Pro-Choice Violence in Nebraska

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Pro-Choice Violence and Illegal Activities in Nebraska

Grand Island Lincoln Omaha Grand Island, Nebraska

Assault On January 18, 2000, Jerome Menyweather punched his girlfriend, Sandy Schieffer, who was full-term at the time, and knocked her down a flight of stairs. In June 2000, County Judge Phillip Martin sentenced Menyweather to nine months in jail after he pleaded guilty to assault. Martin said "I consider this to be a pretty brutal act." Reference: "Grand Island Man Sentenced to Jail After Hitting Pregnant Girlfriend." The Grand Island Independent, June 8, 2000.

Lincoln, Nebraska
Vandalism Pro-abortionists vandalized the Nebraska office of the National Right to Life Committee on the last weekend of January 1993. The pro-aborts sprayed graffiti and slogans all over the building and the public sidewalk, apparently in response to a local "Walk for Life." Reference: "Nebraska RTL Office Vandalized." National Right to Life News, February 9, 1993, page 19.

Omaha, Nebraska

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Rape and Grand Theft, and Theft (4 incidents) If anyone is going to Hell, it's this guy. In September 2006, 41-year-old Aurelio Vallecillo-Sanchez raped a 14-year-old girl and she became pregnant. He wanted her to have an abortion, and needed money to pay for it and other things, so he went to Omaha's St. Cecelia Cathedral, and, while his own children acted as lookouts, stole the 300-year-old painting "The Virgin Immaculata," valued at about $100,000. He then traveled to Mexico with the victim, his children and the painting, hoping to sell it for $30,000, but he only got $3,000 for it. Douglas County prosecutor Brenda Beadle said that "The plan was that when they got to Mexico, she was to undergo an abortion." The girl did not have an abortion because her pregnancy was too far along, and she reported the sexual assault to police when they returned to Omaha. Vallecillo-Sanchez then pushed the girl to have the baby given up for adoption. Prosecutor Beadle said "He wanted to do everything he could to get rid of this baby 'cause it was evidence against him." Vallecillo-Sanchez has been linked to at least four other thefts in the Omaha area, but charges were not filed as part of a plea deal, Beadle said. Vallecillo-Sanchez was sentenced to 40 to 60 years in prison. References: Timberly Ross. "Neb. Man Stole Virgin Mary Painting for Abortion." Associated Press, August 22, 2008; "Man Gets 40 to 60 Years for Rape.", October 14, 2009. Assault (4 incidents) and Disorderly Conduct (2 incidents) On October 21, 1992, abortionist G.W. Orr was arrested at the Women's Services abortion mill for spraying water on pro-lifers and pouring gasoline over a barrel of concrete and tar which protestors had their arms locked around. To prove that he had not learned his lesson, on December 17, 1992, Orr was arrested again for assault and disorderly conduct stemming from a legal pro-life picket at his home. In both cases, pro-abortionists brought intense pressure on the prosecutor's office to drop all charges, proving once and for all that they support violence against pro-lifers. References: "G.W. Orr Faces Charges Tied to Abortion Protest." Omaha World Herald, December 17, 1992, page 17; "Omaha Abortionist Arrested for Assault." Life Advocate, March 1993, page 31. Assault (2 incidents) On February 11, 1994, at the Women's Medical Center of Nebraska abortion mill, a pro-abortionist knocked pro-lifer Sharon McKee to the ground twice as she approached a vehicle in order to offer the mother alternative choices to abortion. Reference: Operation Rescue National, Violence and Disruption Report, December 1, 1994. Assault [Bellevue] This database proves that "pro-choicers" are craven, yellow cowards. In the hundreds of documented instances of "pro-choicers" physically attacking pro-lifers, fully 95 percent of the targets are the elderly, small children, or handicapped people.

