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Store Profiling


Sonassi has analysed the RM365.FR store to discover potential performance issues.

This profile should not be considered a definitive list of all issues but more of a summary of

problem areas that could cause reduction in capacity or speed for the store.

Throughout the document scores are used to indicate the significance of issues found:

Serious issues that need to be fixed or investigated urgently.

Issues that need fixing but are not considered serious.

These could impact performances, site speed and stability.

Possible future improvement

No issues found

Your audit is split into four parts:

1. Stack: We review your store setup on your stack to make sure you are making use of

Sonassi’s inbuilt performance enhancements

2. Frontend: We take timings from key pages, and review issues which might block

loading of key areas of your store

3. Backend: We review modules to ascertain what affects your overall load speed

4. Logs: We review your logs to understand recent activity on your store

Executive Summary

The RM365.FR store performs below average across all areas. The store is setup to use all

of Sonassi’s enhancements correctly (see Stack).

As a first point of call, RM365.FR need to investigate their low cache hit rate. This is causing

extra load to the stack, as well as slowing down the store for customers.

Redis is correctly setup on the stack.

Cron has not been setup correctly as per Sonassi’s recommendations. This could introduce

security and stability issues if not addressed.

Grouping collections of scripts and stylesheets together into one file will drastically improve

page speed, often as much as halving them. Implementation time varies depending on

modules (see Reduce Requests).

Several modules cause a big amount of extra load time on the store. Where possible these

should be optimised or removed.

Key Details

Date of test 2022-07-06

Store URL

Magento version 2.4.3-p2 (PHP 7.4)

Cache enabled Magento Caches, Redis, Varnish

Search Engine Elasticsearch 7

Stack stack1.c867

CPU 8 Core 3.5GHz

Memory 32GB

Magento Version

Magento bring out a new release every quarter. New releases include critical security

patches, bugfixes and improvements.

We suggest that all store owners endeavour to keep up to date with the latest version


The current version of the site is 2.4.3-p2 which is 1 release behind the current 2.4.4 release.

We recommend you update to the latest version.


Sonassi have checked the configuration of your stack to verify your resources are sufficient

for your store, and you are using all available Sonassi enhancements.

What we check Why we check it

Resource Usage We check that your stack has the right resources for your store

Caching is a crucial part of Magento which reduces load and

Cache usage increases capacity. We check that all caches are setup and

working as expected.

Magento relies on scheduled tasks to make changes after an

event, rather than in real time.

Scheduled Tasks
We check your scheduled tasks are setup in a secure and stable


Cache Storage (Redis)

By default, Magento stores cache entries within file-based storage in individual files.

Reading files adds a large overhead to accessing cache entries slowing down stores and

reducing capacity.

Redis is a database facility used to store cache entries. Sonassi have inbuilt Redis cache

storage which we recommend all customers use for best performance.

The RM365.FR store was setup to use Redis. We could see that data was correctly being

stored Redis.

Figure 1: The main domain is setup to use Redis for all cache storage

Cache Storage (Varnish)

When a customer goes to a page on your store the request goes to your stack and is handed

onto Magento to process it.

Magento looks for a matching entry within its cache, and where available this is returned. In

some cases, pages cannot be cached and must be generated on-the-fly for customers. This

is a resource-intensive action, so we look for a high cache hit-rate to increase speed and


Requesting any page from Magento is an intensive action, even when cached. Magento is a

heavy application which requires a large amount of resource just to check for a matching

cache entry.

Sonassi have an additional caching layer available – Varnish. Varnish holds the cache on the


Magento suggest all merchants use Varnish:

‘We strongly recommend you use Varnish in production. The built-in full-page

caching (to either the file system or database) is much slower than Varnish, and

Varnish is designed to accelerate HTTP traffic.’ Extract from Magento Devdocs

RM365.FR have activated Varnish on the store correctly.

[___general]$ cat | grep magestack_cacheable

set $magestack_cacheable true;

Figure 2: Caching is enabled correctly on the server-side

[http]$ cat app/etc/env.php | grep -A5 http_cache_hosts

'http_cache_hosts' => [

'host' => 'lb1.i',

'port' => '80'


Figure 3: Magento is set to use Varnish and it points to the stack correctly.

Cache Hit Rate

Dynamic pages such as the checkout are marked as uncacheable by default so that each

user gets an individual result.

These pages must always be processed by Magento. As pages returned from Magento are

more resource intensive all merchants should strive to have as much content stored in

Varnish as possible.

The graph below shows the RM365.FR hit rate, currently averaging 56.07%.

This hit rate is low, an average above 70% should be expected.

This suggests that cache is flushed too often, or pages contain elements that set the

cacheable Magento attribute to false.

Figure 4: Cache hit rates. Currently averaging 56.07%

Cache Lifetime

Content will stay in Varnish until its expiration date. This is controlled by the lifetime set by

Magento (TTL).

On RM365.FR the lifetime is set to 24 hours, meaning the content will be cached for longer,

resulting in better performances and less resource usage.

