Basket Of: Mexican Stories

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Primer Grado - Secundaria Lesson 12


Basket of mexican stories

Let’s check

Choose from a-d to answer the following


1. What is the meaning of “baker”?

a) A person that serves food in a restaurant.
b) A thick piece of meat.
c) A person who bakes bread.
d) The characteristic of someone or something
that is originally from France.
2. What is the meaning of “apology”?
a) A piece of baked dough.
b) An admission of error or regret.
c) A person who bakes bread.
d) A place that serves food to customers.

3. What is the meaning of “friend”?

a) The characteristic of someone or something
that is originally from France.
b) An adult male human.
c) A road that connects places in a city or village.
d) Someone with whom you share a connection and is
usually not a member of your family.
Basket of mexican stories

4. What is the meaning of “street”?

a) A road that connects places in a city or village.
b) An admission of error or regret.
c) A thick piece of meat.
d) A person that serves food in a restaurant.

5. What is the meaning of “steak”?

a) A baked dough
b) A person who bakes bread.
c) An admission of error or regret.
d) A thick piece of meat.

6. The waitress ____ my friend.

a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be

7. My favorite restaurant ____ across the street.

a) are
b) am
c) be
d) is

8. Her eyes ____ beautiful!

a) be
b) is
c) am
d) are
Basket of mexican stories

9. The door has to ____ always open.

a) is
b) be
c) are
d) am

10. I ____ French.

a) are
b) am
c) be
d) is

11. Where did the dog use to wait for his steak?
a) Inside the restaurant.
b) At the back door of the restaurant.
c) Outside the restaurant.
d) At the front window of the restaurant.

12. How did Monsieur René feel about the dog?

a) He despised the dog.
b) He did not feel anything for the dog.
c) He felt sad for the dog.
d) He really liked the dog.

13. Who broke a fake tooth?

a) A customer.
b) The dog.
c) The waitress.
d) The baker.
Basket of mexican stories

14. Why did Monsieur René hit the dog with a piece of bread?
a) It was an accident. He did not mean to hit the dog.
b) Because he was furious and out of his mind.
c) Because the dog wanted to eat bread.
d) None of the above.

15. What happened when the dog returned to the restaurant

after being hit with a piece of bread?
a) Monsieur René and the dog were friends again.
b) The dog bit Monsieur René’s hand.
c) Monsieur René ignored the dog.
d) The dog forgave Monsieur René and left.

16. Why does Carla’s dog get mad sometimes?

a) Because she does not pet it in the morning.
b) Because Carla leaves it alone for a long time.
c) Because dog food does not taste good.
d) Because Carla brings her friends over.

17. What pet does Mr. Garcia have?

a) A parrot.
b) A fish.
c) A cat.
d) A dog.
Basket of mexican stories

18. What does Mr. Garcia’s pet do while he is working?

a) It chews the furniture.
b) It barks and howls.
c) It waits patiently until Mr. Garcia is back.
d) It digs holes in the backyard.
19. Why doesn’t Oscar have pets at home?
a) Because he does not like animals.
b) Because his parents do not allow him.
c) Because his grandmother does not like animals.
d) Because he is too young to have pets.

20. What pet does Oscar’s grandmother have?

a) A parrot.
b) A cat.
c) A dog.
d) A fish.

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