An Improved Straight-Line Fitting Method For Analyzing Pumping Test Recovery Data

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Technical Note/

An Improved Straight-Line Fitting Method

for Analyzing Pumping Test Recovery Data
by Li Zheng1, Jian-Qing Guo2, and Yuping Lei1

Theis (1935) derived an exact solution for the residual drawdown in a well after the cessation of
a pumping test by summing two drawdowns: one (s1), caused by imaginary continuation of the original pumping
and the other (s2), due to an imaginary injection at the same constant rate. We approximated the Theis solution to
obtain a simple linear relation for determining the transmissivity and storage coefficient from recovery data.
Unlike other existing straight-line fitting methods, in our method, we applied different approximations to the well
functions in the solutions of s1 and s2. We used the well-known Cooper-Jacob approximation for s1, truncating
the expansion of the well function in s2 to its first three terms. For the same level of truncation errors, while the
Cooper-Jacob approximation requires the argument u1  0.01, the second approximation requires the argument
u2  0.2, thus dramatically improving the utility of short-term recovery data. Application of our method requires
only recovery data from a single observation well and no knowledge of the drawdown at the moment of pumping

Introduction at the same constant rate. Since then, many have devel-
Ground water hydrologists frequently use pumping oped simplified methods for estimating T and S from
tests to determine transmissivity, T, and storage coeffi- recovery data by approximating the exact Theis solution.
cient, S. They often consider recovery data desirable for Detailed surveys of these methods can be found in Cha-
interpreting test results and estimating aquifer parameters puis (1992), Banton and Bangoy (1996), Chenaf and Cha-
(de Marsily 1986). Due to possible irregularities in run- puis (2002), Agarwal (1980), Samani and Pasandi (2003,
ning the pump, to skin effects, and the quadratic head loss also see Ground Water 42, no. 1, for Notice of Plagiarism
across the well screen, recovery data are less prone to with regard to this paper), and Singh (2003). Either a type
error than water level measurements taken during the curve matching or a straight-line fitting approach is most
pumping phase. frequently adopted in these methods. In this article, we
In a classic paper, Theis (1935) applied the principle limit our discussions to the straight-line fitting approach.
of superposition to derive an exact solution for the recov- Both Chenaf and Chapuis (2002) and Samani and
ering water levels in a well by summing two drawdowns: Pasandi (2003) used the Cooper-Jacob approximation of
one (s1), caused by imaginary continuation of the original the Theis solution and gave straight-line plots in semilog
pumping and the other (s2), due to an imaginary injection graphs for calculating T and S from recovery data. While
their work represented progress in using recovery data for
1Center for Agriculture Resources Research, IGDB, Chinese
pumping test interpretation, their methods were limited
Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, People’s by the use of the Cooper-Jacob approximation, which re-
Republic of China. quires that both pumping and injection phases have pro-
2Corresponding author: Department of Water Resources ceeded for long enough that both arguments u1 and u2
Engineering, Chang An University, Xi’an, Shanxi Province 710054, (see Methodology for definitions) are no more than 0.01,
People’s Republic of China; 36-29-32339836; guojianging@ to ensure sufficiently small truncation errors. While it is
Received July 2004, accepted February 2005. often reasonable to expect u1  0.01 to hold during the
Copyright ª 2005 National Ground Water Association. recovery phase, the requirement of u2  0.01 would
doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.00094.x exclude the use of many early-time recovery data. Banton
Vol. 43, No. 6—GROUND WATER—November–December 2005 (pages 939–942) 939
and Bangoy (1996) also reported a straight-line fitting and the Theis well function W(u) is given as
method that did not require long pumping and injection Z N 2u
periods. Their method, however, requires recovery data WðuÞ ¼ du ð7Þ
