After we
interceded for her children, Carolyn exclaimed,
“Lynn, there are gold flakes in this room!”
This wasn’t the first time this had happened
for Carolyn. However, in the past it occurred in
rooms where intense prayer had taken place.
Her husband and granddaughter also had seen
the gold patches which covered the walls and
ceilings on two other occasions. Carolyn had
discovered that she could put her hand straight
through them.
“God’s glory is represented by gold in dreams
and visions,” I explained to her. “This is showing
us that entering the courts in this way is
bringing God’s glory here on Earth! God wants
you to know that your kids are now in His
Later I recounted this story to my prayer
group. None of them had seen anything when
entering the courts and only on one occasion did
a member hear a whisper from the Holy Spirit.
Since they continued to enter the courts by
faith, I hoped this story would encourage them.
“I am so jealous!” one member, Alice,
lamented. “How I would love to see something!”
I cautioned the others, “You should be aware
of what you are asking of God. A seer gift such
as Carolyn’s seems like fun, but there is a
downside. The veil between this world and the
next is thin for a seer. This also means the
enemy has easy access to you.”
I continued by recounting a story Carolyn
had told me: “Once while traveling through the
town where she knew there was heavy demonic
activity, she had the irresistible urge to use the
facilities. When she got out of the car, a
concussive force, like the shockwave of an
explosion, pushed her over. She broke her leg in
four places.”
“I’d love to see angels and see into Heaven,”
Kristy, another member, declared. “But I think
the other things—seeing demons and feeling
stuff like that —would really scare me,” she said.
“God knows what He is doing... if I don’t get a
seer gift, that is okay with me.”
“This is why we are supposed to gather
together with other Christians,” I tried to
encourage them. “We each have our own gifts,
the gifts God knows are right for us. He sent
Carolyn to our group to confirm our activity in
the Courts of Heaven. People with this type of
gift need to have their spiritual armor on all the
time. They need to be vigilant in their prayers. It
is an exciting calling,” I said, “but a demanding
one as well.”
We are the body of Christ. Parts of the body
should be linked together. Each group of
Christians should contain an apostle, an
evangelist, a prophet, and a teacher and seer. If
you have a seer, apostle, evangelist or prophetic
gift, you may be called to be part of many groups
because the purpose of each of these gifts is
centered around reaching others. With the
communication tools we have today, parts of
your group may be located anywhere in the
world and you may only need to call upon them

Final Words

God made a particularly strong impression

on me in 2016. He told me to add two elements
to all free books:

First Word
Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10:8

Most people only apply this verse to what is

mentioned directly before it.

Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who
have leprosy, drive out demons. (Matthew 10:7)

This is the inspired word of God. There is

purpose in every nuance of what is said. In this
case, we must also examine what is not being
said: it doesn’t say, “Freely heal, freely raise the
dead, freely cleanse, freely cast out.” This would
have clearly defined what we should do freely.
Instead we have Jesus giving instruction and
direction. First He reveals what He has called
them to do and empowers those whom He has
set on a task. Then, He adds the parameters,
“you did nothing to earn this power or
knowledge; I give it freely to you. You do the
same. What I have given to you, give it away for
free.” (Matthew 10:1-15)
This reminded me of a woman, let’s call her
Joan, who was preaching on television. Joan
gave a word about this back in 2015, “God is
rising up the unknown to give away for free what
His anointed are charging for.”
Directly after hearing Joan’s words God kept
me awake until 4 A.M. giving me the amazing
revelation that led me to write “Why Doesn’t God
Speak to Me?” He said, “How much are you
willing to hear from Me? To receive from Me?”
Instantly, I replied, “You have given me
glimpses of the price I may have to pay, and I
am now ready and willing. I give it all to
you...should the price be my very life.”
The quiet voice of the Holy Spirit continued,
“Then implement the revelation I gave to you
when I revealed why John was taken back in
time to old Jerusalem.”
“I am, God, aren’t I?” I asked. “Ever since
You spoke to me about going to Heaven, I am
putting your revelations on my website for free.
And I will never charge for a prayer or an
“But you are charging for your books.”
The words caused a mild panic. I couldn’t
stop my thoughts, “They are my biographies...
Everyone charges for a composed biography.
And, I paid thousands for a top-of-the-line edit
on those, not to mention the cost of having the
covers professionally designed. Surely I am able
to charge for the final polished project I invested
money and years of time creating.”
He asked, “What makes these books worth
buying? Why do you have a product to sell?”
I knew better than to say, “Because I am able
to write in a way that seems to appeal to some
people.” The word tells us that He knew us
before we were formed in the womb; He designed
me with the gift to write. Instead I thought,
“Because I have had an interesting journey that
may help others.”
Gently He prodded, “And what did you do to
deserve those ‘interesting’ experiences?”
A part of me wanted to say “I fell in love with
Jesus with my whole heart.” But I know many
people who love Him as I do, and yet they
haven’t been blessed with some of the wonderful
experiences I have been given. My soul sighed as
I was forced to admit, “Nothing. I am no one. I
abandoned You. And You chose to reveal who
You are to me. I messed up time and time again,
and You sent miracle after miracle to encourage
me... These books wouldn’t exist without You.”
Peace, so strong it was undeniable, welled up
deep inside me confirming I was on the right
Despite the hours of deep revelation God had
just brought to me, petulant, whiny thoughts
burst forth, “But all the big evangelists and even
smaller pastors have made millions, if not
billions, with their books! Why did you have to
reveal this to me? Why do I have to be the one to
do it for free?”
“To whom much is given, much is required.
You now know the fullness of your calling. You
cannot give the enemy a place from which to
attack you.”
Vividly, the words I uttered less than an
hour ago came to my mind: I had said I would
do anything He asked. Another soul-sigh, “I put
my faith in You to provide. As soon as I can
write this up and upload the revised book, they
are all yours.”
This is why all books associated with “God
stuff” are now free in all distribution. The
printed copy is free (including shipping) on my
website. Occasionally, Amazon begins charging
for the ebook without notifying us. We address
this issue as soon as we are able so that it will
be free around the world. Feel free to read the
Kindle version of the book and return it the next
day or two for a full refund if you had to pay for

