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Swachh Bharat


Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission is a count ry-wide
campaign init iat ed by t he Government of India in 2014 t o eliminat e open defecat ion and improve
solid wast e management . It is a rest ruct ured version of t he Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan launched in
2009 carried t hrough by successor Manmohan Singh t hat failed t o achieve it s int ended
t arget s.[2][3]
Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan (SBM)

Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan

PM Modi launches Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan

Slogan One step towards cleanliness.

Country India

Prime Minister(s) Narendra Modi

Key people Parameswaran Iyer

Launched Raj Ghat

2 October 2014

Status Phase 1 completed,

phase 2 launched[1]

Website (http://swachhbharat.

Phase 1 of t he Swachh Bharat Mission last ed t ill Oct ober 2019.

Phase 2 is being implement ed bet ween 2020–21 and 2024–25 t o help cement t he work of
Phase 1.[4]

Init iat ed by t he Government of India, t he mission aimed t o achieve an "open-defecat ion free"
(ODF) India by 2 Oct ober 2019, t he 150t h anniversary of t he birt h of Mahat ma Gandhi[5] t hrough
const ruct ion of t oilet s. An est imat ed 89.9 million t oilet s were built in t he period.[6] The
object ives of t he first phase of t he mission also included eradicat ion of manual scavenging,
generat ing awareness and bringing about a behavior change regarding sanit at ion pract ices, and
augment at ion of capacit y at t he local level.

The second phase of t he mission aims t o sust ain t he open defecat ion free st at us and improve
t he management of solid and liquid wast e, while also working t o improve t he lives of sanit at ion
workers.[7] The mission is aimed at progressing t owards t arget 6.2 of t he Sust ainable
Development Goals Number 6 est ablished by t he Unit ed Nat ions in 2015.

The campaign's official name is in Hindi. In English, it t ranslat es t o "Clean India Mission". The
campaign was officially launched on 2 Oct ober 2014 at Rajghat , New Delhi by Prime Minist er
Narendra Modi. It is India's largest cleanliness drive t o dat e wit h t hree million government
employees and st udent s from all part s of India part icipat ing in 4,043 cit ies, t owns, and rural
communit ies.

At a rally in Champaran, t he Prime Minist er called t he campaign Satyagrah se Swatchhagrah in

reference t o Gandhi's Champaran Satyagraha launched on 10 April 1916.[8]

The mission was split int o t wo: rural and urban. In rural areas "SBM - Gramin" was financed and
monit ored t hrough t he Minist ry of Drinking Wat er and Sanit at ion (since convert ed t o t he
Depart ment of Drinking Wat er and Sanit at ion under t he Minist ry of Jal Shakt i; whereas "SBM -
urban" was overseen by t he Minist ry of Housing and Urban Affairs.[9][10][11][12]

As part of t he campaign, volunt eers, known as Swatchhagrahis, or "Ambassadors of cleanliness",

promot ed t he const ruct ion of t oilet s using a popular met hod called Communit y-Led Tot al
Sanit at ion[13] at t he village level.[8] Ot her act ivit ies included nat ional real-t ime monit oring and
updat es from non-government al organizat ions such as The Ugly Indian, Wast e Warriors, and
SWACH Pune (Solid Wast e Collect ion and Handling).[14]

The government provided subsidy for const ruct ion of nearly 90 million t oilet s bet ween 2014 and
2019,[15][5] alt hough some Indians especially in rural areas choose t o not use t hem.[16] The
campaign was crit icized for using coercive approaches t o force people t o use t oilet s.[17] Some
people were st opped from defecat ing in open and t hreat ened wit h wit hdrawal from government
benefit s.[18]
The campaign was financed by t he Government of India and st at e government s. The
former released $5.8 billion (Rs 40,700 crore) funds for t oilet const ruct ion 700,000 villages.[19][20]
The t ot al budget for t he rural and urban component s was est imat ed at $28 billion, 93 per cent
for const ruct ion and t he rest for behaviour change campaigns and administ rat ion.[21][22][23]

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