from at least two observation wells and straight-line fit- u u
ting of data for three times to calculate the four unknown
linear coefficients in order to estimate T and S. Approximating the Theis Solution
In this study, we propose a simple straight-line fitting The well function W(u) is an exponential integral
approach for estimating T and S from pumping test recov- and can be expanded into a converging series as follows:
ery data. Our method applies the Cooper-Jacob approxi-
mation to drawdown in the Theis solution caused by X
WðuÞ ¼ 20:5772162ln u 1 u2 ð21Þn ð8Þ
pumping and approximates the injection used to simulate n¼2
recovery by truncating the Theis well function expansion
to the first three terms. The approximate solution involves Cooper and Jacob (1946) proposed that when u is
a linear regression on a set of recovery data from a single very small (e.g., u  0.01), the sum of the terms after the
observation well and requires no knowledge of the draw- second term in the series becomes negligible. That is,
down at the moment of pumping cessation. Further, our when the pumping time is sufficiently long and/or the dis-
solution requires u1  0.01 and u2  0.2 to achieve the tance r is small, the series (Equation 8) can be reduced to
same level of accuracy as the previously mentioned meth- the Cooper-Jacob approximation:
ods. Thus, it is more suitable for analyzing data from WðuÞ ¼ 20:5772162ln u ð9Þ
short-term recovery.
During the recovery phase, it is reasonable to
expect t9 1 tp to be sufficiently large so that u1 as defined
Methodology in Equation 5 satisfies the condition of u1  0.01, and
W(u1) in Equation 3 can be approximated as in Equation
Theis Solution of Residual Drawdown During Recovery 9:
In a confined aquifer, the horizontal flow toward
a fully penetrating pumping well is governed by the fol- Q 2:25Tðt9 1 tp Þ
s1 ¼ ln ð10Þ
lowing equation: 4pT r2 S
@ 2 s 1 @s S @s With respect to s2, since t9 starts from the moment of
1 ¼ ð1Þ pumping cessation, for many recovering water level re-
@r 2 r @r T @t
cords, u2 as given in Equation 6 may not satisfy the con-
where r is the distance to the pumping well [L]; s, the
dition of being no more than 0.01, especially for the
water level drawdown [L]; S, the storage coefficient,
early-time data. Similar to the approach used in Banton
dimensionless; T, the transmissivity [L2T21]; and t, the
and Bangoy (1996), we truncate the W(u2) expansion to
time [T]. By the principle of superposition, the recovery
its first three terms and reduce the full expression of s2 to
of water levels or the residual drawdown (s9) after the
the following form:
pump engine is turned off can be represented by the sum-
mation of two drawdowns, s1 and s2: s1 caused by the Q 2:25Tt9
imaginary continuation of the original pumping at a con- s2 ¼ 2 ln 2 1 u2 ð11Þ
4pT r S
stant rate Q and s2 due to an imaginary injection at the
same rate Q starting at time tp when the pump is turned For the same level of truncation errors as introduced
off. For a homogeneous isotropic aquifer with infinite by Cooper-Jacob’s approximation, the approximation
domain, the Theis solution for the residual drawdown at used in Equation 11 will only require u2  0.2. In analyz-
time t9(t9 = 0 at the moment the pump is turned off) is ing recovery data, a requirement of u2  0.2 will be easier
given as follows (Theis 1935): to satisfy than the condition u2  0.01 required for the
Cooper-Jacob approximation. In the following section, we
s9ðt9Þ ¼ s1 ðt9 1 tp Þ 1 s2 ðt9Þ ð2Þ use Equations 10 and 11 to construct a linear relation and
enable a simple straight-line fitting for estimating T and S
with from recovery data.
s1 ðt9 1 tp Þ ¼ Wðu1 Þ ð3Þ
Formulating the Linear Relation for Parameter Estimation
Q Substituting Equations 10 and 11 into Equation 2, we
s2 ðt9Þ ¼ 2 Wðu2 Þ ð4Þ
4pT obtain
and the arguments u1 and u2 are defined as  
Q ðt9 1 tp Þ r 2 S
s9 ¼ ln 2 ð12Þ
r2 S 4pT t9 4Tt9
u1 ¼ ð5Þ
4Tðt9 1 tp Þ Multiplying both sides of Equation 12 by t9 gives
r2 S Q t9 1 tp r2 S
u2 ¼ ð6Þ t9s9 ¼ t9ln 2 ð13Þ
4Tt9 4pT t9 4T

940 L. Zheng et al. GROUND WATER 43, no. 6: 939–942

For recovery data from a single observation well, the 250
distance between observation well and pumping well r is
a known constant. We can then perform the following 200
transformations for Equation 13. Let
Y ¼ t9s9 ð14Þ 150


