Pro-Choice Violence in Ontario

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Pro-Choice Violence and Illegal Activities in Ontario

Guelph London Ottawa Sudbury Sturgeon Falls Toronto Guelph, Ontario

Vandalism (3 incidents) In March 2006, the Guelph and Area Right to Life Association posted pro-life ads on the city buses in their town. These showed a healthy 19-week-old preborn child with the caption "This is a child not a choice," and offered the phone number of a local crisis pregnancy center (CPC). Pro-abortionists showed once again that they were anything but "pro-choice" as, in two incidents, they blotted out the phone number of the CPC and scrawled the word "CHOICE" in large letters on the ads. Association President Jakki Jeffs said that We are not surprised, however, those who say they support 'choice' have consistently shown their flagrant disregard for anyone who disagrees with them. ... This vandalism is just another example of the intolerant, bullying and anarchic attitude of choice supporters and their disrespect for other points of view. They realize that as Canada becomes less and less tolerant of all forms of violence in other areas of life -- the days when abortion is supported as a choice are numbered. We will raise more funds to replace our advertisements and continue to work for the day when unborn Canadians and their mothers are protected and supported and not abandoned to the barbaric procedure of abortion.

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Jeffs also said that a pro-abortion group from the University of Guelph tried to stop the public bus ads entirely by complaining to various agencies. Cowardly pro-abortionists have also vandalized spray-painted the offices of the Guelph and Area Right to Life Association. Reference: John-Henry Westen. "Pro-Life Ads on Ontario Buses Vandalized by Abortion Supporters." LifeSite Daily News at, March 27, 2006. Vandalism (3 incidents) Any pro-life student at any college or university in the United States who thinks he has it rough should thank God that he is not a student at a Canadian college, where political correctness rules with an iron fist, and cowardly pro-abortionists have virtual immunity when they commit acts of violence and bigotry. Jakki Jeffs, president of the Guelph and Area Right to Life Association, sent a letter recently to Guelph University president Mordechai Rozanski, the Central Student Association, and student media outlets The Ontarion and The Peak, outlining her concerns that student media and government are promoting intolerance against her organization. She said that "The students, and whoever speaks out from the university, they speak about diversity, but when it comes to this issue (abortion), there's no debate." She cited hateful and threatening letters published in the two student newspapers, and was told that there was nothing that could be done. Pro-aborts snivel and prattle endlessly about how "anti-choice" speech leads to violence, but seem to think that they can say anything. In any case, pro-abortionists vandalized three pro-life offices, plastering stickers on the windows and doors during a pro-abortion march through Guelph in July. Guelph University's Central Student Association also showed its bias when it contacted Guelph Transit to complain about pro-life advertisements, with pictures of healthy preborn babies on city buses, sponsored by Jeffs' organization. Dave Hauch, communications commissioner for the CSA, made pro-lifers laugh when he then said that his group has "a very clear policy that women should have choice, and information to make their decision. We've promoted a pro-choice stance, which leaves the choice up to the woman." Why, then, is the pro-abortion CSA trying to prevent women from seeing photographs of healthy preborn children? Naturally, the student newspapers also paraded numerous excuses in their attempts to squelch all speech but that which they agree with. Mandy Hiscocks, a member of the editorial collective at The Peak, said "If a submission is given to us, it must not be oppressive," adding that previous articles and letters, including those on abortion, would not have been published if the collective "thought it didn't meet the requirements." Hiscocks said members of The Peak "generally are intolerant of what (pro-life groups) do that is oppressive. They're infringing on women's rights to choose." We wonder what these hypocrites would do if the newspaper happened to be run by pro-lifers who stated as fact that pro-abortion opinions were "oppressive," and therefore refused to print them. The sniveling and whining would quickly reach a deafening crescendo. Reference: Kerry Thompson. "Pro-Life Activist Fears Student Media at U of G Promoting Intolerance." The Guelph Mercury, January 4, 2003.

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London, Ontario
Murder, Rape (12 incidents) and Forced Abortion In 1967, Edward Gratton, 34, raped 16-year old Glenda Tedball repeatedly over a period of time, and she became pregnant. When her pregnancy became known, Gratton grabbed Glenda and held her down while her own mother, Norma Poole, aborted her with a coat hanger. Glenda died soon after. This horrible incident was covered up and only revealed when Poole confessed to the crime just before she died in 1999. Gratton, now 67, was arrested for his part in the crime, and he pleaded guilty to procuring an abortion after the Crown agreed to withdraw a charge of culpable homicide. For the abortion, while it was illegal, and for concealing the murder for all these years, Justice Bruce Thomas gave Gratton a conditional sentence of two years less a day to be served in the community, followed by probation. Gratton is said to have had limited mental capacity, but the November 2000 sentence did not suggest a stay at one of Canada's institutes for the criminally insane. Justice Bruce Thomas said that "Glenda Tedball didn't have the benefit of living beyond her 16th year. ... The fact that Mr. Gratton continues to have nightmares is of little concern to me." While Gratton's conduct was criminal, Thomas said, he was following the lead of a woman who escaped justice altogether Tedball's mother, Norma Poole. "It's clear to me that Norma was the directing mind," Thomas said. Poole persuaded Gratton, who had limited mental capacity, to help with an abortion he likely didn't realize could result in death, the judge said. Gratton tied down the girl's wrists and ankles while Poole used a clothes hanger. When Tedball screamed, Gratton stuffed a towel in her mouth. "[Norma Poole] carried on despite the protests of her daughter until she was covered in blood and Glenda was dead," Thomas said. Poole, who for years led a public campaign to find her "missing" daughter, died July 11, 1999, taking her secret to the grave. After Poole's death, Glenda's father, Glen Tedball, who had been living elsewhere when she disappeared from her farm in the Thedford, Ontario area, encouraged the provincial police to re-open the case. Glen Tedball's tip led police to Gratton, who confessed to his role. References: "No Jail in Canada for Rape, Abortion and Murder." LifeSite Daily News, November 28, 2000; "Man Whose Girlfriend Died in 1967 Home Abortion Gets Conditional Sentence." National Post [], November 29, 2000. Sexual Abuse of a Minor (47 counts) Between 1952 and 1986, Father Charles Sylvestre of the Diocese of London, Ontario, sexually molested young girls hundreds of times in the towns of London, Sarnia, Pain Court and Windsor. The abuse happened in every kind of environment: Rectories, churches, confessionals and darkened classrooms during school hours. He told some of the girls that they would go to Hell if they reported him. He was well-known as a molester for decades. In fact, he was known as "Father Feeler" in schools and parishes across Southwestern Ontario. Almost all of the victims ranged in age from seven to twelve, and more than one-third of his victims actually reported the abuse until he was finally arrested in 2005.

