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Pro-Choice Violence and Illegal Activities in Ohio

Canton Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dayton Lawrence Lima Lisbon Toledo Youngstown Canton, Ohio
Aggravated Murder, Felonious Assault, and Use of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony Paul A. Tarver II's girlfriend, Keisha Lewis, was three months pregnant with his preborn child, whom he did not want. Tarver and Keisha were on their way to dinner at a northeast Canton restaurant on March 7, 2002. Tarver told police that a masked gunman burst into his Ford Ranger in the restaurant parking lot and ordered him to drive to a nearby fish hatchery. The gunman then grabbed the keys from the ignition and began rifling through Tarver's and Keisha' belongings for money, police said. The robber argued with Tarver and Keisha about the amount of money they had and began shooting. It turned out that Tarver had hired the gunman. On July 10, 2002, Tarver was indicted by a Stark grand jury and was charged with complicity to commit aggravated murder and complicity to commit felonious assault. The murder charge stems from the death of the preborn child. Ohio law equates causing the unlawful termination of a pregnancy with causing another person's death, but it is not a death penalty offense. The assault charge stemmed from the injuries inflicted on Keisha, who recovered from several gunshot wounds to the abdomen.

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On October 24, 2003, a jury took less than four hours to convict Tarver of complicity to aggravated murder and complicity to felonious assault. On November 1, 2002, Stark County Common Pleas Judge Sara Lioi imposed a 20-year to life sentence for complicity in the death of Keisha Keisha' 3-month-old preborn baby, eight years for complicity to felonious assault on Keisha and three more years because a gun was involved. Lioi said "For committing the ultimate selfish act, you arranged for the unthinkable ... to have the baby killed in its mother's womb." The shooter remains at large. References: Andale Gross. "Canton Man Accused in Shooting is Indicted: He's Charged With Planning Attack That Killed Fetus." Canton Beacon Journal, July 12, 2002; "Man Accused of Setting Up Shooting of Pregnant Girlfriend." WKYC [Akron, Ohio Channel 3 News], July 12, 2002; "Trial Begins for Man Charged in Fetus Death." WKYC News, October 22, 2002; "Trial Starts on Conspiracy to Kill Pregnant Woman." WKYC Television Channel 23 News [Akron, Ohio], October 23, 2002; "Jury Convicts in Conspiracy to Kill Fetus." WKYC Channel 23 News [Akron, Ohio], October 25, 2002; Dave Sereno. "Boyfriend in Shooting Case Sentenced." Canton Reporter, October 25, 2002; "Man Convicted of Having Ex-Girlfriend Shot to Kill Their Unborn Baby." Associated Press; October 26, 2002; Pro-Life Infonet, October 27, 2002; "Man Guilty in Killing of Girlfriend's Fetus: Woman was Shot During Carjacking." Cincinnati Enquirer, October 30, 2002; Robert Wang. Judge Says Canton Man 'Arranged for Unthinkable'." Canton Reporter, November 2, 2002.

Cincinnati, Ohio
Aggravated Murder (2 counts), Kidnapping, Felonious Assault (2 counts), Domestic Violence (3 counts) and Assault This is the story of just another cowardly "pro-choice" attack on pregnant women, one of thousands that have been documented through the years, all showing that "pro-choicers" are gutless cowards who only attack those weaker than themselves. 18-year-old Kerria Anderson was eight months pregnant by her 15-year-old boyfriend Alfonso "Lil Al" Price, who wanted her to have an abortion. Kerria, however, refused because she was looking very much forward to having her little girl, whom she had already named "Precious." After one such demand and refusal, Price beat Kerria so severely she had to be taken to a hospital. During the beating, Price repeatedly told her that he was going to kill her baby. On July 12, 2007, Kerria was walking along a Cincinnati street with her one-year-old daughter Jakayla, when Price ran up to her and grabbed her little daughter. Two other attackers began to beat her with their fists. She fell to the ground, and two of Price's friends began stomping on Kerria's stomach in an attempt to kill her preborn child. Price screamed at her "Bitch, you should have got an abortion, now your baby is going to die." Then Price and his friends dragged her behind a building and continue to beat her and stamp on her stomach. Then the attackers fled and went into hiding. Kerria managed to drag herself to a security station after the attack and found a guard. The guard saw that she was covered with boot prints, called 9-1-1 and said "She's five months pregnant, she has bruises everywhere, they just jumped her, like three guys had just jumped her. She knows one of them, it's her baby daddy. Well, the unborn child's father. And I guess it was over her not getting an abortion or something like that." Kerria recovered from her injuries but her preborn baby died from a fractured skull as a result of

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the attack. Precious had also suffered many other broken bones. Kerria's mother Angela said "She was just all broken up. ... All he had to do was just run along and leave her alone. But he caught her, and he caught her good and killed the baby." Kerria confirmed that Price and one of his friends had attacked her because Price was the father of her baby and because he had demanded that she have an abortion and she had refused. Price, who already has a long police record at the age of fifteen, was caught two weeks after the murder and was charged with aggravated murder, kidnapping and felonious assault. 17-year-old Jebrell Wright, one of the attackers, was charged with the same felonies. A jury found both Price and Wright guilty of the charges of aggravated murder, kidnapping and felonious assault, and a judge sentenced both of them to fifteen years to life plus eight years in prison. Price had previously been convicted of three domestic violence charges. References: "Ohio Sees Second Death of Unborn Child in Attack on Pregnant Mother." LifeNews, July 16, 2007; "$1000 Reward for 15 Year Old Murder Suspect." WKRC Television 12 News [Cincinnati], July 17, 2007; "Stomping Suspects Nabbed: Two Nabbed in Attack on Pregnant Teen." Cincinnati Enquirer, July 27, 2007. Aggravated Murder (2 counts) and Death Threat Sean Steele had impregnated his 15-year old girl friend, Barbara J. "Bobbie" Watkins, and she was 26 to 32 weeks pregnant. Numerous people told investigators that Steele had been pressuring Bobbie to have an abortion. Steele told Bobbie that they were going to buy baby clothes. He lured her to a wooded area near the Easton Town Center, then strangled her and left her body in the woods. County Assistant Prosecutor Greg Peterson said that "If Bobbie wasn't going to voluntarily terminate this pregnancy, he was. It doesn't matter if he created that life, because there was no question he ended it. There can be no question what Sean Steele's purpose was when he entered the woods. The purpose was to end the life of Bobbie." During two days of testimony, a Columbus homicide detective and a minister testified that Steele confessed to choking Bobbie, dropping a rock on her body and stabbing her with a broken beer bottle. Construction workers found Bobbie' decomposed body on September 22, 1998 in a wooded ravine near Easton. Family and friends testified that Bobbie had told them she was pregnant and Steele was the father. Witnesses testified Steele gave Bobbie $200 for an abortion, but she wanted to have the child. Witnesses also testified that Steele threatened to kill her and her preborn child if she didn't end the pregnancy. A deputy coroner testified Bobbie was about 26 to 32 weeks pregnant. On April 4, 2000, Steele was sentenced to 15 years to life for each of the murders. References: "Life Notes: Unborn Babies Murdered." Life in Oregon [Oregon Right to Life], December 1999-January 2000, page 7; Tim Doulin. "Aggravated Murder Charge Too Severe, Defense Attorney Says: Sean Steele Intended to Harm Barbara Watkins Because She Refused to Have an Abortion, Prosecutors Say." Columbus Dispatch, March 31, 2000; "Teen Gets 30 Years to Life for Killings." The Cincinnati Enquirer, April 5, 2000. Voluntary Manslaughter (2 incidents) and Use of a Handgun During the Commission of a Felony

