The Developmental Origins of Bimanual Coordination: A Dynamic Perspective

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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1996 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

Human Perception and Performance 0096-1523/96/$3.00

1996, Vol. 22, No. 2, 502-522

The Developmental Origins of Bimanual Coordination:

A Dynamic Perspective
Daniela Corbetta and Esther Thelen
Indiana University

Patterns of interlimb coordination associated with infant reaching fluctuate frequently over
developmental time. This study investigated whether these fluctuations are related to coor-
dination tendencies. Interlimb patterns were studied in reaching and nonreaching movements
in 4 infants, which were followed through their 1st year. Each week, reaching and nonreach-
ing endpoint kinematics were recorded in both arms during multiple 14-s trials. It was found
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

that patterns of interlimb coordination in reaching matched coordination tendencies in

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

nonreaching. Reaching fluctuated between uni- and bimanual periods. During the bimanual
periods, nonreaching interlimb activity tended to be synchronous. During the unimanual
periods, nonreaching activity revealed no predominant form of interlimb coordination. It is
argued that changing coordination tendencies may influence the organization of specific
goal-oriented behaviors from early in life.

Everyone performs two-handed tasks routinely hundreds built during the first year, when infants learn to reach, grasp,
of times a day. Most people catch a ball, clap, steer a car, and manipulate objects. Indeed, at the time of reaching
open a can, cut with scissors, and fold a letter skillfully and onset at 3 to 4 months of age, infants begin to exhibit two
without effort. Some of these tasks, like catching a large basic forms of goal-oriented interlimb coordination: reach-
ball, require moving both arms similarly. Others, like fold- ing with one arm or reaching with two arms. For adults, the
ing a letter, demand different movements of each hand. But decision to reach with one hand or two is finely scaled to the
in both cases, adults flexibly adapt and coordinate the move- size of the object: two hands for a beach ball and one hand
ments of their arms to accomplish various tasks under for a tennis ball (Newell, Scully, Tenenbaum, & Hardiman,
different conditions. 1989). Infants, on the other hand, do not show a consistent
In contrast, infants and young children find many of these object-scaled distinction in interlimb coordination until the
seemingly simple tasks, such as catching a ball, or folding a beginning of the second year (Fagard & Jacquet, 1993).
letter, difficult, or even impossible. Clearly, the ability to Younger infants frequently reach for small objects with two
adapt interlimb coordination to everyday situations devel- hands, as if they were insensitive to object size (Fagard &
ops progressively throughout the life span as each new task Jacquet, 1993; Flament, 1974, 1975; Thelen et al., 1993;
challenge is met with new patterns of action, and as new von Hofsten, 1979, 1991; White, Castle, & Held, 1964). For
skills, in turn, open up new task environments. example, White et al. (1964) described infants' initial reach-
The foundations of later bimanual skills, however, are ing attempts as bilateral and symmetrical. Flament (1974,
1975) reported very similar observations. She found that
Daniela Corbetta and Esther Thelen, Department of Psychology, early reaches for small objects were often performed with a
Indiana University. bilateral arm extension toward the object, even if the object
This research was funded by Grant HD223800 from the National was then only unimanually grasped.
Institute of Child Health and Human Development by a Research Even as infants' reaching skills improve over the first
Scientist Development Award from the National Institute of Men- year, their bimanual patterns appear to fluctuate and to be
tal Health, and by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foun- poorly adapted to task demands (Ames, 1949; Flament,
dation (8210-025926).
We sincerely thank the infants and their families for their en-
1974, 1975; Gesell & Ames, 1947; Ramsay, 1985). For
thusiastic commitment to this 1-year study. We are also grateful to instance, older infants sometimes return to bimanual reach-
the people that provided major help during data collection and data ing patterns, even though they have reached for small ob-
processing: Karen E. Adolph, Deanna Berkoben, Shawn Fleck, jects with one arm for several weeks or months before.
Dexter Gormley, Charles W. Hagen, Jody L. Jensen, Kathi Kamm, Gesell and Ames (1947) addressed this fluctuation first,
Jiirgen Konczak, Ronald S. Neal, Michael Schoeny, John P. Spen- describing the development of reaching as a continuous and
cer, and Gregory A. Smith. We thank Philippe Rochat, Paul J. repeated alternation between periods of bilateral responses
Treffner, and Eugene C. Goldfield for their helpful comments in and periods of unilateral responses. They also found that
reviewing this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
these developmental fluctuations, which Gesell (1939,
Daniela Corbetta, who is now at Department of Health, Kinesiol- 1946) called "reciprocal interweaving," did not follow a
ogy, and Leisure Studies, Purdue University, 1362 Lambert, West universal and age-related course, but were individually de-
Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1362. Electronic mail may be sent via termined. More recently, in their systematic observations of
Internet to interlimb coupling, Goldfield and Michel (1986a, 1986b)

also discovered significant coordination shifts, with stron- natural systems approaches (Kugler & Turvey, 1987) to
ger bimanual coupling at 7 months than at 8, 10, and 11 movement coordination and control. According to these
months. views, movement patterns emerge from both the coopera-
It remains an important developmental question as to why tive coupling of the ensemble of components that constitute
infants sometimes do and sometimes do not use task-appro- the behavior itself (i.e., the collective activity of the neural,
priate patterns of interlimb coordination and why these muscular, skeletal, and vascular components of the body
preferences shift back and forth. One possibility is that segments involved in the movement), and the interaction of
infants do not understand object properties, that is, whether this natural cooperative coupling with specific environmen-
the object is big or small. But this does not seem to be the tal constraints (Newell, 1986). Recent advances on inter-
case. For example, Bruner and Koslowski (1972) found that limb coordination have demonstrated that in adults, forms
by 3 months, infants were already able to perceive and of spontaneous cooperative coupling between limbs are
discriminate size properties in objects and to decide, on the governed by well-defined dynamics of coordination, also
basis of size perception, whether objects were reachable or called intrinsic dynamics or coordination tendencies
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

not. They observed that infants extended their arms in an (Schoner, Zanone, & Kelso, 1992; Zanone & Kelso, 1992).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

attempt to reach when objects were small and therefore These coordination tendencies express the preference of an
graspable but did not extend their arms when objects were organism to spontaneously adopt specific forms of pattern-
large. ing rather than others because these forms are more stable,
Another possibility is that infants understand object prop- more efficient, or more comfortable for the system (Kugler
erties but cannot adapt their manual behavior accordingly. & Turvey, 1987).
Some adaptation, however, is possible; infants can make In the now-classic example of such coordination dynam-
some types of object-related adjustments early. For exam- ics (Kelso, 1984; Kelso & Schoner, 1988), individuals were
ple, when infants begin to reach successfully, they are able asked to perform repeated in-phase or anti-phase flexions
to adapt their hand grip configuration to the size of the and extensions of the index fingers of the two hands while
object by using either tactile information (Newell, Scully, increasing movement frequency. As movement speed in-
McDonald, & Baillargeon, 1989) or acoustic cues (Clifton, creased, individuals stably maintained the symmetrical in-
Rochat, Litovsky, & Ferris, 1991). Similarly, 41/2-month-old phase pattern, which corresponded to a natural spontaneous
infants can roughly shape their hands in anticipation of form of coordination. In contrast, the asymmetrical anti-
horizontal or vertical rods (von Hofsten & Fazel-Zandy, phase pattern, which was stably performed at slow speeds,
1984), and anticipatory hand shaping is clearly developed became unstable and difficult to maintain at higher speeds
by 9 months (Lockman, Ashmead, & Bushnell, 1984; because the spontaneous tendency to produce symmetrical
Pi6raut-Le Bonniec, 1985). What is surprising, however, is patterns overcame the desired goal. Thus, even if an indi-
that this increasing ability to integrate perceptual informa- vidual's intention was to perform anti-phase patterns, this
tion of objects' physical properties into the grip or reaching intention could only be instantiated within a certain defined
pattern does not seem to apply to patterns of coordination range of movement speed.
between the limbs. Many infants continue to extend two Scholz, Kelso, and Schoner (1988) provided an even
arms for reaching small objects until late in the first year or more explicit demonstration of the influence of coordination
actually revert to a bimanual pattern after a period of uni- tendencies on intentional movement. Using the same two-
manual hand use (see Corbetta & Mounoud, 1990, for a finger coordination paradigm, Scholz et al. asked adults to
review). shift intentionally from the in- to the anti-phase coordina-
A third possibility, and the one that we explore here, is tion pattern or from the anti- to the in-phase one following
that the bilateral coordination patterns seen in early reaching an external signal. They discovered that shifting from one
are influenced not only by the objects to be grasped but also pattern to the other was easier when going from the less
by the general and pervasive coordination tendencies of the stable (anti-phase) to the more stable (in-phase) pattern than
infant. Recall that we earlier depicted adults as flexible and when going from the more stable to the less stable pattern.
adaptive in their bimanual coordination. Although this is Thus, again, the intention to modify a desired pattern of
true, it is also true that there are limits to this flexibility. coordination may be affected by the stability or, say, more
That is, even in skilled adults, certain patterns of coordina- spontaneous coordination characteristics of the performed
tion—like rubbing your stomach with one hand and patting pattern.
your head with another or tapping complex polyrhythms— Finally, previously existing coordination tendencies may
are very difficult to perform. It is as though the system shape the course of learning new patterns of coordination. In
wants to stay synchronized despite the intentions of the a recent study, Zanone and Kelso (1992) instructed individ-
performer. uals to produce interlimb movements of flexion-extension
These persistent coordination tendencies in adults have of the fingers at a 90° out-of-phase pattern, which is usually
been the subject of intense study over the last decade, and, not spontaneously produced and thus tends to be unstable.
in the present study, we situate the puzzles of infant coor- First, Zanone and Kelso found that the individuals needed to
dination within the broader framework of the adult work. In practice for many days to overcome their initial natural
particular, we conducted the present investigation from the tendencies to produce in- or anti-phase movements. Second,
perspectives of the dynamic pattern (Jeka & Kelso, 1989; even after practice, the ability to learn the 90° phase pattern
Kelso, Ding, & Schoner, 1993; Schoner & Kelso, 1988) and varied greatly between individuals, and some individuals

