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Juan de Dios Bátiz

Simple present
Studen Name: Ibarra Jiménez Jesús Alejandro.

Group: 1IM9.

Turn: Morning

Teacher: Liz Gomez.

Mater: English I
Daily routine.

I wake up at 6 in the morning , then I take a shower,

then have breakfast, then I prepare my notebooks,

books, the computer to take classes online from 7:00 a.m. to
2:00 p.m., then I I take a short break before eating, because
at 4:00 p.m. I have to take an algebra course, at the end I
continue working with my pending tasks from school , I
finish at approximately 6:30 p.m., I take another break with

social networks , at 20:00 pm, I have my dinner, when I

finish I can watch a little tv , because at 22:00 I have to

sleep and rest for my activities the next day.


Daily routine.

The day for my mother starts very early, she wakes up at 5

am , the first thing she does is take a bath , then

she prepares breakfast so that my father can go to work for
breakfast, she also prepares my brother's breakfast, mine
and his Afterwards , she does the chores around the
house, it is already ending at around 11:00 a.m. . The
time when she goes to the market to buy the pantry to make

food , approximately the meal is always at 3:00 p.m.

, after. She goes back to doing her chores and takes a

little break because later she helps me and my brother with

homework , she hardly rests because later she starts to

make dinner at 9:00 p.m. she already concludes with her la
bores and he is ready to watch tv, until 10:30 pm, when he
goes to bed to rest and .



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