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He's an exemplary example of Filipino Values. He advocated a peaceful and a diplomatic way to speak out Spanish indifferences.

Bonifacio, in other hand, advocated a bloody revolution, which is against the Filipino value of LIFE. I heard that it was the Americans who choose Jose Rizal as the countrys national hero. But it was with the consent of Filipino revolutionaries because they did not like Bonifacio and was illiterate. Rizal was a renaissance man. He was educated not only in the Philippines but in Spain and Germany. He was an engineer, poet, linguist, teacher, actor, writer, novelist, etc... and most all he was executed by the Spanish authorities. Compared to Andres Bonifacio who was barely educated, considered himself as poor and was executed by his fellow Filipino revolutionaries. At that time Filipino revolutionaries were split between Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo. To put a stop to this internal conflict, Aguinaldo ordered the execution of Bonifacio. Hence we celebrate the birthdate of Bonifacio on November 30 instead of his death like that of Rizal and other heroes. First of all we should clarify the meaning of a hero to make it quite simple to understand how Rizal became one. A hero symbolizes goodness. Rizal gave us freedom by using goodness. Jose Rizal became the Philippine national hero because he fought for freedom in a silent but powerful way. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels, essays and articles rather than through the use of force or aggression. He was a very amazing person at his time. He was humble, fighting for reforms through his writings instead of through a revolution. He used his intelligence, talents and skills in a more peaceful way rather than the aggressive way. Rizal became a National Hero because he passed the criteria by being a National Hero during the American period. 1. He must be a Filipino. 2. He is already dead. 3. He displayed unconditional love for his country. 4. He has low temper. 5. He had died dramatically.

According to Renato Constantino, when the American government conquered the island of the Philippines from the Spanish government in 1896, the American government established a commonwealth government after the Spanish revolutionary government ceased to govern the country. At this time of the Philippine history, Filipinos under the commonwealth government started to frame up Filipino national identities. When the question on who would be the national hero arose, whether Rizal or Bonifacio, the American government "guided" the Filipino people to choose Rizal. The American rationale was based on Rizal's peaceful propaganda and diplomatic approaches in attaining Philippine freedom and independence, unlike Bonifacio who chose a bloody revolution. Whether this assessment is accurate or not, Dr. Rizal has been considered a hero of the Philippines from the outset: a public holiday was declared honouring Dr. Rizal in 1898, whereas that for Bonifacio was not declared until 1921. Dr. Rizal was considered to be his inspiration by Bonifacio himself. Even without the assistance of US propaganda, Rizal would have been honoured as a hero in the Philippines. Perhaps the effect of the propaganda was less to boost Rizal and more to denigrate Bonifacio.

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