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Pro-Choice Violence and Illegal Activities in Delaware

Elkton Wilmington Elkton, Maryland

Unprofessional Conduct, Malpractice and Unauthorized Practice of Medicine 88-year-old abortionist George J. Shepard Jr. was one of the partners of notorious late-term abortionist Steven Brigham. The Maryland Medical Board charged him with unprofessional conduct and the practice of medicine with an unauthorized person (Brigham). The Board had suspended Shepards medical license in August 2010, after he seriously botched an abortion. The incident revealed an illegal abortion racket where Brigham would start second-trimester and third-trimester abortions at his clinic in New Jersey, and either Shepard or fellow abortionist Nicole Riley would finish them at his Elkton, Maryland clinic. Brigham and Shepard showed that their number one priority was not protecting the lives and health of women, but protecting their own reputations. After the botched abortion, Brigham led a car caravan of women from his Vorhees, Pennsylvania abortion mill to his Maryland one. The 18-year-old victim was bleeding heavily and was semiconscious, but Brigham and Shepard did not care about that. They put her in the back of a rental car and drove her to a hospital instead of calling for an ambulance and drawing attention to the many problems at their American Womens Services abortion mill. This arrangement was designed to avoid New Jersey regulations that prohibited Brigham from performing abortions after 14 weeks. After the August botched abortion, a police raid found that Shepard kept a chest freezer containing 35 late-term aborted preborn children. Regarding this case, Matt Archbold, a reporter for the National Catholic Register, wrote that I used to think that the abortion industry were simply capitalists who allowed their greed to override their humanity. I used to think that maybe it was just feminism run amok and that cooler heads would eventually prevail. I used to think that pro-lifers were simply up against the extreme of secularized logic. Over the past few years though I've come to believe that its more than that. Its worse than that. We're immersed in a culture with a death fetish. Our fascination with death is boundless. Our culture increasingly sees humanity as the problem. We elevate animals in order to grant them human rights and

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increasingly view humans as animals. Shepard also lost his medical license in Delaware. The Delaware State Department said that his license in Delaware was suspended because he engaged in activities that "present a clear and present danger to the public health." Steven Ertelt. Abortion Practitioners Storing Dead Babies in Jars Shows Fascination with Death., September 6, 2010; Peter Smith. Abortionists License Revoked Permanently. LifeSite News, December 7, 2010.

Wilmington, Maryland
Gross Negligence and Negligence In January of 2002, jurors awarded $2 million to the 5-year-old son of Gracealyn Harris, who died following a 1997 20-week abortion at the Delaware Women's Health Organization clinic. The jury found that abortionist Mohammad Imran was negligent and that his actions led to the death of the 19-year-old woman. The jury of nine men and three women awarded Harris' family $2,252,000 in damages. The jury found Imran 40 percent responsible for Harris' death and the clinic 60 percent responsible. Imran will be responsible for paying the Harris family $900,800, according to the court formula. The clinic reached an undisclosed settlement with the Harris family before trial, and will not be bound by the jury verdict, according to attorneys. Prosecuting attorneys showed that Imran was running behind schedule and in a hurry to get back to New Jersey to see patients in his private practice. He had breached several standards of care solely for his own convenience and expedience. Dr. James L. Mollick, an obstetrician and gynecologist who practices in Pennsylvania, said Imran should have performed the second-trimester abortion in a hospital, used osmotic dilators, used a metal sounding device to assess the position of the uterine canal, and used ultrasound to help guide the abortion instruments. In his haste, the abortionist perforated Harris' uterus and caused two lacerations of her cervix. Medical records showed that Harris began bleeding heavily immediately after the abortion. Imran returned her to the operating room and sutured one of the cervical tears, which apparently stopped her vaginal bleeding. References: Randall Chase. "Doctor Who Performed Abortion Testifies Something Went Wrong." Associated Press, January 10, 2002; "Seasoned U.S. Abortionist Causes Mother's Death During Legal Abortion." LifeSite Daily News, January 10, 2002; Randall Chase. "Jurors Shown Graphic Autopsy Photo During Closing Arguments." Associated Press, January 14, 2002; "Jurors Hear More Evidence in Delaware Botched Abortion Death." Associated Press, January 14, 2002; Pro-Life Infonet, January 11, 15 and 17, 2002; "Jury Awards Son Whose Mom Died From Abortion." Associated Press, January 16, 2002; Representative John Hostettler. "Abortion Advocates: The Real Perpetrators of Violence." Pro-Life Infonet, April 21, 2002. Attempted Murder (2 incidents) In April 1979, at the Wilmington Medical Center, abortionists delivered alive a viable 2 pound

