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Senior Insurance

What is Final
Expense Purchasing
Coverage? Life Insurance

What is
Life Insurance?

Things to Avoid
when Shopping
for Life Insurance

Final Expense
Life Insurance

The Importance of Planning Ahead

Table of Content
Understanding Final
Expense Life Insurance 3
Defining the Terms  3

Understanding the Different

Types of Life Insurance 4

What is Final
Expense Coverage? 4

What is Simplified-Issue
Life Insurance?  5
What about Guaranteed-Issue
Life Insurance? 5
Purchasing Life Insurance  6

Informing Your Beneficiaries 6

The Importance
of Planning Ahead 6

Final Expense Life Insurance

Options for Specific Situations  7
Things to Avoid when Shopping
for Life Insurance 8
Senior Insurance Guide 3

Understanding Final
Expense Life Insurance
et’s face it - consumers tend to have a Suddenly, the much-maligned insurance
negative perception of life insurance. industry has been brought squarely into focus.
Maybe it’s because of its association with a The discussion has primarily been on the needs
negative event, or maybe it’s because of the very of younger individuals, but what if you’re older?
nature of the industry. Either way, life insurance Is life insurance still an option for you?
is not a popular topic of discussion. Of course!
Now, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced But life insurance, while sounding simple,
Americans to acknowledge the unpopular actually has many variables to consider,
reality of their own mortality, not to mention especially for seniors. In addition, the process
the financial hardship often faced by those they and terminology can be confusing.
would leave behind.
Want to discuss your options? Click here to contact us! Call Now / (844) 963-5184

Defining the Terms

Life insurance, just like any industry, has a
language all its own. Understanding a few key
terms will make the process of finding the right
policy easier.

l Insured - the individual covered by the life

insurance policy.

l Premium - periodic payments made to the

insurance company to keep the policy active.

l Underwriting - the process that the insurance

company uses to assess an applicant’s risk
profile and determine a premium amount.
Your age, gender, and medical information
are the major things considered as part of the
insurance company’s review.

l Death benefit - a lump-sum cash payout from

the insurance company upon the death of the

l Beneficiary - person(s) or entity named in the

life insurance policy that receives the death
benefit upon the death of the insured.

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4 Senior Insurance Guide

Understanding the Different

Types of Life Insurance
Life insurance can be divided into two broad 2. Permanent life insurance, which will last
categories: the lifetime of the insured. This type of insurance
1. Term life insurance, which only lasts for will pay a death benefit, and it will usually allow
a certain period of time. The simplest form of you to build up some cash value.
insurance, it will pay a death benefit to your
designated beneficiaries while the policy is in Naturally, for either type of policy you must
force. It’s the least expensive type of life insurance. pay the premiums to keep it from lapsing.

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What is Final Expense Coverage?

One type of permanent life insurance is known requirements and risk tolerance. Depending
as final expense coverage. This type of insurance on your health and the requirements of the
pays a lower death benefit ($2,000 - $35,000) than particular insurance company, you could still
others, so the premiums can be more affordable. qualify for coverage.

If your funds are limited, you may want to When you apply for final expense coverage,
consider this type of coverage if your age, your medical history, and
your budget will all play a role in
l You don’t have life determining the right policy for
insurance, and you don’t you.
have enough savings
to cover your final Underwriting for final
expenses. This will expense coverage is
leave your family with handled as part of the
a financial burden application process. While
when you die. you should know right
away whether or not you
l You have enough life are approved for the policy,
insurance, but you some companies may take
want to pay less for your a few days to review your
coverage because every application.
dollar matters.
If for some reason your approved
l You have some life insurance, but you coverage amount comes back as “other
want more coverage, hopefully for the same than applied for” due to your medical history,
monthly cost. the company will either lower the coverage
amount to accommodate the agreed-upon
Many applicants mistakenly believe that they monthly premiums, or they may ask for a higher
could never qualify for a policy that requires premium. In either case, you will need to sign an
medical underwriting. But, different insurance amendment to the original agreement.
companies have different underwriting
Interested in final expense coverage? We can help!
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Senior Insurance Guide 5

What is Simplified-Issue
Life Insurance?
Another type of permanent life insurance is comparison, traditional life insurance requires
called simplified-issue life insurance. Designed full medical underwriting and has a 6 to 8 week
for healthy individuals who don’t want to take a waiting period before the policy becomes
medical exam, the short application for this type effective.
of coverage asks few, if any, medical questions.
The insurance company may also review Because the life insurance company is taking
electronic records like your driving history, on a bigger risk by not administering a medical
your background, and any available medical exam, coverage amounts are capped anywhere
information. from $250,000 to $500,000. In addition, the
premiums will be higher when compared to
Simplified-issue life insurance can be obtained those for traditional life insurance.
within a few hours or, at most, in a few days. In

Interested in simplified-issue life insurance? We can help!

