WBT Complex Sentence

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Grades K–12

Thursday, April 25, 13

Buy our book
and we’ll throw
in a free
back cover!

Thursday, April 25, 13

What is a ...

Chris Biffle

Thursday, April 25, 13

Thursday, April 25, 13
Pop the Pdf in your And let Coach B and the
computer Mind Giants Do the
Teaching for you!

Thursday, April 25, 13

This is a Whole Brain Teaching Five Step Lesson
on complex sentences for K-12 students.
Step 1: Question: What is a complex
Step 2: Answer with gesture: A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a
complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message.
Step 3: Explore: examples of complex
Step 4: Test: Use the Quick Test to assess
student understanding of complex sentences.
Step 5: Write: Students apply what they
have learned, constructing three types of
complex sentences.

Thursday, April 25, 13

To complete this lesson, students will need to know:
Hands and Eyes
Mirror Words
The Scoreboard
If you’d like me to teach your class these five
strategies, download “WBT Introduction” in the
Common Core section of “Free Ebooks” at
A detailed description of the 5 Step Lesson
Plan may be found in webcast 505 at the

Thursday, April 25, 13

During the lesson, the Scoreboard will
be used. Place a Scoreboard on your
board and mark the points as they
come up ... or, for extreme fun, go to
the Apple Itunes store and download the
Whole Brain Teaching Scoreboard app.

Thursday, April 25, 13

The lesson takes place at
Whole Brain College ...
begin by getting your students excited
about taking a college course from
me, Coach B.
All you have to do is read my
speeches to your class.
Important point: When you see
brackets [like this] ... don't read the
brackets to your kids, just follow their
instructions. [nod your head]
Power to the Teachers!
Chris "Coach B" Biffle

Thursday, April 25, 13

The following sample slides contain
pointers about how to use this
program in class. (See text box at the
bottom of this screen for the location
of the pointers.) The lesson you will
show your kids begins at slide 18.

The pointers for each slide will be here.

Thursday, April 25, 13
Hands and eyes!
We are going to have a
very exciting day today
in Whole Brain College!
Oh, so exciting!

p l e
a m Make a full turn to your
S neighbor, use big
gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

You will read the speeches by Coach B.

Thursday, April 25, 13
Hands and eyes! We are going to have a
very exciting day today
in Whole Brain College!
Oh, so exciting!

p l e Make a full turn to your

a m neighbor, use big

S gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

When there are several speech bubbles, pause between each one,
or repeat it, until you have your students' attention.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Hands and eyes! We are going to have a
very exciting day today
in Whole Brain College!
Oh, so exciting!

p l e Make a full turn to your

a m neighbor, use big

S gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

To make your performance engaging, emphasize

the words in bold face.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Our question is, "What is a complex
Mirror words!
sentence?’" Our answer is "A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a
complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." [On “two” hold up two
fingers; on “complete message” hold an

p l e imaginary phone to your ear; on “isn’t a

complete message” drop the phone and shake

a m your head. Repeat the question and answer

several times ... slowly!]

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use my complex sentence

gesture, and repeat the answer “A complex sentence has two
parts, one that is a complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

When you are using Mirror Words, speak slowly, saying only 3-7 words at a time, so
that your students have time to repeat what your words. Use whatever gestures
you wish ... but move your hands!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Our question is, "What is a complex
Mirror words!
sentence?’" Our answer is "A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a
complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." [On “two” hold up two
fingers; on “complete message” hold an

p l e imaginary phone to your ear; on “isn’t a

complete message” drop the phone and shake

a m your head. Repeat the question and answer

several times ... slowly!]

S Make a full turn to your neighbor, use my complex sentence

gesture, and repeat the answer “A complex sentence has two
parts, one that is a complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Remember, don't read the sections in [ ]. These directions show you what you
should be doing ... not saying!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Not fast enough,
Mighty Groan!

p l e
a m
When you see a Scoreboard slide like this one, make the appropriate mark on your
own Scoreboard in class. Student response to your marks should be quick and
sharp ... have students practice rapid Mighty Groans and Mighty Oh Yeahs.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Now you're ready! The lesson on
complex sentences begins with the
next slide. Remember ... weave the
Golden Thread of fun through
everything you teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Coach B
Thursday, April 25, 13
Thursday, April 25, 13
Thursday, April 25, 13
Welcome! I'm Coach
B, your college
professor. Rub your
hands together and tell
your neighbor ... "Oh
Sweet Momma, I'm
gonna love going to
Whole Brain College!"
Coach B

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class, class!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Not fast enough,
Mighty Groan!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Not loud enough,
Mighty Groan!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Great job!

