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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.

(Oct–Dec 2017) 87(4):1185–1197

DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0692-9


Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum

Biochemical Indices of Barilius bendelisis from Central Himalaya,
Neeraj Kumar Sharma1,2 • M. S. Akhtar1 • N. N. Pandey1 • Ravindra Singh2 •

A. K. Singh1

Received: 24 April 2015 / Revised: 4 October 2015 / Accepted: 18 November 2015 / Published online: 7 January 2016
 The National Academy of Sciences, India 2015

Abstract The study aimed to assess the effects of sex and Glucose level was higher in summer and autumn whereas,
season on hematological and serum biochemical indices of lower in winter in both male and female respectively. This
Barilius bendelisis. Hematological and biochemical results study revealed that the variation in seasonal environmental
showed significant differences (p \ 0.05) among seasons parameters have direct effect on the health status of B.
as well as between sexes. In summer, hemoglobin, hema- bendelisis. The baseline data generated in this study will
tocrit, erythrocyte and WBC number were highest and serve as a tool for fish physiologists and pathologists in
significantly (p \ 0.05) different between sexes. Differen- monitoring the stress, health and nutritional status of B.
tial WBC count also showed marked seasonal variation but bendelisis under aquaculture production.
do not show any significant difference (p \ 0.05) between
male and female. Mean corpuscular volume and mean Keywords Season  Hematology  Barilius bendelisis 
corpuscular hemoglobin was high in winter and low in RBC  Cholesterol  Globulin  Glucose
summer. For males and females, mean corpuscular hemo-
globin concentration was high in summer, rainy, and low in
winter season. Cholesterol level and low-density lipids Introduction
were high in autumn and low in spring. High-density lipids
(HDL) and very low-density lipids (VLDL) also fluctuated Aquatic environments display enormous spatial and tem-
in different seasons with maximum HDL in both sexes in poral fluctuations in physicochemical elements that can
autumn. Maximum VLDL for male was observed in sum- directly influence the physiology of fishes [1]. In teleosts,
mer and in spring for female. Triglycerides were high in numerous physiological variables manifest seasonal varia-
autumn and summer and low in spring. Throughout winter tion in response to environmental changes of which
the total protein, albumin and globulin levels were highest. hematological and biochemical indices are the most critical
ones serving as indicators of fish health [2]. Variations in
hematological parameters of fishes are primarily caused by
numerous factors such as temperature, environmental
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this stress, malnutrition, sex, age, seasonal differences, nutri-
article (doi:10.1007/s40011-015-0692-9) contains supplementary tional effects and water quality parameters including water
material, which is available to authorized users.
temperature, salinity, oxygen availability and pH, etc. [2–
& M. S. Akhtar 6]. Hematological studies help in understanding the rela- tionship of blood characteristics to their habitat and species
adaptability to the environment including adaptation
Fish Nutrition and Physiology Laboratory, ICAR-Directorate
mechanisms and evolutionary processes [7]. The serum
of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Anusandhan Bhawan,
Bhimtal 263136, Uttarakhand, India biochemical profile can provide imperative information on
2 the internal environment of the aquatic organism including
Department of Zoology, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna
Garhwal University, Tehri Campus Badshahithaul, fish [8]. Nowadays, hematology and serum biochemistry
Tehri Garhwal 249199, Uttarakhand, India data have been employed effectively in monitoring the