never learned the task. However, Zanone and Kelso also the baby. We cannot make strong inferences about whether
found that among those who did learn the 90° pattern, the the infant intended to reach with one or two hands, but we
initially stable in- and anti-phase patterns became unstable can describe the predominant behavioral tendencies and
and were replaced by the newly learned and stable 90° their stability and change.
phase pattern. Thus, a fundamental contribution of this This analysis of bimanual coordination is part of a larger
study was to show that learning new patterns of coordina- study of learning to reach undertaken from the perspective
tion not only involved learning the new pattern but also of a dynamic systems view of development (Thelen et al.,
resulted in modifying the entire coordination dynamics of 1993; Thelen, Kelso, & Fogel, 1987; Thelen & Smith, 1994;
the system. Thelen & Ulrich, 1991). Our guiding assumption was that
These adult studies provide a new framework for under- the behavioral manifestation of coordination reflects the
standing patterns of interlimb coordination in early reach- interaction—the soft assembly—of infants' natural coordi-
ing. They have shown that underlying coordination dynam- nation dynamics and the task (or lack of task) at hand within
ics may compete with intended patterns of movement and the physical environment. The study followed a dynamic
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

may influence how new patterns are learned. Viewed in this systems strategy, as outlined by Thelen and Ulrich (1991;
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

light, infants' early bimanual patterns can be seen as a Jeka & Kelso, 1989; Kelso, Ding, & Schoner, 1993;
product of a tension between their spontaneous coordination Schoner & Kelso, 1988) by (a) defining a collective variable
tendencies and their ability to learn and perform reaching that captured the coordinative behavior of the system
movements that are adapted to the task. Thus, in this study throughout the developmental period, (b) laying out the
we asked whether coordination tendencies, intrinsic to the dynamics of the collective variable over time, (c) identify-
infants' upper arm motion, were related to the emergence of ing periods of stability and change, and (d) suggesting
one- or two-handed patterns in reaching. putative control parameters, that is, components that move
To answer this question, we departed from the design of the system through the coordination dynamics. A notable
previous infant studies (e.g., Flament, 1975; Goldfield & feature of this study is that we described the collective
Michel, 1986a, 1986b; Michel, Ovrut, & Harkins, 1986; variable dynamics over two time scales. That is, we mea-
Newell, Scully, McDonald, & Baillargeon, 1989), which sured the changes in coordination over the real time of the
have looked only at reaching movements themselves, for experimental trials to capture the infants' coordination ten-
limited age ranges, and using cross-sectional samples, dencies as they acted, and we also tracked these dynamics
which are ill-suited to capture the individual fluctuations of
over developmental time as a landscape of change in pat-
patterns characteristic of infant manual coordination. Unlike
terning (see Muchisky, Gershkoff-Stowe, Cole, & Thelen,
these previous studies, we tracked the development of
in press).
reaching in a few infants longitudinally during the whole
first year and in conjunction with the development of their We used two collective measures of bimanual coordina-
spontaneous interlimb patterning. tion. For the act of reaching, we simply scored whether the
We introduced measures of interlimb coordination in infant reached with one or two hands. For nonreaching
spontaneous movements as a means of describing patterns movements, we used a running correlation technique on
with no task constraints or, at least, with unspecified or movement velocities to capture continuous changes of co-
nonspecific task constraints. In everyday life, infants move ordination. In the recent adult and infant interlimb coordi-
their arms a great deal, both before they learn to reach and nation literature, the collective variable of choice has been
later, when they are not reaching and grasping. Sometimes the relative phasing between, for example, the right and left
these non-goal-directed movements seem bimanually coor- finger flexions and extensions (Kelso, 1984; Kelso &
dinated (Thelen et al., 1993; White et al., 1964). We asked, Schoner, 1988; Scholz et al., 1988; Zanone & Kelso, 1992),
then, if propensities to reach bimanually were independent or between infants' legs flexion and extension in treadmill-
from, or related to, generalized tendencies in the motor elicited stepping (Thelen & Ulrich, 1991). However, rela-
system to synchronize the movements of both arms. Thus, tive phase is not an appropriate variable for unconstrained
our primary measure was a comparison of the degree of and unpaced infant arm movements. In this study, infants
coordination during reaching itself with the coordination were free to move both arms in any spatiotemporal pattern,
manifested in all nonreaching movements recorded during to move one arm only, or not to move at all. In such
the observations. Note again that we framed this influence situations, it is impossible to define relative phasing. There
as a tension between what the baby wants to do (obtain the is increasing use of autocorrelation, and cross-correlation
toy), and what the system most comfortably performs measures with various lags to assess coordination between
(reaching with one or two arms), but we recognized that this two movements or physiological time series (see for exam-
interaction may be complex and bidirectional. That is, co- ple, Amblard, Assaiante, Lekhel, & Marchand, 1994; Swin-
ordination tendencies may influence the pattern of the reach, nen, Young, Walter, & Semen, 1991; Walter & Swinnen,
but practice and fine tuning in reaching may, in turn, modify 1990). Correlations are especially adequate when no abso-
coordination tendencies, as was seen in the adult experiment lute time origin can be fixed, as is the case in these natural
(Zanone & Kelso, 1992). In addition, although we kept the infant movements. In addition, because there are no spatial
task as constant as possible throughout the year—reaching constraints for spontaneous movements, we chose to use the
for small, graspable objects presented at midline and shoul- three-dimensional resultant speed of the arm endpoints to
der height—the meaning of the task may have changed for assess degree of movement synchrony. Previous work led us

to believe that timing of accelerations and decelerations is To prepare infants for recording, we removed their shirts to
critical to early control (Thelen et al., 1993). place IREDs on their arms. We taped IREDs on the infants' skin
at the rotational centers of the shoulder, the elbow, and the wrist
joints of each arm. We also placed a fourth IRED on the knuckle
Method of each hand. Then, we secured the infants in the chair, reclined
30° from vertical, with a wide strap around their torso. Both the
Participants inclination of the chair and the wide strap around the torso pro-
vided postural stability and prevented infants from leaning forward
The participants were three boys (G.S., N.Q., and J.A.) and one or sideways.
girl (H.R.). All four were normal, full-term infants with no known At every session, we collected 8 to 12 reaching trials, depending
sensory or motor impairments. These participants were recruited on the infants' states of alertness. In particular, to reinforce their
by contacting the parents several weeks before the birth of the interest in the task and maintain their level of attention, we varied
infant. First, a letter explained the goal of the study. Then, inter- both the targets and the way we presented them to the infants
ested parents visited the laboratory to become acquainted with the across trials. The targets were a set of eight to ten small, colorful,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

full longitudinal procedure. Infants were all from White, middle- attractive toys, which infants could easily grasp with one hand.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