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Tony Ringer's girlfriend, Cassandra Betts, was pregnant by him, and he did not want the baby because he wanted to marry another woman. So, in early December 2000, he demanded that Betts abort his child. When she refused, they argued, and then he shot her in the head as she sat in her car, killing her and her 6-week old preborn child. After murdering her, Ringer ran away, leaving Betts' seven-year-old daughter in the back seat. Prosecutors said that DNA tests determined that Ringer was the father of Betts' child. On February 28, 2002, Ringer pleaded guilty to two counts of voluntary manslaughter in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. Judge Richard Niehaus sentenced Ringer to consecutive nine-year terms on the two charges, to be followed by a three-year term for using a gun during the crime. Ringer was originally charged with two counts of aggravated murder. Betts' mother, Barbaranne Irving, called Ringer a "coward" in court. "You have never looked at me to see the damage you have done. You're a coward for never looking me in my face." References: Dayton Daily News, March 1, 2002; "Boyfriend Gets Prison in Slaying." Associated Press, March 4, 2002; Lifetalk Video News (Life Dynamics, Inc.), April 2002. Attempted Murder Pro-life author George Grant found the bodies of several preborn babies in a dumpster behind a Cincinnati abortion mill in the Spring of 1987. A security guard for the abortuary told him to drop the bodies, but Grant ran instead. The guard fired his gun at Grant, striking a post beside him in the alley. Unsuccessful in its attempt to impose the death penalty on Grant for stealing what it calls "trash," the abortion mill subsequently sued him for $1 million. Reference: Anti-Life Report. February-March 1988, page 10. Sexual Assault (12 incidents) This is another example of the dozens of cases described in this database where child molesters find that abortion is their best friend. It allows them to erase the physical evidence of their crimes and continue to molest their victims. Abortion mills almost never report such molestation. In fact, pro-choice groups routinely battle any attempt to make abortion clinics mandatory reporters so that they would be required to report such molestation. John Blanks Jr. of Mason, Ohio, began molesting his daughter when she was 13. In November 2004, he took her to the Auburn Avenue Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Cincinnati for an abortion. Under Ohio law, doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals are required to report alleged instances of sexual abuse to authorities. But Planned Parenthood had a "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding sexual molestation, and did not report the abuse. The girl had the abortion. Clinic workers sent her home with a supply of birth control pills. Blanks continued sexually assaulting the girl for another year and a half. In 2006, the girl was so terrified that her father would also abuse her sister that she shared her story with her future college sports coach, who, unlike Planned Parenthood, obeyed the law and contacted police. Blanks was sentenced to five years in prison. Warren County Prosecutor Rachel Hutzel termed it one of the worst cases of child sexual abuse she had ever seen. The girl sued Planned Parenthood because of the forced abortion that she did not want. "Shot at and Sued for Finding Body." ALL About Issues,

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Becki Brenner, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, said that she felt sorry for the girl. Amazingly, her feelings arose not from what her organization did to the girl, but that she is allegedly the victim of pro-life activists attempting to score points politically! References: Rick Wesley. "Planned Parenthood Facilities in Cincinnati, Nationwide Facing Charges of Covering Up Child Rapes." CCN-USA, May 30, 2007; Charlotte Allen. "Planned Parenthood's Unseemly Empire." The Weekly Standard, October 22, 2007. Sexual Battery (7 counts) This is a story almost identical to the previous one, and involving the same abortion mill. John Haller was 21 years old and, like so many "pro-choice" men, he liked his girls young. He had been having sex with a 13-year-old girl, and she became pregnant. So he took her to the Auburn Avenue Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Cincinnati on March 30, 2004. The staff there did not ask any questions when Haller paid for the abortion with a credit card after telling the abortuary staff that he was the girl's stepbrother. The staff accepted as identification the girl's junior high school ID and Haller's driver's license. On May 6, 2004, Haller was indicted on seven counts of sexual battery. He was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to a three-year term at the Lucasville Correctional Facility. In June 2006 Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Patrick Dinkelacker ordered the Cincinnati Planned Parenthood affiliate to turn over all records pertaining to abortions performed on underage clients. As expected, the chain of abortion mills fought tooth and nail against the order showing that they are not concerned at all about the fates of young girls being raped by their fathers and other adult men, but only about their own lucrative abortion business. Brian E. Hurley of the Cincinnati-based law firm Crabbe, Brown and James, pinpointed the real reason for PP's resistance when he said that My guess is that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and that is why Planned Parenthood will do anything to prevent us from seeing its records. ... If there in fact has been a pattern of practice of this going on, they're actually hiding behind these individuals [child rapists] trying to protect themselves. ... If we ever do get a look at all the records, it will show Planned Parenthood set up a system to prevent reporting abuse. Some people roll their eyes when you bring up abortion. Nobody rolls their eyes about abuse. The abortion mill chain also trotted out the old tired claim that the girl's confidentiality would be violated by turning over the records, but Right to Life executive director Paula Westwood pointed out that There are absolutely no privacy concerns here for Planned Parenthood patients because no patient ID information is wanted and has not been requested only the records of the circumstances of abortions given to minors. So my question is, Whose privacy does Planned Parenthood want to protect? Rapists? Abortionists? Planned Parenthood staff? References: Rick Wesley. "Planned Parenthood Facilities in Cincinnati, Nationwide Facing Charges of Covering Up Child Rapes." CCN-USA, May 30, 2007.