Figure 5: Varnish in use, but lifetime set to just 24 hours


Elasticsearch is a database used to store data for use in searching. Elasticsearch is used for

all product lister pages on the store, as well as for general searches.

Elasticsearch has a memory limit of 1000MB. RM365.FR is using too much memory, causing

performance degregation to the store.

Figure 6: Elasticsearch memory usage

Scheduled Tasks (Cron)

Magento performs numerous tasks on a scheduled basis. As an example, Magento caches

pages that customers see for best performance. When a product is changed in the admin

the cache then needs to be cleared for this product. This happens on a scheduled task.

Magento’s default scheduled task configuration has security issues as it is allowed full

access across the stack. This means that it can access files which is should not be allowed

access to.

At times scheduled tasks can take longer to complete than expected. When this happens

tasks can become backed up causing huge store issues.

Sonassi have defined a secure way to run Magento’s scheduled tasks without the risk of

long running tasks causing backlogs. RM365.FR is not using Sonassi’s method for

scheduled tasks, which can leave the site exposed to security and stability issues.

Figure 7: Scheduled tasks running on the stack

Resource Usage

Sonassi have analysed usage of key resources on your stack to check that your usage is

safely inside limits.

CPU Load

We look to see usage at around 25% of the available CPU capacity. This allows for the

occasional large spike without causing the store to go offline.

The current load is around 5% which is a well within the limits. However, there are also a

number of noticeable spikes which should be investigated to reduce unnecessary resource

usage and stress on the stack.

Figure 8: CPU load average

Memory Load

Sonassi stacks use memory as much as possible for peak performance. We split memory

usage into memory which is required for the store to function (here in dark green), memory

used by the operating system for caching (from the darker green section up to the purple

section), and memory available for use (here in a light green).

Stacks will keep using memory until it is all in use, at which point they will use a small

portion of their storage as emergency memory (also known as swap). As such we expect a

high utilisation rate.

On this stack we can see memory usage is well within expected thresholds.

Figure 9: Memory utilisation

Frontend Profiling

When a customer visits your store the first part of the wait is for your store to return the

instructions for the browser to build the page, these instructions are in HTML, and the time a

customer waits here is the time to first byte (TTFB).

Once the HTML is returned the browser works through the instructions one line at a time.

Lines can be simple instructions (e.g., show X some text) or more complex instructions,

such as telling the browser to download images or scripts.

For each additional file the browser has to download each line of this must be read and


Scripts can add functionality to a page, like tracking the users details to third parties like

Google Tag Manager or showing the customer the items in their basket.

In the majority of cases well cached page will have a very low TTFB, and the loading time will

be made up of downloading content and processing it.

Our frontend profile analyses each page to gather details of the TTFB, browser load time and

the size of the page. Using these we can determine where the biggest performance cost

occurs to help you understand how to optimise your store.

Pages Analysed

Several pages that make up key part of the user journey are picked for deeper review:

Page URL


Product listing page

Product details page

Search page

Cart page

Checkout page

Success page

1. Homepage

Figure 10: Screenshot of the homepage


The homepage is a key landing page for customers. We look for a quick page, which always

gets cached to limit load on the stack (see Stack section for more details).

Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

The page was cached correctly in Varnish resulting in a decent time to first byte (TTFB).

The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large amount of images being

downloaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 25ms -175ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 1250ms -750ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 8200KB 6152KB

2. Product listing page

Figure 11: Screenshot of the product listing page


Product lister pages typically suffer from a slow speed when the number of products loaded

is high, or when the images are loaded on page load. Pagination is set to 24 which is higher

than our recommended value of 12.

Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

The page was cached correctly in Varnish resulting in a decent time to first byte (TTFB).

The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

downloaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 27ms -173ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 823ms -1177ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 3300KB 1252KB

3. Product details page

Figure 12: Screenshot of the product details page


Product detail pages typically load a large product image as well as thumbnails on page

load. A larger page size is expected here.

Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

The page was cached correctly in Varnish resulting in a decent time to first byte (TTFB).

The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

downloaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 25ms -175ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 760ms -1240ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 4100KB 2052KB

4. Search page

Figure 13: Screenshot of the search page


Site search is the functionality that enables users to search a given website’s content or

product catalog with speed and relevance. A great site search function is tailored to the

specific website. Site search constantly index the site to ensure the latest content is easily

accessible, it also guides users as they explore a website’s content, helping them discover

content they might not have even known they were interested in.

Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

The page was cached correctly in Varnish resulting in a decent time to first byte (TTFB).

The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

downloaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 27ms -173ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 700ms -1300ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 3000KB 952KB

5. Cart page

Figure 14: Screenshot of the cart page


The cart page is typically slow from an application level. The page cannot be cached and on

page load some data processing has to be completed to generate the quote for the


Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

As expected, the page was not cached in Varnish resulting in an increased time to first byte


The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

loaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 908ms -708ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 1650ms -350ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 3100KB 1052KB

6. Checkout page

Figure 15: Screenshot of the checkout page


The checkout page is typically slow from an application level. The page cannot be cached

and on page load some data processing has to be completed to generate the quote for the


Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

As expected, the page was not cached in Varnish resulting in an increased time to first byte


The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

loaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 1090ms 890ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 1810ms 190ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 3200KB 1152KB

7. Success page

Figure 16: Screenshot of the success page


The cart page is typically slow from an application level. The page cannot be cached and on

page load some data processing has to be completed to generate the quote for the


Lazyloading is used on the page for images reducing the page size.