class families who voluntarily consented to participate in the study. The set of toys included one yellow bell-shaped baby rattle and
During the entire year of study they received $15 per visit. Par- one round white and orange round baby rattle (their widest sec-
ticipants never missed a session except for one infant (N.Q.) who tions were of 4.5 and 5.5 cm, respectively); one set of small
was ill at 25 weeks old. Because N.Q. cried at 50 weeks old, he metallic measuring spoons, where the largest spoon measured 4.5
also had an additional session at Week 51. cm in width; four small solid balls of different colors, with diam-
eters varying between 3.0 and 4.5 cm; and several laboratory-made
objects, such as strings of colorful beads, which were knotted in a
flowered shape not wider than 4.0 cm.
We sampled the time-position data of infants' upper arm move- We always presented the targets individually and in a random
ments at 150 Hz with a four-camera WATSMART motion analysis order. In addition, these targets were always presented to the
system (Northern Digital, Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). infants at midline, at shoulder height, and at a reachable distance.
WATSMART is an optical electronic system that tracks small However, within each session and as infants developed, we varied
individually pulsed infrared light-emitting diodes (IREDs) at- the target presentations by having changing combinations of a
tached to the infant. Two pairs of cameras recorded and converted parent, an experimenter, or an apparatus (moved by an experi-
each IRED's pulse position as two-dimensional coordinates. These menter) offer the toy. Infants' motivation to reach under different
coordinates were defined by a calibrated volume (53.5 cm wide X presentation situations varied according to age. Very young infants
53.5 cm deep X 65.5 cm high) placed at the center of the four reached more when the toy was first introduced from the periph-
cameras' views, which we determined before each experimental eral visual field and brought to midline with the apparatus. At 3-4
session. We maintained the calibration measurement errors as months, infants reached more when the toy was presented by the
close as possible to 1 mm. The third dimension of the two- apparatus or the experimenter. Later, parents became more effi-
dimensional position data was mathematically reconstructed a cient motivators. Table 1 summarizes the different toy presenta-
posteriori using a direct linear transformation technique. tions across the first year. It represents our attempt to maintain a
An armless and narrow infant chair was situated at the center of consistent procedure, by counterbalancing toy presentations, while
the calibrated volume. The chair's orientation in the calibrated area keeping our young subjects engaged in the task.
allowed each pair of cameras, located at the right and left side of In the data collection, infants' reaches were always embedded in
the chair, to track the IREDs of each arm separately. The chair, 14-s trials. First, an experimenter triggered the WATSMART
which was reclined 30° from vertical, was designed to provide full system; then, a few seconds after the beginning of data collection,
support to the infants trunks and heads but to leave both arms free the toy was presented to the infants. The infants could decide to
to move. During the year of data collection, we used three identical reach at any time within the remaining seconds after toy presen-
chairs of increasing size to fit the infants' growing bodies. tation. Thus, every 14-s trial contained non-object-oriented activ-
In addition to the WATSMART data sampling, we simulta- ities, such as hand-to-mouth behaviors, waving, or flapping. When
neously recorded the trials with two video cameras located on the infants were able to reach, trials also contained object-oriented
side and with either a frontal or overhead view. Both views were activities such as reaching or exploratory activities such as object-
recorded on the same image using a split-screen device. A frame to-mouth behaviors, shaking, banging, or throwing the toys. This
counter, appearing on the video image, tracked the video procedure of recording long trials of data was introduced to cap-
frame numbers at 60 Hz. The WATSMART data, video image, and ture other patterns of interlimb coordination than the one involved
frame counter were all synchronized. in the act of reaching, and to track over the year the natural
changes of these nonspecific reaching coordinative behaviors.
It is important to mention that during the earlier ages in the
Procedure apparatus conditions, infants were unable to anticipate the trajec-
tory of the target. If they visually followed the target's motion,
The longitudinal study consisted of two consecutive visits to our they usually began to reach for it only when the object reached a
laboratory every week from ages 3 to 30 weeks, and every other stationary midline location.
week from ages 30 to 52 weeks. During the first visit each week,
we video recorded a naturalistic interactive play session to capture
the significant changes in infants motor milestones. During the Data Selection and Filtering
second session, we specifically studied infants' upper arm coordi-
nation as it evolved before, during, and after the onset of reaching. Infants' upper arm activities were difficult to analyze because
In this article, we report only behavioral and kinematic data from our procedure did not constrain the infants' spontaneous move-
the second session. ments. Sometimes, their movements obscured the IREDs from the

Table 1
Protocol of the Different Combinations of Toy Presentations Used Within Sessions Per Year and Per Participant
N.Q. G.S. H.R. :LA.
Week E P Al A2 E P Al A2 E P Al A2 E p Al A2
4 X X X X X X X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X X X X X X
6 X X X X X X X X X X X X
7 X X X X X X X X X X X X
8 X X X X X X X X X X X X
9 X X X X X X X X X X X X
10 X X X X X X X X X X X X
11 X X X X X X X X X X X X
12 X X X X X X X X X X X X
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

13 X X X X X X X X X X X X
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

14 X X X X X X X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X X X X X X X
16 X X X X X X X X X X X X
17 X X X X X X X X X X X X
18 X X X X X X X X X X X X
19 X X X X X X X X X X X X
20 X X X X X X X X X X X X
21 X X X X X X X X X X X X
22 X X X X X X X X X X X
23 X X X X X X X X X X X
24 X X X X X X X X X X X
25 X X X X X X X X X X
26 X X X X X X X X X X
27 X X X X X X X X X X
28 X X X X X X X X X X
29 X X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X X X X
32 X X X X X X X X
34 X X X X X X X X
36 X X X X X X X X
38 X X X X X X X X
40 X X X X X X X X
42 X X X X X X X X
44 X X X X X X X X
46 X X X X X X X X
48 X X X X X X X X
50 X X X X X X X X
52 X X X X X X X X
Note. E = experimenter presents toy at midline; P = parent presents toy at midline; Al = apparatus presents toy from right to midline
or from left to midline; A2 = apparatus presents toy from overhead at midline.

cameras' views, or sometimes infants were inactive, uncoopera- Once data were selected, our second problem was to estimate
tive, or fussy. Thus, before filtering and analyzing the data, we within the behaviorally interesting segments which portion of data
defined which trials and portions of trials contained usable behav- was visible and thus usable and which portion was missing. We
iors and visible data. considered the data usable when 70% of each marker was seen
We began the data selection process by coding every trial from across the behaviorally interesting segments and when the missing
the video to determine which ones contained behaviorally inter- gaps were no larger than 50 frames (which corresponds to one
esting data. We considered behaviorally interesting the trials or third of the sampling frequency). We learned from previous pilots
portions of trials that included large spontaneous movements of the that such gaps could be interpolated without modifying the original
arms and goal-oriented behaviors. Spontaneous movements could signal. In addition, to reduce the loss of data that resulted from this
be performed in conjunction with the reach or not and consisted selection process, we compared the amount of usable data between
mostly of arm waving and rhythmical behaviors like flapping hand and wrist IREDs of the same arm. The IRED that provided
(Thelen et al., 1993; Thelen et al., 1991). Object- or goal-oriented the higher visibility was chosen for the hand kinematics. If both
movements included reaching, object-to-mouth behaviors, or other IREDs were identically visible, we chose the hand IRED.
exploratory behaviors, like throwing or shaking the toy. We ex- We interpolated and filtered the x, y, and z coordinates of each
cluded from our data set trials or segment of trials in which the IRED through the full 14 s of data; however, we only stored in files
infants were passive, asleep, or crying or in which they were for further processing the segments of data that matched our
pulling on the wires, looking around the chair, sucking on their behavioral and visibility criteria. We began the filtering process by
fingers, and so forth. We also eliminated all small movements of using a linear spline (straight line) to interpolate the obscured data
the hands, such as fingering or hand rotations. Two coders worked of each IRED's coordinates. The linear spline was used because it
together to select the behavioral information. They coded each arm did not modify the actual frequency components of the original
in separate passes. data set. We then determined the cutoff frequency for filtering