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Sexual Battery (2 counts) This is another example of the dozens of cases described in this database where child molesters find that abortion is their best friend. It allows them to erase the physical evidence of their crimes and continue to molest their victims. Abortion mills almost never report such molestation. In fact, pro-choice groups routinely battle any attempt to make abortion clinics mandatory reporters so that they would be required to report such molestation. 29-year-old pro-choicer Christopher Ryan Fears liked his girls young in this case, less than half his own age. In May 2009, he got drunk and raped an unnamed 14-year-old girl, and she became pregnant. She told her mother of the incident, and the mother confronted Fears, who offered to pay for an abortion. Fears confessed to the rape and was arrested and charged with seven counts of statutory rape. In January 2010, Fears pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual battery, and was sentenced to four years in prison and to register as a sex offender. References: Steven Ertelt. Ohio Man Tries to Hide Statutory Rape of Pregnant Teenage Girl With Abortion., August 28, 2009; Man Who Impregnated Teen Sentenced To 4 Years: Judge Orders Man To Register As Sex Offender. WLWT Channel 5 Television News (Cincinnati, Ohio), March 18, 2010. Gross Negligence (2 incidents), Criminal Abortion, Sexual Predation, Harassment, Drug Pushing and Prostitution Former Nazi and SS officer Vilis Kruze, a graduate of the Latvian Medical School in Riga, put his wartime skills to work performing abortions. Even before Roe v. Wade, he was convicted in connection with botching a criminal abortion on 19-year old "exotic dancer" Barbara Sietz of Cleveland, Ohio, who committed suicide a few days later. Kruze also peddled drugs to young girls in exchange for sex. Kruze had some very strange habits, even for an abortionist. He locked his female secretaries in closets and made them urinate into bottles while at their desks. Ohio authorities eventually sent Kruze to prison, then committed him to the Lima State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. After his release from the hospital, Kruze moved to Hawaii, where Kaiser Permanente hired him as a pediatrician without investigating his rather sordid and colorful past. A young couple came to him to treat their four-month-old son, who'd come down with a fever. Kruze misdiagnosed the illness, which turned out to be meningitis. The delayed diagnosis caused the boy permanent brain damage. Kruze just moved on, this time to California. He continued to rack up incidents of malpractice until a woman overdosed on drugs that Kruze had given her. The woman's brother murdered him in revenge. Kruze' bleak history shows that you can take the doctor out of the concentration camp, but you can't take the concentration camp out of the doctor. References: 60 Minutes broadcast of November 4, 1990; Kevin Sherlock. The Scarlet Survey [Akron, Ohio: Brennyman Books, 1997], page 6. Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Corruption of a Minor, and Contributing to Juvenile

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Unruliness This is another example of the dozens of cases described in this database where child molesters find that abortion is their best friend. It allows them to erase the physical evidence of their crimes and continue to molest their victims. Abortion mills almost never report such molestation. In fact, pro-choice groups routinely battle any attempt to make abortion clinics mandatory reporters so that they would be required to report such molestation. Leando Banks was 26 years old, and was having sex with a 15-year-old girl. In August 2010, she became pregnant, and he gave her $300 for an abortion. On December 27, 2010, police arrested Banks and charged him with unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, corruption of a minor, and contributing to juvenile unruliness. Banks admitted to having sex with the girl and giving her money for an abortion. He was released on $10,000 bond, must wear a monitoring device, and must stay away from the teenager. References: Former Marine Accused of Having Sex With Teen. WKRC Television Channel 12 (Cincinnati, Ohio), December 28, 2010; P.J. OKeefe. Police: Firefighter Funds Teens Abortion Believing It Was His Child. WCPO Television Channel 9 (Cincinnati, Ohio), December 28, 2010. Theft (20 incidents) Pro-choice people prattle on and on about how they love freedom and especially freedom of speech, but, as dozens of incidents in this database prove, they only approve of speech that supports their views, and react with anger, violence and vandalism when they see or hear speech they do not like. Every pro-lifer who has picketed at an abortion mill for any length of time experiences the anger and hate of tolerant and nonjudgmental pro-choicers hitting, screaming and spitting at them. Almost every pro-life student group on campuses all over North America has had their Cemeteries of the Innocents or life-affirming posters vandalized and destroyed. And pro-choicers destroy practically every organized pro-life effort to put up billboards, posters or yard signs. Naturally, if a pro-lifer damages any pro-choice property, they refer to it as terrorism, and demand that law enforcement authorities prosecute and jail the perpetrators.

Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio recently bought property in Cincinnati under the name Mount Auburn Parking LLC. This follows PPFAs tactic of deceptively obtaining property under a false name in order to delay opposition to building an abortion mill. Like so many others, this abortion mill was to be located close to a school and in an African-American neighborhood. Cincinnati citizens got organized and posted yard signs reading "Save Our Children, Stop Planned Parenthood." Pro-choicers immediately organized a countercampaign of theft and destruction in order to silence the pro-life voice.

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When citizens organized a campaign of yard signs to signal their opposition to Planned Parenthood building an abortion mill in a primarily African-American neighborhood just one block from a high school, pro-choicers organized a sneaky counter-campaign, cruising neighborhoods at night and stealing most of the signs. Not only did the pro-choicers cruise neighborhoods at night and steal most of the signs, they also stole a large cache of signs, T-shirts and brochures from the organizers offices. The group that organized the pro-life campaign, Protect Cincinnati, said in a press release that "Only a few [signs] are visible because nearly all that citizens have put up have been stolen. Those stored in an alternate location have also been stolen, along with an additional supply of picketers' signs, t-shirts, and brochures." Reference: Thaddeus M. Baklinski. Cincinnati "Stop Planned Parenthood" Yard Signs Stolen. LifeSite News, July 31, 2008.

