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WEEK 2 1

Activity 3

Gautam Gurnani

Summer 2022 - Project Management Processes (BADM-623-M21) - Full Term

Dr. Watts

University of the Cumberlands

May 22nd, 2022

WEEK 3 2


As stated in the textbook, “To be successful in today’s complex project world calls upon

the sponsor, project manager, development team, client manager, and client team to forge a

partnership that is very different than the one that characterized the project management models

dating from the 1960s The Hybrid Project Management (HPM) Framework prepares these

managers to function effectively from the tactical, to the operational, to the strategic levels. That

is a unique characteristic of the HPM Framework. Project management has always been labeled

as an enabler of the firm’s strategy; however, in the complex project landscape project

management can collaborate with business management to formulate strategy. That is the

domain of strategic project management. Some have even labeled it Strategic Project Business

Management.” (Wysocki, 2019, p. 64). One of the most efficient ways to a better management of

project especially the mega projects is definitely utilizing business climate decision to uncover

the requirements needed to make it successful.

To handle the mega projects as descripted in the Harvard business review article, the

authors emphasis on variety of skill sets and methodology to make sure these mega projects do

not fail in their journey. To begin with a mega project doesn’t starts with assembling the right

resources, a common pattern that was observed in the article to hire the right sponsor of the

project that has similar experience in the past projects. This enhances the team skill and lays

down the path based on the experience. There were also notes on how the resume should be

outdated since these mega project requires individuals with high experience and successful

portfolio of projects. The quality of the project is governed by the individuals leading this.

Having a past experience increases the possibility of success and lets the team be aware of the

hurdles and obstruction that can be expected. As these mega projects have timeline of few years
WEEK 3 3

until they are 100 % finished to finally start functioning a high quality skilled employee with a

track record is a must. Think of this as hiring an individual to run one of the most successful

companies in the worlds, which means the apart from the skill set and resume the individual

should have an experience in technical and development process or methodology.

The risk with above idea is that, the individuals would be highly talented but still

unaware of the different business climate they must have been accustomed to. The business

climate is big driver towards this and needs to be taken into consideration as well (Gao et al.,

2019). The business climate composes of political issues, supply chain restrictions and topical

issues based on recent events on the financial or socio-economic industry.

WEEK 3 4


Gao, Masli, A., Suh, I., & Xu, J. (2019). The Influence of a Family Business Climate and CEO–

CFO Relationship Quality on Misreporting Conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 171(1),


Wysocki, R. K. (2019). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Hybrid, Extreme (8th

ed.). Indianapolis: Wiley.

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