Click here to contact us!

What about
Life Insurance?
Another option for final expense coverage
is a type of permanent life insurance known
as guaranteed-issue life insurance. Also called
guaranteed acceptance insurance, the simple
application process for this coverage does not
require a medical exam or even ask health-
related questions.
l Available coverage amounts are very low,
usually between $10,000 and $25,000.
l Because you can’t be turned down,
guaranteed-issue life insurance is one of the l In the event you die in an accident, the
most expensive ways to buy life insurance. insurance company will pay the full coverage
l These policies usually have graded death amount, even if you just bought the policy.
benefits, which limits the amount of the death l Some guaranteed issue policies build cash
benefit that will be paid for the first two or value, which you can access through a policy
three years of the policy. If you die for any loan. If you don’t pay the loan back before you
reason other than some type of accident, pass away, the payout to your beneficiaries
your beneficiary will most likely only receive will be reduced by what you owe.
a refund of the premiums you paid, plus l Even if you have built up some cash value, the
interest, typically around 10%. payout to your beneficiaries would only be the

Interested in guaranteed-issue life insurance? We can help! Click here to contact us!

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6 Senior Insurance Guide

Purchasing Life Insurance

No matter the type of life insurance, you can No matter what, be honest when complet-
purchase a policy in one of two ways: ing the application form for the life insurance.
If upon your death the information that you
 irectly from the life insurance company. provided is proven to be fraudulent, your ben-
You can call them, go online, or work with one eficiaries will not receive any payout from the
of their dedicated agents. insurance company.

l From an independent insurance broker. Because every insurance company is different,

Because brokers don’t have contracts with spe- you may want to apply for life insurance from
cific insurance companies, they can offer you a several different companies and then select the
broad range of options. one that best fits your needs. An insurance bro-
ker can assist with this.

As independent brokers we can help! Click here to contact us.

Informing Your
Finally, once you’ve purchased your life
insurance, be sure to tell your beneficiaries
about your policy.

l They need to know the name of the company

that issued it, where a paper copy of the policy
is located, and your intended purpose for the
death benefit.
l Otherwise, despite your best intentions, the
death benefit will go unclaimed.

The Importance
of Planning Ahead
While life insurance and final expenses
are unpopular topics, take the time now to
plan ahead. Don’t put it off any longer. Your
preparation will be deeply appreciated by those
you leave behind.

No matter your life insurance needs, we’re here to help.

Click here to contact us!

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Senior Insurance Guide 7

Final Expense Life Insurance

Options for Specific Situations
1 For seniors with a Direct Express Card connected to their monthly Social
Security payment, Transamerica is one of the few top companies that will
allow you to use it to pay life insurance premiums.

2 For seniors who have no or minimal health complications, three top

insurance companies to consider are Assurity, Foresters, and Oxford.
Applying over the phone for coverage from one of these companies can
result in a lower premium than choosing a different company just to avoid
answering medical questions.

3 For those with COPD, Transamerica has the most favorable underwriting

4 For Type 2 diabetics who are on Metformin (not insulin), both

Transamerica and Foresters offer very competitive rates.

5 For individuals who have major health conditions and are unable to qualify
for level premium plans, Mutual of Omaha offers a guaranteed issue policy.

We can help you navigate the entire

Call Now / (844) 963-5184 life insurance process. Click here to contact us!

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8 Senior Insurance Guide

Things to Avoid when

Shopping for Life Insurance
1 Selecting a policy solely based on price. Instead, look at the overall value, such
as the customer service available, or the amount of coverage offered based on
your individual health factors.

2 Considering life insurance as an investment. Policies that allow you to build

cash value typically have high premiums, hidden fees, and expensive penalties.
A traditional investment vehicle like a 401(k) or IRA would be a better option.

3 Agents that offer only one type of policy, or offer policies from only one
insurance company. This limits their ability to really find the best option for you.

4 Pushy salespeople who want you to make an immediate decision. You

should feel comfortable taking the time to fully understand the policy before
finalizing your purchase.

5 Insurance companies that are not financially sound. This could negatively
impact their ability to pay claims or meet other financial obligations. AM Best
is a credit rating agency that specializes in the insurance industry. A life insurance company will usually list their AM Best
rating rating on their website.

6 Going it alone. You run the risk of being overwhelmed by the large number of
insurance companies to choose from and the many factors to consider.

We can help you easily avoid the pitfalls of choosing life insurance coverage.
Click here to contact us!

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