1186 N. K. Sharma et al.

health of both captive and wild population of fish species, chylomicrons, [20]. In fishes, cholesterol is also the precur-
especially in fishery management programs [9]. sor of steroid hormones such as progesterone, testosterone,
The literature on seasonal effects on hematological estradiol and cortisol [21]. Many researchers have suggested
parameters is still scarce for most of the teleost fishes [10]. that lipids and lipoproteins in fish show sex-specific seasonal
Many researchers reported sex-specific seasonal quantita- fluctuations, especially when dealing with temperature
tive and qualitative variations in hematological parameters changes, diet, age and the annual reproductive cycle [21, 22].
including RBC and WBC number, differential leukocyte Amongst measured parameters, plasma protein, lipids,
count, the percentage of hemoglobin and the dimension of cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose have potential as pre-
RBC and WBC in different fish species and suggest that dictive diagnostic tools to evaluate the nutritional status of
sex of the fish must be taken into account while assessing fishes in aquaculture.
the health status in wild as well as in captivity [2, 11]. Barilius bendelisis, Indian Hill trout under family
Assessment of the hemogram implicates the evaluation of Cyprinidae, is a widely distributed and predominant species
the total erythrocyte count (RBC), total leukocyte count in the Brahmaputra and Ganga basins along the Himalayan
(WBC), hematocrit (PCV), hemoglobin percentage (Hb), foothills of India, Bangladesh and Nepal [23] including
erythrocyte indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC), WBC differ- Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand [24, 25]. B.
ential count and the estimation of stained peripheral blood bendelisis shows marked sexual dimorphism. Males are
films [2]. Erythrocytes are the most dominant blood cells in brightly colored, bigger in size showing rough body due to
fish and their number is dependent on external i.e. seasonal miniature tubercles on both lips including head region and
water temperature, dissolved oxygen level and internal dorsolateral scales that are lacking in females [26]. B. ben-
cues such as age, sex, reproductive stage and activity level delisis is an asynchronous/intermittent spawner; first mas-
[12]. Hematocrit and Hb are the most readily determined sive spawning occurs in March–April and second in August–
hematological indices in the field and captive conditions September having GSI peaks in March and August respec-
[13]. Amongst diverse hematological parameters, hemat- tively [27]. B. bendelisis is potential food fish consumed by
ocrit percentage is not easily altered as per other parame- Himalayan population. It has achieved a market price of Rs
ters and should be used in concurrence with erythrocyte 160–200 per kg [28]. The fish also plays substantial role in
and leucocytes count, Hb, osmotic delicacy, and differen- the capture fishery along Himalayan region of India,
tial leucocytes count [14]. Leucocyte count (WBC) is often dwelling shallow, clear and cold lotic and lentic water
used as indicator of health status in fish [13]. These cells bodies where Indian major carps i.e. Labeo rohita; Catla
are vital components of the innate immune system and are catla and exotic carps cannot be raised efficiently due to
mainly involved in non-specific defense mechanism in the harsh climatic conditions [29]. Despite being a popular
aquatic organisms including fish [15]. ornamental species among aquarists, as well as a food fish
In fishes, blood [serum] protein is a complex combination for populace of Himalayan region, it is poorly studied and as
of albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen. Serum proteins have a the result this species has suffered a drastic reduction in its
wide range of functions and are especially important for the availability in the recent past [29]. Moreover, Himalayan
regulation of water balance in fishes [16]. The seasonal ecosystem is fragile and sensitive to temperature and hence
variations in serum proteins are caused by the combination of the species including B. bendelisis is predisposed to climate
exogenous factors i.e. water temperature, availability of change effects. Further, there is no information available in
food, feeding intensity and endogenous processes i.e. the current literature on its hematology and serum bio-
maturity stage and reproduction, etc. [17]. Blood glucose is chemistry. Therefore, keeping in view the economic
an extremely variable parameter that is strongly influenced importance of the species, the present study was conducted
by multiple factors including handling stress, ecological to document the sex-specific variations in hematological and
strain, seasonal disparity and thermal stress, nutritional sta- biochemical indices during different seasons of the year,
tus and sexual maturity [8]. After proteins, fish utilize lipids which could be applied as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the
as the principal substrate in the energy metabolism rather health status in its natural habitat.
than carbohydrates for maintaining various physiological
processes like other poikilothermic organisms in their
aquatic environment [18]. Lipids are transported all the way Material and Methods
through the circulation bound to specific macromolecular
protein complexes called lipoproteins [19]. Triacylglycerols, Experimental Fish
cholesterol and other lipids classified according to increasing
density are transported in the blood by lipoproteins such as A total of 288 adult (144 male and 144 female) of Indian
very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), low-density hill trout, B. bendelisis (age 2?; average ± SE; male
lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and weight 19.26 ± 1.56 g; average male length

Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of Barilius… 1187

12.51 ± 0.29 cm and average female weight summer from May to mid-July, rainy from mid-July to
9.57 ± 0.75 g; average female length 10.17 ± 0.24 cm) September and the autumn lasted from October to mid-
were caught seasonally from a tributary of the river Kosi at November.
Ratighat area located in Kumaun hills (central Himalaya)
of Uttarakhand, India between the latitude 2927.350 N and Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water
2927.260 N and longitude 7928.430 E and 7928.480 E
(Fig. 1) using cast nets. Adults of B. bendelisis were Water quality parameters like dissolved oxygen, alkalinity,
transferred to the wet laboratory of ICAR-Directorate of pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate of the sampling site were
Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal-263136, Nainital, assessed during each sampling season (Table 1). Temper-
India using 250 l plastic tanks containing water from the ature, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured with a
sampling site with continuous aeration. Particular attention multi-parameter probe (Hanna, model 9828). Other water
was paid to maintain a consistent capture protocol quality parameters like ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and alka-
throughout the study from the wild as well in laboratory linity concentrations were estimated colorimetrically using
after collection in order to minimize stress effects to Spectroquant Test Kits (Spectroquant Multy colorimeter,
minimal level. The studies were conducted over all the Merk Millipore) following standard manufactures protocol.
seasons viz. winter (January), spring (March), summer The equipment is pre-programmed for the use of over 130
(May and July), rainy (September) and autumn (Novem- Spectroquant cell and reagent tests and covers all the
ber) of the year 2014. The winter season lasted from mid essential parameters considered under present study. The
November to February, spring from March to April, concentrations were expressed as ppm.

