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Chem 112 Experiment 3 Remote Lab

Simulation – Chemical Kinetics

Name: Lab TA:

Mon Tue(am) Tue(pm) Wed Thu(am) Thu(pm) Fri

Lab Day

>95 >90 >85 >80 >70 <70


Report Submitted on Time (Check Box)

Yes No

Data Collection:

Use the table below to record the time for each trial, then record the average time for both trials.

Experiment Trial 1 (s) Trial 2 (s) Average Time (s)



1. What was the total volume of each experiment?

2. Persulfate (S2O82-) is known by two other names, what are they?

No, you are not supposed to know this, use the Web!!!!

Let remind ourselves of what we are trying to do as one can get a little confused in reading the text!
a) rate = k[I-]x[S2O82-]y … we are trying to solve for x, y, and k. However we have too many variable and we
have to get around this.
You will note that Exp 1, 2, and 3 that the volume of KI added is constant while the volume of S2O82- is
changing. The reverse is the case for Exp 1, 4 and 5. So after filling in the table a plot of log10(Rate) vs
log10[S2O82-] should yield a straight line whose slope = y (Using Exp 1, 2 and 3). Note:- This slope may not
equal a whole integer but can be rounded, something that is more often the case in kinetic experiment.
Using the same logic, a plot of log10(Rate) vs log10[I-] should yield a straight line whose slope is equal to x
(Using Experiments 1, 4 and 5).
b) So what about the Rate, well this is simply Δ[I3-] /Δtaverage
Once again size constraints for the table made us use ∆t which should be ∆taverage
c) Once x and y have been found you can use each of the experiments to calculate k, and then take the average
of all 5 experiment and report this as k.

1a. From your data fill in the following Table. For those marked with an astrix, show in the approbriate box
how you determined this value?
V (mL)
0.2M V (mL)
Δ[I3-] / Δt KI [I-]0 0.2M [S2O82-]0
Exp ∆t (M/s) log([I3-] /Δt) added. (M) log[I-]0 (NH4)2S2O8 (M) log[S2O82-]0

Due to space contraints on the table log is actually log10

1b. For the shaded boxes in the table in 1a show a sample calculation for each below.

Δ[I3-] / Δt



2 Reminder:- rate = k[I-]x[S2O82-]y Time to find x, y and finally k.

2a Using Experiments 1, 2 and 3 plot a graph of log10(rate) vs log10[S2O82-] using Excel.

No need to submit this graph with the report. Just fill in the answers to the following questions based on
thus graph.
a) What is the equation of your line (y = mx + c)

b) From the slope (round to the nearest integer), y=

2b Using Experiments 1, 4 and 5 plot a graph of log10(rate) vs log10[I-] using Excel.

No need to submit this graph with the report. Just fill in the answers to the following questions based on
thus graph.
a) What is the equation of your line (y = mx + c)

b) From the slope (round to the nearest integer), x=

2c Now that we known x and y, we can solve for k for each one of the experiments. Fill in the following
table: the rate (Δ[I3-] / Δt), the [I-]0 and the [S2O82-]0 you can take from the table in Question 1a. k can
then be calculated.

Exp rate [I-]0 M [S2O82-]0 k

What was your average value for k:

Post Lab Questions:

1. The following reaction is second order with respect to A and zero order with respect to B.
2A + B = C + 2D
What is the rate law for this reaction? rate =

2. What is the overall reaction order for a reaction with the following rate law?
rate = k[A]2[B]

3. A plot of log10(rate) versus log10[A] yields the following linear equation,

y = 2.13x + 3.11; What order is the reaction with respect to A?

4. The following reaction is first order, A = B + C. If the rate at [A]=0.1M is 3,

what will the rate be at [A]=0.2M?

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