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First Aid in the province of Ontario - Assessing your workplace requirements

For all businesses in the province of Ontario that are not federally regulated


All companies should be aware that Ontario Occupational Health and

Safety Act – WSIB Regulation 1101, requires all employers to ensure
that first aid kits and stations are in charge of workers who hold a
valid first aid certificate issued by a recognized training agency that
meets the St. John Ambulance Standard. All employers covered by
this Act are required to have first aid equipment and trained
personnel in all workplaces when work is in progress. The cost of
providing employees with first aid training and for furnishing and
maintaining first aid supplies is the responsibility of the employer.


There is no minimum number of employees, under which you might be exempt from Regulation 1101. It
applies to all companies, no matter how many employees.


 For employers with 1 to 5 employees, they must ensure that their first aid station is at all
times in the charge of a trained worker who holds a valid First Aid certificate. They must also
have immediate access to a first aid kit in their work area. The kit must contain the specific
supplies as listed in the regulation and is known as an Ontario #1 kit.

 For employers with 6 to 15 employees, the trained employee must work in the immediate
area of first aid kit that contains the specific supplies as listed in the regulation and is known
as an Ontario #2 kit.

 For employers with 16 to 200 employees, the trained person must have immediate access to
a first aid kit known as an Ontario #3 kit. There must also be a stretcher and two blankets at
the worksite.

 Employers with more than 200 or more employees, the employer must provide a first aid
room in addition to the required Ontario #3 First Aid kits at each work area. This room must
be in the charge of a registered nurse, or a worker holding a St. John Ambulance Standard
Certificate, or its equivalent, and who does not perform other work of a nature that is likely to
affect adversely his/her ability to administer first aid.

 In addition to the kit, first aid stations should contain: posted certificates of the first aid
providers, the WSIB poster known as form 82, a St. John Ambulance first aid reference guide,
and an inspection card.

St. John Ambulance Peel Branch | Phone: (905)-568-1905 | Email: | Web:

In the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) booklet, Regulation 1101, there is a section
referencing the exact minimum contents required in each of the kit types. At St. John Ambulance all kits
are structured to both meet the requirements of the regulation, and to ensure that First Aid providers have
the required equipment in accordance with their training. CPR face shields, latex free gloves, and
reference guides are included with each of our kits. To find out more about the contents in our kits
please click the appropriate link below for a list of contents, an inspection card and the ability to order kits
direct from our website.

First Aid Kit for 1 - 5 Employees

First Aid Kit for 6 - 15 Employees

First Aid Kit for 16 - 200 Employees


Additional quantities of any item contained in first aid kits may be increased to suit the needs of a
particular workplace. Personal protective equipment (for example, CPR mask and non-latex gloves) as
prescribed by the first aid training should also be included in the first aid box. In a location where a
physician or registered nurse is available, the employer may authorize them to expand the contents of the
first aid boxes. Equipment outside of the scope of first aiders, equipment that may deteriorate or that is
potentially dangerous (for example, medications and ointments) should not be included in the first aid


The regulation required that first aid kits and their contents be checked regularly, at minimum four times a
year, to ensure that everything is in good order. A record of these inspections must be maintained with
the kit.


For employers with 1 to 5 employees, the trained worker must be the holder of a valid St. John
Ambulance Emergency First Aid Certificate, or its equivalent. For a list of upcoming dates click here
Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR & AED

For employers with 6 to 200 employees, the Regulation requires that the worker in charge of the first aid
station must hold a St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid Certificate, or its equivalent. For a list of
upcoming dates click here Standard First Aid with Level A CPR & AED

Businesses are encouraged to train the mandatory number of employees, and to have back-up trained
personnel in case the original first aider is away sick, the one injured or on holidays. The mandatory
number is not specified in the regulation, but simply stated that you require someone to be trained with
immediate access to supplies to treat injuries in a work area. Each workplace is unique and
consideration must be given to timing to reach the injured person and provide appropriate treatment.
With some injuries and medical emergency every moment counts.

St. John Ambulance Peel Branch | Phone: (905)-568-1905 | Email: | Web:

St. John Ambulance Peel Branch has 5 training centers located in our region. We offer training in
Brampton, Bolton, Mississauga, Meadowvale and Orangeville. In addition to our public course offerings,
we provide private courses to companies requiring training for 10 or more employees. These private
training courses can be held at your location, or hosted at one of our sites. The private course option
gives you flexibility on course timings to accommodate shift work as well as the opportunity to customize
modules spending more time covering specific workplace risks. Businesses are encouraged to train the
mandatory number of employees per kit, but also to have back-up trained personnel in case the original
first aider is away sick, the one injured or on holidays.


We are able to assist both new companies, and those with existing First Aid programs. Please send us
an email to phone our office 1-866-520-0033 to set up a free consultation. We will
work with you to review your existing arrangements, inspect your equipment and implement any changes

In addition to our training and first aid products to help you meet the requirements, we also support your
First Aid program long term by:

 Maintaining your First Aid training records

 Providing certificate expiry notifications and renewal courses
 First Aid Kit inspections, and inspection reminder checklists
 First Aid presentations for employees
 AED program implementation and support
 Providing specialty training programs online such as WHMIS and WHMIS renewals


St. John Ambulance has been working with Canadian companies since 1883, providing workplace first
aid training to ensure first aid providers have the skills and knowledge to respond confidently in the event
of a medical emergency or injury in the workplace. We work with organizations of all sizes from 2 to
200+ employees, that are Federally or Provincially regulated. We understand Regulation 1101, the
Occupational Health and Safety act as well as the Canada Labour Code requirements for first aid.
Through our comprehensive training programs and as a supplier of first aid kits & equipment, we are able
to help you understand the requirements and meet them.

Not only are we Canada’s leading authority in First Aid, our proceeds from our training and supplies go
back to support charitable health and safety initiatives in your community.

Our 500 volunteers in Peel Region participate in the following

 Medical First Response team volunteers provide First Aid coverage at local community events
 Therapy Dog handlers and their dogs visit long term care facilities
 Car seat safety education and support through inspection clinics in the region
 Youth and youth leadership programs train our leaders of tomorrow, promote volunteerism and
community involvement as well as the development of First Aid skills
 Operation Red Nose in Brampton is hosted by St. John Ambulance.

St. John Ambulance Peel Branch | Phone: (905)-568-1905 | Email: | Web:

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