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06 Narrative Planner
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Part 1: Brainstorming
Directions: Use complete sentences to answer all the questions to help you plan your
narrative based on a conflict you have experienced.

Make a Connection
1. What conflict have you faced in your own life? This will be the basis of your
narrative. A conflict I faced is that I procrastinated a lot and all my grades started
going down so I had to work hard to get good grades again.

1. Who is the protagonist?
The protagonist is me (Dmitry)
2. What does the protagonist look like?
The protagonist is 5’5 blonde, middle part and has brown eyes
3. What is the protagonist’s age and what other factual information is important
(where he/she lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)? Factual information about the
protagonist is that he lives in Florida, he plays hockey and is 14 years old

4. How would you describe the protagonist’s personality and attitude?

I would describe his personality as Athletic, mentally lazy and they love to be
social, but also enjoy their time alone.
5. Who is the antagonist?
I guess my phone is the antagonist
6. What does the antagonist look like?
The antagonist looks like a black box with a screen on one side and an apple
logo on the back, it has a button and its 5.5 inches tall.
7. What is the antagonist’s age and what other factual information is important
(where he/she lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)
The antagonist was bought in 202 so its 2 years old, it has a camera, its 5.5
inches tall.

8. How would you describe the antagonist’s personality and attitude?

The antagonist personality is manipulative and addictive.

1. What conflict does your protagonist face?
The conflict my protagonist faces is procrastinate
2. Who or what causes the conflict?
The thing that causes the conflict is his Iphone
3. Who is involved in the conflict?
The people or things included in the conflict are The iphone and Dmitry
4. How will the protagonist respond to the conflict?
The protagonist responds to the conflict by stopping himself from using the
5. What is the outcome of the protagonist’s response to the conflict?
the outcome of the protagonist’s response to the conflict is getting better grade.

1. How will you introduce the characters, setting, and conflict in the exposition?
I would introduce the protagonist and antagonist by the protagonist sitting at his
computer using his phone instead of the assignment open on the screen of the
2. What events will happen in the rising action to help develop the conflict?
The events will happen in the rising action are Dmitry starting the assignment 2
hours before the due date when he had a week to do it. He doesn't make the due
date and fails the assignment.
3. What will the climax (turning point) be for the protagonist? Think about the
decision the protagonist will have to make as a result of the conflict.
The climax is when Dmitry realizes that this is all because of his phone
4. What events will happen in the falling action?
The falling action is when Dmitrys mom sees his grades and takes his phone so
now he doesn't have a distraction and he works hard to get his phone back
5. How will the conflict be solved in the resolution?
The conflict is resolved when dmitry gets his phone back and got his good
grades back. He now puts his phone away until he finishes all his work

Point of View
1. What point of view will you use to tell the story? Think about who can best tell the
story—a narrator who is inside the story (first person) or a narrator who is outside
the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of the characters (third person
omniscient).The point of view ill use is first person
2. How will your selected point of view influence what readers know about the
characters and the conflict in your narrative?The selected point of view will
influence the readers' knowledge by giving them inside information about the
protagonist's thoughts and feelings towards the antagonist.

Part 2: Exposition
Directions: Use the answers from Part 1: Brainstorming to write your exposition
paragraph. This should introduce the main characters, the conflict, and the setting. Be
sure to include descriptive details.
2 hours before assignment due date
I started laughing at a meme I saw and my mom walks in and asks “ Are you done with
your assignment?” I said “ yeah, one sec mom im taking a break” and I proceeded to
keep scrolling on my phone. Without a care in the world. I think to myself “I should start
the assignment” so I take my phone out and start watching a movie while I work
because I think I can double task.

Narrative Planner Grading Rubric

Narrative Planner Good To Go Needs Improvement

Part 1: 32–40 points 0–31 points

All sections are complete and Sections are missing or incomplete and/or
40 points possible provide a thoughtful and clearly sections do not provide a thoughtful and clearly
outlined plan for the narrative. outlined plan for the narrative.

Part 2: 32–40 points 0–31 points

Exposition is clearly developed Exposition is not clearly developed with
40 points possible with descriptive details and descriptive details and/or does not thoroughly
thoroughly introduces the introduce the characters, conflict, and setting.
characters, conflict, and setting.

Grammar and 16–20 points 0–15 points

Spelling Work is written in complete Work may not be written in complete sentences
sentences with few to no and/or may have numerous grammatical or
20 points possible grammatical or spelling errors. spelling errors.

100 points

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