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COURSE CODE: Public Relation (968) LEVEL: Post Graduation (Master)

QNO 1. Evaluate the concept of public relation and discuss its need and importance in detail?
What do you know about different kinds of public relation? Discuss with reference to the
practical utilization of public relation in Pakistan?

ANS. Public relations is a strategical approach towards the creation of goodwill and brand image
through developing a cordial relationship between the organization and its target audiences. It is simply
stated the art and science of building relationship between an organization and its key audience or the
public. The concept of public relations is an emerging notion, especially in mass communication
discipline. It is basically a management function; the public relation society of America define it as a
strategic communication process. The aim is to build beneficial relationships between organization and
their public. It has assumed immense importance over the years. The importance of this vital and all-
embracing discipline can be gauged from the fact that the present information age is also called as the
public relations age. International Encyclopedia of communication has defined the term public relations
as the information activities and policies by which corporations and other organizations seek not only to
create attitude favorable to them and their work but also to counter adverse attitude. Below definitions
by some scholars and experts are clearing the concepts about the versatile and multidimensional
discipline of the present age.

1. In 1948, the council of the British institute of public relations defined public relations as “the
deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an
organization and its public”.

2. According to John W. HILL “public relation is the function which gives the same organized and careful
attention to the assets of goodwill as is given to any other major assets of business”.

3. Public relation is a combination of philosophy, sociology, economics, communication and other

knowledge into a system of human understanding. (HERBERT M. BAUS)

5. The world assembly of public relations maintains that public relation practice is the social science of
analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders, and implementing
planned programmed of action that will serve the interests of organization and the public.


The importance of public relations is increasing day by day and as a matter of fact it is more
important for organizations, institutions and individuals today than it was yesterday and surely its
significance would multiply manifold in the days to come. Public relations have in fact become one of
the most important tools needed today not only for the growth and development but also for the very
existence and survival of an organization. Public relation is not self-centered; rather it is equally useful
for the public as well. It provides a channel through which the public’s can make their concerns and
needs known to the management. If an organization does not care for the public sentiments and needs,
it will never be able to compete with the dynamic competitors in the field. Good public relations build
up the image of organizations while bad public relations at all destroys the image. Further, the public
likes to be associated with only those organizations that are familiar to them. The basic objective of a
public relations arm of an organization is to develop a good image for the organization that it is working
for. All its activities revolve around achieving this sole objective. A talented communicator shares
useful, educational, inspiring, or compelling content. And a smart communicator knows how to convey
a brand higher purpose.

However public relation does not mean to cheat the people, its means deliberate, planned and
sustained efforts based on honesty, ethics between an organization and its public. In short, in this age of
competition and democracy public relation has acquired a very vital position. It is not only planned and
sustained effort to maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics but also to
earn and build up a good image for the organization by using different arts and skills.

Public relations have a broad range of activities. The major areas are discussed below which used most
frequently in communication campaigns.
Type 1. Counseling:
Public relations managers in the most successful communication programs serve a very important
advisory role to senior management. They make recommendations on policy issues as well as decisions
related specifically to communication.
Type 2. Research:
Companies practicing of public relations make extensive use of research to better understand and
influence publics.
Type 3. Media Relations:
Press coverage is a critically important public relations output. Public relations specialists use publicity
efforts to try to get coverage in the print and broadcast media. Media relations activities might also
include arranging press tours of manufacturing facilities.
Type 4. Publicity:
A critical aspect public relations, publicity is described as “the process of planning, executing and
evaluating programs that encourage purchase and consumer satisfaction through credible
communication of information and impressions that identify companies and their products with the
needs, wants, concerns and interests of consumers.”
Since the beginning of the new millennium, people around the world are becoming closer in
terms of the advancement in trade. at the time of establishment of Pakistan, the situation of public
relations was disappointing. The many non-Muslim professionals who were serving as the public
relations officers in government and business migrated to India and only a handful of pre-partition PR
operatives were inherited by Pakistan. Most of these professionals were serving in the public relations
department of the government sector. There was some public relations capability present at the
provincial government level and in national ministries but at federal level, the Department of Public
Relations and Information was setup in 1962, almost 15 years later. However, as Pakistan has faced
numerous military regimes since its inception, neither the provincial nor the federal departments of
public relations could settle on strong foundations. Public relations techniques were used by
governments to showcase a falsified image of “all good”, for individual publicity and to degrade the
opposition but not as an asset to informed debate.

Question no. 2: Elaborate the Ten-point planning model of Public Relations in detail. How is this
model utilized in Public and private sector organizations in Pakistan? Elaborate with examples.

Ans: The generally accepted PR planning model encompasses:

1. Assessment of the situation:

Before formulating a PR programme, it is necessary to be clear about its starting point as
without having a clear perception about the public esteem or the current image pf an
organization, it would not be possible for any PR practitioners to chalk out an appropriate
programme for improving the public image.
Primary research is essential for making an assessment about the corporate image or goodwill
that an organization enjoys amongst its publics. However, efforts should be made to keep the
expenditure on research on a modest side and it should not be in any case, very high. Whereas
opinion poll is most frequently used for PR purpose.
In addition to opinion poll other methods like Press cutting, monitoring reports, sales figure
trend, state of competition and effect of imports, customer complaints, effects of price changes,
attitude of opinion leaders, economic and political situations, etc. Include.

2. Isolation of the problem:

The exact problem, its nature and extent and also main reasons for the existence of the problem
van be determined with the help of information collected through surveys or from studies or
analysis. Generally, four negative attitudes of public towards the organization may emerges.
These are
 Hostility
 Prejudice
 Apathy
 Ignorance

Public Relation is not necessarily about trying to make others believe that we are the best.
Creation of tolerance may be one of the PR objective, but it is difficult to make people tolerate
something which is not properly understood, in particular in race matters.