Cleveland, Ohio
Capital Murder, Arson and Aggravated Robbery In a unique turn of events, abortion was, in this case, the cause of a woman murdering a man. Jonelle Crockett, who was pregnant, was dating businessman Paul Nardone, owner of the Next sporting goods stores. The baby she was carrying was not Nardone's, but she wanted him to pay to abort the child anyway. Nardone refused to pay for the abortion. So, on August 28, 2004, Crockett shot him, stuffed his body into the trunk of his car with the help of her baby's real father, then set the car on fire. She then stole Nardone's credit cards and went on a shopping spree. Crockett then told witnesses that she had killed Nardone because he refused to give her money for an abortion. On September 15, 2004, a grand jury indicted Crockett on capital murder charges. A jury convicted her and, on February 23, 2005, she was sentenced to life in prison, with parole possible after 30 years. Rosemary Nardone, Paul's mother, said "To end a life like Paul's for credit cards and a shopping spree to the Cherry Hill Mall turns this world into a very scary and untrusting place to live." Crockett already had a nine-year record of violent crime.

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References: "Police Name Suspect in Local Businessman's Death.", September 8, 2004; "Woman Charged in Fiery Slaying." The Plain Dealer [Cleveland, Ohio], September 16, 2004; "Warrant Indicates Possible Motive in Businessman's Murder: Witness Says Suspect May Have Asked Victim for Money for Abortion." WKYC Television 5 News [Cleveland and Akron, Ohio], September 22, 2004; "Woman Who Set Local Businessman on Fire Sentenced." WKYC 5 Television News [Cleveland and Akron, Ohio], February 24, 2005. Gross Negligence, Felonious Sexual Penetration (47 counts), Gross Sexual Imposition (29 counts), Sexual Abuse (3 counts), Impersonating a Doctor, Practicing Medicine without a License (7 incidents), Falsification of Medical Records (8 incidents), Child Molestation (14 incidents), Unlawful Sexual Transaction with a Minor (4 counts), Malpractice (15 incidents), Fraud (6 counts) and Violation of Health and Safety Standards (8 counts) Abortionist Nabil Ghali is one of the 99 percent of abortionists who give the other one percent a bad name. Ghali was sentenced to six months in prison for 47 counts of felonious sexual penetration and 29 counts of gross sexual imposition involving 25 of his female patients. He performed abortions despite having his license revoked for lying on his application for a medical license and for concealing an earlier conviction for molesting his 14-year old goddaughter. Ghali lost his license to practice medicine in Kentucky after numerous lawsuits were filed against him for medical malpractice (including killing a woman) and sexual abuse of patients, including children, and moved on to do abortions in Florida, and then Ohio, where he racked up similar records. Among the numerous lawsuits against Ghali for botched abortions was one by a woman who had her bladder removed without her permission. As usual, the abortionist offered excuses for his horrible negligence and abuse of women, and whined that he was a victim. Ghali filed suit against the medical board and alleged anti-Arab bias in the revocation of his Florida medical license. The Miami Herald quoted his attorney as saying, "We believe the proceedings were unfair and violated his rights to due process. We will pursue those issues as long and as far as we can." Ghali's complaint for an injunction against revocation of license states DPR and the Board are causing Dr. Ghali irreparable harm. They are preventing him from practicing medicine and from earning a livelihood. They are preventing him from caring for his patients and from honoring other commitments and obligations related to his practice. They are causing irreparable damage to his reputation among his patients, in the community and in his profession. Ghali's license was revoked in Kentucky (1987), Florida (1987), New York (1987), and California (1988) following convictions in Kentucky on four counts of unlawful sexual transaction with a minor in 1982. The 14-year-old daughter of friends testified Ghali offered her a massage, then took off her bathing suit, rubbed his penis between her legs, and penetrated her vagina with his penis and his fingers. The girl testified that on another occasion Ghali tripped her and rubbed his penis between her legs, penetrating her vagina with his penis and fingers, asking her if she had had enough. Medical board documents indicate that he also engaged in cunnilingus with the girl. She is quoted as saying, "I knew it wasn't right ... I guess I trusted him and cared for him. We were really good friends." She told her stepsister about the encounters when she thought she had become pregnant. At the trial an 8-year-old girl testified indicated she'd seen Ghali touch other children's chests and

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genital areas and that he had touched her chest; her 12-year-old sister testified that she saw Ghali put his hand up a 5-year-old girl's shirt while she was sitting on his lap. Both girls also described an "airplane game" Ghali allegedly played with children he invited to his home for parties, which involved picking the children up and spinning them, touching their chests or groins. Ghali's Ohio license was also suspended in 1984 and his Utah license was revoked in 1985 for making false statements in renewal applications; he denied the disciplinary actions that had been taken against him by Kentucky. The Florida medical board also stated that he filed for license under false application, stating he had only one malpractice suit against him when the board was aware of four. In his 1986 application for renewal of his Ohio license he failed to disclose suspension of his Utah license. In his 1988 application for renewal of his Ohio license he indicated that he had not been disciplined since his last application when in fact his license had been revoked in New York, California, and Florida. He also gave similar false information in application for privileges at three hospitals in 1989 and 1990. The Ohio Medical Board said that "the evidence shows a long-term pattern of repeated fraud. Such behavior on Dr. Ghali's part provides no foundation for a continued relationship between him and the Board, which is charged with regulating licensees and protecting the public." Ghali also owned the Blue Coral Medical Center abortion mill, which was temporarily shut down under an emergency order describing "deplorable conditions," including a suction device with "green mold" growing in it; improperly discarded bloodstained sponges; generally poor infection control; about 70 different kinds of medication with expired dates; unsafely administered general anesthesia; stirrups covered with blood; and untrained workers monitoring women in recovery. An inspector was quoted as saying, "When we got there, there wasn't any soap in the place, so our inspectors had to go next door to wash their hands." Eager to continue making money, the abortionist opened Blue Coral under stipulations as soon as he possibly could. Ghali also worked at Miami's notorious Dadeland abortion mill, where his quackery contributed to the death of abortion patient Ellen Williams. References: Kentucky Medical Licensing Board case #190, State Medical Board of Ohio vs. Ghali; Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services inspection reports (1989); Dade County Case #88-19636; Department of Professional Regulation Case #0057913; Kentucky Post, October 21 and November 9 and 11, 1982; Cincinnati Enquirer, November 2, 1982; Kentucky Enquirer, November 9 and 11, 1982 and January 13, 1983; Miami Herald, May 7 and 8, 1988, September 28, 1989, and January 4, 1990; The Miami Herald Tropic Magazine, September 17, 1989; The Cleveland Free Times, January 20-26, 1993; "Abortionist Ghali Gets Jail in Sex Abuse Case." Life Advocate, March 1997, page 10; Paul Likoudis. "Investigators Cast a Wide Net To Find Abortionist's Murderer." The Wanderer, December 10, 1998, pages 1 and 10; Christina Dunigan. "Back Alley Butchers vs Main Street Maimers." Dateline, September 1, 2000. Attempted Abduction and Burglary It seemed to her that Sonya Hane's life was just disintegrating. She had just given birth to a baby, she was working during the day and up most of the night taking care of him, and her doctor had just told her she had a precancerous condition. To cap things off, her husband had just confessed that he was having an affair with one of her friends. Sonya described to Lake County Common Pleas Judge Paul H. Mitrovich what she did on September 10, 2007; On that morning, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a pregnancy test. I dropped my son