Mighty Oh yeah!

Thursday, April 25, 13


Mighty Oh yeah!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class, class!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and eyes!
We are going to have a
very exciting day today
in Whole Brain College!
Oh, so exciting!

Make a full turn to your

neighbor, use big
gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class, class!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and eyes! We're going to answer a
big, important question.
The question is, "What is a
complex sentence?’"
"What is a complex

Make a full turn to your

neighbor, use big gestures, and
repeat the big, important
question over and over! [clap,
clap] teach!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Okay ... now we know the
question ... What is a
complex sentence?’" Next,
we'll learn the answer!

Make a full turn to your

neighbor, use big
gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Thursday, April 25, 13
Classity class!!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Not loud enough,
Mighty Groan!

Thursday, April 25, 13


Mighty Oh yeah!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class-a-doodle do!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Our question is, "What is a complex
Mirror words!
sentence?’" Our answer is "A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a
complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." [On “two” hold
up two fingers; on “complete message”
hold an imaginary phone to your ear;
on “isn’t a complete message” drop
the phone and shake your head.
Repeat the question and answer
several times ... slowly!]

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use my complex sentence

gesture, and repeat the answer “A complex sentence has two
parts, one that is a complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." over and over! [clap, clap] teach!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Class Ka-Blooey!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Mirror words! Let’s go over that more time. Our
question is, "What is a complex
sentence?’" Our answer is "A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a
complete message and one that isn’t a
complete message." [Make the

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use my complex sentence

gesture, and repeat the answer, over and over ““A complex
sentence has two parts, one that is a complete message and one
that isn’t a complete message." [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class! Class!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Okay ... now we know the
Hands question ... "What is a complex
and sentence?" And the answer, "A
eyes! complex sentence has two
parts, one that is a complete
message and one that isn’t a
complete message." Now, let's
explore our answer ... the fun

Make a full turn to your neighbor,

use big gestures, and repeat what I
said over and over! [clap, clap]

Thursday, April 25, 13

Thursday, April 25, 13
Class-Arooney Booney!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and Eyes!

Now, to explore our answer, let's

get three of my Mind Giant friends
to help us. Big Dilly will start with a
simple sentence, a complete message.
Biffy Bluebird will add a phrase, an
incomplete message. Smarty
Wonderbeak, such a genius!, will
make a complex sentence!

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big

gestures, and repeat what I said over and over!
[clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a sentence, a complete message:
Bill eats beans.
Tell your neighbor the sentence over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a sentence, a complete message:
Bill eats beans.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
whenever he gets the
Now, tell your neighbor the
phrase over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a sentence, a complete message:
Bill eats beans.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
whenever he gets the

Here is a complex sentence, a complete

and an incomplete message:
Whenever he gets the chance, Bill
eats beans.
Now, tell your neighbor the complex
sentence over and over and over!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Here is a sentence, a complete message:
The dog barks.
Tell your neighbor the sentence over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a sentence, a complete message:
The dog barks.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
because he’s hungry for
Tell your neighbor the phrase
over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a sentence, a complete message:
The dog barks.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
because he’s hungry
for beans

Here is a complex sentence, a complete

and an incomplete message:
Because he’s hungry for beans,
the dog barks.
Now, tell your neighbor the complex
sentence over and over and over!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Here is a sentence, a complete message:
A teacher smiles.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
watching her class eat

Here is a complex sentence, a complete

and an incomplete message:
Watching her class eat beans, a
teacher smiles.
Repeat the complex sentence over and over
to your neighbor.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Here is a sentence, a complete message:
The girls run fast.

Here is a phrase, an
incomplete message:
racing toward the
bean store

Here is a complex sentence, a complete

and an incomplete message:
Racing toward the bean store, the
girls run fast.
Repeat the complex sentence over and over
to your neighbor.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Class! Class!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Hands and Eyes!

