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desited, (See catalog.) IF you with to ender yaur own, be iure to 0 the following spect. Resonance -Porallel teed Cap. ‘22 F ee “Third OT welder he-2s/u olerence 015% 10M Formule * F- 107 6M Formula F107. 2M Formula’ 10.73 220 MHz Fermule @lo7ve * POWER AND SPEAKER CONNECTIONS, ‘Dyerating power requires fs +13.8 Vde at 150 t0 200 mA peak, Bling current is 40-50 A, A well regulated power supaly should be vied. Be ture the poser source dees nat carry high voltage or reverse polotly transients on the line, tince temiconductors in the Fan be destroyed. Positive and negative power con= rections should be made cl E3 and El, respectively. OBSERVE POLARITY! Be sure to run 6 ground leed te the power tupelys de {ot depend en chassis giaund, whieh may cause noive picky ‘an B ohm loudepeaker should be connected t0 £2 with ground fe= tum to £1. Use of lowe impedance speaker er shorting of specker terminal con result in IC dames AUGNMENT,, OTE The tuning slugs in cll L1-L6 should elves be odestad inthe proper pate hniog tol, A lorly fing rounded vol may creck ow slo, Th verb eeectar ele ba a [avd wre pene Yel oa eal etl tt trnfomar AS nb edlted wth ay serondver, bt oot fore the pot lenges ledutners shuld bu srt he conte ef nate xpuy bre saver aneieds eee sqevlch enol TEAR eer uliesmnercerie, The vache aor {citer ho angi erew ianped Inthe metal aor plate. Maxi mu capaci ocvun th fa ere plntng rth rund Tea ciher oop soataliiutcrecfecltig| ios 4. Install chahnel erystol in sockst V1. 2, Connect specker and 13.6 Vde' Connect signal generstor with coax ellp leod to TP4 and around, Set for about | mV eutput af exactly 10,700 Mls, (Cheek with counter if nezetcary. Connect accurate VIVM to *B3 (right hand lug of vel me contol). Adjust detector tranwlomer , 1 for exactly + 2,75 Vie, Remove’ test leads. 4. Connect VIVM to TZ, Adjust esillater'eoi! LI until exe ‘er star and then peck it for maximum. Typical indicarion ie + 1.510 2.8 Vee.) 1. Connect vivm to TPS. Connect signal generater lo antenna, ‘ack J and set {t fora stong signal et the exact chennal fre= uency. Adjutt nétting cepatitor C2 for.exactly + 2.75 Vee ot P3, same es step & when datector wer aligned, This 5 the reference voltage you should get whenever an on=froquancy’ ignal is received. Diseannect vrvm, Connect oscilloscepe with 10s] probe te TP? (top of R30). Set 12 for most semitive range (64g. 20nV PrP) te view 455 KH “nal, Alternately ddjut! the Fallowing eile for maximum res ‘Sosa on the seape, keesing generator level ot low os posible to get an Inceation for tuning, L2, L3, Lé, LS, and La. ‘snove scope. + (Fdecired, L2-L6 con be readjusted elighily fo bet noise og ‘best quieting with o¢ volrmetar connected across ‘or best SINAD, A slight Improvement may be,made in tome cats If you wont fe bother. Expected var about 0.2 10 0.3 uV for 124B SINAD Gi you how ‘measure svch)or abou! 0,3 0 0,4 uV for 2038 qute receiver hat on enranely cuore petond which ruts n les. vie ty than SINAD sensitivity; which i the vee SReawure of how well eretelver hears.) he. Try adjusting SQUELCH contrel R27, and observe action with various signal levels. If desired, values of R26 oF RZB can be changed to set minimum or maximum squelch range, Note thet ¢ 53-dB hysteresis i built into the equelehelrwuit ro prevent equeloh= ing on fluttering signals. I.e., once the squelch opens, the sig ‘al level must drop ct leas! 3o8 below opening level bafora squelch Cloves goin, R22 may be removed to lestcn the hysteresis fect, or it may be replaced with a lower valve for more hysteresis desired. COMMERCIAL BAND OPERATION. Uy the unit Is Ye be ved on a feequeney utide the normal hem band for which the unit wor designed, cajucitor value in tuned clrevit can be changed where necetory. Ifa tuning slug ands to be out of he coil or © tuning peck ts approached, lee eapacl tance Is required; and more copecitance is required ifthe slug tends fo be fully engoged inthe etl winging TROUBLE SHOOTING. The usval troubleshooting techniques of ehneking de voltages and ‘Signal tracing work well in troubleshooting the receiver. Ade valtage chart and « list of typical avaie lavels ere given ‘te ect ‘030 guide to troubleshosting. Although valhages may vary widely from sat fe set ond under variour epertin: and magsuremant con® ions may be helpful when wed in ¢ logical rroublesheoting procedure. ‘The most commen troubles In ll kits, bases an our expetienes ‘re interchengod components Go yeu den’: notice while bullding), cold solder joints, ond colder eplosher. Another commen trouble i blown transistor due fe reverse polority or powerline tansients, | 10 Is0 goed proctice ro we a fure and a reverta diode at the input cof ony homebrew gear, This practice can save much work and ex jer en inadvertent mistake later on. Any raloy coils en the B¢ line should alse hove @ reverse dioda connacted right cross the coil te obior’ the reverse trent‘ants whigh rele ure, Remember If you encounter problenw during initial testing ‘cry f0 Install pars in the wrong place. Don's fake any~ yantod, Double check everyth'ng in the event of W the receiver le completely decd, try 6 10.700 Miz signal ‘spplied to TPA: Trace the tlgnal with a scope, Alva, chaek the 10.245 MHz oscillator with a scope. A signal generator on thei channel frequency can be Injected et various points in the front ‘nd. itive than thn # amplifier, the tf tage Is uspect, IF audio it avallable ot Pie velume control (as Indcared So seope) bo ot 8 opocket, UI mey have ben damaged ‘bya transient an the B+ line ore short on the pecker line, or the | squelch cirevit moy be bod or eut ef adjusiment. The wiper of te SQUELCH pot con be grounded to force the squelch clrevit ‘pen. jure to ute proper fools for alignment, 2: daceribed in Con struction secilon, Powdered {ron slugs are nede by compresing fine carbonsiron powder inte shape, They are rugged under nor= ‘mal conditions; however,.<. wom tuning tac| can slip in the hex slot ond ely lateral pressures great enova’ to fracture a cores,

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