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The Ultimate 30-Minute Online Party, Step by Step

Consultant leaders share what’s worked for them so you too can reach potential customers near and far. Use this content to inspire your next online party.

Set up your Facebook event

Facebook event details Here’s an example of a post that describes the party’s details: Join us for a virtual Scentsy party! It’s going to be about 30 minutes of nonstop fun,
with games, lots of product ideas and demos, and this month’s Scentsy special, right from the comfort of your own home. Don’t forget to ask your
Objective(s): Set expectations for Host what the party special is. We’ll meet back here at (insert time and date of the party) and get started right away. It’s going to be fast paced and
guests regarding the format and fun, so make sure you are ready and on time. Refresh your page often to keep up, and let’s party! If you want to browse the catalog ahead of time or if
duration of the event and how they you are unable to attend at the actual party time, please feel free to visit my website: (insert link here). It’s important that you select your Host’s name
can participate. during checkout or at the top of my website so they get credit for your order.

Facebook event welcome post Here’s an example of a welcome post: Thanks to all who have already arrived. I want to make sure you all know what type of virtual party we’ll be
having. First of all, it’s not an open house where every person on the Host’s friends list is invited. If you were invited it’s because your Host really wants
Objective(s): Welcome guests and you here. I’ll start sending you posts like this one about three days before the party, just to remind you all of the amazing things we’ll see and the
get them excited. Provide instructions great time we’ll have. Keep an eye on this page, refresh it often, and I’ll see you all soon. Make sure to set a reminder on your phone or calendar for the
that will help them remember to party time and date — you won’t want to miss it!
attend and know how to participate.

Before the party Coach your Host via private/direct message or text message

Four days before Hey, are you ready to get your party started? (Wait for response.)

Objective(s): Help your Host invite Awesome! Out of all the parties I’ve done, I’ve noticed some commonalities with my Hosts who earn the most free product and I want to share those
guests. things with you. But before I do, I have one super easy rule that’s a biggie with me: Never add people to the event without their permission. Are you
okay with that rule? (Wait for response.)

Perfect! I’ve seen way too many parties where people were added without being asked, and no one came — literal crickets. You only want people who
absolutely, without a doubt, want to be there. So here’s the deal: I made you a personalized link you can share that’ll get your friends into the party
fast without any waiting or work on the backend — it’s really the way to go. Before I share it with you, can I ask you to tell me two or three things you
absolutely love about Scentsy? (Wait for response.)

Those are great! Give me just a few minutes and I’ll give you something you can share, along with the link I mentioned.

(Type up something for your Host to share on their personal profile about the party and why they love it. Have people say “Me!” if they want an
invite.) How does this sound to you?

Great. Now, here’s a message and the link you can send to those who said they wanted an invite. Make sure you go ahead and jump in too! Once
you’re in, I’ll make you an admin so you can post. Here’s a post to get you started:

Hey, ___, I’m excited you want to check things out. This link will take you straight there. Make sure you hit “Join Group” then comment on the
Welcome post when you get in so we know you made it. You’re going to love this! (Insert group link.)
Three days before Hey, it’s me again! If you can think of some friends you’d like to invite but they didn’t comment on your post, go ahead and send them a message.
You could say something like:
Objective(s): Help your Host invite
guests. Gather information about Hey! My Scentsy Consultant is helping me stock up on some great products and I thought you’d like to see the new stuff too. It’s super quick and
your Host that you can use to engage there will be giveaways. Do you think you’d be able to take a peek?
with guests.
If the Host’s friend says yes: Great! This link will take you straight there. Make sure you hit “Join Group” and then comment on the Welcome post
when you get in so we know you made it. You’re going to love this! (Insert group link.)

I also have a couple questions for you, so let me know when you’re free — no rush.

When they’re ready, ask: Which of these do you prefer: Sweater or jacket?* Apple or pumpkin? Coffee or tea? Halloween or Christmas? Also, what’s
your favorite warmer in the catalog?
*(Make this fit the season — if it’s summer, popsicle or ice cream, flip-flops or sandals.)

After they respond, say: You’re awesome! I’ll be using these for a post tomorrow to see who knows you best.

Before the party Coach your Host via private/direct message or text message Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
Two days before Objective(s): Get your Host involved in engaging with their guests and Objective(s): Introduce yourself, create an environment where guests feel
sharing their product experiences. comfortable engaging, and invite them to introduce themselves.