from the spectral analysis of each coordinate of each IRED. Each the closest to the selected video frame. When reaches were biman-
cutoff frequency was determined from 97% of the integral value of ual, each arm was coded in separate passes. Agreements between
the spectral density of each coordinate. This rather conservative independent coders in identifying reach initiation was high (see
method allowed us to eliminate the frequencies due to noise and to Corbetta & Thelen, 1995, for details).
preserve as much as possible the frequencies of the actual joint Table 2 presents the amount of data that we used to analyze the
motion. Finally, using each cutoff frequency with its correspond- entire interlimb kinematics of each infant, including reaching and
ing IRED's coordinate, we smoothed the data using a fourth-order nonreaching movements. It reports the number of sessions, the
Butterworth filter and then derivated each coordinate separately to total amount of movement processed for the year, and the corre-
obtain the corresponding movement velocities. sponding weekly average. Overall, the loss of data from our data
There were three additional considerations in this process of selection procedure ranged from 50% to 65% of the total amount
data selection. First, to analyze patterns of interlimb coordination of data collected. These lost data were primarily nonreaching
we only used segments of data containing overlapping information movements. Of the remaining kinematic segments, reaches ac-
from both hands at the same time. Second, at the early weeks (from counted for about 10% to 20% of the total data, or a total of
3 to 6 weeks old) sometimes we could not collect enough data to approximately 300 reaches per infant (see Corbetta & Thelen,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

perform our measures, often because the babies were sleepy, upset, 1995). Thus, there was still a large body of reaches and nonreach-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

or passive. Thus, all of our kinematic analyses start from Week 5 ing movements.
for the 4 infants, and the number of sessions across the full year
slightly varies among infants. Third, when the infants began to
reach, we identified in our continuous kinematic files the start and Data Reduction and Dependent Measures
the end of each reaching movement to be able to extract the
reaching data from the continuous stream of nonreaching behavior. Our Results section contains three levels of analysis. The first
For this last step, we identified the start and the end of each reach one describes the developmental shifts between uni- and bimanual
by using a method described in a previous article (Corbetta & reaching. The second one identifies whether coordination tenden-
Thelen, 1995). Briefly, this method used an interactive computer cies underlie the spontaneous, nonreaching interlimb activity of the
program that prompted the user to choose reach initiation and infants at the different ages. The third one shows how coordination
hand-toy contact on the basis of comparison of the continuous tendencies match the specific formation of uni- or bimanual reach-
three-dimensional hand kinematics (hand-toy distance and speed ing. Described below are the data analysis and reduction proce-
displayed on the computer screen) with the corresponding video- dures for the two first levels of analysis.
taped behavior. The program automatically converts the different Defining uni- and bimanual reaches. When reaches occurred,
video and kinematics time samplings to ensure matching between our first goal was to define the type of interlimb coordination (uni-
kinematic and video events. The reach identification process began or bimanually object oriented) and capture transitions between
by examining the video. A reach was identified when the following these two reaching types in development. To do so, we defined
criteria were met: (a) The object was located in the infant's coding criteria that would primarily be sensitive to the patterns
reachable space, (b) the infant was looking at the object or had between the limbs, which we could use with equal reliability
noticed it before reaching, and (c) the arm movement resulted in during the entire year but which would be independent from other
one or two hands contacting the target. developmental changes in reaching (e.g., hand orientation or finger
Then the user searched for the video frames of hand-toy contact aperture relative to the target). Indeed, using such criteria as an
and reach start. The frame of contact was always identified first index of goal directedness in the reach would be problematic
and was always unambiguously defined by the first contact of the because hand apertures and hand shaping show dramatic changes
hand with the target. If the view of the hand was occluded by the in development (e.g., Lockman et al., 1984).
toy, the video frame of hand-toy contact was coded as the frame Then, we categorized each reach as uni- or bimanual by applying
of first toy displacement. Then, the user searched for the approx- the following definitions: Bimanual reaches included bilateral
imate frame of reach initiation by moving the video backward extensions of the arms toward the target and contacting the target
from the frame of contact until the estimated point of reach start. when both arm movements were performed with some overlap in
This search was made by comparing the video to the displayed time. For example, arm extensions could be synchronized or
kinematics. When reach initiation was also found, the user entered delayed in time, or they could move together only during a portion
both selected video frames (reach start and hand-toy contact) in of the movement. The contact with the target, however, did not
the program. The rigorous identification of the frame of reach have to be bimanual, because, as described by Flament (1975),
initiation was then automatically performed by the program, which infants frequently extend both arms toward the desired object but
searched on the kinematic data the velocity minima, mat matched then grasp it only with one hand.

Table 2
Amount of Kinematic Data Used to Analyze the Entire Interlimb Activity of the Upper
Arms Before, During, and After the Act of Reaching
Total seconds of Mean seconds (SD)
Participant Number of sessions movement processed per session
G.S. 37 2,351.36 63.55 (26.63)
N.Q. 37 2,036.41 55.04(31.15)
J.A. 32 1,926.42 60.20 (24.45)
H.R. 34 2,096.13 61.65 (28.02)
Note. The number of sessions that contained usable data and the amount of data processed for the
year and per week are displayed for each infant.

Unimanual reaches were defined as the unilateral extension of Coordination tendencies can be defined if any of these forms of
one arm toward the toy, followed by the contact of that arm with coordination (synchronous, reversed, or unrelated) tend to be pro-
the toy. Thus, while one arm was reaching, the other arm could duced or maintained more often than others over time. To find out
either remain still or produce small nonobject-oriented motions on if coordination tendencies were present in the spontaneous inter-
the side of the body. This category also included reaches per- limb activity of our infant subjects, we used the running correlation
formed with one arm at a time (i.e., when the second hand moved technique on the entire kinematic data of each week. This allowed
toward the target while the first one hand already contacted the us to capture the ensemble of coordination patterns produced
target). This movement configuration, indeed, did not involve any within each session. From the ensemble of correlation values
movement overlap in goal directedness. obtained within each session, we subtracted the values correspond-
Daniela Corbetta and a trained student coded separately all of ing to the reaching segments. Then, we searched for coordination
the data of each infant, basing their judgments on the videos played tendencies by examining across the remaining nonreaching data
at a normal speed. The identification of reaches in the trials was how frequently the infants produced the different coordination
performed with 100% agreement. The percentage of agreement patterns. To do so, we condensed the ensemble of nonreaching
concerning the type of reach (uni- or bimanual) was 95% for N.Q., correlation values measured each week into a single frequency
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

95% for H.R., 97% for J.A., and 94% for G.S. (these percentages histogram. This frequency histogram was obtained by dividing the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

were calculated from the time that infants performed their first range of correlation values from — 1 to 1 into 20 ordinal categories
reaches). Disagreements occurred when overlaps between object- and by calculating how many times each movement category (or
oriented arm extensions were very short or when alternating coordination pattern) was reproduced during the entire nonreach-
reaches of each hand were performed closely in time. When ing session time. Next, we normalized the frequencies by dividing
disagreements occurred, Daniela Corbetta reexamined trials in them by the total number of nonreaching correlation values for that
slow motion to reassign them to the appropriate category. session. The shape of the obtained distribution indicated whether
Capturing coordination tendencies in the nonreaching interlimb coordination tendencies were present or absent in the spontaneous
activity. Our second goal was to assess whether coordination interlimb activity. Figures 3 and 4 display two examples of 9 s of
tendencies underlie the nonreaching interlimb activity to define spontaneous motion revealing, respectively, a tendency of syn-
whether these tendencies match specific patterns of uni- or biman- chrony and no coordination tendency.
ual reaching. To capture these tendencies, we developed a method Figure 3 shows that during these 9 s, both arms tended to
that analyzed on-line the continuous coordination patterns between accelerate and decelerate in synchrony, as captured by the pre-
the limbs as they moved during the entire trials. Then, we sub- dominantly positive correlation function. By condensing the cor-
tracted the data corresponding to the previously identified reaching relation function into a single frequency histogram, we obtained an
segments and asked whether, within the remaining interlimb ac- asymmetrical distribution that confirmed that highly positively
correlated patterns were produced more frequently than reversed
tivity, some coordination patterns tended to be produced and
or unrelated patterns. When such an asymmetrical distribution was
maintained more often than others.
observed on a weekly data sample, we concluded that the predom-
To analyze interlimb activity, we used a running correlation
inant coordination tendency underlying the spontaneous interlimb
technique that was applied to the continuous resultant velocity
activity during that week was a synchronous one.
profiles of both hands during every 14-s trial (or less, if data in the
If the interlimb kinematic profiles did not show a stable coor-
trial were missing).1 We used a 1-s window size (i.e., a 150
dination pattern over time, as illustrated in Figure 4, the histogram
data-point window) that was shifted frame by frame (i.e., every 7
revealed a distribution that was spread across many positive and
ms) along the entire velocity profile of the segment of data.)2 At negative correlation values. This indicated that the interlimb mo-
every shift of the window, a correlation value was calculated. tion was continuously changing. When such a histogram profile
These successive shifts of 7 ms resulted in a continuous correlation was observed, we concluded that during that age session, no
function that fluctuated and described continuously the different particular coordination tendency predominated.
coordination patterns of the two arms as they were produced over
time. This method allowed us to identify three patterns of interlimb
coordination that could be defined as three types of coordination Results
tendencies (see Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1 presents two forms of interlimb motion with related In the following Results sections, we first present the
spatiotemporal patterns. Figure 1A shows a pattern with a syn- developmental fluctuations between uni- and bimanual
chronous coordination tendency. Both arms accelerated and de-
celerated together almost at the same time, and the resulting 1
This procedure captured primarily the spatiotemporal syn-
correlation function fluctuated near high positive values. Figure IB chrony between arm movements, that is, whether movements
displays a pattern with a reversed coordination tendency. Both accelerated and decelerated together, rather than their spatiotem-
arms accelerated and decelerated in opposite fashions, such as poral symmetry. Indeed, by analyzing the resultant speed of the
accelerating with one arm while decelerating with the other, and movements we eliminated the possibility of measuring movement
the resulting correlation function fluctuated around high negative directionality. However, after extensive observation of infants
values. spontaneous interlimb activity, we concluded that synchrony be-
In contrast, Figure 2 presents interlimb movements with unre- tween movements is a more fundamental metric of infants inter-
lated spatiotemporal patterns. An unrelated coordination tendency limb coordination than spatial symmetry, especially in the first
expresses total independence between arm movements. This is the months when many movements have no apparent task demand for
case if one arm moves slowly and continuously, while the other symmetry.
one moves fast and discontinuously (Figure 2A), or if only one arm The size of the window was determined by using the running
moves while the other one remains still (Figure 2B). In both cases, correlation technique on many trials containing various movement
the resulting correlation functions fluctuated near zero values, thus frequencies. The 1-s window size was chosen as the best move-
confirming that no common space-time relationship tied the ob- ment descriptor, given the range of movement frequencies con-
served hand motions. tained in our data.

