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BD Position Field Reference Length

A001 1-5 Type of Register Detail 5

A002 6-11 Sequential number unique per order 6
A003 12-29 Beneficiary Code 18

A004 30-30 Identification Type 1

A005 31-44 Identification Number 14
A006 45-104 Beneficiary Name 60

A007 105-107 Payment Method 3

A008 108-110 Country Code 3

A009 111-112 Bank Code 2

A010 113-114 Account Type 2

A011 115-134 Account Number 20
A012 135-135 Currency Code 1

A013 136-150 Total payment value 15

A014 151-210 Concept 60

A015 211-225 Number of voucher 15

A016 226-240 Retention voucher number 15
A017 241-255 VAT voucher number 15

A018 255-275 Invoice number SRI 20

A019 276-285 Group Code 10
A020 286-335 Group Desciption 50
A021 336-385 Beneficiary Adress 50
A022 386-405 Telephone 20
A023 406-408 Service Code 3

A024 409-418 SRI Autorization Number 10

A025 419-428 Valid date 10
A026 429-438 Reference 10
A027 439-439 Office hours control signal 1
A028 440-444 Company code assigned by the Bank 5
A029 445-450 Código de sub - empresa quien ordena el pago 6
A030 451-423 Sub-reason for payment / collection 3
A031 454-463 Date Authorization of Print 10

Registro Desglos

BD Position Field Reference Length

B001 001-005 Record type breakdown 5
B002 006-011 Unique sequential number per order 6
B003 012-014 Type of Item 3
B004 015-029 Document Code 15

B005 030-079 Sales Receipt Type 50

B006 080-094 Item Value 15

B007 095-109 Tax base 15

B008 110-110 Register sign 1

B009 111-115 Item Percentage 5

B010 116-123 Document start date 8

B011 124-131 Document effective date 8

B012 132-132 Voucher printing banner 1

B013 133-133 Withholding voucher print banner 1

B014 134-134 VAT voucher printing banner 1

B015 135-159 Invoice number to which the NCR, VAT or withholding app 25

B016 160-164 Tax type 5

B017 165-169 Tax Code 5

It should always go "BZDET" in detail Line
Sequential Inticatinf the rows of the file
Code to identify the supplier

Identification Type
Identification Type Number(ID, RUC, PASSPORT). The identification number is checked by the check digit
Name of the beneficiary, is necessary in the file this name.

Payment method can be:

CUE: Credit on account.
CHE: Payment By Check
COB: Credit in other banks
IMP: For companies that only
they want to print the vouchers
without payment.
PEF: Payment in cash or by window

Always put: 001.

Mandatory field for payment methods CUE and COB.

Otherwise, fill in with Blanks

When you specify the payment method:

CUE: It must be 34
COB: Specify the code of the Recipient bank

The account type is required when Specify “CUE” as the form of payment, it will go:

03: Checking Account

04: Savings Account.

When specified as a form of payment “COB”, will go:

03: Checking Account
04: Savings Account.
08: Special Account
09: Accounting Account

Otherwise, fill with spaces in White.

The account number is required. When specify as payment method CUE or IMP,
fill in the first 10 characters numerical.
When specifying COB, fill in up to 18 numeric characters.
Otherwise fill in with blanks.

It will always go as currency code"1",to indicate dollars

It is necessary to write the amount to pay,( 13 integers and 2 decimals). If you write zeros(0), the file will not be uploaded

So that you have a reference by provider write it down, but it's not obligatory
You must write the number of voucher. This field is required, so here you
must send the unique payment number and for this case in the files response
return this will be returned unique code
Voucher number retention. In case of Format Unified will be equal to the number of VAT voucher. In case of no specify it fill w
VAT voucher number. In case of Unified Format it will be equal to the voucher number of Retention. In case of no specify it fill
Invoice number- SRI. In case of do not specify it, fill with zeros

Group code. In case of no specify it, fill with spaces

Dirección del beneficiario. Campo obligatorio
It is being reviewed with user because in the example file it is blank
Telephone. If not specified, fill in with spaces
The service code must be PRO
Write the authorization number of the company. Required field when printing withholding vouchers.
If not specified, fill in with spaces.
Write the validity date of the Number Authorization of the SRI whose format it is: YYYYMMDD If not specified,fill in with space
Internal use reference number for the company. Non-mandatory field. In case of not using send blank
N : Does not control payment hours, in If you do not specify it, fill in with spaces
You must write the company code assigned by the Bank
The sub code must be sent-company. In case of not using send in white.
Sub- reason for payment / collection. RPA: Payment order REE: Refund.
Write the authorization date of print whose format is: YYYYMMDD If no specify it, fill with space

Registro Desglosadodel Pago

Siempre debe ir “BZDES” à línea desglose.
Secuencial que indica las filas del archivo.
The type of item must be:
FAC: Invoice.
NCR: Credit note.
NDE: Debit note.
RET: Withholding of income tax.
PRB: Banana Producers
The number of the document. In the case of Producers Banana growers must go the Number of Inscription.