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off at a baby-sitter down the street and confronted [the other woman]. I just walked in and said "You're gonna take this pregnancy test, and if it's positive, you're gonna have an abortion." I took [the victim] by her shoulders to the bathroom. I read the directions, and I stood there as she peed in a cup. She left, and I waited for the test to be done. It was negative. I left. Police charged Sonya with aggravated burglary, kidnapping and assault, but she went to police and confessed. She was sentenced to one year of probation and 200 hours of community service on a plea bargain that reduced the charges to attempted abduction and burglary. Reference: Tracey Read. "Probation for Forcing Pregnancy Test." The Cleveland News-Herald, February 21, 2008.

Columbus, Ohio
Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Improper Handling of a Firearm, Carrying a Concealed Weapon and Illegal Possession of a Firearm This unusual case is a prime example of the corrupt, nonsensical and paradoxical nature of the abortion laws in the United States. Dominic Holt-Reids girlfriend Yolanda Burgess was three months pregnant, and he was obviously not happy with the situation. He already had one child with her, and also had five other children with other women. So, on October 6, 2010, he pulled a gun and tried to force Yolanda to have an abortion at a local abortion mill. But she managed to get a note to an abortion mill employee, who called police, and police responded to the scene and arrested Holt-Reid, who was subsequently charged with attempted murder with specification, kidnapping with specification, improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle, carrying a concealed weapon and having a weapon under disability, to which he pleaded not guilty. Franklin County prosecutor Ron O'Brien said that "He at gunpoint abducted her, at gunpoint got in the car with her, at gunpoint forced her to drive the car to the abortion clinic, at gunpoint threatened her, 'Go in there and carry it out."' So, under the laws of the United States, if an abortionist actually killed Yolandas child, he would be several hundred dollars richer and would not be charged with even the most trivial of crimes; but Holt-Reid faces decades in prison for attempting to kill her child. No other area of the law hinges on the mere desires or perceptions of a human being, in this case the mother. On April 27, 2011, Holt-Reid pleaded guilty to all of the charges. On June 8, he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison for his crimes. References: Aex Mazer and Donna Willis. Pregnant Girlfriend Forced to Abortion Clinic; 6 Counts for Accused. NBC Channel 4 Television (Columbus, Ohio), October 19, 2010; Associated Press. Questions Arise in Ohio Gunpoint Abortion Case. Fox News, October 22, 2010; Ohio Man Pleads Guilty in Abortion-Gunpoint Case., April 28, 2011; Steven Ertelt. Man Who Tried to Force Abortion at Gunpoint Gets 13 Year Sentence., June 9, 2011. Reckless Endangerment, Criminal Mischief (2 incidents), and Vandalism (3 incidents)

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For five days during the summer of 1998, the pro-life group Center for Bio-Ethical Reform sponsored its Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at the Ohio State University campus in Columbus. The GAP consists of setting up several very large posters depicting late-term aborted babies, with pro-life activists present at all times to answer questions. At first, pro-aborts tried to disrupt dialogue between the pro-lifers and students by shouting and chanting. Next, they tried to cover the display panels until driven away by police. Finally, two female pro-aborts "expressed their rage" by attacking the posters with knives, and were arrested. Police filed criminal charges against them. When the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform displayed its GAP at the University of Kansas the previous summer, a pro-abortionist tried to destroy the pictures by ramming them with his car. He received a six-month suspended sentence. The GAP returned to OSU in 2002, and had a violence-free two-day exhibit. Revealingly, a student walked up to Susan Dammann and said I'm a feminist, a Women's Study Major. I'm glad there is no one around because I'd be persecuted if they saw me talking to you. We were told you were coming and to check out your Web site, that it was terrible you were bringing these pictures to campus. I looked at your website and I have to tell you, it completely changed my mind. This is a big issue with them (feminists) and there is no way I can defend this [abortion]. So, I will have to drop out of my group. This is another good example of how so-called "inclusive" women's studies groups simply do not allow pro-life women to speak or even to remain in the program. References: Gregg Cunningham. "Pro-Life Exhibit Bigger than Ohio State Football." In-Perspective [The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform], Summer 1999; "GAP, Not Football, Creates Debate at Ohio State." Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (Midwest Region), November 27, 2002. Assault Excerpts from the testimony of Hugh Morgan of Ohio Right to Life follow. On October 16, 1998, a group of about 50 pro-lifers went to protest the opening of Columbus' newest abortion clinic, the Cleveland Avenue Professional Center, at 5910 Cleveland Avenue. Clinic escorts, men with green and purple hair, and women with numerous tattoos, and piercings in their noses and lips, were already on the scene to "greet" us. This familiar group of homosexuals, lesbians and self-proclaimed vampires are from Antioch College. I have yet to find out what they teach there, but a police officer said they receive credit for coming out to events such as this. Without warning, they turned on strategically located sprinklers. The desired effect was to soak pro-lifers, including small children and mothers, on a chilly, 40 degree October morning. The strategy failed, however, as even one seven year old girl said, "They don't really think we'd run away, just because of a sprinkler, do they?" Unfortunately, while some clinic escorts played cruel tricks on small children, other escorts adopted an even more aggressive tactic. Marjorie Rankin is 5 feet 1 inch tall and 77 years old. She parked her car at the