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

2 3 a 10 11
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 1. Related interlimb patterns. Top: Resultant speed of each arm during two segments of
motion of 4.5 s. Bottom: Corresponding correlation functions. A: Example of positively correlated
movements. B: Example of negatively correlated movements.

reaching as they evolved in each infant during the year. months old to the end of the first year. Unimanual and
Then we present developmental changes in the infants' bimanual reaches, as coded from the video, were normal-
nonreaching interlimb activity, identify when coordination ized for every week as a function of the total number of
tendencies emerged, and compare them to changes in ob- reaches performed that same week.
served reaching. Finally, we provide additional evidence to Figures 5-8 present four different developmental pro-
suggest how uni- or bimanual reaching patterns may relate files. These 4 infants not only began to reach at very
to nonreaching coordination tendencies. different chronological times but also showed variable fluc-
tuations and alternation in their developmental preferences
Developmental Fluctuations Between Uni- and to reach with one or two arms.
Bimanual Reaching N.Q. (Figure 5) first reached at 12 weeks old, predomi-
nantly using two arms. This initial bimanual preference
Figures 5-8 present the interlimb patterning of the reach became clearly predominant between Weeks 15 and 20.
as it evolved in each infant from the first attempts at 3-4 Then, at Week 21, N.Q. shifted to a predominantly uni-

a 80
o. 60
4- 40
o 20
o> -20
ce. 1.0
5 6 6 7 8
Time (s) Time (s)

figure 2. Unrelated interlimb patterns. Top: Resultant speed of each arm during two segments of
motion of 4.5 s. Bottom: Corresponding correlation functions. A and B show examples of uncor-
related movements.
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 3. Example of interlimb pattern with a coordination tendency to synchronize movement

speeds. Top: Resultant speed of each arm during 9 s of motion. Bottom: Corresponding correlation
function and corresponding frequency histogram. The tendency of the correlation function to be
predominantly positive is captured by the asymmetrical distribution of frequency histogram.

manual reaching mode and maintained it for a long period the first time at Week 20, did not show clear initial prefer-
until Week 42. At the end of the first year, from 44 to 52 ences in using one or two arms for reaching. From Week 28,
weeks old, he returned to primarily using two hands for however, she began to use predominantly bimanual reaches.
reaching. Then, from Week 34 she primarily used one arm for reach-
G.S. (Figure 6), who performed his first reaching attempts ing, even though the bimanual mode persisted until the end
at Week 15, showed the most stable interlimb reaching of the year (especially at Weeks 40 and 42).
preference across the developmental year. His reaching Finally, the last infant, J.A. (Figure 8), reached first at
mode, predominantly bimanual, was maintained almost ev- Week 21. Similarly to N.Q. and G.S., he began to predom-
ery week, except at Weeks 25, 26, and 32, when unimanual inantly reach with two arms. Then, from Week 25 to Week
reaches briefly predominated. 40, J.A. did not show clear reaching preferences. Finally,
Unlike N.Q. and G.S., H.R. (Figure 7), who reached for from Week 40, J.A. returned to reaching bimanually.

Figure 4. Example of interlimb pattern with no predominant coordination tendency. Top: Result-
ant speed of each arm during 9 s of motion. Bottom: Corresponding correlation function and
corresponding frequency histogram. The fluctuations of the correlation function between positive
and negative correlation values result in a more equally distributed frequency histogram.

90 -
N.Q. - 90

80 -
i _
1 ' 8°

_c 1
o 60 - - 60
0) 50 -
40 -
i ^ i ^
- 50

- 40
30 -
20 -
10 -
n M M

.i ! . . L ! ! i\-
Ll J 4- l-l—
.; :

-L* : i-
- 30
I - 20
i - 10
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Age (weeks) Bimanual


Figure 5. Percentage of uni- and bimanual reaches performed by infant N.Q. from 12 to 52
weeks old.

These first findings confirm the high variability and un- Developmental Fluctuations in Spontaneous
stability of interlimb coordination associated with reaching Interlimb Activity
in the first year. Infants showed different interlimb prefer-
ences when they began to reach, and these preferences
shifted across the year following very different develop- Figures 9-12 present landscapes of the different patterns
mental pathways. In every infant, the observed developmen- of interlimb coordination found across the whole year by
tal transitions between uni- or bimanual reaching were analyzing infants' nonreaching interlimb kinematics. We
unrelated to modifications we introduced in our object- constructed these three-dimensional surfaces by lining up
presentation procedure. Because toy sizes also remained the by age the ensemble of frequency histograms obtained for
same, our next goal was to understand where these shifting every week from the time series of the running correlation
preferences in reaching came from. In the following section, functions. On each landscape, the back plane corresponds to
we ask whether these shifts in reaching were related to the percentage of synchronous or positively correlated
coordination tendencies in the nonreaching activity and movements produced across development. The front plane
whether these coordination tendencies showed similar fluc- displays the percentage of reversed or negatively correlated
tuations over developmental time. interlimb patterns. Finally, the surface in between represents

90 -
C;.: i„ - 90
; ; ; ; i
80 - - 80
70 -
1 '• -
| \ •. i - 70
o 60 - |H 1 i - 60
0) 50 - • : : ! ; : : \ M . - 50

40 - ; ',',',',
- 40
30 - - 30
20 - • MM - 20
10 - - 10
0 - i l l if n^r FT*W*$W'$vy\ \ M
12 16 20 24 28 32 36
40 44
48 52
-I- o

Age (weeks) ••i U n i m a n u a l

Figure 6. Percentage of uni- and bimanual reaches performed by infant G.S. from 15 to 52
weeks old.