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One of Sylvestre's many victims was Lou Ann Soontiens, whom he impregnated. He arranged for a February 21, 1973 abortion, which was botched and required extensive surgery to correct. Victim Irene Deschenes said that "Every month there is something else. Every Christian celebration became negative for me. He ruined all these memories and traditions I wanted to keep for my kids. When he performed my wedding he was still abusing little girls, and he came to our dinner. I bought him dinner on my wedding day." In August 2006, Father Sylvestre, then 84 years old, pleaded guilty to 47 counts of sexual abuse of minors and was sentenced to three years in prison. He died after serving only three months. Chatham-Kent Crown attorney Paul Bailey said at least 56 women had complained of being sexually abused, but he had to settle on air-tight charges involving 47 women. He said "We needed to move on to the plea bargain. If we kept delaying and delaying, we would lose the prosecution to the delays. Also, Sylvestre may become incompetent." References: "To Hell ... and Back." The Windsor Star, November 2, 2006. A very detailed description of the people and events involving Father "Charlie" Sylvestre, including the Church coverup that spanned decades; "$1.75-Million Settlement for Abuse Victims of Rev. Charles Sylvestre." Undated Web press release by Hamilton and Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers

Assault (2 incidents) On October 15, 2008, Suzanne Poulin and another woman were participating in the 40 Days for Life Ottawa campaign outside the Bank Street abortion mill. Witnesses said that, at about two in the afternoon, a woman came over with her lunch and sat between the two ladies. Then she shouted "You've had your protest, now I'm going to have mine," and threw her food at them and began pushing, screaming obscenities, and swinging her fists at the two pro-life women. She screamed "You're old, why don't you die?" The attacker threw Suzanne to the ground and began pummeling her face with her fists. Suzanne suffered bruises to her face and nose, a cut lip and her ear was torn, possibly by a ring the assailant was wearing. The security guard from the abortion mill and some men from the gathering crowd subdued the attacker and called police. As police cruisers appeared, the attacker fled into an adjacent building but was arrested. Even as police took her away, she continued to scream insults and obscenities. Paramedics attended to Suzanne and the other woman, who had both been injured in the attack. Suzanne said that she forgives her attacker but will press charges: "As a mother, I have developed good judgment to know when someone needs correction. This woman needs not only to be corrected, she needs anger management. Her actions will probably have a very negative effect on the rest of her life. With prayer, this incident may help her to see the truth and turn her toward life." Suzanne was not intimidated by the pro-abortion attack, and returned to the Bank Street abortion mill for her vigil the next day. Reference: Thaddeus M. Baklinski. "Update From Ground Zero 40 Days for Life Ottawa Vigil Keepers Attacked.", October 16, 2008. Death Threats (2 incidents), Criminal Trespass, and Public Intoxication

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It may seem difficult to believe, but Canadian pro-choicers hate free speech even more than the American ones do. Famous pro-life priest Father Anthony van Hee found this out first-hand as he was standing on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 11, 2010. The priest, a model of pro-life persistence, has done this every day that Parliament was in session since September 1989. At about 10:15 in the morning, pro-choicer Malcolm Miller approached Father van Hee and told him that he would murder him if he was still there at noon. Father van Hee informed the police, but Miller did not return at noon. Instead, he came back in the afternoon and threatened to break Father Van Hee's legs and then murder him. Father van Hee tried to call the police, and Miller started shouting and swearing and tried to grab Father van Hees sign. The commotion attracted the attention of the police, who arrested Miller and charged him with trespass and public intoxication. Reference: Patrick B. Craine. Famed Pro-Life Canadian Priest Receives Death Threat Man Arrested. LifeSite News, May 17, 2010. Incompetence (25 incidents) This is an excellent example of how the very worst and incompetent doctors eventually sink to the lowest rung of the medical profession performing abortions. In fact, as in this case, the medical authorities sometimes actually banish them to this medical netherworld, apparently not caring that women will inevitably die or be mutilated at their hands. Abortionist Krzysztof J. Fabisiak worked at fellow abortionist Henry Morgentalers Ottawa abortion mill. He had accumulated allegations against him from at least 25 women patients. In his June 17, 2010 appearance before the Disciplinary Committee of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, he was accused of having failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession and is incompetent in his care and treatment of Patient A, Patient B and 23 patients. The abortionist agreed to voluntarily restrict his practice, and the Disciplinary Committee stated that he would be restricted to only performing abortions from that time onward. The restriction reads that I, Dr. Krzystof Janusz Fabisiak, will practice only at the prescribed family planning clinics in Ottawa or Toronto or at a setting approved by the College, and notes that he has voluntarily relinquished his prescribing privileges, except for Tylenol. Pro-lifers were astonished by this ruling. Alissa Golob, head of Campaign Life Coalition Youth, said that Obviously abortion is at the bottom rung of the medical profession when the lowest of the low are sent to operate these clinics. This situation screams discrimination. Imagine the college saying, oh youre too incompetent to treat the general public, but go ahead and look after the blacks. The irony is truly astounding. Abortion is supposed to help women, yet those committing these abortions are the most incompetent doctors around. Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics Inc., which has been documenting shoddy abortionists for two decades, said that the Colleges actions prove the fact that the wash-outs from the leftovers of medicine wind up working in these abortion clinics. No one goes to medical school with the intent of working in a Planned Parenthood or some other abortion clinic. Abortionists either were such bad doctors they