Fig. 1 Map showing sampling site of B. bendelisis from River Kosi at Ratighat, Uttarakhand, Central Himalaya India

1188 N. K. Sharma et al.

Table 1 Water quality parameters of sampling site in different seasons during the study period (values expressed as mean ± SE, n = 3)
Seasons Water temperature Dissolved oxygen Ammonia–N Nitrite–N Nitrate–N Alkalinity pH
(C) (mg l-1) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

Winter 10.64 ± 0.017a 10.62 ± 0.06e 0.03 ± 0.003b 0.003 ± 0.0006a 0.60 ± 0.06b 60.70 ± 0.30a 8.81 ± 0.003e
b d a a b a
Spring 16.25 ± 0.012 9.75 ± 0.03 0.02 ± 0.000 0.002 ± 0.0007 0.53 ± 0.07 60.67 ± 0.33 8.75 ± 0.003d
e a a a a,b a
Summer 22.11 ± 0.003 8.28 ± 0.04 0.02 ± 0.002 0.004 ± 0.0003 0.38 ± 0.04 60.55 ± 0.00 7.78 ± 0.007a
d b a a a,b a
Rainy 20.87 ± 0.012 8.90 ± 0.06 0.02 ± 0.000 0.004 ± 0.0007 0.40 ± 0.12 60.93 ± 0.12 7.84 ± 0.003b
c c b a a a
Autumn 17.77 ± 0.012 9.55 ± 0.05 0.03 ± 0.000 0.002 ± 0.0006 0.20 ± 0.06 61.00 ± 0.06 8.66 ± 0.006c
Different superscript letters (a–e) in the same column indicate significant difference (ANOVA, p \ 0.05)

Hematological Parameters provided in the kit following the manufacturer protocol

(Qualigens, Mumbai, India) [32]. Absorbance was read
Firstly, body surface of male and female B. bendelisis was using a multimode microplate spectrophotometer (Model-
cleaned with blotting paper to avoid any contamination. Eon-C, Biotek, USA). The final concentration was calcu-
Blood was collected quickly from the caudal vein of alive lated by comparing with standard cyanmethemoglobin
fish without giving any anesthesia treatment with a 26- (Qualigens, Mumbai, India). Blood glucose was estimated
gauge syringe using anticoagulant (2.7 % w/v) ethylene by the method of Nelson and Somogyi [33] and the amount
diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) for estimation of blood of glucose expressed as milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
glucose, Hb, total erythrocyte count and total leucocyte Hematocrit (Hct-%) or packed cell volume (PCV) was
count. The total erythrocyte count (RBC) and total leuco- determined by the Wintrobe and Westergreen method as
cytes count (WBC) were determined using an improved described by Blaxhall and Daisley [34]. Blood smears, 2
Neubauer-type hemocytometer with Hayem’s solution as for each fish, were prepared immediately using a pinpoint
the diluting fluid for RBC and Truck’s solution for WBC amount of blood which was air-dried, fixed in absolute
(CDH chemicals, New Delhi, India) [2, 13]. The results acetone free methanol for 1 min then stained with Wright–
were expressed as the number of RBC or WBC per 1 mm3 Giemsa (WG) modified stain as per provided protocol
of blood. The total RBC count per mm3 was calculated by (Sigma-Aldrich, LOT NO. SLBJ3110 V). The stained
the following formula. smears were observed under light microscope using a
 Nikon Eclipse E100 microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) for
Total RBC count per mm3 ¼ 200  50  N
¼ 10; 000  N differential count. Two hundred cells for each slide were
counted, classifying them based on morphological char-
where, N = number of RBC counted, dilution acteristics and WG staining as documented in previous fish
factor = 200. leucocytes studies [30, 34–37]. The relative numbers of the
The total WBC or leucocyte count per cubic millimeter types (lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and mono-
was obtained by the following formula. cytes) in the stained peripheral blood were recorded [34,
 37] and. the percentage of each blood type was calculated
Total WBC count per mm3 ¼ ½ðL  20Þ=½ð4Þ  ð1=10Þ
¼ L  50 as the average blood cell type/sum of averages of all types
of blood cells 9 100 [38]. The secondary erythrocyte
where, L = number of WBC counted, dilution factor = 20 indices [mean corpuscular volume (MCV-fL), mean cor-
[2, 13, 30]. puscular hemoglobin (MCH-pg), and mean corpuscular
Thrombocyte count was also determined using an hemoglobin concentration (MCHC-%)] were obtained
improved Neubauer-type hemocytometer with thrombocyte from the hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocyte count
counting fluid (CDH chemicals, New Delhi, India. Total data according to formula proposed by Dacie and Lewis
thrombocyte count per mm3 was calculated by the fol- [39].
lowing formula. MCV ¼ ðHct/RBCÞ  10