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dentist's office next door to the clinic. She proceeded to walk across the clinic parking lot, on her way to the sidewalk where pro-lifers were holding signs. She had barely set foot in their lot perhaps less than a car length when she was violently body-slammed in the chest 3 times, by an escort's chest. This was done in a karate-like style, where the attacker bent backwards, then performed a quick chest thrust forwards. Marjorie was pushed back towards the curb with each thrust. She had to grab her attacker's jacket once to avoid falling backwards. Marjorie almost tripped backwards over the curb. The escort was 31 year old Veronica Speedwell of Chicago (according to testimony that one of the other escorts gave the police). Speedwell told Marjorie she was trespassing, and that they were going to call the police and have her arrested. Marjorie said, "Jesus loves you, and I love you, and He wants you to accept Him as your Lord and Savior." Then Veronica assaulted Marjorie twice more with her chest. Speedwell fled the area before police arrived. Medics came and checked Marjorie at the scene, because she had begun having chest pains after the assault. A very kind Columbus police officer, Steven Kirby, took the report for "Simple Assault." Assault charges were filed that day against the clinic escort. Violation of Health and Safety Standards (10 counts) On October 28 and November 5, 1999, the Ohio Department of Health inspected the Capitol Care Womens Center abortion mill in Columbus, Ohio. Inspectors found that the abortion mill was unlicensed. The director of the mill excused herself by claiming that all the other abortuaries in Columbus were unlicensed by the State as well. The inspectors found many deficiences at the abortion mill, all seeming to be cost-cutting measures, including; The abortion mill does not have a nurse trained in Advanced Cardiac Life Support as required. There was no emergency generator as required in case of power outages, and instead of having illuminated exit signs, they were just plastic signs taped to the walls. Medical gases were not secured or stored in a safe manner. Controlled medications were not stored securely. There was no emergency transfer agreement in case of botched abortions. A qualified physician was not present at all times patients were present in the abortuary. There was no emergency call equipment available. There was no infection control tracking or monitoring. There was no quality assurance program. Dust was on equipment in the surgery room.

Reference: Ohio Department of Health inspection form dated November 5, 2004, signed by Beverly Logan, RN and April Stine, RN. Images of the report are available from to

Dayton, Ohio

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Attempted Murder, Arson, Harrassment (3 incidents) and Death Threats (4 incidents) Janet Folger, a spokesperson for Ohio Right to Life, is an effective lobbyist and has her own radio program. On April 27, 1993, while backing out of the driveway of her home, she noticed smoke billowing from under the hood of her car. As she glanced back toward the house, she saw a line of fire following her from the garage down the drive and into the street. While dialing 9-1-1, she looked out to see the front of her car explode into flames. By the time the firemen arrived, the entire width of the street was engulfed in fire and smoke. Fire inspectors and police combed every possible clue and determined that this was an act of arson, designed to put an effective, pro-life spokeswoman out of action. Since that time, she has experienced repeated telephone death threats, and three smoke bombs have been thrown onto her backyard patio. Of course, no "pro-choice" group condemned this arson and attempted murder. Since they say that any pro-life group that does not condemn the murder of an abortionist actually supports such murder, we can assume that the "pro-choice" groups approved of the attempted murder of Janet Folger. References: "Leading Anti-Abortion Lobbyist's Car Catches Fire; Arson Suspected." Dayton Daily News, April 29, 1993; Joe Frolik. "Right to Life Leader's Car Sabotaged: Odds Are it is Connected to Abortion Issue, Police Say." Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 13, 1993, pages A1 and A14; Life Issues Connector, August 1994, page 3. Perjury and Making False Statements [Centerville] The Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America) says that 82 percent of all abortions are performed on women who are not married. A significant percentage of the remaining 18 percent are performed to cover up adultery, and this case is one example. Dr. Timothy J. Heyd was a Centerville osteopath who was married with children, but this didn't stop him from frequently having sex with his female patients. Heyd also had an affair with a nurse who became pregnant. He testified that he told the woman "my life would be ruined" if his wife learned he fathered her child. He said that "We discussed the options at length, and together, given both of our family situations, we decided together that it would be best if we terminated the pregnancy." So he accompanied her to the Women's Medical Center abortion mill in Kettering and was actually present during the abortion. The abortuary sent her post-operative report to Heyd's office, and he read and initialed it. His medical license was suspended briefly in 2005 because he had an affair with a patient, and was suspended for a period of two years beginning on November 8, 2009, for having sex with two other patients and for having lied to the medical board about his behavior. Reference: Tom Beyerlein. "Sex, Lies Cost Doctor License for Two Years." Dayton Daily News, November 8, 2008. Death Threat A company called Museum Replicas produces real size models of pre-born babies as an effective educational tool showing that preborns are not just blobs of tissue. Museum Replicas has an '800' number, which means that incoming phone numbers are recorded. On May 20, 1993, they received a