Second Word
The next thing God did was to bring me the
rest of Bible verses I needed to help correct the
situation with His people. God’s people who are
receiving instructions and help have an
instrumental part to play as well. If you continue
reading in Matthew, Jesus tells His disciples not
to take anything with them, no gold, not even
extra clothes:

…for the workman deserves his support (his living, his

food). (Matthew 10:10)

Giving freely allows the recipient to decide

what the revelation is worth to them and to
respond, acknowledging that they received
something of value from Him. This God’s way.
When we give, it is not to the person, it says,
“God, I believe You have sent this person and
accept that this message is from You.” This
allows Him to respond to your act of obedience
and flow more powerfully into your life.
Here are two more verses in the New
Testament on that topic:

If we have sown [the seed of] spiritual good among

you, [is it too] much if we reap from your material
benefits?... [On the same principle] the Lord directed
that those who publish the good news (the Gospel)

should live (get their maintenance) by the Gospel.
(Corinthians 9:11&14 AMPC)

Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God]

share all good things with his teacher [contributing to
his support]. Do not be deceived and deluded and
misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at
(scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or
professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He
inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude
God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is
what he will reap. (Galatians 6:6 AMPC)

This is the correct order that God shows us

in His word. First, we give what God has
revealed to us freely, then we wait for God to
speak to those who have received it. You decide
what to give: it is a matter between God and the
person who has received something of value,
and it is completely in their hands. What is
going on now is backward: we give for a price,
collecting before we even know if what we have
given has helped others.
Notice the warning at the end of the second
verse. If you receive something of spiritual value
from God and don’t respond according to His
way of doing things, you won’t benefit from what
you are learning. Responding in the way God
tells us to not only acknowledges that this has
come from Him but it also opens up the door for
God to move with power concerning that
revelation. Think of it as giving God the “thumbs
up” for God to move into your life where this
knowledge is concerned.
This was so ingrained in God’s people that a
group of Christians asked Paul not to come and
speak to them because they didn’t want to have
to give him an offering for his teaching. (2
Corinthians Chapters 11 & 12)
Those who are anointed by God to do His
work, who provide spiritually for His people
should get their substance from that work. I
hope you will pray and ask God what you should
give in return only if you have received spiritual
insight, new information, peace, hope, or
God has an amazing sense of humor. I am a
publisher who is giving away books for free. It
took some time, but I am finally okay with that. I
am doing it God’s way.
If you have received something of spiritual
value, God has instructed me to include three
ways in this book in which you can give back to
honor Him for what you have received, should
you be inclined to do so:


1. Send what God tells you to:

Lynn Hardy
P.O. Box 234
Star, Idaho 83669

2. PayPal – If you have an account, do the

a. Click on “Send Money” then select “to
friend or relative”
b. Type in this email address:
c. Type in the amount God tells you to give
3. Visit and click on “DONATE”.
It will take you to a page where there are
many options to use a credit card to give
without or without a PayPal account.

Whatever you decide, may God bless you and

keep you.

Greek Word Glossary

For those who want more information on the

process of translation, what follows are the full
definition of the words from the quoted passage
according the “Strong’s Concordance.”

Quoted passage:

(I.) To the intent (II.) that now (III.) unto the

principalities (IV.) and (V.) powers (VI.) in (VII.)
heavenly places (VIII.) might be known (IX.) by
(X) the church (XI.) the manifold (XII.) wisdom of
(XIII.) God (Ephesians 3:10)

The Roman numerals correspond with the

placement of each word below. It is organized in
the following way:

Words of the King James Bible – Greek word


The available definition(s) are listed below

that heading. The definition that the Holy Spirit
chose is underlined.