Total thrombocyte count per mm3 ¼ N  20  50 MCH ¼ ðHemoglobin/RBCÞ  10
¼ N  1000 MCHC ¼ ðHemoglobin/HctÞ  100
where, N = number of thrombocyte counted, dilution Serum Immunological Parameters
factor = 20 [31].
The hemoglobin level of blood was analysed following The blood in the centrifuge tubes was allowed to clot at
the cyanmethemoglobin method using Drabkin’s fluid room temperature for 30 min. Serum was removed from

Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of Barilius… 1189

the clotted sample after centrifugation at 3000 rpm for Correlation Analysis
5 min and frozen at -20 C until further analysis. Sam-
ples were analyzed within 48 h of collection and thawed Overall highest positive correlation in male was observed
immediately prior to analysis for serum total protein, for Hb-MCHC (r = 0.983, p \ 0.01), Hb-Hct (r = 0.982,
serum albumin and lipid profile. Serum protein and p \ 0.01) and RBC-Hb (r = 0.977, p \ 0.01). The highest
albumin were estimated using total protein and albumin positive correlations for females were observed between
kit (Span Diagnostics Ltd India) following Biuret and Hb-MCHC (r = 0.994, p \ 0.01), Hb-Hct (r = 0.991,
BCG dye binding method. Globulin was calculated by p \ 0.01) and Hb-RBC (r = 0.980, p \ 0.05). The analy-
subtracting the albumin values from the total serum pro- sis among serum biochemical parameters showed a strong
tein. Serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, VLDL and triglyc- and positive correlation of TP-GLO (r = 0.996 at
erides were measured by the autoanalyser (Vitalab p \ 0.01) and CHOL-GLU (r = 0.957 at p \ 0.01) in male
Selectra, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) using standard kits fish. Similarly in female highest correlation was observed
from Autospan Reagents, Span Diagnostics (Gujarat, between TP-GLO (r = 0.969, p \ 0.05).
India) following standard protocols supplied with kits.
Serum triglyceride concentrations were estimated Hematological Parameters
according to the glycerol 3-phosphate oxidase–peroxidase
(GPO-PAP) method, serum cholesterol concentration Seasonal hematological data with mean, standard devia-
were determined according to cholesterol oxidase–per- tion, minimum and maximum values are given in Table S2
oxidase (CHOD-PAP) method, serum HDL cholesterol (see supplementary data). There were significant
concentration according to accelerator selective detergent (p \ 0.05) seasonal differences between sexes in hemato-
method and serum LDL concentration according to logical parameters of B. bendelisis (Figs. 2, 3). In males,
selective detergent method [40]. VLDL cholesterol was the Hb concentration varied from 3.7 to 7.32 gm dl-1 with
calculated by the Friedewald’s formula and all values are the highest value recorded in the summer and lowest in
expressed as mg/dL [41, 42]. winter (Fig. 2A). Similarly, in females, the values ranged
from 3.2 to 6.48 gm dl-1 with highest value recorded in
Statistical Analysis summer. Hb concentration in males had significantly
higher values in all the seasons as compared to females.
Hematological and biochemical seasonal data from the The total number of erythrocytes for males ranged from
study were subjected to one-way analysis of variance 1.10 to 2.58 9 106 and 0.80 to 2.22 9 106 mm3 in
(ANOVA) using SPSS 19.0 software. Differences between females. Male fish showed significantly (p \ 0.05) higher
means were determined by Duncan’s multiple range test number of RBCs than the female in spring, rainy and
(p \ 0.05). The correlation between hematological vari- autumn seasons with highest values in both the sexes
ables were analysed by the Pearson coefficient for linear registered in summer (Fig. 2B). Mean values of hematocrit
correlation at p \ 0.05 and t test was used for determining ranged from 21.40 to 31.05 % for males and 19.60 to
differences in parameters between sexes. All data are 26.45 % in females during the study period. Seasonal
reported as mean ± SEM. hematocrit percentage was highest in summer and lowest in
winter for both sexes with male having significantly
(p \ 0.05) higher percentage during all the seasons
Results and Discussion (Fig. 2C). The seasonal total leukocyte count (WBC) value
was higher in summer and lower in winter for both sexes of
Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water B. bendelisis with female having greater value during all
the seasons but no significant difference (p \ 0.05) was
The values of physico-chemical parameters observed dur- observed between sexes (Fig. 2D). WBC count varied
ing study period are summarized in Table 1. There was a between 2.55–4.52 9 103 and 2.70–4.73 9 103 mm3 of
significant difference (p \ 0.05) in water temperature, blood in males and females, respectively. Thrombocytes
dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate and pH between dif- also showed seasonal variation with a mean value ranging
ferent seasons. Nitrite and alkalinity showed no significant from 31 to 66.35 9 103 and 35.60 to 72.60 9 103 mm3.
difference (p \ 0.05) between seasons. In all seasons, Highest value was recorded in summer and lowest in spring
dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity and for both the sexes with female having greater value in all
pH were within optimum limit and found to be related to seasons and were significant (p \ 0.05) in all seasons
respective seasons [28]. except spring and rainy season (Fig. 2E). Mean value of