90 -
H.R - 90
\ - RO
80 -

70 - ! i \

- 70
- 60
O 60 - \
Q) 50 -
40 -J
i 1

- 50
- 40
30 - - 30
20 - : - 20
10 - |J
j , - 10
I N I iim -H 1)1
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

0 --H- h-H-H-l- i ', :. U -+ \ -4 H H H \- 0

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Age (weeks) Bimanual

Figure 7. Percentage of uni- and bimanual reaches performed by infant H.R. from 20 to 52
weeks old.

unrelated (or uncorrelated) interlimb movements and other expected, Figures 9-12 reflect fluctuations that are similar
forms of coordination between arms. with those observed in the specific act of reaching.
We interpolated these four landscapes by using an inverse In N.Q. (Figure 9), the first peak of positively correlated
distance method (built in the graphics software Sigma Plot movements revealing a synchrony tendency appeared at
5.0 from Jandel Scientific, San Rafael, California) to gen- Week 12, when N.Q. began to reach bimanually. Then, from
erate z values for an evenly spaced xy grid from the original Week 15, his nonreaching interlimb activity remained pre-
xyz triplet data. However, this transformation, which we dominantly positively correlated until Week 20. During that
made for aesthetic purposes only, did not alter the general same period, N.Q. reached predominantly with two arms.
shape of the original landscape. In addition, to allow com- From Week 21 to Week 42, N.Q.'s landscape showed a
parisons between changes in nonreaching interlimb activity decrease in his synchrony tendency. Moderate peaks of
and changes in patterns of reaching, we report above the positively correlated movement patterns still remained, but
landscapes, the predominant uni- or bimanual reaching moderate peaks of negatively correlated movement patterns
modes as identified in the previous section. also emerged, revealing that N.Q. produced a broader range
The increase and decrease of peaks on the landscapes of different coordination patterns and that a reversed ten-
correspond to the emergence and disappearance of coordi- dency was also characteristic of his interlimb activity. Dur-
nation tendencies in the nonreaching interlimb activity. As ing that same period, from Week 21 to Week 42, N.Q.

90 - J.A. - 90
1 f
80 - - 80
0 70 - - 70
0 60 - - 60
O i
0> 50- - 50
s- 40 - - 40
O 1 ij
K 30 - - 30

20 - - 20
10 - - 10
0 - "'' \ I 1 -- 0
i\ 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52

Age ( w e e k s ) ^^ Bimanual
•• Unimanual

Figure 8. Percentage of uni- and bimanual reaches performed by infant J.A. from 21 to 52
weeks old.

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Figure 9. Landscape of the different patterns of spontaneous interlimb coordination that infant
N.Q. produced prior to and after the reach for every week from 5 to 52 weeks old.

reached predominantly with one arm. Finally, toward the Finally, J.A.'s first reaches were bimanual (Figure 12).
end of the year, a synchrony tendency reappeared at a high During this first period, however, J.A. revealed a synchrony
rate. Again, during that same period, N.Q. returned to reach- tendency in his nonreaching interlimb activity during one
ing with two arms. week only. J.A.'s initial reaching preference disappeared a
Like N.Q., G.S. (Figure 10) began to reach predominantly few weeks after reach onset and until Week 40. During the
with two arms. Similarly, at reach onset, G.S.'s landscape same period, J.A. did not reveal coordination tendencies in
revealed increasing peaks of synchrony tendency in his his nonreaching interlimb activity. From Week 40, how-
nonreaching interlimb activity. However, unlike N.Q., G.S. ever, when he returned to bimanual reaching, he also
maintained his bimanual reaching mode during almost the showed a strong tendency of synchrony in his nonreaching
entire year, except at Weeks 25, 26, and 32, when uni- interlimb activity.
manual reaches briefly appeared. Similarly, G.S.'s land- Thus, in the four infants, preferences to reach bimanually
scape revealed that his tendency of synchrony in his non- appeared when a synchrony tendency predominated in their
reaching interlimb activity clearly predominated throughout spontaneous, nonreaching interlimb activity, and prefer-
the year. It is also interesting to note that G.S., who was the ences to reach unimanually appeared when the synchrony
most bimanual of these 4 infants, did not produce many tendency decreased. We quantified this relationship be-
reversed patterns of interlimb coordination in his non- tween reaching patterns and nonreaching patterns by (a)
reaching activity. As illustrated by the front plane of his cumulating for each week and each infant the percentage of
landscape, negatively correlated patterns were very rarely positively correlated nonreaching movements falling be-
produced. tween the values of .7 and 1.0 (for this measure we used the
H.R. (Figure 11) did not reveal preferred reaching pat- original normalized frequencies and not the interpolated
terns until Week 28. At Week 28, however, she began to value from the landscapes), and (b) correlating these cumu-
show a clear preference for bimanual reaching. Accord- lated values with the percentage of bimanual reaches pro-
ingly, the landscape of her nonreaching interlimb activity duced each week by each infants. These correlations are
did not reveal a strong synchrony tendency until Week 28, displayed for each infant separately in the four scattergrams
when the bimanual reaching mode became predominant. of Figure 13. Each point represents 1 week of data, plotted
Then, from Week 34, H.R. reached primarily unimanually, as a function of both the percentage of bimanual reaches and
except at Weeks 40 and 42, when the bimanual reaching the percentage of positively correlated nonreaching inter-
mode shortly reappeared. During the same period, her non- limb patterns.
reaching interlimb activity did not reveal a predominant These four scattergrams substantiate the relationship be-
coordination tendency, except around Weeks 40 and 42, tween the preference of the infants to reach with two hands
when a tendency of synchrony reemerged. and their tendency of synchrony in their nonreaching inter-
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Figure 10. Landscape of the different patterns of spontaneous interlimb coordination that infant
G.S. produced prior to and after the reach for every week from 5 to 52 weeks old.

limb activity; the more they tended to synchronize their sponding to the reaching segments of each first-reaching
spontaneous movements, the more they reached bimanually. arm (whether these reaches were performed with one arm
This relationship was highly significant in the 4 infants alone or in conjunction with the other arm). Next, we
(Pearson's one-tailed correlation, p < .0001). searched for the same overlapping segment in the kinematic
file of the other arm. Finally, we performed individual
Effects of Coordination Tendencies on the correlation analyses on every uni- and bimanual reaching
segment that contained available data for both hands.
Formation of Reaching Patterns
This measure described the interlimb coordination pat-
The significant correlations between change in reaching terns within the reach as follows: For bimanual reaches, if
and change in nonreaching interlimb activity indicate that both arms reached in the same time as illustrated in Figure
both reaching and nonreaching movements may share com- 14A, high positive correlations were obtained. If both arms
mon coordination dynamics. However, our categories of reached with a time lag in reach start or performed different
uni- and bimanual reaching lumped together finer patterns spatio-temporal patterns, low- or negative correlation values
of coordination within the reach. For example, in bimanual were obtained, as shown in Figures 14B and 14C.
reaches both arms could move in perfect synchrony or with Accordingly, for unimanual reaches, if one arm reached
lags of various durations. Similarly, in unimanual reaches, while the other arm was still, low correlations were ob-
the nonreaching arm might be engaged in synchronous but tained, as illustrated in Figure 14D. If the nonreaching arm
nonreaching activity. In this section, we analyze in more produced some nonobject-oriented motion while the other
detail the interlimb coordination characteristics of the reach arm reached, the correlation values could be low or high and
itself to better understand their relationship to the coordi- positively or negatively correlated, as shown in Figures 14E
nation tendencies of the spontaneous interlimb activity. As and 14F.
mentioned earlier, reaches may result from the interaction The ensemble of correlation values obtained for all uni-
between the infants' intentions to obtain the toy and then- and bimanual reaches across development are shown in
intrinsic coordination tendencies. We wanted to know if Figure 15 for each infant separately. Infants produced dif-
bimanual reaches, which emerged from a background of ferent coordination patterns within the reach regardless of
predominantly synchronous interlimb patterns, were also the type of reach (uni- or bimanual). Note that positively
performed in synchrony. correlated bimanual reaches occurred more often in 3 out of
To address this issue we used the kinematic data corre- 4 infants toward the end of the first year (see N.Q., H.R.,
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


Figure 11. Landscape of the different patterns of spontaneous interlimb coordination that infant
H.R. produced prior to and after the reach for every week from 5 to 52 weeks old.