Now, get ready for something hard!

This is not Whole Brain Elementary
School. This is Whole Brain College!

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big

gestures, and repeat what I said over
and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class! A
doodle do!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and Eyes!

Here’s two lessons at once! We’ll call

the complete message an
independent clause. We’ll call the
incomplete message a dependent
clause. I’ll say that again!
We’ll call the complete message an
independent clause. We’ll call the
incomplete message a dependent

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big gestures, and

repeat what I said over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
Juan likes to skateboard.
Tell your neighbor the independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
Juan likes to skateboard.

Here is an incomplete
message, a dependent clause.
on the sidewalks of Paris
Now, tell your neighbor the
dependent clause over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
Juan likes to skateboard

Here is an incomplete
message, a dependent clause.
on the sidewalks of Paris

Here is a complex sentence, an

independent clause and a dependent
On the sidewalks of Paris, Juan
likes to skateboard.
Repeat the complex sentence over and over
to your neighbor.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
The girl joined a circus.
Tell your neighbor the independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
The girl bought a circus.

Here is an incomplete
message, a dependent clause.
after she won a million
Now, tell your neighbor the
dependent clause over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
The girl bought a circus.

Here is an incomplete message, a

dependent clause.
after she won a million dollars

Here is a complex sentence, an

independent clause and a dependent
After she won a million dollars, the
girl bought a circus.
Repeat the complex sentence over and over
to your neighbor.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
An elf chases a butterfly.
Tell your neighbor the independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
An elf chases a butterfly.

Here is an incomplete message, a

dependent clause.
Because it was made of gold
Now, tell your neighbor the
dependent clause over and over.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
An elf chases a butterfly.

Here is an incomplete message, a

dependent clause.
because it was made of gold

Here is a complex sentence, an

independent clause and a dependent
Because it was made of gold, an elf
chases a butterfly.
Repeat the complex sentence over and over
to your neighbor.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Class! A
doodle do!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and Eyes!

Now, it’s time to play a game. Big

Dilly will give you an independent
clause. Biffy Bluebird will give you a
dependent clause. Match wits with
Smarty Wonderbeak and see if you
can make a complex sentence.

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big gestures, and

repeat what I said over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an
independent clause.
The Man in the Moon laughs.

Here is an incomplete message, a

dependent clause.
because he just won a game of sky

Now, tell your neighbor over and over the

complex sentence you made from the
independent clause and the dependent

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an independent
A yellow fish leaped out of my pudding.

Here is an incomplete
message, a dependent clause.
trying to catch a fly

Now, tell your neighbor over and over the

complex sentence you made from the
independent clause and the dependent

Thursday, April 25, 13

Here is a complete message, an independent
The giant, old woman ran across the

Here is an incomplete
message, a dependent clause.
carrying a bus

Now, tell your neighbor over and over the

complex sentence you made from the
independent clause and the dependent

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class! A
ding dong

Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands and Eyes!

Here’s a new challenge! Make your

own complex sentences by creating
your own dependent clauses!

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use

big gestures, and repeat what I said
over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

In, On, Under, Beside, When, While,
During, Because, Though, Standing,
Swinging, Running, Thinking

dependent clause, the monkey smiles.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, use the blue words to
make as many dependent clause as you can in the black sentence.
[clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

In, On, Under, Beside, When, While,
During, Because, Though, Standing,
Swinging, Running, Thinking

dependent clause, Super Girl saved the city.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, use the blue words to
make as many dependent clause as you can in the black sentence.
[clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

In, On, Under, Beside, When, While,
During, Because, Though, Standing,
Swinging, Running, Thinking

dependent clause, Jack went looking for adventure.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, use the blue words to
make as many dependent clauses as you can in the black sentence.
[clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class! Class!

Now, see if you can make complex

sentences by creating your own
independent clauses!

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big gestures, and

repeat what I said over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

While sitting in a tree, independent clause.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, make as many

independent clauses as you can about the monkey in the
tree. [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

At midnight, independent clause.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, make as many

independent clauses as you can about what happened to
Super Girl at midnight. [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

On his birthday, independent clause.