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This case is another example of this pattern. One day in October 2008, pro-lifers were standing outside an abortion mill in Bellevue, Nebraska. One of the pro-lifers was Mary Adam, who is frail and 72 years old. Mary had talked to one young woman about the possibility of having another family adopt her baby, and the young lady left the abortion mill. But the next day, the furious mother of the young lady appeared with her, apparently intent on forcing her to have the abortion. As the mother got out of her car, she screamed curses and threats at the pro-lifers. Unafraid, Mary told them "This is the worst thing you will do in your whole life. Your baby's heart is beating right now." The mother went insane with anger and rushed at Mary, shoving her and knocking her into the street. Mary fell backwards, hitting her head on the concrete and losing consciousness. The mother didn't care. She just grabbed her daughter and went into the abortion mill. The other pro-lifers called 9-1-1, and a rescue squad and police arrived at the scene. Mary was taken to a hospital. The police questioned the mother and gave her a ticket for misdemeanor assault. Pro-lifers at the scene were outraged. One said that "There can be no question that if any of us had done something similar, we would surely have been arrested and jailed." Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, also had another concern. He said that "We are concerned that this was a coerced abortion. If the woman who attacked Mary would so easily resort to violence against a frail woman in full view of numerous witnesses, we can only wonder what she has done to her daughter in private." The attacker was not identified. Reference: Steven Ertelt. "Elderly Pro-Life Woman Assaulted Outside Abortion Business in Nebraska." LifeNews, October 13, 2008. Criminal Negligence, Unlawful Abortion, Reckless Driving, Theft, Destruction of Property and Disorderly Conduct On September 6, 1979, abortionist C.J. LaBenz committed an illegal third trimester abortion on a viable baby and, when the 2 pound 9 ounce boy was born alive, simply let him die. The little one only lived for 2 hours. A nurse involved in this case testified that the infant was placed on a sink drain board in what she called a "dirty utility room," that he moved his arms and legs and cried intermittently, and that his breathing seemed normal. LaBenz was charged with criminal negligence and unlawful abortion. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) rushed to his defense and raised legal funds for him. But this abortionists violence is not limited to preborn children. On June 7, 2002, pro-lifer Sharon McKee was standing on some grass next to the public pavement at the Women's Services abortion mill, when Labenz drove his car up onto the grass and knocked her to the ground. He then yelled for an ambulance before noticing another activist, John Kelly, 73, holding a video camera. The abortionist tried to seize the camera from the elderly man when an off-duty policewoman working as a security guard intervened and restored the camera to Mr. Kelly. Next, the abortionist tried to walk off with McKee's protest sign. The policewoman stopped him but the abortionist got away with McKee's clipboard, telephone, and $350 cash hidden behind the clipboard. The police retrieved both from inside the abortuary, but the cash was gone and the phone had been smashed. In September 2002, Labenz was charged with reckless driving, theft and disorderly conduct. He pleaded no contest in Douglas County Court to careless driving and disturbing the peace, and Judge

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Thomas McQuade sentenced the abortionist to a $75 fine on each count, for a total of $150. So not only did the abortionist get off scot-free with a possible attempted murder, he made a $200 profit for his attacks, considering that he kept Sharon McKee's $350! References: "G.W. Orr Faces Charges Tied to Abortion Protest." Omaha World Herald, December 17, 1992, page 17; also see Omaha World-Herald, October 9, 12, 13 and 19, 1979, November 12 and 25, 1979 and October 10, 1980; Associated Press, October 10, 1979, November 15, 1979, and December 14, 15, and 28, 1979; Lincoln Star, October 12 and 31, 1979; "Planned Parenthood Supporting Abortionist Charged in Infant's Death." National Right to Life News, March 1980, page 21; "Abortionist Pleads 'Not Guilty.'" National Right to Life News, January 1980, page 6; James Cunningham. "Shall Not Have Died in Vain." National Right to Life News, January 1980, page 11; "Abortionist Charged With Crimes Against Pro-Lifer." LifeSite Daily News, September 5, 2002; Gary McCullough. "Abortionist Arrested for Hitting Protester With Car." CCN News, September 21, 2002; "Doctor Fined Over Incident at Clinic." Omaha World-Herald, December 3, 2002. Felony Child Abuse and Forgery 36-year-old David A. Gills posed as the father of a 16-year-old girl he had gotten pregnant when he took her to the Womens Services abortion mill in Omaha and signed consent forms that allowed her to get an abortion in defiance of state abortion laws. In Nebraska, abortionists must notify the parents of teen-agers younger than age 18 at least 48 hours before the girl gets an abortion. On June 14, 2000, Gills was sentenced to 1½ to two years in prison. He pleaded no contest to felony child abuse in May of 2000. Douglas County District Judge Richard J. Spethman said anything less than jail time would depreciate the seriousness of the crime. He expressed concern that Gills continued to contact the girl even after he was arrested. "You've got this little girl so messed up now, I don't know if she will ever get straightened out," the judge said. Prosecutor Leigh Ann Retelsdorf urged jail time, saying that Gills continued to write the girl letters from jail and filed frivolous protection orders against her parents. "I think this case, and this defendant, deserves jail time," she said. "He has continued to make contact with the child." References: Omaha World-Herald, June 14, 2000; "Omaha Man Sentenced in Abortion-Fraud Case." Pro-Life Infonet, June 16, 2000. Cruelty to Animals (6 incidents), Malpractice (2 incidents) and Violation of Health and Safety Standards [Bellevue] Four of abortionist Leroy H. Carhart's horses and his two dogs were confiscated by the local humane society due to neglect. The officer of the humane society said she had not obtained a warrant because the animals were in danger of death. She also said that the horses were in danger of starvation even though several large bales of inferior-quality hay were outside a fence, just beyond the reach of the horses, that some of the older horses had bite marks on their backs indicating that younger horses had driven them away from what food was available, and that the most skeletal of the horses, a 20 to 30-year-old female, had to be coaxed from a barn that was a foot deep in mud and excrement. She also said that Carhart "wasn't too happy" that she had taken the horses, and that he threatened to file charges against her. Deborah Reay, former administrator of the Women's Medical Center of Nebraska, where Carhart worked, testified in a lawsuit against Carhart that he fell asleep while administering an anesthetic,

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performed abortions while talking on the telephone, and botched two abortions. References: Eugene Curtin. "Carhart's Horses Confiscated: Officials Cite 'Neglect.'" Bellevue Leader, July 25, 1992, pages 1 and 4; James Allen Flanery. "Fired Woman Files Lawsuit Against Clinic." Omaha World-Herald, July 26, 1991, pages 11 and 20.

End of Nebraska Listing

(updated March 31, 2011)

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