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#Make USB Bootable Stick

cmd>diskpart (manage disk/drive)
diskpart>list disk (view disk/drive info:)
disk 0=>HDD/SSD
disk 1=>USB/External storage devices
diskpart>select disk 1 (select usb stick)
>clean (delete all data)
>covert mbr (change gpt to mbr partition style)
>convert gpt (change mbr to gpt partition style)
>create partition primary (create parimary partition)
>format fs=ntfs label=Bootable quick (format usb stick)
>active (create bootable device)
>assign (or) assign letter=F: (assign drive letter for USB stick)

*Copy windows file into the Bootable USB stick.

Partition types=>Primary partition (can store boot file)

Extended partition (can't store boot file)
File system =>NTFS (New Technology File System) =>Today using
FAT (File Allocation Table)

#BIOS<Basic Input/Output System>

- Hardware + Software
-BIOS include BIOS's program/software
-BIOS also call Firmware/PC's BIOS/ROM BIOS
-BIOS Functions=>-POST(Power On-Self Test),Initialize hardware
-Bootstrap (finding Operating System's boot file),OS boot
file=>Bootmgr(MS OS),Grub(Linux OS),NTLDR (MS XP)
-Load OS
BIOS Types=> Legacy BIOS
UEFI (Unified Extensiable Firmware Interface) BIOS

#Legacy BIOS
-Old Version
-use only keyboard
-not good UI(User Interface)
-Support Partition Style=>MBR(Master Boot Record)
-MBR partition style=>-Support 2.2TB HDD size
-create 4 primary partitions
-create 24 logical partitions

-New Version
-better UI than legacy BIOS
-use keyboard and mouse
-Support Partition Style =>GPT (Guide Partition Table)
-GPT partition style =>-Support 18 Exabyte(EB) HDD size
-can create 124 primary partitions
-can't create logical partition

BIOS Manufacture
-American MegaTrend(AMI)
-Phoenix Technology

#BIOS Enter Keys

-Press F2 key
-Press Fn + F2
-Press Del key
-press Esc key
-Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
-Press F12
-Press Fn + F12

ROM BIOS =>can't update BIOS

Flash BIOS =>can update BIOS

BIOS Setting
-View system information
-Change System Date&Time
-Change Boot Option/setting
-View motherboard temperature,CPU temperature,memory temperature...
-View Fan speed
-View Power Output (12V,5V,3.3V)
-Change Fan speed
-Change onboard device configuration(LAN PXE boot ROM )
-Change SATA Mode
-Control USB port
-Virtualization Technology ...etc

#Make Multi-boot USB Bootable Stick(with Easy2Boot)

-Open Easy2boot software
-Select Make E2b USB drive (run as admin) file
-Run as administrator
-Choose drive number(eg: 1,2...)
-Press Y (format usb drive)
-Choose File system (NTFS or FAT32,..)
-Press N (format ntfs file system)
-Type 0 (zero=>choose language)
-Type 0 (zero=>choose keyboard)
-Press Y
-Press Y
-Press Y
*Copy windows iso file to the E2b stick.
=>Enter E2b stick
=>Open ISO folder
=>Open windows folder
-SVR2K8R2 (copy/paste windows server2008/8R2 iso file)
-SVR2012 (copy/paste windows server2012/12R2 iso file)
-SVR2016 (copy/paste windows server2016 iso file)
-WIN7 (copy/paste windows7 iso file)
-WIN8 (copy/paste windows8/8.1 iso file )
-WIN10 (copy/paste windows10 iso file )
#Make UEFI Bootable Stick(with Rufus software)
-Open Rufus software
-Select USB stick(Default choose)
-Choose windows ISO image
-Choose partition style => GPT (GPT/MBR)
-Type Volume Label
-Choose file system =>FAT32 (FAT32/NTFS)
-Click Start

#Disk Management(HDD/SSD)
Run>diskmgmt.msc (Enter disk management)
Disk Type =>-Basic Disk
-Dynamic Disk

*Basic Disk
-Today using
-Can install OS
-Can store data and information
-Partition style(support)=>-MBR<Master Boot Record>
-GPT<Guid Partition Table>

*MBR<Master Boot Record> Partition Style

-Can install one or more OS
-Support 2.2TB HDD size
-Can create 4 primary partitions
-Can create 24 logical partitions

*GPT<Guid Partition Table> Partition Style

-New version
-Can install only one OS
-Support 18Exabyte(EB) HDD size
-Can create 124 primary partitions
-Can't create logical partition

*Dynamic Disk
-Use storage only(Eg:Storage Server)
-Can't install new OS
-Can store data and information

#Partition Management
*Create Virtual HDD
-Click Action
-Click "Create VHD"
-Choose location and give filename
-Type VHD size (Eg:500GB)
-Click "Dynamically expanding"
-Click Ok
-Select "disk 1"(VHD)
-Choose Initialize
-Choose Partition(MBR/GPT) style