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couldnt get a legitimate practice going, or they were such bad doctors that they had a practice going that they destroyed because of their malpractice. If a womans going to trust her life and her health to him, shouldnt she have the right to know what his history is? Reference: Patrick B. Craine. Reprimanded Canadian Doctor Told He May Only Perform Abortions. LifeSite News, June 17, 2010. Grand Theft, Assault and Destruction of Property Homosexual British Columbia Member of Parliament Svend Robinson is a constant presence at the Canadian Parliament, agitating for abortion, euthanasia, pornography, homosexual "marriage," and even a petition that sought to remove references to God from the Canadian Constitution. Pro-life activist Father Tony Van Hee is also a constant presence on Parliament Hill, peacefully protesting every day outside the west entrance of the Centre Block in front of the door the Prime Minister most members of Parliament use. His signs bear basic pro-life and pro-family messages drawn from the teaching of the Catholic Church. The Ottawa Citizen reported that Fr. Van Hee has been given a security pass by House of Commons Speaker Gilbert Parent. On December 7, 2000, Svend finally had had enough. He grabbed the Jesuit priest's pro-family placard, tried to crush it, and then threw it over a concrete wall. On January 13, 2001, Toronto Independent MP John Nunziata said Robinson should apologize to Fr. Van Hee for interfering with his freedom of speech, especially after having cited Charter of Rights guarantees to freedom of speech and "sexual orientation" for years in advance of his own homosexualist, secularistic and pro-euthanasia causes. Nunziata said, "I just find it annoying that he would attack a mild-mannered priest for expressing his views when a lot of people have tolerated Svend's extreme views and defended his right to express those views." In an open letter to Robinson, Nunziata wrote, "To challenge Father Van Hee is one thing, but to do so with violent actions is quite another matter. By your conduct you have aligned yourself with the fringe element of those who pursue results at any cost." Nunziata isn't the only one who has pointed out Robinson's hypocrisy. Liberal MP Dan McTeague called him a bully, adding, "I guess freedom of speech, a right given by Parliament, is a one-way street for Mr. Robinson." According to the January 14, 2001 Ottawa Citizen, Robinson admits to throwing one of Fr. Van Hee's signs over a wall but refused to apologize and denied trying to crush the sign, which read "Sexual orientation. Defeat of reason. Protecting disorder." Fr. Van Hee also says Robinson threatened to get him evicted from Parliament Hill. Robinson denies the charge, although The Report newsmagazine said January 24 that the RCMP on the Hill are investigating whether Fr. Van Hee's signs are legal. The Hill Times, the Parliament Hill newspaper, seemed to blame Fr. Van Hee for the incident. It began its three paragraph story as follows: "It doesn't take much to get openly gay MP Svend Robinson really angry. Just 10 years of in your face picketing against 'deviant' homosexuality will do." But this is not the first confrontation between Robinson and Fr. Van Hee. Robinson had earlier threatened to have Commons security remove one of Fr. Van Hee's signs that described homosexuality as "an objective disorder leading to deviant acts." At the request of security, Fr. Van Hee removed the poster himself. Robinson continued to disgrace himself and his office when, on Good Friday of 2004, he stole a $50,000 (Canadian) ring from a government auction. A few days later, he tearfully explained that he had "inexplicably" stolen the ring and then gave a number of empty excuses, such as his "stress" and the poor health he suffered from a "hiking accident" seven years earlier. He also claimed that it was a "spur of the moment" shoplifting, but he had been shopping for a ring for weeks in preparation for proposing to his

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'boyfriend,' Max Riveron. Nobody brought charges against Robinson, causing pro-lifers to note that homosexual activists can get away with anything in Canada. If Robinson had been a pro-life legislator, can anyone doubt he would have been jailed immediately for such a significant theft? At the press conference, Robinson announced that he was leaving politics. Nobody doubts that, since he is a homosexual, he will be "rehabilitated" by the Left (as usual, without contrition or apology) and returned to politics in a very short time. References: Paul Tuns. "Svend Attack." The Interim, February 2000; "Svend Robinson, Openly Homosexual MP and Originator of Bill C-250, to Quit Politics: Reveals Guilt in Jewelry Theft This Past Friday." LifeSite Daily News, April 15, 2004; Paul Tuns. "Bye, Bye Svend." The Interim, May 2004, pages 1 and 7. Failure to Get Assistance During Childbirth Although no serious charges were filed in this case due to lack of evidence, the events described here clearly highlight the indifference to human life and the utter selfish depravity of the pro-choice mentality. A 19-year-old Ottawa man was molesting a 14-year-old girl and got her pregnant. They both managed to deny and hide her pregnancy until the baby was born. They arranged for her to have an abortion at a Montreal abortion mill, but cancelled the appointment because they couldnt raise enough money to pay for it. The girl carried her pregnancy to full term, and gave birth in the basement of her home. Then she and her boyfriend carried the little baby to the shores of the Ottawa River, where he wrapped the little one in a garbage bag and threw him into the water. When the bag did not sink, he waded in to the river and squeezed the air out of it so it would sink. The babys body, which had been denied even the dignity of a decent burial, washed up on shore two weeks later, but was so badly decomposed that forensic tests could not determine whether or not he had been born alive. Both the man and his girlfriend, of course, claimed that the baby was stillborn. The man, who cannot be identified to protect the identity of his underage girlfriend, was given a slap on the wrist after he pleaded guilty to failing to get assistance during childbirth in June 1993. Justice Robert Cusson said that he had committed an appalling crime, then jailed him for two months at night, and during the day, allowed him to continue his studies at the University of Ottawa. That oughta teach him! Prosecuting Crown Attorney Robert Pelletier said the man and his girlfriend would have been charged with first-degree murder, which carries a life sentence, if the autopsy been able to prove that their baby boy had been born alive. He said that It's a mystery as to whether the child was born alive or dead. At full term, there is no doubt it was a human being, and, there is no doubt that [the man] should have sought help from his parents. I think our society finds it revolting that someone could take a newborn baby and treat it like garbage. Reference: Sean Upton. Man Jailed for Throwing Newborn Son in River. The Ottawa Citizen, August 19, 1993. Vandalism (5 incidents) and Destruction of Property

