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Chapter I

Everyone on the orphanage is busy. Even Mother Superior is can be seen running in the
corridors as if someone is chasing her. Almost all the sisters are like her, looking like someone were
chasing them. Even the oldest child in the orphanage, Carol, is busy running for errands from the sisters.

Eight-year-old Lily just sat at her bed, waiting for the sisters—or even the children in the
orphanage—to talk to her, ask her anything to shoo her out of her room.

The door of her room creaked open.

At last, someone came in for her.

Sister Belle’s head peep from the door.

“Lily, would you mind if I disturb you?” the kind nun said.

“No, sister, it’s alright,” Lily said, clutching her ragdoll, Miss Muffin, closer to her heart.

Sister Belle came nearer to her and held her hand gently. “Could you please go in the living
room, dear, and play the piano? Our visitors would love to have some music to accompany them on
their visit here.”

“Visitors? We have visitors, sister?” she said excitedly.

“Yes, dear, they’re from the kind people,” the nun said, referring to the government people.

“Yes, sister, I would love to, for the kind people. What would you like me to play for them
then?” Enthusiasm rush to her heart, for it is time that she will do something other than sitting with Miss
Muffin and waiting in her room.

“Something soft to the ears. Something you love to play with heart, dear.”

“Yes, sister, I will.” Lily smiled and let the nun guide her to the living room where the grand
white piano stands.

When she got out of her room, she can see—by her right eye—that there were no more people
running in the corridors. It was as quiet as an empty box.

Curious, she asked Sister Belle, “Where are the people, sister?”

“They’re at the living room already, dear, waiting for you.”

“Is that so? Then let us hurry, sister.” She let go of Sister Belle’s hand and run in the corridors to
the living room.

“Oh, Lily dear, wait for me! You might trip!” For Lily was half-blind. Only her right eye can see.

“Oh! Ouch!” Lily didn’t saw the small box lying on the floor and tripped, just as what the nun
“Oh, dear!” Sister Belle hurried and helped lily get up. She picked Miss Muffin on the floor and
dusted it.
I immediately exited the restroom before she can even do terrible things to me. Since it was already
after break, the corridors are almost isolated with only two or three more students still loitering. I
hurriedly walk not minding the students. I am slightly hyperventilating because of the sudden panic
attack I got when ___ splashed me with water at the restroom.

I turned right rapidly but someone from behind me pulled my hair and pushed me afterwards.

I came in contact with the floor with a loud thud and hitting the floor with my face first. Actually,
since I’m wearing my braces because of the panic attacks I’m getting these days, it hit the floor first.

I thought all my teeth will fell when I felt the pain so I closed my eyes and a tear escaped from it.

“That’s what you get from getting in my way, nerd,” _____ bitchily said and then I felt them

When the pain from my mouth worsened, I opened my eyes only to see a pool of blood coming
from my mouth.

I started trembling. Tears started falling endlessly and I can’t breathe properly. I felt like my
chest is starting to compress and the air can’t make it through my lungs.

I’m trying to call for help but I can’t feel my mouth, no words came out. I’m trembling
uncontrollably and I feel like in any minute, I’m going to meet death.

My vision started to blur and all I can see is the foggy, blurry walls and doors and posters. I
started praying, hoping that someone could help me out of this situation, but then faces of students
looking at me disgustingly, my father’s, my mother’s, my bullies’, random faces of people, started
appearing in my mind. And then his face suddenly appeared.

I wish you could see me now. Help me.

I don’t know the reason why I thought that but, I’m hoping.

Just before I completely loss my consciousness, I thought I heard someone yelled my name.

Wish you were my savior…

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