3. Establishing Policies:
After determining the problem, its nature, reason etc., policy guidelines or strategy for bringing
a positive change in the attitude of public through PR efforts can be formulated. The PR policy
should then be got approved from the management of the organization concerned.
4. In-depth Research:
We should then carry out research aimed at finding out complete information about the public
in question, in particular their educational level, habit religious attitudes, hobbies etc. The
communication techniques and media strategy for disseminating appropriate communication
techniques and media strategy for disseminating message to the target groups, keeping in view
their general traits and habits.

5. Determining objective:
PR practioners should then make a list of objectives after holding discussion with the senior
executive of the organization. Some possible objectives are
 Establish a new corporate image.
 Attract the best talent for job.
 Gain credit for the achievements.
 Introduce the company in new markets.
 Improve community relations
 Regain public confidence
 Create a better understanding among the politicians about the activities of the

6. Defining publics:
Every organization have its own publics. These are the people who benefit directly or indirectly
form the services offered by the concerns or promoters. Although the publics of one
organization may differ form those of another, eight basic publics are common to most of the
commercial organizations. These are:
 The community
 Potential employees
 Employees
 Suppliers
 Investors
 Distributers
 Consumers/users
 Leaders of opinions

7. Development plan:
Development plan of action and selection of PR media should be done with extreme care. The
only criterion for their selection should be their ability to give the best possible results in given

8. Planning budget:
The budget sets a discipline for expenditure and it depends upon the activities or the size of
organization. Budgeting is imperative for the following reasons.
 To estimate the expenditure for carrying out a PR programme.
 To learn what sort of programme can be carried out within the allocations.
 To measure results after the completion of campaign.

9. Executive of the Plan:

The plan should be in first place, be launched on a pilot basis in on area sector or town and then
its result should be assessed. The short coming that come to light during the execution of plan in
the pilot area should be removed, modified on a country wide or international basis. In fact, to
be successful PR should start at the top and the chief executive should be in effect the principle
public relations officer of the organizations.

10. Assessment of Result:

As the PR campaign set out objectives, the results can be assessed against these pre-determined
targets. The results are often self-evident and do not require social research.

Question no. 3: Persuasion plays a significant role in the field of public relations. Explain different
principles and techniques of persuasion with examples and analyse their utilization.

Ans: Persuasion refers to the process by which a person’s attitude or behaviour are, without duress,
influenced by communication. It has been treated as an art and a craft. Source like Message, channel,
receiver and destination are the factors involved in communication process.
Persuasion plays vital role in PR field such as:
 Change unfavourable opinions/attitudes.
 Neutralize hostile opinions and indifferent attitude.
 Crystalize unformed or latent opinions and positive and negative attitudes.
 Conserve or reinforce positive or favourable opinions.
Altering hostile opinions is a difficult work meanwhile, if the message is compatible with a person's
general disposition about a subject, the task of persuasion become easier.
To neutralize hostile is also not easy to perform whereas, to conserve favourable opinions through their
reinforcement is easy to do. The PR practitioners, should be very cautious and not commit the mistake
of neglecting people already in his fold.
Principles and Techniques of Persuasion.

 Audience Analysis:
For a successful persuasive communication, the knowledge of audience; their social, economics,
religious and political structure and values, is of extreme importance. The channelling process
which is determining the attitudes of groups and then suggesting a specific mode of behaviour
or appropriate communication medium are commonly used in persuasion.

 Credibility source:
Persuasion is more complete and successful if the source of persuasive communication is
credible and trustable. Sometime visual symbols surrounding the person engaged in persuasive
communication may profoundly enhance his credibility. For Example, A man without beard
would seldom be able to impress the audience if he talks as a religious experts, while an
adequate dressed Maulana, wearing beard cap would have more persuasive impact.
 Appeal to self-interest:
The message must be stated in terms of interest of the audience. If your message does not
address the economic or psychic needs of your audience, it would merely attract their attention.
For example, a person should be able to manipulate or express in such a way that the listeners
would show interest.

 Clarity of Message:
The message should be clear and specific. That the audience should be able to understand what
you want them to do, say or believe. If there is any danger that the audience may get a wrong
conclusion, then it should not be left to them.

 Timing and context:

Selection of adequate conditions, climate and timing is vital the acceptance of message. For
example, many charity drivers occur during Ramazan in Islamic World.

 Audience involvement:
Persuasion is enhanced by the participation of the audience. They should be attentive by making
questions and feedback. For better quality and production, the suggestions form audience is

 Action Principle:
Action oriented ideas and suggestions hitting at a practical guidelines have a greater chance of
acceptance as compare to devoid actions.

 Structure of Message:
Content and structure of message can also enhance considerably the rate of their accepatnce.
Two sided arguments, humour, recency etc. can produce greater persuasive effect.

 Persuasive Speaking:
Delivering persuasive message by spoken words require a great deal of professionalism. Such as
God Almighty exhorts His Prophet (peace be upon him) in Quran while engaged in persuasive
dialogues, he should lay stress first on the points which are common between him and

 Roadblocks to Persuasion
Persuasion deal with complicated and unpredictable human nature. The failure to achieve the
desired results of persuasion, some experts think, may be attributed to ineptness or false
assumptions. There also exist techniques to make people more resistant to persuasion. One is to
commit him in advance to his initial belief by encouraging him to make a public announcement
about it. Commitment becomes even firmer when the person is led to make irreversible decision
and to take action on the basis of his initial belief

 The Ethics of Persuasion:

Like other professionals, the public relations practitioners should also abide by certain norms
and ethics of their profession. They should avoid use of false, irrelevant and illogical arguments
to convince their audience. The PR practitioners should be clear minded and should never try to
deceive their audience.

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