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J: Hi, everyone.

My name is Jose Vega Alpas M: hello nice to meet you, my name is Manuel

A: And my name is Adrian Sanchez. Today we are going to talk about unusual events and
experiences we have had. Let’s begin. A: Have you ever had something unusual?

J: Sometimes I talk to myself, that is, I ask questions and I answer them. M: Well, not that I
know for me, everything has been quiet like this

A: In my case, I usually represent fictitious conversations between me

and my friends, enemies, celebrities you like or anyone else. It's a little weird, but I know that
in my fictional world, it's a lot of fun. J: Have you ever eaten something unusual

M: When I was seven years old, when I traveled to the jungle with my family, they made me
taste a worm called Suri. It was strange because it was not dead if it was not alive and they ate
it, it was something strange.

A: I have not had the experience of eating unusual foods, but I remember my mother tellingme
that in the jungle she used to eat different exotic animals such a s wild boar, suri, muca, etc.

J: When I was 15 years old when I went on a trip to Chincha to visit my uncle and there was an
area where people ate cat meat and it seemed very strange to me so I only asked for chicken.

M: Have you ever bought something unusual online?

A: Well, I've never bought anything online, but I remember seeing too many weird and unusual
things on different internet sites like a vampire killing kit, windows, chewing gum, underpants,

J: I remember that on an online page they were selling a broken and worn pants for a thousand

M: Yes, I bought a console, but the product was not delivered and I had to request a refund,
then 1 week passed and they delivered the product to me

J: Have you ever attended any unusual festival?

M: Of course, when I went to Mexico with my partner to celebrate the Day of the Dead, it was
funny because literally everyone dressed as a skull giving worship to the deceased.

A: I remember that with my family, before the pandemic, we had celebrated the film festival.
What we did was to watch most of the movies that we could see that day in the cinema. It was
a very amazing moment.

J: I remember that I went on a trip to Spain with my family and participated in the Tomatina,
which is literally a tomato fight through the streets of Buñol. M: Have you ever seen something
that surprised you?

A: One thing I have seen that really surprised me was the lightning strikes that were presented
this year. This was a phenomenon that I had never seen before in such a surprising way.

M: When I went to the beach and saw a dolphin swimming with the people, it surprised me
because it was unusual for the beach of Chincha

J: I remember that in 2007 a strong earthquake occurred and I did not know what to do
because there was a lot of despair on the street, it was something very shocking.
A: Have you ever met anyone famous?

A: Well, I haven't met anyone famous, but my mother has. One day she was at the airport and
there she met the Peruvian national team players. She had been very excited.

J: When I was in a restaurant with my partner, we saw the singer Gian Marco in that place and
we asked him for an autograph.

M: Well, the famous one that I saw and knew him was Robert John Downey Jr., the Iron man
actor I liked him a lot, he was very excited and happy. A: I think that during the life you come
across one or another unusual or weird thing. Well guys, I have to go do my chores. Good

J: That's how it is. Good guys see you another time. M: ok, see you next time, thanks

A: It was a pleasure. See you soon.

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