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call from (703) 347-9786 and recorded the phone number and the following ignorant "pro-choice" rant: Hello ... I was wondering why you guys make those 'cuz it's really disgusting. And you guys are really narrow minded little fanatics and I think you are crazy and I'm going to blow up an Operation Rescue Van, and you all are going to die, and I'm going to stick one of those fetus models down your throat. Reference: Museum Replicas fax to Lynn K. Murphy dated December 22, 1994. Violation of Civil Rights (3 incidents) On June 10, 2002, three pro-lifers were concluding their caravan against abortion in Dayton, Ohio. They had been driving two trucks and a car through the city as part of a project for the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR). The vehicles were carrying large depictions of aborted preborn children. As they were parking the vehicles for the night, about fifteen law enforcement officers from the Clearcreek Township and Springboro Police Departments, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stopped and surrounded the three men. They were detained for three hours while their vehicles and personal items were searched, and photographs were taken of their pro-life signs. After the ordeal was over, the police released the men without any legitimate explanation for the stop. No charges were ever filed. As a result, the Thomas More Law Center filed a federal civil rights lawsuit United States District Court in Ohio against four state and federal law enforcement agencies and seventeen law enforcement officers. Robert Muise, the Law Center attorney handling the case, stated "We are hopeful that this lawsuit will remind those in authority that the Bill of Rights applies to pro-lifers. What happened in Ohio is not supposed to happen in this country." According to the lawsuit, the actions of the law enforcement officials, many identified as "John Does," violated CBR's and the three pro-lifer's constitutional right to free speech and the right to be free from unlawful searches and seizures. Moreover, the lawsuit alleges that these law enforcement officials were acting pursuant to an unconstitutional policy or practice of "profiling" pro-life demonstrators as criminals, which is encouraged by pro-abortionists. In addition to compensatory, punitive and nominal damages, the lawsuit asks the court to declare unconstitutional the actions of the defendants and to enjoin any further such acts against the pro-lifers. References: "State and Federal Law Enforcement Harass Pro-Lifers In Ohio: Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Against 21 Defendants." Thomas More Center For Law & Justice, February 25, 2003; Wes Hills. "Anti-Abortion Group Files Suit: Wrongful Detention, Denial of Rights Claimed in Filing." Dayton Daily News, February 26, 2003.

Lawrence, Ohio
First-Degree Felony Rape (3 counts), Gross Sexual Imposition, Sexual Battery (12 incidents), Felonious Sexual Penetration and Forced Abortions (2 incidents) This pitiful case demonstrates why abortion for incest is a very bad idea because it helps the

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perpetrators cover up their sordid crimes, and abortion mills almost never ask questions. Henri Ross molested his three daughters for many years. Chryssa Hartnett, an assistant Stark County prosecutor, told a jury "It continued for years, decades even. A father who did the unthinkable: He sexually abused his daughters for years." Ross sexually abused and intimidated his daughters for two decades, demanding that they take the secret of his molestation to their graves. He began to abuse his girls in the late 1980s, when one of them was only thirteen. One of his daughters said that "He told me he would have to show me some things on how to be a lady and things like that. I just kind of had a sick feeling in my stomach when those things were said." Ross forced this daughter to have two abortions when she became pregnant with his children, and there was not a hint of any questions being asked by the abortion mill where the abortions were performed. Ross was charged with three counts of first-degree felony rape, and gross sexual imposition, sexual battery and felonious sexual penetration. Reference: "Lawrence Man Faces Sex-Abuse Charges.", September 8, 2009.

Lima, Ohio
Attempted Aggravated Murder (4 counts), Attempted Felonious Assault (4 counts), Contaminating a Substance for Human Consumption, Illegal Possession of Drug Documents (3 counts), and Deception to Obtain Dangerous Drugs (3 counts) Dr. Maynard Muntzing and his wife Tammy were indicted on four counts of attempted aggravated murder by a Montgomery County Common Pleas Court grand jury on August 30, 2000. Tammy Muntzing filled her husband's prescription for the abortifacient Cytotec, which Muntzing slipped into his pregnant girlfriend's drink four times in attempts to cause her to miscarry. "She was apparently the one who went in and picked up the medication from the pharmacy," said Jim Knight, an assistant county prosecutor. Dr. Muntzing faced four counts each of attempted aggravated murder, attempted felonious assault, and contaminating a substance for human consumption. He was indicted on two counts each of illegal possession of drug documents and deception to obtain dangerous drugs. If convicted of all the counts, he could be sentenced to 104 years in prison. Mrs. Muntzing was indicted on one count each of illegal possession of drug documents and deception to obtain dangerous drugs. Dr. Muntzing, was charged with trying to kill the unborn child of Michelle Baker, 33, of Huber Heights, a Dayton suburb. He was arrested August 14 at Baker's home shortly after Huber Heights police, watching through a video camera, said they saw him pour a contraction-causing drug into her soft drink. Baker, who miscarried her child, told police she became suspicious when she felt ill several times after visiting Muntzing. Police said Baker and Muntzing began dating in April and became engaged in May. At the same time, Muntzing was seeing another woman, whom he married in July. Baker told police she refused Muntzing's request to get an abortion. St. Rita's Medical Center in Lima revoked Muntzing's temporary staff privileges two days after his arrest. On September 30, 2001, Maynard Muntzing pleaded guilty to reduced charges (attempted felonious assault and contaminating a substance for human consumption) in a deal that sent him to prison for five years.

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Tammy Muntzing received probation for her crimes. Judge Barbara P. Gorman of Montgomery County Common Pleas Court ordered her to perform 100 hours of community service and to cooperate with the Adult Probation Department. Its report will probably lead to the loss of her nursing license. A Montgomery County coroner's examination failed to tie Baker's October 28 miscarriage to the Cytotec. References: "Lima Doctor and Wife Indicted in Fetus Plot." Toledo Blade, August 31, 2000; "Doctor Guilty of Attempted Kill." FindLaw Legal News online, October 1, 2001; Associated Press, October 1, 2001; "Doctor Guilty of Attempting to Cause Girlfriend's Abortion." Pro-Life Infonet, October 2, 2001; Rob Modic. "Wife of Convicted Doctor Gets Community Service Instead of Jail Sentence: Judge Puts Tammy Muntzing on Probation." Dayton Daily News, November 29, 2001; Rob Modic. "Woman Sues Ex-Doctor, Wife over Miscarriage." Dayton Daily News, January 11, 2003.

Lisbon. Ohio
Sexual Abuse, Production of Child Pornography and Assault Many pro-abortionists live totally chaotic, undisciplined and uncontrolled lives. All they seek is the pleasure of the moment. Nothing else not even the welfare of their own children matters, just so long as they are happy. And abortion, as always, is a quick and handy way to cover your most serious mistakes. One anonymous mother in Lisbon, Ohio, led a life so strange that not even Jerry Springer would believe it. Her identity was shielded by police in order to protect her underaged children. First, she had a child by one boyfriend. Then she moved in with another man and had three children with him. Then her first boyfriend impregnated her 12-year-old daughter. The boyfriend and the mother had the perfect solution abortion and, of course, the abortion mill asked no questions. The mother paid for the abortion in order to protect her molesting boyfriend. The mother put the girl back in the custody of the molester, who then used her to make pornography. In 2002, she beat her daughter up and moved out, leaving her four children with the molester. Then she moved in with another boyfriend, a registered and known sex offender, and had a fifth child by him. Finally, the court system got involved and removed custody of her children permanently, since she did not seem to be able to keep them out of danger. She appealed, but the Ohio Seventh District Court of Appeals denied her request to regain her children, mostly because she was still living with her current boyfriend, the sex offender. Reference: Tom Giambroni. "Mother's Choices Filter Down to Kids, Until Law Steps In." The Steubenville Herald-Star, August 21, 2005.