Good morning! I have one small task for you to complete and it’ll take Hi everyone! My name is ____. I’ll be your Consultant for our event in a couple days.
you less than three minutes. Let me know when you have a few free I can’t wait to meet all of you. I just want to remind everyone that it’s important to
minutes and I’ll send it over! RSVP (click “Going”) to this event so we know how many will be in attendance. Your
Host invited you especially because they want you here. This event will be just like
Okay, since your friends already know I’m obsessed with this stuff, I’d a home party — thirty minutes of fast-paced fun. So go ahead and RSVP now to let
love for you to share your own experience with Scentsy products. Maybe us know you’re coming and help us with a headcount. If you’d like to browse the
post a picture of a warmer you have or a scent you love. Do you think you catalog in advance or if you’re unable to attend at the live party, please feel free to
could do that at some point today? visit my website (insert your website here).

___________________ ____________________

Objective(s): Help your Host set a goal and make them aware of what’s Objective(s): Get guests looking at and talking about Scentsy products and open up
possible with Host Rewards. the private/direct message communication line between you and your guests.

You know, we haven’t set a goal for your party yet! I say we shoot for $___ Time for a little fun — let’s see who really knows [Host]! What do you think [Host’s]
in sales, because that’s when the rewards get really good. You’d get $___ answers were? Message me your answers to get a ticket for every right answer!
in free product, plus three half-price items. How does that sound?
I know we can get you all the things! Check out the catalog to browse for [Host’s] favorite warmer! (If you have a link to a
PDF of the catalog, share it here — or direct guests to your PWS. Use the responses
your Host gave you to make this post.)

One day before Objective(s): Help your Host start working toward their goal, before the Objective(s): Begin collecting orders.
party even begins.
Early bird special! If you place an order within the next 24 hours, I’ll send you three
I’m going to help you get sales toward your goal today by sharing an free custom-picked scents to try.
early bird special with your guests. Let’s see if we can get you halfway to
your goal before the party officially starts. Want to cash in on this special but don’t want be paying shipping twice? Just send
me a message with what you’d like so it’s locked in!
I have another task for you today so let me know when you have a few (The custom-picked scents are just samples. Image shared could be of a Bundle &
free minutes. Save.)

Great! Go ahead and share one more time on Facebook that your event ____________________
is tomorrow. You can say, “My Consultant is giving out samples — who
wants one?” Then you can tag me in the comments so I can see who Objective(s): Build awareness that Scentsy is a generous organization and learn
wants a sample. You can also put the link to the group right in the post more about your guests.
so people can join without any effort! Does that sound doable?
#FunFact: Scentsy has made generous charitable contributions to various
foundations to support some major causes! One of our core values is to “give more
than you take.”

Over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to partner with many charitable
organizations. This season, we’ve partnered with ________ (Include who we’ve
partnered with, how much we’re donating per product, and the name of the

Drop a GIF if there are any causes that are near and dear to your heart — we may
have supported them in the past. (Share an image of your favorite charitable cause

Before the party Coach your Host via private/direct message or text message Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
Day of the party Objective(s): Confirm that your Host will attend and engage/participate, Objective(s): Educate guests on the value proposition of Scentsy
and get them excited about the party. products, continue collecting orders, and keep the conversation going.

Are you ready? Let’s do little housekeeping before tonight. Good morning early birds! Last call for that early bird special! Get those
orders in by noon today to snag those custom-picked scents.
• Get excited — we’re about to get you some free stuff!
So, why do you need to try this amazingness?
• This might sound silly, but be sure to come to your own party. Don’t
leave your friends high and dry. What if I told you that you could pop a few cubes in a warmer and
get compliments from your mother-in-law on how clean your home
• Show your excitement! Be sure to comment and love every post that smells? Or what about giving a few sprays of Scentsy Fresh over your
goes up. Your friends will only participate as much as you do. guy’s favorite chair and having him thank you for deep-cleaning it?
Seriously, you don’t have to literally clean the house or scrub that
How does all that sound to you? chair. Let me show you how easy it is to check chores off your to-do list
tonight, because as we all know, #adultingishard.
But first, tell us: How many times did you hit Snooze this morning?
Objective(s): Invite your Host to consider becoming a Consultant. (Share a picture of a bunch of different alarms set, or maybe you
sitting in bed looking at the alarm clock.)
Hey, it’s me again! Before I set up the shopping link for your party
tonight, I wanted to see if you had any thoughts of doing this yourself. ____________________
You’d earn at least 20% commission on any of the sales from your friends,
plus all the Host Rewards. And if you had any questions, I’d be happy to Objective(s): Make sure guests are aware of Scentsy’s current limited-
answer them for you! What do you think? time offers and collections that don’t appear in the catalog.