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On November 16-18, 2001, more than 2,000 people gathered to protest against the meetings of the Group of 20 (G-20), the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Ottawa. During this series of demonstrations, masked anarchists vandalized a McDonald's restaurant and destroyed a large pro-life sign on Bank Street, the only publicly displayed pro-life sign in Ottawa. Worldwide coverage, including reports in Africa and Australia, included the violence towards the pro-life sign. However, the Canadian media deliberately edited out the portion of the report dealing with the demonstrators' destruction of the commercial quality billboard. After researching the story in some 23 Canadian papers, LifeSite found that only the Halifax Chronicle-Herald included the paragraph about the sign. Karen Murawsky, National Affairs Director for Campaign Life Coalition, told LifeSite that it is "interesting that the media would choose to edit out violence by Canadian pro-choicers especially when they make every effort to associate pro-lifers with violence. Time and time again we have seen that it is the pro-choice activists who are violent, throwing bottles at peaceful pro-life prayer walks and cursing and shouting obscenities." An Ottawa pro-lifer told LifeSite, "Imagine for a second the fury with which the media and public would react if a pro-life protester were to wear a mask and smash windows." Ottawa's Algonquin College published a front-page article in its Algonquin Times newspaper featuring a student who had participated in the protest. The appropriately-named Natalie Vandal, a second-year social service worker student at the College, told the paper "To me, smashing an anti-abortion sign and a McDonald's is just brilliant." Vandal said that it was the most peaceful protest of its kind she'd attended and noted that she considers anarchists to be educated and informed about the current issues in the world. She also said that the anarchist's anger was justified and a "symptom of a sick society." Naturally, if pro-lifers became justifiable angered by the wholesale slaughter of preborn children and vandalized an abortion mill, Vandal would denounce them as "terrorists." Vandal's sentiments lend support to the allegations of Merle Terlesky, a former member of the Communist Party of Canada and a prominent activist with the Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics (OCAC) during the late '80s and early '90s. Terlesky, who converted to Christianity and pro-life after a bout with cancer, told LifeSite that it is no surprise that the anarchist activists are anti-life. He said that the rent-a-mob which creates a ruckus at most leftist protests are virtually the same crowd who engage in the violent anti-poverty protests and the violent demonstrations against the pro-life movement. He recalls, as a member of OCAC that they would ask for support during pickets from violent groups such as the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and Anti-Racist Action. OCAC has a strong relationship with Canada's foremost abortionist Henry Morgentaler. Perhaps not coincidentally, the pro-life billboard in question was on a commercial advertisement standing directly in front of Morgentaler's unmarked abortuary. The large sign read "Abortion stops a beating heart," and has been there for over five years. The billboard's prominent location has been a cause for considerable consternation on Morgentaler's part, and was vandalized at least four times before pro-aborts succeeded in destroying it. Within a week, however, pro-lifers who refused to knuckle under to pro-abortion censorship and violence had repaired the sign. Action Life, the pro-life group which pays for the sign, told LifeSite that a G-20 protester who witnessed the sign's destruction called the pro-life group to apologize for the actions of the other demonstrators, and even offered to try to raise funds to pay for the damage. Carroll Rees of Action Life told LifeSite she was at the site to note the damages for the commercial company it pays to advertise their poster. She noted that the glass and the inner casing of the advertising kiosk was smashed and the pro-life poster was missing. On the other side of the multi-sided advertising kiosk, another pro-life sign was left unscathed except for anarchist graffiti that was there prior to the G-20 protest. The owner of the company, which operates the advertising kiosk, told LifeSite that the damages totaled between $500 and $1000.

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References: "G-20 Protesters Trash Famous Ottawa Pro-Life Sign: Canadian Media Edit Out Violence Against Pro-Life Billboard." LifeSite Daily News, November 19, 2001; Tara Dawn Wilson. "Show of Solidarity Against G20: Vocal Student Defends Rights of Protesters." Algonquin Times, November 28, 2001; "G-20 Protester Offended by Destruction of Pro-Life Sign Offers Reimbursement." LifeSite Daily News, November 28, 2001; G-20 Protester Supports Destruction of Pro-Life Sign, Says it Was "Brilliant." LifeSite Daily News, December 4, 2001; "G-20 Protestors Trash Ottawa Pro-Life Sign." The Wanderer, December 6, 2001, page 3. Cheating in a Sports Event (2 incidents) Pro-lifers know that there is nothing abortionists and other pro-aborts won't stoop to doing in order to grab money or fame. And, when caught in the act, they always lie and blame other people for their own misdeeds. Norman Barwin, a pro-abortionist who has received the Order of Canada for his contribution to "women's reproductive health" and has a Planned Parenthood of Canada scholarship named in his honor, was caught cheating in a marathon for the second time! The Ottawa Citizen reported that Barwin was caught cheating in the May 2001 National Capital Marathon when he placed first in his age category 60-64 with the help of a car. It was not the first time Barwin was caught cheating in a marathon. In the 2000 Boston Marathon, Barwin was caught in similar circumstances. The race authorities caught him by checking the computer chip given all racers to see if he passed all checkpoints. When interviewed by the Citizen, Barwin first denied any wrongdoing, suggesting his chip was faulty. However, he later changed his story, saying he dropped out of the race because he had a hernia and joined in at the end for the "high of coming in." This didn't stop him from accepting the gold medal in his age group ... Barwin, the former head of Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, told the Citizen, "It was quite out of character, I promise you." However, Frank Mountain, President of Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa, told LifeSite that it was very much in Barwin's character to lie and cheat. He said "When Mr. Barwin broke the moral code by supporting and promoting the killing of the unborn child by abortion, then cheating at marathons is just a piece of cake." Reference: "Famed Canadian Abortion Promoter Caught Cheating in Marathon - Again: 'When You Support Abortion, Cheating at Marathons is a Piece of Cake'." LifeSite Daily News, November 18, 2002.

