Lesson 9 - Spreadsheet

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 Select column by clicking the

letter denoting the column.

 The entire column will be
 Apply the necessary
formatting feature. (e.g.
Percent, Currency etc)
 Use the Average function when
calculating averages. Sum
function should never be used.
 Average function add the cells
with numbers within the range
and divide by the number of
cells that have numbers.
To copy formula to other
cells, you can use;
 Copy & Paste method
 The fill handle.
 Fill (Down/Up/Left/Right)
method under the editing
ribbon on the home tab.
 To find the highest in a given
range use the MAX
(maximum) function.
 To find the lowest in a given
range use the MIN (minimum)
 Although spreadsheets have
grids/cells you will have to
add borders to cell(s) for
better presentation.
 Borders can be found on the
font ribbon of the home tab.
 To add a row select the
entire row below where you
would like the new row and
then select insert from the
cell ribbon on the home tab.
 To add a column select the
entire column to the right of
where you would like the new
column to be and then select
insert from the cell ribbon on
the home tab.
 To delete a row select the
entire row you would like to
delete then select delete
from the cell ribbon on the
home tab.
 To delete a column select
the entire column you would
like to delete then select
delete from the cell ribbon
on the home tab.
Method 1
 Double click the Sheet Name Tab
 Type in new name
 Enter
Method 2
 Right Click Sheet Tab
 Select Rename from Pop-Up Menu
 Type in New Name
 Enter
 Right Click Sheet Tab
 Select Move or Copy from Pop-Up Menu
 Move or Copy dialogue box will appear. Check
the Create a Copy box
 Select location where you want the copied sheet
to be placed.
 Click OK
Method 1
 Right Click Sheet Tab
 Select Move or Copy from Pop-Up Menu
 Select location where you want the sheet to
 OK
Method 2
 Left Click Sheet to be moved
 Hold and Drag it to the required position and let
Method 1
 Right Click on sheet tab
 Select delete from the Pop-Up menu
Method 2
 Select sheet Tab
 Click on down arrow under delete from cell
 Choose Delete Sheet
 Select Data you want to create for chart
 Click on the Insert Tab.
 Select the type of Chart from the Chart
 Select Data for the first column you want to
create for chart.
 Hold down the Control (Ctrl) Key.
 Select the next column of data that you wish
to be included in chart.
 Click on the Insert Tab.
 Select the type of Chart from the Chart
 Chart Title – Title/Name for Chart
 Chart Axes – Labelling axis (x-axis & y-axis)
 Data labels – Value, percentage
 Legend
 Chart Location

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