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baby girl. On seeing that she would survive, they placed the baby in an air-tight disposal pail, from which she was rescued by nurses. The very next month, abortionists at the abortion mill delivered alive a 3 pound, 4 ounce viable baby boy and attempted to kill him, too. But he also was rescued by nurses, and both babies survived. The nurses who rescued the babies were threatened by the hospital (which had a policy against murdering viable aborted babies). Reference: "Rescue of Aborted Babies Ignites Protest." National Right to Life News, July 1979, page 4. First-Degree Robbery (2 counts), Aggravated Menacing (2 counts), Second-Degree Assault (2 counts) and Third-Degree Assault (2 counts) [New Castle] Melissa G. Cohen and Duvell J. Nixon were hired to do a little job for a "pro-choice" person. As they later told police, they were specifically hired to beat up a 32-year-old woman, who was five months pregnant and unnamed by police for her protection, to make her miscarry her preborn child. On April 8, 2006, Cohen and Nixon set out to complete their deadly mission in the parking lot of a local sports complex, Vince's Sports Center. They hung around for a while in their van, making sure that they could carry out the attack. At about 6:45 P.M., they pulled their van up next to the victim's car. The victim and another woman walked up to the car, and Nixon jumped out of the van and grabbed the victim, punching and kicking her in the stomach, head, arms, chest and legs. Nixon, wearing a mask, tried to force her into the van, but her friend tried to help her. Then Cohen got involved and attacked the victim's friend. Nixon and Cohen tried to drag the screaming victim into the van. At that point, a 57-year-old man tried to intervene, but Nixon pulled out a gun and threatened him with it. Nixon and Cohen were unable to drag the victim into the van, so they took off. Police contacted the owner of the van, who told them her son was using it, and Nixon and Cohen were arrested the next day. The battered victim suffered bruises, swelling and cuts, but her preborn child survived the attack. Police charged Cohen and Nixon with first-degree robbery, aggravated menacing, and second- and third-degree assault in the incident. Nixon pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. References: Terri Sanginiti. "Suspects in Assault Say They Were Hired: Attack on Pregnant Woman Meant to Harm Unborn Child, Police Say." Delaware News Journal, April 10, 2006; in the Supreme Court of the State of Delaware, Duvell J. Nixon v. the State of Delaware, No. 177, 2007, decided May 19, 2008. Coercion and Attempted Forced Abortion Social workers in Delaware allegedly tried to coerce a pregnant 16-year-old girl in foster care into having an abortion against her will. When their coercion failed, they threatened to take custody of the baby after it was born. The state even tried to keep the teenager from talking with her attorneys from the American Family Association's Center for Law & Policy. Both the girl's foster parents and natural parents were in favor of her having and keeping her baby. References: Allie Martin. "Pregnant Delaware Teen Fighting to Save Her Baby from State." Agape Press, March 9, 2001; "Pregnant Teen Fights Against Coercive Abortion and Losing Her Baby." Pro-Life Infonet, March 11, 2001. Vandalism (6 incidents) and Destruction of Property (6 incidents)

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Delaware Right to Life rented six billboards from Reagan National Advertising in October 1990. The billboards featured a photograph of a beautiful unborn baby with an inoffensive pro-life message. Within two days, all six billboards were torn apart and the pictures of the unborn babies were vandalized. Obscenities and the slogan "THIS IS A PRO-CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD" were spraypainted on the wreckage. In response to this aggressive censorship, Lou Jacquet of the newspaper Dialog wrote that The pro-abortion movement has to destroy pro-life billboards to keep people from learning the ugly facts about what abortion involves ... One of the recurring problems facing those who favor legalized abortion is the growing body of knowledge proving beyond a doubt how vital human life already is well before actual birth occurs ... It's not the kind of information pro-abortion activists can afford to acknowledge. So they've taken to a simple solution -- tearing down and spraying over billboards. Aren't these the same folks who call pro-life activists who picket abortion clinics 'uncivilized?' Reference: "Billboards Carry Pro-Life Message." Voices for the Unborn (Feasterville, Pennsylvania), October 1990, page 10. Sexual Assault (8 incidents) and Harassment (5 incidents) Marsha Ryan told an investigator that, on January 31, 1994, Abortionist Allan Nachlis sexually assaulted her. When she returned for treatment February 28, he again assaulted her. Another woman claimed that Nachlis also sexually assaulted her during a November 6, 1992 examination. A national criminal history check revealed a 1987 arrest in Pittsburgh for the same offense. Barbara Martin, Gail Greeby and Denise Schreffler also testified that Nachlis had sexually molested them. Nachlis was reprimanded in New York in 1991 and convicted on sexual assault charges. He also lost his Delaware license. Nachlis had also been accused of "improper sexual contact" with a patient in Detroit during his medical residency. Eventually, he was sentenced to 2 to ten years in prison. Nachlis also repeatedly harassed his estranged wife by telephone. References: Affidavit of Probable Cause for Police Complaint Number 0694600543; Delaware County Daily Times, February 24, 1995 and March 1, 1995; Scranton Times, April 9, 1995; Reader's Digest, October 1996.

End of Delaware Listing

(updated April 19, 2011)

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