Write the type of sales receipt on which you are charging VAT and RET tax

The COMPLETE description of the type of document subject to collection, as indicated in Table # 1

Mandatory field, if applicable Income tax withholding

Required by SRI Example


It is mandatory.

In the case of Banana Producers, the VUE Code must go

(Single Export Window) composed of 21 characters

EX: 00000000000000000021P
Write the amount according to the item (13 integers 2 decimal places).
In the case of Banana Producers, the total value of the boxes to be canceled must go

Write the tax base of the item (13 integers 2 decimals)

In the case of Banana Producers, the Official Price must go
from the Banana box.

You must write the sign that differentiates the item.

 1: Income.
 2: Egress.
In the case of Banana Producers, it must go 1

Percentage item 3 integers with 2 decimals

If there is not, it must be filled with zeros
(Ex: 10000,07000, 03000)
In the case of Banana Producers, it must be filled with zeros

Write the date the vendor document is settled,

whose format is: YYYYMMDD

In the case of Banana Producers, the loading date must be entered

Write the effective date of the document whose format is:

YYYYMMDD (for this service replicate the Start date)

In the case of Banana Producers, the loading date must be entered

Specify the flag.
 0: Item is not printed.
 1: It is printed
In the case of Banana Producers, you must 0

Specify the flag.

 0: Item is not printed.
 1: It is printed.
In the case of Banana Producers, you must 0

Specify the flag.

 0: Item is not printed.
 1: It is printed.
In the case of Banana Producers, you must 0

Invoice number or sales number. It is mandatory.

In the case of Banana Producers, the reference to the
Week Number, the Tax Code and Discount Law
 The Week number will only consist of 2 digits. EX: 12 or 01.
 The Tax Code will consist of 8 digits. EX: 12345678 or 01225546
 The Law discount will consist of 9 digits, 6 integers 2 decimals
separated by point. EX: 001500.22 or 002525.00

Enter the week number, the tax code and the discount
law must exist a (,) as separation

 Ex: 12.12564887, 001500.22

Required field when printing withholding vouchers

Tax for which the withholding is made.
The type of tax must be:
 INCOME: Withholding of income tax.

Required alphanumeric field when printing vouchers


Tax number or code. In the case of Banana Producers

should always be: 011
EXCEL FILE Macro predifined
EXCEL FILE Macro predifined
EXCEL FILE Num identificación (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Tipo Doc. (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Num identificación (Tab Base de Datos)
EXCEL FILE Referencia (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Forma Pag/Cob (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Banco (Tab Base de Datos)

Excel File Tipo Cta/Che (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Num.Cta/Che (Tab Base de Datos)

EXCEL FILE Valor (Tab Ingreso de Informacion)

EXCEL FILE Num. Comprobante (Tab Ingreso de Informacion)

EXCEL FILE Servicio (Tab Base de Datos Y/O Tab Ingreso de Informacion)

EXCEL FILE Macro predifined

EXCEL FILE Macro predifined
EXCEL FILE SubMotivo (Tab Ingreso de Informacion)


EXCEL FILE Macro predifined
EXCEL FILE Macro predifined
EXCEL FILE Tipo de Rubro (Desglose Rubros)
EXCEL FILE Codigo de Documento (Desglose Rubros)

EXCEL FILE Concepto (Desglose Rubros)

EXCEL FILE Valor del Rubro (Desglose Rubros)

EXCEL FILE Fecha Emisión (Desglose Rubros)

EXCEL FILE Concepto (Desglose Rubros)
Posición Banco Pichincha Comentario

1 PA Pago
3 Secuencial Pago
5 Contrapartida

Identification Type
12 Tipo ID Beneficiario N: No Disponible
13 Numero ID Cliente Beneficiario Identificación del proveedor
14 Nombre del Cliente Beneficiario

CTA = Crédito a cuenta

CHQ = Cheque de gerencia
8 Forma de pago EFE = Efectivo

9 Codigo Banco

10 Tipo de Cuenta
11 Numero de cuenta Cuenta del Proveedor
6 Moneda Char(3) - USD = DOLARES

7 Valor 11 enteros y 2 decimales, sin coma ni punto por ejemplo si

4 Comprobante de pago

15 Dirección del beneficiario Campo opcional

19 Referencia Campo no obligatorio

oma ni punto por ejemplo si el valor es 12.645,76 debe venir 0000001264576

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