Toledo, Ohio
Aggravated Murder (2 counts) and Criminal Abortion

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Sonya Hayes was just days away from giving birth to a full-term 7-pound boy when her boyfriend, Terrance Davis, gunned her down in her car as she waited to pick up her 5-year-old son outside the home of Davis' parents on March 31, 1999. Davis was wearing a Halloween mask to impede identification, and shot Sonya six times in the belly and upper torso, emptying his revolver. Prosecutors said it was obvious that the shooter was aiming for Sonya's belly in an attempt to kill their unborn child. The unborn child, shot at close range, died too. He was named N'Kai Davis by the mother's relatives. He suffered gunshot wounds and died about five hours before Sonya. Davis went on trial January 31, 2000, charged with three counts of aggravated murder for shooting and killing Hayes and her unborn child and for unlawfully causing the abortion of another person. A 1996 Ohio law lets prosecutors seek homicide charges if a defendant causes the "termination of a viable pregnancy." During the trial, Sonya's mother Renee testified that Davis wanted her to have an abortion. She said that after her daughter and Davis found out they were going to have a baby, Davis told her he no longer loved Sonya and asked her mother Renee to persuade her daughter to have an abortion. A jury convicted Davis of two counts of aggravated murder. References: "Victim's Mother Testifies Boyfriend Wanted Woman to Have an Abortion." Associated Press, February 7, 1999 and February 8, 2000; "Ohio Man Might Receive Death Penalty in Feticide Death." Pro-Life Infonet, February 2, 2000; "Man Shoots His Girlfriend When She Won't Abort." Pro-Life Infonet, February 2, 2000. Aggravated Murder, Rape and Assault 21-year-old Shawn C. Williams began dating 17-year-old Catrise Gregory in 1994. In October 1995, Catrise told her mother that she was pregnant by Williams, and told her friend Sabrina Harris that she and Williams had been trying to conceive a child. Williams wanted her to have an abortion, but Catrise refused. She wanted to have her baby. On December 10, 1995, Catrise told one of her Taco Bell co-workers, Antoine Lewis, that she planned to end her relationship with Williams and keep her baby. Williams picked Catrise up from work. He then raped her, beat her, strangled her to death, and left her body in her car. DNA testing concluded that the semen found in Catrise's body belonged to Williams. In 1999, Williams went on trial, and a Lucas County jury found him guilty of aggravated murder and rape. Upon hearing the results of the jury deliberation, Williams punched one of his attorneys, Spiros Cocoves, in the face. At the penalty phase of the trial, the jury recommended a death sentence for Williams, and Judge Jensen sentenced him to death. References: Ohio State Attorney General Jim Petro. "Capital Crimes Annual Report," 2003 Update State and Federal Cases, page 52; Ohio v. Williams, 99 Ohio St.3d 493, 2003-Ohio-4396. Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor (3 incidents) and Production of Child Pornography 46-year old Jerry Steven Gonzales was a volunteer for the Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio's HIV outreach center since 1997. His job included talking to people at gay bars. Gonzales was himself HIV-positive, but this did not stop him from having sex with numerous boys. On October 12, 2004, Gonzales was arrested and charged with felony unlawful sexual conduct

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with a minor after police found videotapes of him allegedly having sex with boys. Police searched his home and found about fifty videotapes of Gonzales having sex with boys. Two of the boys were identified; they were 15 and 16 years old. At a news conference, Toledo police chief Mike Chief Navarre called the charges "horrific" and said he was "stunned that a person would use children in such a manner that would put them in harm's way." Gonzales pleaded guilty to a similar misdemeanor charge in Michigan in 1989 but was not required to register as a sex offender References: Clyde Hughes. "HIV Outreach Volunteer is Arrested on Sex Charge." The Toledo Blade, October 13, 2004; "Planned Parenthood Volunteer Arrested On Sex Charge." Toledo Blade, October 13, 2004.

Youngstown, Ohio
Attempted Murder (2 incidents), Felonious Vehicular Assault (12 incidents), Menacing and Assault (3 incidents) Quoting from written testimony by attorney Brian Scarnecchia of July 31, 1990; No one was killed when a van with signs reading 'Pro-Choice and Proud' rammed into a circled gathering of praying pro-lifers. The gathering was across the street from Youngstown's Abortion mill ... I flipped on my video camera and shot the last seconds of him plowing through the crowd. After stopping he waited a second or two and then he lurched into the crowd knocking down four or five older people. The he continued to advance as our people desperately helped the fallen get out from under his wheels. ... Then he hit the accelerator and sped down the sidewalk while our people jumped out of his way. ... In all, 10 of our people had been knocked to the ground, some barely escaping death. This occurred in full view of at least three parked police cruisers. Two priests were knocked down. One woman received a broken wrist. Another black woman, whose daughter is a police officer for the city, was pulled from under the wheels. She suffered severe back injury as a result. The driver of the van was charged with 8 counts of felonious assault. In another series of attacks on pro-lifers in Youngstown in 1990, a man calling himself "Lucifer" aimed a handgun at a 17-year old girl who was videotaping a rescue. Another man maced and clubbed passive pro-lifers as he laughed wildly. In October, a large 4-wheel drive truck with a client and her boyfriend approached a clinic. At the urging of clinic escorts chanting "Run them down!," the truck literally drove over four rescuers, including Joan Andrews. In these incidents, the only people arrested were the rescuers. Reference: "Another Rescue Held at Youngstown Abortion Mill." The Wanderer, December 6, 1990, page 9. Vandalism

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On April 21, 1990, at a pro-life prayer service, a pro-abortionist deliberately stomped on a hand-held cross used by a pro-lifer. Reference: Tom Matthews. "Sparks Fly Over Trampled Cross." The Vindicator, April 22, 1990.

End of Ohio Listing

(updated April 28, 2011)

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