Adva Shisgal, Adi Gotliber, Andrea Tasende Martin, Elena Delegido

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Adva Shisgal , Adi Gotliber , Andrea Tasende Martin, Elena delegido

Stressors – stress from revising for the exams, parents going through a rough time
and having marital problems, not having anyone to talk to  

Feelings – feeling anhedonia, lack of motivation, sad, angry, frustrated ,


Cognition – "if I could do better, they will be better", have very high expectations
from herself, "If I can’t do good, why even bother at all?", "I don't deserve to be here if
I can't do well", not as good as other people, unworthy , ruminating

Physical sensation – stress, tired, drained, insomnia, numb, apathetic.

Behaviors – doesn't speak to her parents, don't get up from bed or leave the house,
stopped playing sport, misses lectures , don't speak to her friends

Cognitive bias - definition and in relation to Lucy 

In general, we think that Lucy’s cognitive bias come‫ ד‬from the core belief she has
that she has to be perfect, probably due to high expectation from her close
environment (most likely her parents).This belief, in our mind, is the main reason for
the stress she is putting on herself, and combined with unrealistic expectations this is
causing her cognitive biases.  

 Dichotomous thinking: You tend to see things in terms of everything or

nothing, and without intermediate gradations - Lucy thinks that is not
worthy to study because she thinks she is not going to reach perfection.
 Labelling: Instead of describing the error that I or someone commits, I apply
a label to the person. she attributes failure to internal, stabilize and global
reasoning (“I didn’t succeed in the exam because I am stupid” Vs. “I
didn’t succeed because the room was hot, I usually do good in exams,
it’s only this time”)
 Selective abstraction: We focus on the negative aspects of situations,
forgetting the positive aspects, and define the experience based on these
negative details - she doesn’t relate to the fact the she have friends and
people that care about her, but only to the fact that she cannot talk to
 Arbitrary inference: Seeing an experience as negative, whether or not there
is evidence to prove it.  Lucy sees things with “black goggles” - she
thinks she does poorly in school and that the crisis of her parents is her
fault even that there is no evidence of that
 Magnification and/or minimization: exaggerate the negative of an event or
person, and remove importance to the positive - maybe she has passed all
his subjects, but as she didn't get an A, she sees her results as "not that
  Emotional reasoning: Assuming that things are the way they feel. She is
reasoning her reality such that if she thinks she is a failure, it has to be
the truth
 Personalization: Assume that everything has to do with oneself. Constantly
blaming himself for things she's not guilty of - she feels guilty because the
marital problems of her parents.
Adva Shisgal , Adi Gotliber , Andrea Tasende Martin, Elena delegido

 You should: try to improve yourself with the "You should", "I Must do better",
"I have not...", "would have to...", the emotional consequence of these
thoughts is guilt, anger or resentment. The verb "should" is often used when
the right thing would be to use "I'd like" - she thinks all the time she has to
be perfect.

 Lucy personality description

 Extroversion - Depression have changed her from being an open person (an
extrovert) to a much closer one (an introvert). She doesn't seem to have low
gregariousness in a regular way. However, the moment she is going through
is making her score low gregariousness. It occurs the same in terms of
activity level.

 Openness to experiences - She just wants to stay home, without engaging

in new adventures. She is not curious anymore.

 Conscientious: In some ways she is very conscientious but because of the

cognitive bias towards negativity she is reflecting the negative things, and her
ambitious behavior is making her stress and worsening her situation. She
puts a lot of pressure on herself and so she is never enough in her own eyes.
Furthermore, she doesn't have a lot of self-discipline as she is
procrastinating, but this is also due to her depression.

 Neuroticism: She is a really emotional person as she is experiencing strong

emotions and she is quite sensitive, very unstable emotionally. She scores
high in anxiety and depression.

 Agreeableness: She is very altruistic because she wants to help her

parents with their marital problems by studying hard and reaching their
expectations about her.

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