*Create Partition
-Select VHD
-Select "unallocated space"
-Click "new simple volume"
-Type partition size(with MB)
-Choose "volume label" (c:~z:)
-Choose file system and give volume/partition name

Partition Type =>-Primary partition

-Extended partition(can create logical drive/partition under the
extended partition)

#Shrink Volume
-Select the partition
-Click "Shrink Volume"
-Type partition size for shrink volume
-Click Shrink
-Select shrink size(free space/unallocated)
-Click "New Simple Volume"
Type partition size(with MB)
-Choose "volume label" (c:~z:)
-Choose file system and give volume/partition name

#Extend Volume
-Select the partition
-Click "delete volume"
-Select the partition
-Choose "Extend Volume"

#Partition Management with CLI<Command Line Interface>

cmd>diskpart (Enter disk management)
diskpart>list disk (view disk info:)
>select disk 1,2,3... (1 => disk number)
>convert GPT (change MBR to GPT partition style)
>convert MBR (change GPT to MBR partition style)
>create partition primary size=1024
>format fs=ntfs label=SR quick
>create partition primary size=102400
>format fs=ntfs label=Win8.1 quick
>assign (assign drive letter automically)
>create partition extended (create extended partition )
>create partition logical size=102400
>format fs=ntfs label=Win10 quick
>assign letter=G: (assign drive letter with manual)
>create partition logical
>format fs=ntfs label=Mydata quick
>assign letter=Z:
>list partition (view partition info:)
>list volume (view partition/volume info: more detail)

#Shrink Volume(CLI)
diskpart>list disk
>select disk 1/2/3...
>list partition
>select partition 3
>list partition
>shrink desired=102400
>create partition primary
>format fs=ntfs label=Shrink1 quick
>list partition

#Extend Volume(ClI)
diskpart>list disk
>select disk 1/2/3...
>list partition
>select partition 4
>del partition
>list partition
>select partition 3
>list partition
>list volume

Shift + F10 =>Open cmd during OS installation

#User Account Management

-User Account =>-Local User (specific PC)
-Domain User (all PC into the domain network)
Users(folder)=>User Container(user account)
Groups(folder)=>Group Container (group)

users =>users group

administrators =>administrators group
user =>user account
administrator => user account

Built-in account=>administrator,guest=>(default disable)

*Create User Account

-Select users container
-New user
-Type username,full name and description
-Type password and confirm password
-Click "Password never expires" Eg: Password age =>42 days

*Manage User Account(Enable/Disable,Set password/Change password,Add member and

Remove member)
-Click "users container"
-Select user account
-Click/unclick "account is disable"=>Disable/enable user account

Change password/Set password

-Click "users container"
-Select user account
-Set password
-Type new password and confirm password

*Add member/Remove member

-Click "users container"
-Select user account
-Memberoff tab
-Find now
-Select group-name(eg: administrators)

-Click "users container"
-Select user account
-Memberoff tab
-Select group-name

#User Account Management(CLI)

Open cmd with "run as administrator"
>net user (view user account info:/users container)
>net localgroup (view group info:/groups container)
>net user user1(username) 123(password) /add (create new user account)
>net user
>net user user1 (view user1 account info:)
>net user user2(username) 123 /add
>net user
>net user user2
>net user user1(username) asd123!(new password) (change user account password)
>net user user2(username) * (change user account password)
Type a for the user:asd123!
Retype the password to confirm:asd123!
>net user administrator
>net user administrator /active:yes (enable user account)
>net user administrator
>net user user1 /active:no (disable user account )
>net localgroup administrators (view administrators group info:)
>net localgroup users (view users group info:)
>net localgroup administrators(groupname) user1(username) /add (add user account
into the group)
>net localgroup administrators
>net localgroup guests(groupname) user2(username) /add
>net localgroup guests
>net localgroup guests user2 /delete (remove user account from the group)
>net localgroup guests
>net localgroup administrators user1 /del (remove user account from the group)
>net localgroup administrators
>net user user1 /del (delete user account)
>net user
>net user user2 /del (delete user account)
>net user

#System Restore Point

-Can't delete data
-can delete some application

Create a system Restore Point

-Run>sysdm.cpl(Enter "System Properties")

*No operating system error

*No driver error
*No application error
*No virus attack
-Click "System protection tab"
-Click Create
-Type description for your restore point(name)
-Click create
-Click close

#Restore the system restore point

-Click "System protection" tab
-Click "System restore"
-Click "choose a different restore point"
-Click Next
-Click "Show more restore point"
-Choose "restore point"(date/month/year,time)
-Click Next
-Restart automically after restore

#Restore Another Method(Operating System error occuring)

-Booting with bootable devices(Eg:USB bootable stick,Windows CD/DVD disc...)
-Click Next (Choose keyboard input method,time...)
-Click "Repaire your computer"
-Click Troubleshoot
-Click "System Restore"
-Click Windows (Eg:windows10,7,8,8.1)
-Click Next
-Choose "Restore Point"
-Click Next
-Click Yes

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