and J.A.), however, these bimanual reaches were still not ing. It is conceivable, for example, that the visual and
systematically synchronous. Thus, this analysis revealed proprioceptive information used during the act of reaching
that the coordination patterns of reaching alone, even imposed new constraints on the continuous motion of the
though infants were clearly reaching with either one or two limbs and modified the coordination patterns between limbs
arms, did not always match the coordination tendencies of as the arms were getting closer to the target. Within such an
the nonreaching interlimb activity. A synchrony tendency in interpretation, synchronous spontaneous interlimb patterns
the nonreaching interlimb activity did not necessarily lead may have elicited a two-handed motion toward the target,
to synchronous bimanual reaches, and the absence of syn- but as the hands approached the target, the tendency to
chrony tendency did not necessarily lead to uncorrelated synchrony may have been modified because movements
unimanual reaches. were newly driven by the goal to intercept the target.
This last result suggests that coordination tendencies may Figure 16 illustrates a two-handed reach embedded in a
have constrained the preferred range of possibilities of hand spontaneous sequence of synchronous movements. This fig-
use in reaching (i.e., two hands when tendency is synchro- ure shows that the synchronous interlimb pattern preceding
nous), although they did not rigidly limit interlimb coordi- the act of reaching (corresponding in this example to suc-
nation within the reach; reaching coordination patterns were cessive flaps) changed during the act of reaching as one
very variable. One possible explanation is that interlimb hand approached the target. Although both arms began to
coordination within the reach itself was affected by the reach closely in time, the movement speed and timing of
movement conditions prior to the reach (i.e., the position of each arm changed during the reach. The primary reaching
the hands in space or the speed of the movement at reach hand kept an almost identical movement frequency during
initiation), which clearly were not controlled by our exper- the transition from flapping to reaching, and the second
imental design. We do know, for example, that some reaching hand lagged behind the first hand, only increasing
reaches were initiated after a short pause of the hands, its movement speed as the first hand approached the target.
whereas others were completely embedded in a continuous
stream of behavior (see Corbetta & Thelen, 1995). A second
possible explanation is that the goal of obtaining the toy, Discussion
which is defined by a specific location in space, may have
tuned or perturbed the underlying coordination tendencies Infants' shifting and idiosyncratic patterns of hand use
of the spontaneous behavior during the transition to reach- have puzzled developmentalists for more than 50 years. The

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


Figure 12. Landscape of the different patterns of spontaneous interlimb coordination that infant
J.A. produced prior to and after the reach for every week from 5 to 52 weeks old.

goal in this research was to identify coordination tendencies shifts between uni- and bimanual reaching did reflect sim-
in the development of early interlimb activity and to ask ilar changes in the spontaneous coordination tendencies of
whether these shifting patterns in reaching were related to the arms. When infants reached primarily with two arms,
such coordination tendencies. We found that developmental their nonreaching interlimb activity tended to be synchro-
nized, and when infants reached primarily with one arm,
their nonreaching interlimb activity did not reveal predom-
100 ODO O/ inant coordination tendencies. These periods were not
strictly age related, as individual infants had their own
patterns of ebb and flow, as originally noted by Gesell and
60 Ames (1947). These results suggest that the development of
goal-oriented behaviors in infancy may be related, as they
are in adults, to existing and preferred underlying forms of
20 coordination which constitute the substrate from which be-
r=.76 r=.81 havioral patterns emerge.
Shifting epochs of patterns of coordination are not con-
100 fined to reaching movements. They have been found in
early hand-to-mouth (Smith, 1995) and object-to-mouth be-
80 haviors (Rochat, 1993), in infant leg patterns (Thelen, Rid-
60 ley-Johnson, & Fisher, 1983), and also later during child-
hood in tasks requiring simultaneous and combined hand
40 activities (Bruml, 1972; Corbetta, 1989). Rochat (1993), for
20 example, observed that the transport of an object to the
mouth is performed with two hands at 3 months, but it is
r=.62 r=.77
0 performed only with one hand at 2, 4, and 5 months.
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 Additionally, Smith (1995) found that the emergence of
X of synchronous movement* X of synchronous movsmsnts object-to-mouth behaviors were related to similarly pat-
Figure 13. Correlations between percentage of bimanual terned spontaneous hand-to-mouth behaviors.
reaches and percentage of positively correlated nonreaching move- Thelen et al. (1983) described a similar phenomenon in
ments (between .7 and 1.0) by participant. spontaneous, supine kicking movements (see also Gesell,

Bimanual reaches
0 .961 .019 -.484
4000 4500 5000 4000 4500 5000 2000 2500 3000
Unimanual reaches
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10 --- .781
6500 7000 3000 3500 2000 2500
Time (mm) T1m» (ms) Time (ms)

Figure 14. Examples of uni- and bimanual reaches with correlated and uncorrelated movement
speeds between arms. A: Bimanual reach positively correlated; both arms reached in the same time.
B: Poorly correlated bimanual reach; one arm began to reach before the other arm, and each arm
reached with different patterns. C: Bimanual reach negatively correlated; one arm began to reach
before the other arm, and each arm reached with alternating speeds. D: Uncorrelated unimanual
reach; one arm remained still while the other arm reached. E: Unimanual reach poorly correlated;
the nonreaching arm produced some nonobject oriented activity while the other arm reached. F:
Unimanual reach positively correlated; the nonreaching arm produced some correlated nonobject
oriented activity while the other arm reached. The solid line represents the first reaching arm; and
the dashed line represents the second reaching arm in bimanual reaches and the nonreaching arm in
unimanual reaches.

1939, and Touwen, 1976, for qualitative descriptions). nation are not always stable and may fluctuate before as-
Thelen et al. categorized bilateral kick patterns and calcu- suming adult-like patterns. For example, BrunU (1972)
lated interlimb kick latencies in 8 infants followed every found that kindergarten children tended to perform biman-
other week from Week 2 until Week 26. In the newborn ual tasks such as threading beads, clapping, or winding a
period, there was a high proportion of rapid, alternating leg thread onto a spool by moving each hand against each other.
kicks, with a majority of kicks initiated within 1 s of the Older children and adults on the contrary, were less domi-
kick in the contralateral leg. After the first month, infants nated by this symmetrical tendency. They generally held
shifted dramatically to single leg kicking, but with no con- one hand still while the other hand wound, clapped, or put
sistent lateral bias. Additionally, the proportion of in-phase the bead on the thread. These developmental transitions in
kicks that was very low initially increased for all the infants interlimb patterning are not always progressive or linear.
during the first 6 months, often with striking discontinuities For example, the coordination pattern involved in another
in the appearance and disappearance of simultaneous coor- asymmetrical task (cutting out paper circles with scissors)
dination. Within this overall pattern, however, "there was fluctuated between five and nine years old (Corbetta, 1989).
notable variability in developmental course among the in- By five years of age, children could manipulate the scissors
fants and within each subject" (Thelen et al., 1983, p. 33), with one hand while holding the paper steady with the other.
especially in the frequency of individual preference shifts. However, from 5 to 9 years old the shoulder rotations
Thus, in both arms and legs, infants express definite coor- involved in producing the curved trajectory alternated be-
dination preferences, but these preferences are both limb tween symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns; that is, chil-
specific—alternation was rarely seen in arm movements— dren alternated between rotating both shoulders or rotating
and idiosyncratic to individual babies. only one shoulder.
Similarly, during childhood, patterns of interlimb coordi- The present study is the first to describe coordination

o Blmcmual reaches • U n l m a n u a l reaches

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4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Age (weeks)

Figure 15. Correlations between the movement speeds of both limbs during every uni- and
bimanual reaches produced by each participant as a function of age.

tendencies of infant arm movements and their natural evo- maintaining an unstable pattern was difficult. Even at mod-
lution over the first year using real-time kinematic data. It erate frequencies, performers had more difficulty intention-
represents the first three steps of a dynamic systems strat- ally switching from a stable to an unstable mode. Yet, with
egy, as outlined in the introduction: identifying collective intensive training, individuals could disrupt these autono-
variables, laying out their dynamics, and identifying periods mous tendencies and establish new stable preferences.
of stability and change. The fourth step is to suggest pos- In the adult system, the parameters engendering coordi-
sible control parameters (i.e., components that move the nation shifts were under tight experimental control. Re-
system through its developmental shifts). Here we can only searchers manipulated the timing and energetic demands of
speculate. What factors influence these dramatic shifts in the task as well as the intentional goals. In infants, these
coordination patterns? parameters are not so well delineated. Because infants can-
To begin to understand the coordination shifts, let us refer not be instructed, they determine the way they want to
again to the studies of adult bimanual coordination (Kelso, move, which may be fast or slow. Although we feel confi-
1984; Kelso & Schb'ner, 1988; Scholz et al., 1988; Schoner dent that the infants in this study maintained the overall goal
& Kelso, 1988; Schoner et al., 1992; Zanone & Kelso, of obtaining the attractive toy, we cannot say whether they
1992). These studies highlighted the tension between what wanted to use one hand or two to do so. Nonetheless, we
the performer wants (or is instructed) to do and the natural believe that the parallels are striking between the adult
tendencies of the system to prefer certain modes of coordi- coordination dynamics and the emerging bimanual patterns
nation. The performed patterns were always a product of in infants.
these interactions within the particular task demands of the First, in adults (Kelso, 1984; Kelso & Schoner, 1988), the
experimental situations. When movement frequency was speed of the movements was an important parameter on the
high, intrinsic tendencies dominated intentional goals, and coordination dynamics, with faster movements strengthen-
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Time (s)