t9 1 tp 100
X ¼ t9ln ð15Þ
A¼ ð16Þ
4pT 0

r2 S Qr 2 S 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

B ¼ 2A ¼2 ð17Þ X
4T 16pT 2
Equation 13 can then be rewritten as: Figure 1. Straight-line fit of transformed recovery data
(X and Y ) and the estimated values of slope A and intercept B.
Y ¼ AX 1 B ð18Þ
with A and B being constants. Using observed data pairs impacts of the late time points on the fitting results were
s9 and t9, we can compute Y and X data pairs based on minimal. The slope and intercept determined from linear
Equations 14 and 15. We can then plot Y against X and fit regression with these late time points were A ¼ 0.422 and
a straight line through these data pairs. The slope of this B ¼ 22.389. Substituting into Equations 16 and 17 yields
line is A and the line intercept of the Y axis is at B (where T ¼ 30.73 ft2/min and S ¼ 0.0696.
X ¼ 0). Substituting A into Equation 16, we will obtain an When compared to previous studies (Table 1), our
estimate for the value of T as method gave comparable results while requiring much
Q less strict limits on the length of the recovery phase.
T¼ ð19Þ
Substituting B and T into Equation 17, we obtain an Discussion and Conclusions
estimate of S as
All methods listed in Table 1 gave comparable re-
4TB sults, which does not enable us to differentiate the per-
S¼2 2 ð20Þ
Ar formance of these methods. However, the unique features
of our approach become obvious when we compare the
straight-line plot in Figure 1 with straight-line fitting
Application reported by others, e.g., Chenaf and Chapuis (2002,
To test the proposed method, we applied it to a set of Figures 2 to 5) and Samani and Pasandi (2003, Figure 5b).
residual drawdown data from the U.S. Department of the
Interior (USDI) (1977, p. 120) to estimate T and S. This
set of data has been analyzed by others, including Goode Table 1
(1997), Chenaf and Chapuis (2002), and Samani and Comparison With Other Methods
Pasandi (2003). This paper T ¼ 30.73 ft2/min
The residual drawdown data were recorded in an S ¼ 0.0696
observation well located at 100 feet from the pumping USDI—original results
well. The well was pumped 800 min with a discharge Theis recovery method:
rate of 162.9 ft3/min, and the recovery period was also re- extrapolation of pumping T ¼ 32.1 ft2/min
corded for 800 min after the pump was turned off. Apply- period drawdown S ¼ 0.07
ing Equations 15 and 16 to the observed residual Samani and Pasandi (2003)
drawdown s9 and the corresponding t9, we obtained Y and Cooper-Jacob approximation T ¼ 32.42 ft2/min
X data series (Figure 1). Almost all the Y and X data pairs S ¼ 0.06
fall onto a straight line, except for a few late time points. Chenaf and Chapuis (2002)
Pumping phase
Examining the original data (table 5-4, USDI 1977,
Cooper-Jacob method T ¼ 31.99 ft2/min
p. 120), we found that the observation data started to wig- S ¼ 0.0604
gle a bit around t9 ¼ 540 min, which might be due to Recovery phase
some late-time measurement errors. Wiggling was also Cooper-Jacob method T ¼ 31.95 ft2/min
visible in the straight-line plots in Chenaf and Chapuis S ¼ 0.0599
(Figures 2 to 5, 2002), even though the amount of fluctua- Normalized residual T ¼ 32.16 ft2/min
tion was somewhat suppressed by the use of semilog plots drawdown method S ¼ 0.0599
in their figures. We then performed linear regression with Water recovery T ¼ 32.16 ft2/min
and without the late time points. In both cases, the corre- height method S ¼ 0.0588
lation coefficients of fitting R were >0.999, and the
L. Zheng et al. GROUND WATER 43, no. 6: 939–942 941
1 In conclusion, we have proposed a simple and effec-
u2 tive method for determining the aquifer transmissivity
u=0.2 and storage coefficient based solely on pumping test
recovery data. The application of this method in the field
0.1 may be hindered by conditions that violate the assump-
tions in the Theis solution (e.g., boundary effects and

wellbore storage). How these common field conditions

u=0.01 will impact the performance of the proposed method is
0.01 unclear. More in-depth analyses are needed to resolve
this issue when applying the proposed method to nonideal
field conditions.

0 200 400 600 800

t' Acknowledgments
This research was supported by Zheng’s ‘‘Young
Figure 2. Decreasing values of u1 (circle) and u2 (triangle) as
Talents Award’’ from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
recovery proceeds (t9 is the recovery time).
and the Innovation Project (award No. KZCX3-SW-428)
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We highly appreci-
ate the constructive comments and suggestions from
In our Figure 1, all the points transformed from the four anonymous reviewers and an associate editor, as
recovery data fall onto a straight line nicely except for a well as editing for English usage by Editor in Chief Mary
couple of late time points, which may be due to measure- Anderson, which helped us to improve the quality of this
ment errors. All other plots reported in Table 1 showed manuscript. The assistance of Dr. X. Zhan in locating the
deviation from a straight-line fit for early-time data. In USDI pumping test recovery data set is also highly
fact, both Chenaf and Chapuis (2002) and Samani and appreciated.
Pasandi (2003) adopted the Cooper-Jacob approximation
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be no more than 0.01. For the application described in the References
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942 L. Zheng et al. GROUND WATER 43, no. 6: 939–942

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