As expected, the page was not cached in Varnish resulting in an increased time to first byte


The overall page time was well within the expected thresholds.

The page size was larger than expected. This is caused by a large number of scripts being

loaded on the page.


Test Expected Actual Difference

Time for results from

the application Less than 200ms 700.25ms 500.25ms

Time for the browser

to load content (load Less than 2000ms 1650ms 350ms

Page size Less than 2048KB 3000KB 952KB

Frontend Recommendations

Following our review of your frontend, we recommend you make several changes to improve

load time.

Sonassi can assist with any recommendations as part of a store support arrangement if


Reduce Requests

As explained in Frontend Profiling, a single page load results in numerous other pages being

requested, such as images and scripts.

Each request takes time for the users’ browser to make the request and time to return it.

Multiple files can be combined into one, a process known as bundling.

File size can be reduced by removing none-essential parts, this is called minification.

Minification was correctly setup, reducing file size for JavaScript and CSS files.

Bundling is not in use. Setting this up would drastically improve page load time and improve

Google Pagespeed scores. Sonassi can assist further with this if required.

Page Requests

Homepage 276 requests

Product Listing Page 369 requests

Product Details Page 420 requests

Cart Page 495 requests

Checkout 680 requests

Success Page 325 requests

Backend Profiling

Backend profiling involves a review of the modules that make up your store. We find

modules that either reduce capacity by using large amounts of resource or reduce

performance by slowing down the page load time.

We clone your production site to our own stack so that we can safely make changes without

affecting your store.

We review:

1. CPU usage

2. Memory usage

3. Network input/output

4. Database requests

5. HTTP requests

From each of these matrixes we determine exactly which modules take the largest

percentage of the resource.

We then disable modules which have the biggest effect on the store and run the profile


We compare the two profiles and give you these results along with our insight of which part

of the module causes the usage.


What is it?: One step checkout for Magento 2, replaces the default Magento checkout

showing all information in one page.

What effect does it have on the store? It considerably increases page load time on


Page Increase in page load time

Checkout page 18%

Suggestions: If possible Magento default checkout should be used instead, making

checkout quicker, increasing usability for a better user experience and making maintenance

easier by using default functionalities instead of custom ones.


What is it?: The Smartwave Megamenu module, allows for additional customisation of the

default Magento 2 megamenu.

What effect does it have on the store? It increases the page load time on the following


Page Increase in page load time

Homepage 9.06%

Product Listing page 18%

Product Details page 17%

Cart page 29%

Checkout 12%

Success page 36%

Suggestions: Module to be reviewed for problematic bottlenecks. Also recommended to

cache elements where possible, in order to reduce impact on page performance.


What is it?: Together with Dotdigitalgroup_Chat implements the integration to


What effect does it have on the store? It adds extra operations during the order creation,

payment processing and on the success page

Suggestions: the module is not being used on the live site it can be disabled to exclude the

extra operations.


What is it?: The Smartwave Filterproducts module, allows setting options for filtering

products, such as featured products, best selling products etc.

What effect does it have on the store? This module can cause negative impacts on pages

where it’s implemented, leading to increased page load times.

Page Increase in page load time

Homepage 5.89%

Suggestions: Optimise code and enable caching on elements where possible. If the module

is not relevant to the page or is not adding any potential benefits, then it should be removed

to decrease page load time.

Store Activity Review

Sonassi has analysed the activity of the users on the website in the last 48 hours to discover

potential content or security issues.

404 Content

Figure 17: 404 content within the last 48 hours

When a browser makes a request, if the content is not cached Magento must be called to

provide the result. Magento has to check all possible rewrite rules to determine what to

return. This whole process is incredibly costly to server resources.

RM365.FR have 4342 404 (page not found) results logged. This means that Magento is

being called regularly without being able to find anything.

Suggestions: Most of the 404 activity seems to be caused by Bots hitting the website, this

can be reduced by controlling what Bots are meant to index via robots.txt, sitemap

configuration and blocking unwanted Bots from visiting the site. Reviewing SEO on the site

is also be recommended.

Figure 18: 404 content within the last 48 hours

Error Responses

On each request a store can return many different response codes to the customer to

indicate the response. We hope not to see any 50x errors, which indicate that the request

returned an error.

Here we can see in the last 48 hours the store averages around 186.

Figure 19: Status codes - shows occurrence of 50xs

Visitor Analysis

The top countries were found to be France, UK, Germany, United States, China .

If any of these countries are not countries RM365.FR ship to, they should be blocked.

Figure 20: Visits by Country


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