Class, class! Working with your neighbor, make as many

independent clauses as you can about what Jack did on
his birthday! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class! Class!

You’re ready for the ultimate

challenge! Make your own complex

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use big gestures, and

repeat what I said over and over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Dependent clause, independent clause.
Classity! See how many complex sentences you an make about these aliens. Start
with a dependent clause and then add an independent clause. [clap, clap] Teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Dependent clause, independent clause.
Classity! See how many complex sentences you an make about these this picture.
Start with a dependent clause and then add an independent clause. [clap, clap]

Thursday, April 25, 13

Dependent clause, independent clause.
Classity! See how many complex sentences you an make about these this picture.
Start with a dependent clause and then add an independent clause. [clap, clap]

Thursday, April 25, 13


Thursday, April 25, 13

Not loud enough,
Mighty Groan!

Thursday, April 25, 13


Thursday, April 25, 13


Mighty Oh yeah!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Okay ... now we know the
question ... "What is a complex
sentence?" And the answer, " A
eyes! complex sentence has two parts,
one that is a complete message
and one that isn’t a complete
message. And we've explored the
answer ... now, oh no!, let's have a

Make a full turn to your neighbor, use

big gestures, and repeat what I said
over and over! [clap, clap] teach!
Thursday, April 25, 13
Thursday, April 25, 13
Hands and eyes!
Now, we're going to have a
Quick Test, abbreviated QT.
When I say QT, you say QT
and cover your eyes.

Make a full turn to your

neighbor, use big
gestures, and repeat
what I said over and
over! [clap, clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Oh my stupendous, superific,
outrageous, wacky, adorable,
cutey class!

Thursday, April 25, 13

When your eyes are covered, I'll say
some sentences. If the sentence is
true, give me a thumbs up. If the
sentence is false, give me a thumbs
down. If you're not sure, waggle your
thumb up and down.

Make a full turn to your neighbor,

use big gestures, and repeat
what I said over and over! [clap,
clap] teach!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Class ba-jinga!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Q.T.! 1. A complex sentence has three parts.
2. One part of a complex sentence is a complete
3. One part of a complex sentence is a dependent
4. One part of a complex sentence is not a
complete message.
5. Both parts of a complex sentence are
independent clauses.
6. Both parts of a complex sentence are dependent
7. This is a complex sentence ... Walking along the
beach having a good time.
8. This is a complex sentence: I love beans for
breakfast, lunch and dinner..
9. This is a complex sentence: While watching TV,
I love to eat a bowl of beans.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Q.T.! 10. A complex sentence has two parts.
-- thumbs up if the following is complex
sentence,thumbs down if it isn’t!
12. On the first day of Spring, I went fishing.
13. I love to go fishing and hike in the green hills.
14. When I go fishing, I like to think up complex
15. If you want to have fun when you’re fishing,
try using hot dogs for bait.
16. When you write complex sentences, people will
think you’re smart.
17. All day long doing nothing but sitting in the sun
and hoping Coach B will visit.
18. After watching T.V., I sat down to write lots of
complex sentences.

Thursday, April 25, 13


Thursday, April 25, 13

Hands We've done four steps! Step One:
and the question "What is a complex
sentence?" Step Two: the answer, "A
eyes! complex sentence has two parts, one
that is a complete message and one
that isn’t a complete message.” Step
Three: we explored the answer with
examples. Step Four: We had a Quick
Test on what we learned. Now, Step
Five: Writing! But, don't worry, we'll
make it fun!

Make a full turn to your neighbor,

use big gestures, and repeat what
I said over and over! [clap, clap]
Thursday, April 25, 13
Thursday, April 25, 13
Now, we’re going to play a
game called ...

Thursday, April 25, 13
All you have to do is fill in the blanks in the
following cartoons. Keep writing and writing,
until your teacher asks you to stop!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Use the blue
words to begin In, On,
your dependent Under,
clauses. Write as While,
many complex During,
sentences about Before,
us as you can! After,
If, When,
Dependent clause, independent clause.
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,
If, When,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,
If, When,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,
If, When,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,
If, When,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,
If, When,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Thursday, April 25, 13
Here’s your next challenge. Write complex
sentences that have a dependent clause at the
beginning AND AT THE END! I’ll give you a
sample on each of the following pages and then
you write lots more!