1190 N. K. Sharma et al.

Fig. 2 Sex specific seasonal

variation in hemoglobin,
hematocrit, RBC, WBC,
thrombocytes and lymphocytes
of B. bendelisis. Values in the
same series with different
superscripts (a, b, c, d) in each
panel differ significantly
(p \ 0.05, ANOVA). Values
expressed as mean ± SE;
n = 6. Asterisk in the series (if
any) in each panel implies sex
specific significant difference
(p \ 0.05, t test)

lymphocytes varied from 67 to 75 % for male and 67.60 to 122.07 and 196.42l and 122.24–249.29 fl for females with
78.0 % during study period with no significant difference no significant difference (p \ 0.05) between sexes
between sexes (Fig. 2F). Neutrophils also showed seasonal (Fig. 3D). The value of MCH throughout the study period
variation with a mean value ranging from 15.33 to 23.17 varied between 28.65 and 33.84 pg in males and
and 16 to 24.33 % in male and female respectively. Neu- 29.78–40.49 pg in female. MCH was significantly higher
trophil values were significantly (p \ 0.05) higher in in females as compared to males in all the seasons. In
summer in both the sexes but no significant sex specific males, higher value of MCH was observed in winter and
difference (p [ 0.05) was observed (Fig. 3A). Mean eosi- rainy seasons with lower values in summer and spring.
nophil percentage ranged from 2 to 6.68 % in males and Similarly, females showed the higher value in winter and
2.66 to 6.0 % in females. Eosinophils were found highest spring with lower values in summer and autumn (Fig. 3E).
in winter and lowest in autumn in both the sexes (Fig. 2B). Significant difference between sexes was not observed. The
Difference between sexes was not significant (p [ 0.05) in MCHC value ranged from 17.29 to 24.24 % in males and
all seasons (Fig. 3B). Monocyte mean percentage varied between 16.32 and 24.48 % in females. In both sexes,
from 2.64 to 5.30 and 1.33 to 4.0 % in males and females higher MCHC value was recorded in the summer and rainy
respectively. Significant sex specific difference (p [ 0.05) seasons and lower value in winter and spring seasons.
was observed only during winter season. Higher values in Difference between sexes was significant (p \ 0.05) during
male and female fish were recorded in summer and rainy summer season (Fig. 3F).
seasons followed by lowest in winter and spring seasons In fishes, hematological and serum biochemical param-
respectively (Fig. 3C). No basophils were observed in the eters are considerably influenced by the wide range of
present study. The MCV value for males ranged between natural environmental factors i.e. age, fish size, stress,

Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of Barilius… 1191

Fig. 3 Sex specific seasonal

variation in neutrophils,
eosinophils, monocytes, MCV,
MCH and MCHC of B.
bendelisis. Values in the same
series with different superscripts
(a, b, c, d) in each panel differ
significantly (p \ 0.05,
ANOVA). Values expressed as
mean ± SE; n = 6. Asterisk in
the series (if any) in each panel
implies sex specific significant
difference (p \ 0.05, t test)

nutritional state, season, spawning, sex, and genetic vari- hematocrit values in male fish were significantly higher
ations in the wild [2, 7, 36, 43]. Fish being an ectothermic than that of female fish over all seasons that might be
vertebrate accomplished of adapting to fluctuations in potentially caused by greater physiological and metabolic
ambient temperature and in view of that at elevated water activity of male than female fish. These differences in
temperature there is an increase in metabolic activity and hematology about males and females may be related to
that oxygen concentration in water reduces, fish is likely to differential oxygen demand by sex, which in turn can be
display an increase in erythrocyte number and hemoglobin linked to reproductive activity [43]. The decrease in
concentration because of hypoxia/lesser-dissolved oxygen hemoglobin and hematocrit level in B. bendelisis in the
condition [12, 13]. In the present study, B. bendelisis shows winter is probably due to the decline in metabolic activity
significant variation with respect to season and sex in and reduction in feeding intensity at low water temperature
hematological parameters. In summer, due to high meta- in the winter, which is supported by Pradhan et al. [13].
bolic rate and higher water temperature, most of the The relatively high number of RBCs seen in summer and
hematological parameters (hemoglobin, erythrocytes, and spring when compared to those observed in winter, this
hematocrit) showed greater value in comparison to other study confirms that the water temperature plays a signifi-
seasons whereas in winter the values are regressed due to cant role in the RBC counts in the fish. Similar results were
low water temperature and metabolic rate of fish species seen in Tinca tinca, C. catla, Cirrihinus mrigala and L.
(Fig. 2A–C). This seasonal response possibly compensates rohita [2, 3, 10, 13]. Leukocytes are the second major cells
for the effect of high water temperature reducing oxygen after erythrocytes in blood of fishes that are repeatedly used
availability [2, 44]. Hemoglobin, erythrocyte and as indicators of health status because white blood cells are

