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Define IT infrastructure?

IT infrastructure refers to the composite hardware, software, network resources and services required for the
existence, operation and management of an enterprise IT environment.
What is failover? Give example
Failover is the (semi) automatic switch-over to a standby system, either in the same or in another datacenter, upon
the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active system. Examples are Windows Server failover
Define life cycle of IT management?
Full life cycle of IT management
1. IT organization
2. Processes:
• Incident management
• Change management
• Problem management
• Release management
• Capacity management.
What is DTAP environment?
DTAP (Development, Test, Acceptance, Production) environment are used in the software development process. In
the development environment, new software is development or existing software is modified. In the test
environment, the software is tested by independent testers and in the acceptance environment, the software is
accepted by the user population. When all tests are successful, the software is deployed in the production
What is decommissioning?
Decommissioning is a process by which a business application or system is removed from use in an organization. At
the end of its lifecycle, infrastructure must be decommissioned. The decommissioning process can be broken down
into preparation, execution and cleanup activities.
Differentiate between MTBF and MTTR?
MTBF stands for Mean Time Between Failures. MTBF is the average time that passes between failures. MTTR stands
for Mean Time to Repair. MTTR is the time it takes to recover from a failure.
What is meant by non-functional attribute of IT infrastructure?
Non-functional attributes refer to those attributes which have no function. Non-functional attribute describe the
qualitative behavior of a system. Some examples of non-functional attributes are:
Availability Scalability Reliability Security Performance
What is BYOD?
A concept called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) allows people to bring personally owned typically mobile devices
to the office, to use them to access the organization’s applications and data, as well as their personal applications
and data.
Define risk response?
Risk response is the process of developing strategic options and determining actions to enhance opportunities and
reduce threats to the project’s objectives. There are four type of risk responses:
1. Acceptance of the risk
2. Avoidance of the risk
3. Transfer of the risk
4. Mitigation of the risk and accepting the residual risk
What is virtual desktop infrastructure?
Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is virtualization technology that hosts a desktop operating system on a
centralized server in a data center.
What is name of special purpose operating system?
Some operating systems are created for special purposes like the ones used in firewalls, intrusion detection and
prevention systems, routers, phones, ATM machines and media centers etc. These operating systems are typically
based on existing operating systems (usually Linux or Windows), but stripped of all unneeded features. An example
of a special type of operating system is a real-time operating system (RTOS). Real-time operating systems guarantee
to perform tasks in a predefined amount of time
Define process scheduling?
Operating systems create the illusion of multiple running processes in parallel by scheduling each process to run
only during a short time frame. Process scheduling is fairly complex, as switching processes introduces some
What is benchmarking?
A benchmark uses a specific test program to assess the relative performance of an infrastructure component.
Benchmarking is used to assess the performance characteristics of computer hardware, for example, the floating-
point operation performance or the number of instructions per second of a CPU.
Explain the function performed by BOOTP and DHCP?
BOOTP stand for Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). BOOTP automatically assigns IP addresses to hosts. BOOTP requires
manual configuration for each host in the network.
DHCP stand for (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). DHCP can dynamically assigns network related parameters
like IP addresses, subnet mask, default gateway to be used for routing and DNS server to be used to each host on
the network.
Define RAID?
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a way of storing the same data in different places on multiple hard
disks to protect data in the case of a drive failure. However, not all RAID levels provide redundancy.
Define IPV4?
IPv4 addresses are compared of 4 bytes (32) bits represented by 4 decimal numbers and divided by a period.
For example,
What is power density?
Power density Is the amount of power per unit volume. The amount of power available in a datacenter is typically
expressed as the number of Kilowatts per m2. A value of between 2 and 6 kw/m2 is typical in a normal density
datacenter. For example, if a HP DL380 server uses 250W power.
What are the metrics of coding?
Code metrics is a set of software measures that provide developers better insight into the code they are developing.
By taking advantage of code metrics, developers can understand which methods should be reworked or more
thoroughly tested.
Write the categories of end user devices?
End user devices can be categorized as:
Desktop PCs, Laptops PCs, Virtual desktops, Mobile devices, wearables, scanners and printers.
How to calculate the IOPS?
To calculate the IOPS of a disk, the following can be used:
Rotational delay (ms) + Seek time(ms)
What is meant by cloud computing?
Cloud Computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and
process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.
Write the type of disks?
There are two disks that are most commonly used today which are Solid State Drives and Mechanical Hard Disks
Drives. Other disks include floppy disks, CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, Blue Ray and removable drives.
Name the different components of IT infrastructure Building Blocks?
Components of IT Infrastructure Building Blocks are:
End user devices, operating systems, virtualization, storage, networking, datacenters and servers.
What is Fallback?
Fallback is the manual switchover to an identical standby computer system in a different location.
What is cryptography?
Cryptography is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is
intended can read and process it.

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