Thursday, April 25, 13

In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Use the blue words, or

any others, to begin
your dependent clauses.
Dependent clause, independent clause. Write as many complex
While standing on the road, the pig smiled. sentences as you can!
You only use a comma
Independent clause dependent clause. when the dependent
The pig smiled while standing on the road. clause begins the
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Because the stream looked lovely, the duck went swimming.

Independent clause dependent clause.

The duck went swimming because the stream looked lovely.
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Though he was cold, the penguin visited his friends..

Independent clause dependent clause.

The penguin visited his friends though he was cold.
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

In the clear air, the palm trees bowed in the wind.

Independent clause dependent clause.

The palm trees bowed in the wind in the clear air.
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Dependent clause, independent clause.

Before the sun rose too high, the mother bird found a worm.

Independent clause dependent clause.

The mother bird found a worm before the sun rose too high.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Some college students can’t accomplish the
next challenge! Put a dependent clause in the
middle of an independent clause!!!

Thursday, April 25, 13

Write as many
complex sentences as In, On,Under,
you can with the
dependent clause in While, During,
the middle! Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The fox, sitting on the beach, looks afraid.

Thursday, April 25, 13

How do you like the In, On,Under,
complex sentence
below? While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The snake, very boldly, sticks out his tongue.

Thursday, April 25, 13

In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,
How many complex
sentences can you
write about us with
the dependent clause
in the middle?

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The baby bird, flapping his wings, waits for breakfast.
Thursday, April 25, 13
In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,
Did you think up a
complex sentence like
the one below?

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The yellow sun, shining behind the leaves, glowed brightly.
Thursday, April 25, 13
How many of these fancy
complex sentences can you

In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The polar bear, while we watch, lifts his paw.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Did you write about my friends,
the seals?

In, On,Under,
While, During,
Before, After,
If, When, Thinking,

Independent, dependent clause, clause.

The two seals, looking happy, play in the freezing water.
Thursday, April 25, 13
Now, with a big turn
and giant gestures
tell your neighbors
everything you’ve learned about
complex sentences!

Thursday, April 25, 13

On the next page is a Power Pix, a
picture your teacher will put on the
wall to help you remember all you've
learned about complex

Thursday, April 25, 13

Question: What is a complex sentence?
Answer: A complex sentence has two parts, one that is a complete message
and one that isn’t a complete message.

? ?
complete message incomplete message

complex sentence
Gesture: On “two” hold up two fingers; on “complete message” hold an imaginary phone
to your ear; on “isn’t a complete message” drop the phone and shake your head.

Thursday, April 25, 13

Coming Soon!!!
Next Week!

WBT Common Core:

Explore WBT’s Highly Colorful,
Zingy and Zany Lesson for this
all important Common Core
topic! Just pop the pdf in your
computer and
let Coach B do the teaching!!!
Thursday, April 25, 13


Thursday, April 25, 13

I say again, WHOLE BRAIN
do not eat, TEACHING for
do not sleep Challenging Kids
until you buy this
book at
Amazon.com! The revolutionary teaching system,
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Thursday, April 25, 13

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Tw ice
when th e f
un ,
Wear ring
a Wac ...
ky Ha

Thursday, April 25, 13

You get!
501: Universal Homework Model
502: Oral Writing
503: Super Improvers Wall
504: The Genius Ladder
505: 5 Step Lesson Template

Thursday, April 25, 13

You also get!
506: Prove It!
507: Mind Soccer
508: Brain Toys 1
509: Brain Toys 2
510: SuperSpeed 1000

Thursday, April 25, 13

t o t h e
9 .9 9 in
$ 1
W in d ow
Go to
o u n t ...
t h a t A m
a c t ly ly
(Ex d ic r o u s
y l u
or a n e n d i n g
n u m b er
in 99!)

Spo Tel
l yo
on v u se y ur
a ca t ou'r
ion e go
to T ing
Hea v ea c
en ! h in g

Thursday, April 25, 13

The only
thing you don't
get is the Professional
DEvelopment certificate ...
some Shady folks might turn
in the certificates without
watching the

Thursday, April 25, 13

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