1192 N. K. Sharma et al.

essential constituents of innate immune defense and reported in several different fish species [52]. Eosinophils
involved in regulation of immunological function in the play a primary role in the inflammation process and are
aquatic organisms [45]. In this study, peak value of WBC associated with defense against parasites [53]. The present
was observed in summer and least in winter season that study shows higher value in winter that is consistent with
might be due to increase in water temperature which pos- Mahananda et al. [54]. Vigliano et al. [44] reported that the
itively increases the number of circulating WBCs in the immune system of Odontesthes bonariensis was mainly
blood (Fig. 2D). A similar rise in the white blood cell count based on non-specific mechanisms at low temperature, but
was found in C. mrigala [3], and Oncorhynchus mykiss at higher temperature, the activity of specific immune
[46] at a higher temperature. Female fish have higher WBC response prevailed. As stated above, this is consistent with
number throughout the different seasons probably due to the results obtained in present study on B. bendelisis that in
the differential genetic makeup of male and female fish. the cold season an increase in the number of cells
Leukocyte levels in the blood may also fluctuate according belonging to innate immune system such as eosinophils,
to environmental quality, nutritional status and presence of and a decrease in those cells involved in specific immunity
infectious agents [36]. Immunosuppression described by responses, i.e. lymphocytes and thrombocytes, were
previous workers seemingly appears to be elicited by lower observed (Figs. 2E, F, 3A–C). Secondary blood indices
water temperature during winter, therefore, is responsible (MCV, MCH, and MCHC) also showed slight fluctuation
for the lower count of leucocytes. These findings showed during the study period. The maximum values of MCV and
that immune cellular response could be affected by sex and MCH were obtained in winter and minimum in summer
temperature alterations. Moreover, several authors reported whereas MCHC show higher value in summer and rainy
the effect of number, food density and age on hematolog- seasons and minimum during winter (Fig. 3D–F). Decrease
ical parameters, which exert independent influence on these in MCV and MCH values during winter might be due to
parameters [36, 43, 46]. increase in erythropoiesis process during the summer and
Differential leukocyte counts show the imperative rainy months that may contribute to lower MCV values.
characteristics of health state of fish and are helpful in Gupta et al. [55] while studying seasonal variation in Tor
evaluating the immune system. The differential leukocyte putitora noticed similar observations. Blaxhall and Daisley
count, like other hematological parameter, is dependent on [34] also observed lesser MCV values during that period of
the sex, season and nutritional status [8, 14]. In teleost the year when erythropoiesis is at peak. MCHC was higher
fishes, thrombocytes are the most abundant blood cells in summer and rainy seasons that might be related to
after erythrocytes, representing more than 50 % of circu- temperature increase during warm seasons. However,
lating leucocytes [47]. In the present study, the signifi- Pradhan et al. [2] did not find any marked difference
cantly greater value was observed during summer that is between MCHC and MCH values between seasons and
consistent with reports of Kfoury-Junior et al. [48]. Lym- sexes in L. rohita.
phocytes are involved in a diversity of immunological
functions such as immunoglobulin production and modu- Serum Biochemical Parameters
lation of immune resistance [49]. No significant difference
in lymphocytes between male and female was noticed, and Seasonal serum biochemical data with mean, standard
slightly higher value was obtained in spring and rainy deviation, minimum and maximum values are given in
seasons and least in summer which is inconsistent with Table S2 (see supplementary data). The results of serum
findings of Silva et al. [49]. In the current study, temper- biochemical parameters of male and female B. bendelisis
ature-dependent change in neutrophil number was observed during different seasons of the year are shown in Figs. 4
with a maximum value in summer seasons. Neutrophils and 5. Cholesterol ranged from 31.10 to 82.13 mg dl-1 in
being primary cells involved in phagocytosis increase males and 36.70 to 89.13 mg dl-1 in females respectively.
during the present study which might be due to enhanced Values were significantly different (p \ 0.05) between
phagocytosis process at a higher water temperature [28]. sexes during study period except in summer season. A
Monocytes, which are long-lived phagocytic cells, are also higher concentration of cholesterol was observed in warm
associated with defense of infections and bacteria [50]. periods of the year (summer, rainy and autumn) in both
Their number also increases in fish at high water temper- sexes (Fig. 4A). LDL concentration varied between 18.03
ature during the summer and suppresses during the winter and 60.50 mg dl-1 for males and 26.13–70.40 mg dl-1 in
in the current study. Increased number of monocytes at females. Seasonal LDL concentration was highest in
higher water temperature is probably due to enhanced autumn and rainy seasons and lowest was found in spring
immune response and phagocytic activity during warm in both male and female but sex specific significant dif-
seasons [28, 51]. Seasonal changes in phagocytic activity ference (p [ 0.05) was not observed during winter and
(neutrophil and monocyte) have also been previously spring (Fig. 4B). HDL values fluctuated all over the period

Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of Barilius… 1193

Fig. 4 Sex specific seasonal

variation in cholesterol, HDL,
LDL, VLDL, triglyceride and
total protein of B. bendelisis.
Values in the same series with
different superscripts (a, b, c,
d) in each panel differ
significantly (p \ 0.05,
ANOVA). Values expressed as
mean ± SE; n = 6. Asterisk in
the series (if any) in each panel
implies sex specific significant
difference (p \ 0.05, t test)

Fig. 5 Sex specific seasonal

variation in albumin, globulin
and glucose of B. bendelisis.
Values in the same series with
different superscripts (a, b, c,
d) in each panel differ
significantly (p \ 0.05,
ANOVA). Values expressed as
mean ± SE; n = 6. Asterisk in
the series (if any) in each panel
implies sex specific significant
difference (p \ 0.05, t test)

1194 N. K. Sharma et al.

ranging from 9.40 to 24.87 mg dl-1 in males and 12.60 to is supported by the finding of Aras et al. [22]. Cholesterol
22.47 mg dl-1 in females. Significant difference is a precursor for the synthesis of sex steroids, and its levels
(p \ 0.05) was observed between sexes during rainy sea- can fluctuate seasonally in teleost fishes [21]. Cholesterol
son (Fig. 4C). VLDL also fluctuated during different sea- level was higher in warm seasons (summer, rainy and
sons under the present study and ranged from 7.03 to autumn) and lower in winter in the present study. The
16.93 mg dl-1 for male and 6.00 to 14.00 mg dl-1 for increase in cholesterol concentration during warm periods
females. Difference between sexes was significant of the year is due to higher feeding regime and metabolic
(p \ 0.05) during summer, rainy and autumn seasons rate of fish [2, 3]. Cholesterol level is also found to be
(Fig. 4D). Triglyceride mean value varied from 37.83 to fluctuated during the breeding cycle in many fishes [56,
101.47 and 36.07 to 112.90 mg dl-1 for male and female 58]. Higher levels of cholesterol during warm periods
respectively (Fig. 4E). Higher value in autumn and lower could be due to its prerequisite for gonadal and adrenal
in spring for both sexes was observed and found signifi- steroidogenesis and production of the basal steroid, which
cantly different (p \ 0.05) during summer, rainy and is supported by previous works on different fishes [59].
autumn between male and female. Total serum protein Similarly, serum triglycerides concentrations were con-
content of fish showed seasonal variation, ranging from siderably lower in winter and spring than those of summer,
1.35 to 2.89 g dl-1 in males and 1.38 to 2.66 g dl-1 in rainy and autumn. This low level can be described by
females. The highest total protein value was found in starvation, which considerably affected the serum triglyc-
winter followed by autumn for both sexes and the lowest erides levels. Svoboda et al. [58] suggested that triglyceride
value was observed in rainy season for males and in spring and cholesterol concentrations in blood serum of T. tinca
for females. Significant difference (p \ 0.05) between were higher in summer (22 C) than in winter (10.3 C)
sexes was not recorded (Fig. 4F). Albumin concentrate due to different metabolic rates as it is seen that metabolic
varied from 0.46 to 0.81 and 0.57 to 1.08 g dl-1 in male rate and feeding intensity in fishes increase with the rise in
and female respectively. Male and female showed signifi- temperature. Subsequently, present study has been sup-
cant difference only during winter and rainy seasons ported by previous studies and higher serum lipid and
(Fig. 5A). Globulin follows same trend like that of albumin lipoprotein concentrations in warm seasons (Fig. 4A–E)
with concentrate varied from 0.89 to 2.08 in male and 0.81 were probably associated with high metabolic rate, feeding
to 1.58 in female. No significant sex specific difference regime and reproductive activity in these seasons [58].
(p [ 0.05) was observed (Fig. 5B). The concentration of Serum protein levels are often associated with fish
glucose varied from 24.40 to 50.90 mg dl-1 for male and nutritional and physiological status and are affected by
22.50 to 48.97 mg dl-1 in females. Highest values of starvation, stress and increased concentrations which can
glucose in males were observed in autumn and summer be triggered by structural liver alterations reducing
seasons in female. Lowest values were noticed in winter for aminotransferase activity, with concomitant reduction of
both sexes in B. bendelisis. There were significant differ- deamination capacity and impaired control of fluid balance
ences (p \ 0.05) in glucose concentration in male and [60]. An increase or decrease of total blood proteins,
female B. bendelisis in spring and autumn seasons globulins and albumin has clinical relevance in fish. Total
(Fig. 5C). protein content in the current study varied throughout the
Lipid stores signify the primary energy reserves in seasons in both males and females, with maximum values
fishes. Seasonal fluctuation of the plasma/serum lipid levels in winter followed by autumn (higher in males except rainy
has been previously recorded for many fishes [20, 56]. season, Fig. 4F). The decrease in protein content in the
Lipid fluctuations in fishes were also correlated with spring and rainy seasons is possibly due to increased pro-
reproduction and sexual maturation, as they are found to be teolysis and promising utilization of the product for
transported from stored tissues to gonads for gonadal metabolic purposes and/or utilization in the growth of
development [56, 57]. All the lipid class (except VLDL) gonads as both seasons are peak spawning periods of fish
values in present study reached the maximum level in [2, 17, 27, 58]. The depletion of protein in the blood during
summer, rainy and autumn seasons which could be asso- spawning periods can be correlated with the increase of
ciated with increase in feeding intensity which was higher protein in the ovary [16]. Albumin and globulin content of
because of high photoperiod and water temperature. White B. bendelisis follows the same pattern as that of total
et al. [56] observed fluctuations in lipids in plaice, Pleu- protein (Fig. 5A, B). Albumins in fish blood performs the
ronectes platessa and correlated with the reproductive transportation of lipids and rise in albumin concentration in
cycle, which is also another reason that could not be animals due to loss through urine or faeces or through
ignored. VLDL shows different pattern than other serum break down may result in impaired synthesis [61]. In the
lipids whose values were higher in spring and rainy season present study, higher albumin level was observed during
that is attributed to reproductive activity of the fish, which winter and summer i.e. pre-spawning period [27] as