Sudbury, Ontario
Assault (4 incidents) and Destruction of Property On September 23, 2001, a group of pro-lifers was peacefully demonstrating outside a Sudbury high school. The demonstration was part of the Show the Truth - High School Mission, which was conducted for a week at high schools in Sudbury, Sturgeon Falls and North Bay. Suddenly, an enraged pro-abortionist shoved several female protesters, grabbed their signs, ripped them up and then stomped on them. Pro-life demonstrator Chris Selmys told the Sudbury Star that the man kept repeating the line "it's disgusting, it's disgusting." Rosemary Connell, who heads Show said that the man, who police refused to name, was captured on video destroying seven pro-life signs after pulling them from the hands of various demonstrators.

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Greater Sudbury Police Sgt. Loretta Ronchin told LifeSite that the man was being confrontational and was taken by police into custody "until he calmed down." Ronchin said the man was informed what would happen if he continued his actions and was released without criminal charges. Ronchin said the large pictures of aborted used in the demonstrations "are not well received" in the area. Connell noted that police had arrived on the scene while the man was destroying two of the signs. When three of the pro-lifers were called in by police for a fact finding meeting, they were interrogated in a hostile manner. "Who are you, why are you here and why are you targeting children?," demanded one of the officers according to one of the pro-lifers present. Police refused to press charges against the man, despite information given by the demonstrators and actions witnessed by the arresting officers. Police even went so far as to suggest charging the victims with blocking pedestrian traffic. The police also refused to acknowledge that a total of seven signs were destroyed, since officers at the scene of the crime only returned with three of the destroyed signs. Pro-life lawyer Blaise MacLean noted that the police denied the pro-lifers access to the courts by their inaction. Some pro-lifers noted the fact that, if it had been a pro-lifer who was tearing up pro-abortion signs, he would have been thrown in jail and kept there awaiting a trial where he surely would have been found guilty of every charge police could think of. References: "Pro-Lifers Assaulted During Show the Truth Demonstration." LifeSite Daily News, September 26, 2001; "Pro-Lifers Pursuing Legal Action Despite Police Inaction: Officers Threatened to Charge Victims Rather Than Assailant." LifeSite Daily News, September 27, 2001.

Sturgeon Falls, Ontario

Assault (2 incidents) and Destruction of Property (2 incidents) Six pro-lifers staging a "Show the Truth" demonstration were arrested in Sturgeon Falls on October 28, 1999, before students even arrived at the school for "causing a disturbance by exhibiting indecent material." That afternoon the pro-lifers demonstrated at another high school. Pro-abortion students at the school reacted violently to the demonstration. Handouts were forcefully ripped from the hands of demonstrators and set on fire on the sidewalk. Furthermore, one of the youths, egged on by a foul-mouthed crowd of students, wrestled signs from two of the demonstrators, throwing one sign to the ground and breaking another over his knee. When police arrived at this second school, the pro-lifers were again arrested. One of the officers stripped a sign from Paul Sharron and broke it over his knee. Reference: ""Show the Truth" Participants Arrested Outside High School." October 29, 1999. LifeSite Daily News,

Toronto, Ontario
Kidnapping, Forced Abortion and Assault On August 29, 2002, an 18-year-old woman, who was five months pregnant, sought help at Aid To Women, a pro-life counseling center in Toronto. During her visit, a nearby abortion mill, the