I. To the intent that – ἵνα (hina)

A. that, in order that, so that
II. now – νῦν (nyn)
A. at this time, the present, now
III. unto the principalities – ἀρχή (archē)
A. sovereignty, dominion, from Woodhouse, S.
C. (1910) English-Greek Dictionary: A
Vocabulary of the Attic Language, London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited., Page:
247, 797
1. Sovereignty means a self-governing
state: dominion
IV. and – καί (kai)
A. and, also, even, indeed, but
V. power – ἐξουσία (exousia)
A. the power of authority (influence) and of
right (privilege)
B. the power of rule or government (the power
of him whose will and commands must be
submitted to by others specifically the power
of judicial decisions
C. of the person by whom the authority is given
VI. in – ἐν (en)
A. (location) in, on, at; (with plural) among
1. (elliptical, with genitive) in the house
or the land of
a. surrounded by;
B. (time) in, at, or during the time of
VII. Heavenly places– ἐπουράνιος (epouranios)
A. existing in heaven
1. things that take place in heaven
2. the heavenly region

a. heaven itself, the abode of
God and angels
b. the lower heavens, of the
c. the heavens, of the clouds
3. the heavenly temple or sanctuary
4. of heavenly origin or nature
5. things that take place in Heaven
(Combining the last word with this word)
VIII. might be known – γνωρίζω (gnōrizō)
A. to become known, be recognized
B. to know, to gain knowledge of, have
thorough knowledge of (Thoroughly known)
IX. by – διά (dia)
A. through
1. of place; with, in
2. of time; throughout, during
3. of means; by, by the means of
B. through
1. the ground or reason by which
something is or is not done; by reason
of, on account of, because of for this
reason, therefore
C. on this account
X. the church – ἐκκλησία (ekklēsia)
A. The whole body of Christians on Earth
1. The body of Christ
XI. the manifold – πολυποίκιλος (polypoikilos)
A. much varied, manifold
XII. wisdom – σοφία (sophia)

A. wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used
of the knowledge of very diverse matters
B. the wisdom which belongs to men
C. the wisdom of God as evinced in forming
and executing counsels in the formation and
government of the world and scriptures
XIII. of God – θεός (theos)
A. The trinity
B. God, Godly

Free Books by Lynn Hardy

Why Doesn’t God Speak

to Me?

Believers’ Boot Camp

Volume 1

Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single

word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many
times the only sound is silence. Over the years I
have heard several reasons why God speaks to
some and not to others. One night, as I tossed
and turned, I brought each of these reasons
before the Lord, stating why each of them did
not line up with who I thought He was.
Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him
to reveal why He has remained silent when a
single word from Him would mean so much to so
many. For the next few hours, God used things I
learned about years ago and things I had just
discovered to show why He talks to some and
why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways.
In His grace, He also showed me how people
could hear more from Him. I have included these
basic instructions on how to hear more from
God and how to be led by Him in this book.
Keys to Authority
for Every Believer
Believers’ Boot Camp
Volume 2

There is untapped power that is easy for

every Christian to access in the form of
authority. The keys to this authority will unlock
weapons we can use to free ourselves from the
attacks of the enemy. We must be intimately
aware of the bounds and limitations of our
weapon if they are to be used effectively.

Find out about your authority:

➢ Why you need it.

➢ Where it comes from.
➢ What you can do with it.
➢ How to get more.
Roadmap to Heaven
Believers’ Boot Camp
Volume 4

As I meditated and sought

the Lord, a vision overcame
me. A “Roadmap to Heaven”
was deposited into my soul.
We are entering a season of unparalleled access
to Heaven. Jesus is calling all who are His to
visit with Him in the Secret Place of the Most

➢ What is the Secret Place?

➢ How do we enter?
➢ What will we find there?

The Bible holds the answers, the mystery

has been revealed. As you use the map given in
this book to journey to the Secret Place, discover
your destiny and find the gifts the Holy Spirit
will bring along the way.

Order copies at:

Amazon Kindle – iBooks
Paperbacks at:
Notes on Sources

As previously stated, due to the Biblical

source of the products they sell, I am unable to
recommend or give acknowledgment to present
day religious leaders, some of whom have served
to guide me personally. To endorse them in any
way would potentially only add to the charges
which could be brought against them in the
Courts of Heaven. On this subject God has been
clear: All revelation brought by Him must be
FREE! Therefore I will continue to recommend
only the products and people who meet this
standard that God has set for us all.

i The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the

Bible by James Strong, ©1890
ii Hammer, H., Finkelhor, D., & Sedlak, A. (2002).

Runaway/thrown-away children: National estimates and

characteristics. National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted,
Runaway and Thrown-away Children (NISMART Bulletin Series).
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved January 12, 2005, from

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