Figure 16. Example of bimanual reach emerging from a spontaneous interlimb sequence of
synchronous movements. Top: Resultant displacement of each hand normalized as a function of toy
location during the transition from flapping to reaching. Bottom: Corresponding movement speed of
each hand. The solid bars define the beginning and end of the first hand reach. The dashed bars
define the beginning and end of the second hand reach.

ing the intrinsic preference for in-phase coupling (see also first year, and the most bimanual in reaching and most
Swinnen, Walter, Semen, & Vandendriessche, 1992; synchronous in spontaneous movements.
Walter & Swinnen, 1990). Faster movements require more Thus, one plausible influence on the shifting tendencies in
energy, and in infants there is suggestive evidence that infants is the energetic status of the limbs. What is the
high-energy states may increase the synchronous coupling nature of this coupling? One characteristic of early infant
of the limbs. In particular, when infants have strong, force- movements is their relatively undifferentiated form. When
ful, and fast movements, they are also more synchronous in young babies get excited, they wiggle all their limbs. In the
both reaching and nonreaching movements. For example, present study, infants often reached for objects by extending
when they first began reaching, infants N.Q. and G.S. were not only both arms but also their legs (and sometimes their
highly energetic, producing large and fast movements that heads). It appears as if activity is widely distributed at
were predominantly synchronous, and their reaches were certain levels of neural excitation and that one important
mainly bimanual. In contrast, at reach onset, H.R. and J.A. element in becoming skilled is learning to isolate the forces
were very calm infants whose movements were relatively and channel them only to the needed limbs. Periods of
slow and small and they did not show strong preferences in synchronous arm use, therefore, may reflect the inability to
their coordination tendencies (Thelen et al., 1993). inhibit this distributed response across the shoulder girdle,
We found similar relations between activity level and either in spontaneous movements or when lifting the arm to
coordination in the infants' later reaching development reach. We have provided preliminary evidence that this may
(Thelen, Corbetta, & Spencer, in press). H.R., for example, be the case. In infant N.Q., the shift to unimanual reaching
became more active during the middle period of the first was associated with lowered muscle torque in the nonreach-
year. During this same period, we observed the appearance ing arm, suggesting active inhibition (Corbetta & Thelen,
of synchronized coordination tendencies and an increase in 1994). Indeed, the tendency for the movements to overflow
the proportion of bimanual reaches. For J.A., an active into the nonfunctioning limb is well documented in children
period occurred at the end of the first year; his most biman- and may persist well into later childhood (Lazarus & Todor,
ual period in reaching appeared at the same time. Likewise, 1987; Todor & Lazarus, 1986).
in N.Q., periods of bimanual coordination were associated Although we believe that the energetic status of the baby
with high levels of general activity, and he was more influences both reaching and nonreaching coordination, this
unilateral in weeks when his general level of activity was explanation by itself is not sufficient for understanding the
more quiet. G.S. was the most active infant throughout the processes by which coordination shifts during the first year.

One could still ask: What causes the changes in infants' is some evidence that this ability is in place by the middle
activity levels that accompany hand pattern shifts? We of the year (Clifton et al., 1991; Newell, Scully, McDonald,
cannot answer this question definitively. For instance, the & Baillargeon, 1989). Likewise, coordination tendencies
infant G.S. was always an active, energetic baby, whereas and manual activities may both be affected by changes in
H.R. was calm most of the time. But within these temper- the general state of postural control. Rochat (1992), for
amental differences, we can only speculate as to why, in instance, found that infants who were unable to sit alone
some months, infants moved more and faster, and more tended to reach more bimanually, whereas self-sitter infants
synchronously, than in other months. Perhaps there was tended to reach more unimanually. Similarly, Goldfield
increased motivation to reach for the toy, changes in (1993) found that transitions from rocking to crawling were
strength or muscle tone, or in metabolic rate. Thelen et al. related to fluctuations in the transitions of hand preference
(1983), for instance, did not find a relation between the for reaching. Infants who rocked, but did not crawl, also did
strength of the predominant leg pattern of kicking and not show hand preference for reaching; they contacted the
arousal level, a measure of the infants' general excitement. target with either hand. Crawling infants, in contrast, had
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Thelen et al. speculated that the autonomous coordination stable lateral asymmetries and reached consistently with the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

shifts in the lower limbs might result from asynchronous same hand. Goldfield speculated that the shift in hand
maturation of muscle strength or predominant muscle tone preference served as the control parameter for crawl onset.
or from competition from postural biases such as asymmet- However, as in the present data, the direction of causality is
ric tonic neck reflexes. These explanations may be true for not clear; it is equally plausible that discovering how to
the arms as well. crawl changes the strength of lateral hand preference.
A second reason why energetic status alone is an insuf- Overall, these results suggest that changing forms of
ficient control parameter is that the correspondence between coordination in the first year do not result from a single
activity and bimanual synchrony was not perfect. We did factor but from the reciprocal influence of many developing
not observe, for example, specific coordination tendencies subsystems (Thelen, 1986). The process of identifying the
in infant movements in the periods preceding reach onset. particular control parameters must now proceed through
Contrast, for instance, G.S.'s irregular landscape (Figure experimental manipulation, as suggested by the dynamic
10) before his reach onset at Week 15 to the strong syn- systems strategy. Indeed, the dynamic approach provides
chronous tendency thereafter. It is possible, therefore, that specific guidelines for discovering agents of change. The
the repeated acts of trying to reach for seen objects them- stability of the system can be probed by manipulating pu-
selves imposed organization on the interlimb system ini- tative control parameters. If pattern shifts occur, then the
tially and that this mutual influence continued throughout system is sensitive to that parameter. When systems are
the year. In such a view, we can speculate that initially the stable, they are resilient in the face of such perturbations.
concerted effort to stiffen the arm to reach, either to damp For instance, Corbetta and Thelen (1992) found that syn-
out uncontrolled movements or to lift it against gravity chronous bilateral arm coupling was disrupted when they
(Thelen et al., 1993), recruits homologous muscles across added weights to one arm in 5- and 6-month-old infants,
the shoulder girdle. Likewise, the functional efficiency of suggesting that load change may be a parameter to measure
using only one hand to grasp a small object may, through stability and change in the coordination dynamics. But in
repeated efforts, serve to decouple tight interlimb synergies. development, agents of change may themselves shift during
It is also possible that, later in development, new abilities to ontogeny: A proportionally equivalent load perturbation did
manipulate more than one object at a time, such as inserting not disrupt coordination when the same infants were two
or fitting a shape into a container, banging blocks at mid- months older. This suggests that whereas the coordination
line, and so on, contribute to the return of the bimanual and pattern was sensitive to energetic factors at the younger age,
synchronous tendencies that we observed in these infants the intentional pattern was protected from the weight per-
during the middle or end of their first year. turbation in the older infants.
This process, in which the intentionality of the act is also The effect of intentionality as a control parameter can also
a control parameter on the coordination dynamics, is of be tested by experimental manipulation, once the stability
course exactly paralleled in the adult experiments, in which landscape of the behavior is known. For example, Thelen et
individuals were trained to perform novel patterns that al. (1983) found that 3-month-old infants kicked primarily
competed with their intrinsic tendencies (Scholz et al., in a single leg or alternating mode. Could these infants be
1988; Zanone & Kelso, 1992). In infants, therefore, it may induced to counter their coordination tendencies if intro-
be that the very acts of adaptive reaching serve to modify duced to a novel task? Recently, Thelen (1994) addressed
the intrinsic dynamics, albeit in nonlinear ways. In other this question. The task was to activate an overhead mobile
words, several shifts may be witnessed as intentions and by means of a ribbon tied around the infants' ankles.
abilities interact and are mutually influential throughout the (Young infants find this highly motivating and learn quickly
first year. to increase the frequency and vigor of their kicking.) But, if
Finally, infants' reaching and nonreaching changing ten- infants' ankles were tethered together with a soft elastic
dencies may both be influenced by the parallel development cuff, they could switch more efficiently from their preferred
of other related skills. For instance, it is not known how and single or alternating modes to a more simultaneous pattern.
when infants learn to perceive the boundaries between ob- After a few minutes, infants indeed shifted preferences to
jects requiring one or two hands for grasping, although there in-phase kicking (Thelen, 1994). Thus, for infants, as for

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