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Cabbagetown Women's Clinic, learned of her presence and called the police. The young woman refused to speak to the abortuary staff who attempted to reach her at the pro-life center. She told pro-lifers that she was an illegal immigrant and was being coerced into the abortion by her boyfriend and the shelter at which she was staying. She said to the pro-lifers, "Why would they force a girl like me to have an abortion, it's so wrong." She also said she did not wish to continue with her scheduled abortion even though she had commenced it the day before with insertion of laminaria tents (which expand the cervix for the abortion). As the woman left the pro-life center accompanied by pro-lifers, an abortuary worker screamed at her. Pro-life counselor Robert Hinchey accompanied the woman to St. Michael's Hospital in order to have the laminaria tents removed by a physician. At the hospital, police arrived to question the woman to see if she was there with Hinchey of her own free will. Satisfied, the police allowed the woman to return to the hospital waiting room with Hinchey. Two large women then approached Hinchey and the young woman in the hospital waiting room, and demanded that the woman come with them. A security guard at the hospital began to intervene to stop the women from forcing the pregnant woman to go with them against her will. Then the female thugs used pepper spray on Hinchey and forcibly took the young woman with them. The whole floor of the hospital medical centre had to be evacuated because of the effect of the spray. Hours later, a female police officer from Toronto's 51 Division spoke with Aid To Women director Joanne Dieleman, telling her that the girl had changed her mind and decided to go ahead with the abortion. Hinchey filed charges against his assailants. However, when asked if anything would come of the pepper spraying incident, a spokesperson for the Toronto Police said "I don't think so." Later, St. Michael's Hospital confirmed Hinchey's version of events describing the pepper spray attack. On request by LifeSite, a police spokeswoman, Constable Deborah Abbott of the media relations department, searched the Toronto police database listing all police reports and could not find any report on the incident. At first Abbott said that the missing report was "surprising to me." But after being told about the nature of the case that the assault was against a pro-life counselor she said that since no charges had been laid by police "it sounds like a civil matter to me." LifeSite contacted former police officer Kevin McNiff, who said that failure of an officer to report an incident involving an assault with an illegal weapon would be "neglect of duty." Abbott confirmed that use of pepper spray by civilians on people is illegal but refused to comment when asked if failure of a police officer to file a report on such an incident would construe neglect of duty. Later, it turned out that charges had been filed after all. Carol Ann Trueman, also known as Carol Ann Campbell-Trueman, who works at the STOP 86 shelter where the 5-month pregnant woman had been staying, was charged with assault with a weapon on the day of the incident. The young woman who wished to have the initiation of her abortion procedure reversed at St. Michael's informed the pro-life counselors that the shelter workers were forcing her to have an abortion. Trueman was convicted of assault on March 24, 2003, but was given an absolute discharge, meaning no criminal record, at a sentencing hearing four days later. Judge Cathy Mocha even went so far as to commend Trueman for being "truly remorseful," and claimed that Trueman was acting out of fear, not aggression! She also excused Trueman by saying she didn't really know about the crippling effects of pepper spray when sprayed into the eyes at point-blank range! Toronto pro-lifers have encountered many previous experiences of Toronto police and the Ontario government's Crown Attorney office quietly acting in favor of pro-abortion activists, regardless of clear evidence and circumstances in favor of the pro-life individuals involved. References: "Toronto Pro-Aborts Kidnap Young Woman Using Pepper Spray: Toronto Police Turn Blind Eye to Kidnapping and Assault in Hospital." The Interim, September 5, 2002; "Toronto

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Pro-Aborts Kidnap Young Woman Using Pepper Spray." LifeSite Daily News, September 5, 2002; "Police Have No Record of Pepper Spraying Incident at Toronto Hospital." LifeSite Daily News, September 6, 2002; "Hospital Confirms Facts on Attack Against Toronto Pro-Life Counselor." LifeSite Daily News, September 9, 2002; "Police Now Say that Pepper Spray Assailant was Charged: Attacker Apparently Charged and Released at the Scene." LifeSite Daily News, September 13, 2002; "Woman Who Pepper-Sprayed Pro-Lifer Counselor Misses Court Date." LifeSite Daily News, October 31, 2002; "Woman Charged in Attack on Pro-Life Counselor Remanded." LifeSite Daily News, December 23, 2002; "Court Proceeds Meekly Against Woman Charged in Toronto Pepper-Spray Attack." LifeSite Daily News, January 23, 2003; "Woman Convicted in Pepper Spray Attack on Toronto Pro-Life Counselor." LifeSite Daily News, March 25, 2003; "Pepper Spray Attacker Wins Absolute Discharge." LifeSite Daily News, March 28, 2003; Tony Gosgnach. "Woman Convicted of Attack." The Interim, May 2003, pages 1 and 7. Aggravated Assault (3), Assault on a Police Officer (5 incidents), Assault (15 incidents), Making Terroristic Threats (5 incidents), Death Threats (3 incidents), Menacing (3 incidents), Harassment (6 incidents), Possession of a Prohibited Weapon (4 incidents), Indecent Exposure (3 incidents), Destruction of Property (6 incidents), Vandalism (7 incidents), Witness Intimidation (4 incidents) and Contempt of Court (3 incidents) Anti-Racist Action (ARA) is not the usual "pro-choice" gaggle of failed rich college students and spoiled and bored housewives; they are a vicious and armed gang of cowardly thugs who attack people in groups while concealing their features behind ski masks, or balaclavas. After they have physically attacked people, they run away like cowards. They merely label those they don't like as "Nazis," "racists" or "fascists," and unleash a torrent of violence and hate against them sometimes with tragic results. Of course, in ARA's eyes, anyone who opposes abortion is, by definition, a "fascist," and must be attacked and silenced by any means available. ARA's members are routinely coddled and excused by the Canadian courts and media, which allege that they have "good motives;" this, of course, is not a privilege extended to pro-life or pro-family groups. In just one Canadian city Toronto Anti-Racist Action has launched several violent attacks on those people who do not agree with it on the issues;

On June 11, 1993, eight ARA thugs wearing balaclavas nearly destroyed alleged neo-Nazi Gary Schipper's home in Toronto while egged on by a chanting crowd of about 250. They threw rocks and paint bombs at the house and smashed its windows and doors. Ainsworth Weir, Elena Lonero, Peter Ricards and Ajith Aluthwatta were arrested and charged with mischief over $1,000. Ricards was also charged with possession of a prohibited weapon. On November 24, 1993, ARA members attacked the home of Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel, throwing rocks and paint and assaulting police. Zundel had been acquitted by the extremely liberal Canadian courts of Holocaust denial, but the ARA thugs were determined to punish him anyway. They carried signs like "Nazi in the Neighborhood, Trash Him Out" and "Burn Zundel Down." Police arrested five people for vandalism, destruction of property and assaulting police. On this day, three ARA members also faced contempt of court charges. The ARA poster advertising the event was entitled "Bored?," and showed exactly how to make a Molotov cocktail, in addition to showing the exact location of Zundel's home. Masked ARA members prowled the Toronto subway system armed with knives, machetes and