Sex Specific Seasonal Variation in Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices of Barilius… 1195

preparatory phase storage for reproductive activity [egg effectively used as a health-monitoring tool in B. bendelisis
development]. Low level during spring and rainy seasons considering the concerns of climate change. This investi-
(spawning period) might be due to the utilization during the gation might also be useful to any advance study con-
reproduction process. Marco et al. [59] studied blood cerning the acclimation mechanism that B. bendelisis has
chemistry profiles of cultured sturgeon hybrids and adapted to survive the fragile and sensitive Himalayan
observed differences in albumin level in male and female environment. Finally, the authors hope that the outcome of
at the time of reproduction and sexual maturation stages. A the current study will be of help to environmental and
higher level of globulin in serum is thought to be associated aquaculture officials responsible for future decisions in the
with stronger innate response in fish [62]. The present managing and rearing of fish used for human consumption.
study observes higher value of globulin in winter followed
by autumn that is consistent with findings of Bayir et al. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Director, ICAR-
Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal-263136,
[63]. During post-spawning months/season (summer and Nainital, Uttarakhand and Head, Department of Zoology, HNB
autumn), the amount of total protein, albumin and globulin Garhwal Central University, Uttarakhand for providing necessary
increased signifying the regaining of the fish from the facilities and support to successfully carry out this study. This paper is
exhaustion of spawning activity. Male fish have higher a part of thesis research of the first author registered for PhD at HNB
Garhwal University, Uttarakhand, India. The financial support pro-
total protein and globulin during all seasons except rainy vided by Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar
season. Results of the present study are consistent with the (under University Grant Commission, India) as student fellowship to
reports on Clarias batrachus [17] and three Indian major first author is duly acknowledged. Authors would like to thank the
carps [2, 3, 13]. anonymous reviewers for their critical evaluation and improvising the
Blood glucose in freshwater teleosts is an extremely
variable parameter that is strongly influenced by multiple Compliance with Ethical Standard
factors i.e. environmental and handling stress, seasonal
variation, nutritional status, sexual maturity, feeding habits Conflict of interest Authors do not have any conflict of interest.
including locomotion and fish species [4]. An increase in the
blood glucose during summer and autumn in present study is
possibly due to increase in feeding intensity and the increase
in tissue uptake mediated by pancreatic hormones [3] at References
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