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Have you ever felt identfied with this picture? How do you feel before take an exam?

Hoy en día la gran mayoría de las personas ya ha tomado alguna vez un examen ya sea
relacionado al ámbito educativo o social, y no es nada extraño sentirse angustiado,
nervioso, preocupado o con miedo.

Have you ever felt identified with this picture? How do you feel before take an exam?
Nowadays a big porcent of the people, have already taken an exam, wether relationed
to the academic ambit or social ambit, adding to that, it is not anything unusual feel us
anxius, nervous, worried or even frightened , my name is cristian I’m commited to give
you some tips to do a good exam

The first step in this short way, is be commited to it, we should be responsible and
disciplined, it’ll be important organize or set a schedule if you want to achieve your
goal, which in this case is pass your exam succesfully, leave your mobile for some days
if you recognize that is a distraction for you, besides it will help you to take advantage
of the time, otherwise you might fail trying studying

According to different experts Study one or two weeks before the exam is an excellent
technique, specially if you have not only one exam, which could be two, three or even
six at the same week or day, this is efficient because you could reduce the stress,
besides as you know is not.…,. difficult to get distracted, so in many words you wil
have more time and will decrease your pressure to pass the exam.

Change of activities,
is important study the most time as possible, but it would be important too change
your rutine during the day, you can do some activities that you enjoy such as: play
something, do sports or make a cake if you want, the point of this is don´t stress your
mind, and don’t get bored as well, in this way you will focus on your objective more

in complement or relationed with the last tip, We can use an technique called
pomodoro, what is it? How is it?, it’s so simple, is a technique which involves using a
timer to divide work into focused blocks of time usually 25 to 30 minutes where you
should study the most efficient as possible an then you take a break of five minutes
where you can do whatever that you want.

And the last tip is for the day of the exam, a day before it try to relax, go to bed not
late and when you wake up take a good breakfast, with it you’ll be ready physically,
and mentally, then… remember you should Be confident before, during an after take
the test, if you have followed each one of these tips, I am so sure that it will help you
improve your study methodology
According to different experts Study one or two weeks before the exam is an excellent
technique, specially if you have not only one exam, which could be two, three or even
six at the same week or day, with this we reduce the stress and the pressure to pass
the exam, as well this is efficient because is not extremely difficult to get distracted,
with this you wil have more time to study, or read if is necessary, it should be noted
that when we read something for three times or more would be easier lo learn it

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