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iron pipes looking for "skinheads" to attack. If anyone matched the description of what they considered a "skinhead," they would viciously assault him without asking any questions first. On February 4, 1995, a gang of about twenty heavily-armed ARA thugs came across three people they thought looked like Skinheads at Scarboro's Kennedy subway station. The gang first surrounded the three men and harassed and intimidated them, and then, when they had had their fun toying with them, tried to murder them, trying to hit them over their heads with steel pipes. Unfortunately for the ARA cowards, their intended victims were armed too, and fought back for their lives, slashing the jugular of one of the ARA punks. Detective Wayne King said that "There's no doubt in my mind these ARA [thugs] were out looking for trouble. And they found it, but with the wrong people." Police determined that the three young men were simply on their way home from a party, and had no neo-Nazi affiliations whatsoever. In 1995, a Domino's Pizza franchise in Guatemala ran a blatantly racist ad. When the head office heard about this, it immediately ordered the franchise to pull the ad, and apologized to the public. But this was not good enough for the ARA, which demanded on its Web site that people "torch every Domino's Pizzeria on the planet." There are 5,500 Domino's franchises worldwide, and not one of them had a thing to do with the Guatemalan ad, since they are all independently owned and operated. But this did not matter at all to the ARA maniacs, who advocated mass murder and arson, because owner Tom Monaghan is pro-life. On July 10, 1998, pro-abortion protestors blocked traffic and clashed with police at the Toronto Queen's Park pro-life witness event "Show the Truth." When police moved in to clear the pro-abortion blockade of Toronto's busy University Avenue, the pro-aborts began to both physically and verbally abuse the police. Police arrested 11 pro-abortionists. The violent protest was organized by ARA. A number of the protestors in this incident carried signs hiding baseball bats. Of course, the Canadian court system coddles and excuses violent pro-abortionists even more than the American and European courts, so pro-lifers were not at all surprised when the Crown decided to drop all charges against the eleven ARA members. Mr. Justice Robert Bigelow of the Ontario court ruled, on September 14, 2000, that the Charter rights of the accused to be tried in a reasonable period of time had been breached in the long interval between arrest and trial. ARA lawyers Paul Copeland and Bob Kellerman argued that justice would not be served by going ahead with two-year-old charges. Crown attorney Maggie Rogers, meanwhile, was unable to convince Mr. Justice Bigelow to uphold the charges against the ARA group. The decision to drop charges against the ARA members is remarkable, considering the fact that only two in 10,000 Ontario court cases are "stayed" due to unreasonable delay in bringing the case to trial. It was quite obvious that the government deliberately delayed the trial of the ARA thugs specifically in order to dismiss the charges against them. Rosemary Connell, one of the organizers of the July, 1998 Show the Truth tour, resigned herself to news that the Ontario Court chose to drop the charges against the ARA group. "I'm disappointed, but not surprised with the news," Connell told The Interim. "It makes me wonder if the Crown would be so lackadaisical with charges against pro-life supporters." The ten ARA activists appearing in court September 14, 2000, were Amber Ternus, David Cheater, David Fingrut, Giles Grierson, Joanne Bender, John Mura, Kenneth Theobald, Reena Katz, Sue Collis, and Ronald Tulk. An eleventh member, Kellee Hodge, had her charges dropped several weeks earlier. On April 7 and 10th, 1999, assorted homosexuals, anarchists and pro-aborts protested outside the Plaza International Hotel, where Human Life International was conducting its 18th

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World Conference on Love, Life and the Family. On Wednesday, three women in the jeering mob of about 200, organized by ARA, stripped to the waist. During the Saturday protest, about 250 people threw urine-filled balloons and rocks at the hotel. Some of the protestors held a banner proclaiming that "HUMAN LIFE MUST DIE," and others threw eggs at the hotel windows and rocks at Toronto police. One man even unleashed an attack dog on a mounted Toronto policeman's horse. A typical chant was "We're here, we're queer, we're going to kick your ass." A number of other slogans not fit to print were also chanted. Three of the pro-abort protestors were arrested. Some of the posters held by the anti-lifers included slogans such as "DON'T HATE, MASTURBATE," "HARRIS IS A CT," "F THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT," "ABORT THE POPE," "ABORT JESUS AND POPE," "CRUCIFIX UP YOUR ASS!," and "F HLI." ARA has, in the past, physically broken up meetings of groups it opposes, has advocated firebombing their opponents, and routinely commits vandalism against others. The Metropolitan Toronto Police Department has linked ARA to many incidents of past violence, and even the hyper-Leftist Canadian Human Rights Commission (which to that time has always coddled and excused violence and extremism by the Left) has seen the need to distance itself from the group, pulling their name from an anti-racism poster ARA produced in 1997. Despite the obviously violent nature of ARA, the Toronto Metro Council funded it for $8,000 in 1996, and the Trillium Foundation donated an equal amount. References: Gay Abbate. "Zundel Foes Hurl Eggs, Red Paint at His House." The Globe and Mail, November 25, 1993; Theresa Boyle. "Eight ID'd in Trashing of Home." The Toronto Sun, September 9, 1994; Jonathan Kingstone. "Stabbings in Subway Melee: Anti-Racists Mob 3." The Sunday Sun, February 5, 1995; Bob MacDonald. "It's Time to Stop Being Silent." Toronto Sun, February 5, 1995; Linda Leatherdale. "Anti-Racists Slam Domino's: Angered by Ad, ARA Suggests Chain's Pizzerias be Torched." The Sunday Sun, June 22, 1997; "Militant Pro-Aborts Clash with Toronto Police During 'Show the Truth'." LifeSite Daily News, July 10, 1998; "Arrested Toronto Pro-Abortionists Have Violent History." LifeSite Daily News, July 13, 1998; "Pro-Abortion Terrorists Planning HLI Protest." LifeSite Daily News, March 16, 1999; Tony Gosgnach. "Extremist Anti-Life Coalition Out for HLI's Blood." The Interim [Canada's pro-life monthly newspaper], April 1999; Charles Moore. "Just Who are the 'Purveyors of Hate'?" The Interim, April 1999; Laura Bobak and Michael Clement. "Protestors Blow Their Tops." Toronto Sun, April 8, 1999, page 10; "Violence from Pro-Aborts at HLI Protest." LifeSite Daily News, April 12, 1999; Tony Gosgnach. "Life and Death." The Interim, May 1999; "World Conference Makes Pro-Aborts, "Gays," Anarchists Scream." Human Life International's Special Report #174 [June 1999]; Sass Seagal. "The Purveying of Pro-Choice "Tolerance"." Rightgrrl, June 27, 1999; "Case Against Violent Pro-Aborts Stayed Due to Delay." LifeSite Daily News, September 25, 2000; "Bat-Wielding ARA Protestors Beat Assault, Obstruction Rap: Charges Against Anti-Racist Action Members Stayed Due to Unusual 'Institutional Delay'." The Interim, October 2000; Her Majesty the Queen v. Mark Roy Elms, trial proceedings before Mr. Justice D. Hogg of the Ontario Court of Justice, June 7, 2004. Assault On October 25, 2000, at the Cabbagetown Women's Clinic abortion mill, former pro-abortion activist Merle Terlesky offered an abortion clinic worker a pamphlet for the upcoming Canada Pro-Life 2000 conference. When the worker, known as Gloria, did not take the pamphlet, Terlesky placed it on the ground at her feet. She then attempted to kick him in the head, but he blocked the kick with his hand,

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resulting in a sprained thumb. Charges were laid with Toronto's 52 Division. When telephoned by the police about the assault, abortuary staff laughed and denied that a worker matching the description given by Terlesky was employed at the abortion mill. Reference: "Pro-Lifer Assaulted by Abortion Clinic Worker." LifeSite Daily News, October 31, 2000. Assault The text of an e-mail message received by Brian Clowes from Gerard Liston on July 10, 2000 follows: In 1988 or 1989, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada I had my eyeglasses broken after being thrown by the Toronto city police during a peaceful pro-life demonstration outside an abortion mill in Toronto, Canada. I didn't bother laying a complaint with the police at the time because I felt they wouldn't listen. However, I was thrown roughly down on the ground, landing face-first with my eyeglasses flying off my face. The following day, I had to go to an optician who gave me a new, used arm for my broken glasses. He was very kind he didn't charge me any money whatsoever. Gross Negligence (3 counts), Misconduct (36 counts) and Death Threat Abortionist Richard Neale botched so many surgeries that he became known as "Bloody Dr. Neale" and "The Butcher" because blood banks had to order extra supplies when he was scheduled to perform surgery. He lost his medical license in Canada in 1985 after three of his patients died (at least one from a botched abortion), then moved to Great Britain, where he faced 37 charges of "serious professional misconduct" before a General Medical Council hearing on June 12, 2000. He was found guilty on 36 of the counts. According to testimony given during the hearing, he left one woman with part of a suture needle and a large loop of suture material inside her abdomen after surgery. He was also "arrogant, petulant and abusive" to one of his patients despite failing to treat her properly for six years. When this woman complained that she had to undergo an emergency hysterectomy because of Neale's negligence the abortionist warned her that she would "live to regret it." He is accused of botching operations for hysterectomies, abortions, sterilizations and incontinence treatment. More than 40 Canadian women have also filed complaints about Neale. At the end of the first day of the hearing, Neale turned and ran when he was confronted by the daughter of a Canadian woman who had died under his care. Kathy Tanner said that "I want him brought back to Canada and charged with my mother's murder. The last time I saw my mother, her face was contorted in pain and she was covered in blood." Vivian Robinson, the medical council's lawyer, told the professional conduct committee of the medical council that "these failures represent first a neglect or disregard by Neale of his professional responsibilities to his patients for their care and treatment. Secondly, it is an abuse of his professional skills and, thirdly, his conduct is derogatory to the reputation of the medical profession." The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons struck Neale from the medical record after a disciplinary hearing into the death of Oshawa native Geraldine Krawchuk, Kathy Tanner's mother. Krawchuk saw Dr. Neale in 1981. It was alleged that he tried to induce labor by secretly using a banned drug, and then altered the medical records to cover it up. Krawchuk's contractions became so strong they

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ruptured her uterus. She gave birth to a healthy girl, Nicole, now 18, but amniotic fluid entered her bloodstream and she died. A separate investigation was looking into allegations that he mistreated as many as 100 British women. While in Canada in the 1980's, Neale wrote a letter to the Globe and Mail complaining of the "endless stream of young girls who come seeking termination of their pregnancies." As pro-lifers expected, no major news outlet identified Neale as an abortionist, including the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, CTV News, CBC, the National Post, and the London Free Press. References: Siobhan Roberts and Sandra Laville. "Neale Called 'Arrogant, Petulant and Abusive:' Hearing Begins for Gynecologist Who Hurt Patients in Canada, Then Britain." National Post Online, June 13, 2000; "Conspiratorial Pro-Abortion Media Bias Evident." LifeSite Daily News, June 14, 2000. Tax Evasion On August 13, 2002, abortionist Joseph S.K. Lee pleaded guilty to one count of evading Federal income taxes in the Ontario Court of Justice and was fined $64,200. The abortionist failed to report $303,000 of income on his income tax returns for the tax years 1997, 1998 and 1999. The discrepancy was uncovered when Revenue Canada investigators compared Lee's OHIP billings with the income reported on his tax returns. Furthermore, Lee overstated his expenses by $31,000 for the same period. By underreporting his income and overstating his expenses Lee evaded $85,611 of federal income taxes. In addition to the $64,200 fine, Lee was ordered to pay the outstanding taxes plus interest. Interestingly, both the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency release and the North York Mirror which reported the news failed to mention Lee is an abortionist, calling him only a "gynecologist." Reference: "Toronto Area Abortionist Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion: Gov't and Media Fail to Mention Doctor Was an Abortionist." LifeSite Daily News, August 21, 2002.

End of Ontario Listing

(updated March 31, 2011)

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