____________________ Did you know we have some (semi-secret) collections that aren’t in our
catalog? They tend to fly under the radar, but not today! (Insert links for
Objective(s): Keep your Host informed and set the expectation that you’ll Harvest Collection, Warmer of the Month, Bring Back My Bar, any sales
be in touch throughout the party. — whatever is going on that isn’t in the catalog.)

Thirty minutes to party time! I’m about to start doing some preposts for ____________________
the party, one now and another in 15 minutes. Once the party starts, if I
need you to do some tagging or be aware of something coming up, I’ll Objective(s): Remind guests that the party is about to begin and
let you know. If you have any questions, just shoot me a message. encourage them to get ready.

Thirty minutes to party time! Alright, who’s ready for some you time?
Kick off your shoes, grab your beverage, then meet us back here in 30!

Lock yourself in the bathroom if you need to (bonus points if you share
who you’re locking yourself away from: kids, spouse, in-laws, pups).
This party will be fast so don’t be late; you don’t want to miss anything!
(Image could be similar to the “what you need” graphic.)


Objective(s): Remind guests again that the party is about to begin and
what to expect during the party.

OK everyone — it’s almost time! Get ready to learn all about Scentsy, ask
questions, see actual products and have fun. See you in 15 minutes!

to post, Coach your Host via private/direct
Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
starting message or text message
at :00
:00 Objective(s): Welcome all guests and invite them to check in and kick off the first activity.

Hello! Let [Host] know you’ve officially arrived. Just for showing up tonight, you’ll have a chance at winning a (insert what you’d like to
offer but it has to be samples)! But you’ve got to comment on this picture (image could be of whatever you’re offering) to be entered
into the drawing!

Show me a GIF you think I’ve never seen before in the comments below. Go!

:04 Objective(s): Introduce guests to the variety of products Scentsy has to offer.

What is Scentsy and how many different products do they offer, exactly? There’s a ton!

(Post a pre-recorded video of you showing and/or talking about the different products that Scentsy has to offer. You want this video
to be short — no longer than five minutes.)

Comment below with your favorite product or relatable moment from this video! After you’ve finished watching, drop a GIF so I know
we can move on to the next one.
:09 Objective(s): Get your Host to help Objective(s): Play a game that encourages guests to book a party of their own.
encourage conversations and
engagement with the upcoming activity. #adultingishard. Who wants a chance to win some awesome prizes? In this game, everyone wins!

Okay! The next post is going to be an (Image could be full of adulting stickers. Google “adulting stickers” to get a few ideas. Prizes could be anything you’d like, because
album with a bunch of products. If you see the information will be going through Messenger. Assign a specific prize to each of the stickers ahead of time.)
something you think someone would like,
tag them in the comments of that image Here are the rules: Claim a sticker. Once a sticker is picked, it’s off limits. If it has a prize, I’ll send you that prize! If it says free or half-
so it pops up in their notifications. You can price Scentsy, once you have your own party, you’ll get some testers to share, plus major rewards!
add something like, “This warmer would
be perfect in your bathroom!” Or, “Did you Remember, joining the fun is completely optional, but once you’ve picked one of these beauties, you must follow the rules.
see they had these stuffed animals for
:13 Objective(s): Get your Host to help Objective(s): Do an activity that helps you learn about your guests’ preferences/styles and encourages guests to place an order.
encourage engagement with the next
activity/discussion. Retail therapy — in your PJs! Here are the goods you’ve been waiting for! Here’s how it works: Below are several images of some of our
top selling products. Just comment, like, or drop a GIF when you see something you love so I know your style. Tag a friend if you see
Me again! The next post is going to something they would love.
mention the Scentsy opportunity. If you
could ask me a couple of questions, your Message me when you’re ready to order and I’ll take care of the rest. Let me know in your message if you live close to [Host’s name]
friends will feel more comfortable chiming so we can get you free shipping with their qualifying party. If you don’t live near [Host’s name], don’t worry! We can still get your order
in if you do it first. You can ask things like: shipped directly to your front door.
What incentives have you earned? How
much could I expect to earn? How much You can also use [Host]’s direct shopping link (insert link) and place your order by selecting [Host’s name] under “My Open Parties” at
do you work your business? the top of the checkout page.

Shopping specials:

The refill: Buy five bars, get one free, or The starter pack: Any mini warmer, plus six bars of wax.

Alright, start building that wish list!

(You can either make your own custom album with Canva or PicMonkey, or you can just grab a few pictures of your favorite products
from the Marketing section of Scentsy Success. Twenty is a good number to shoot for here. If you have a business page, it’s smart to
have these images already uploaded into an album so you can share the direct link. If not, make sure you give yourself enough time
for all the images to load.)

Coach your Host via private/direct
to post Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
message or text message
:23 Objective(s): Educate guests on the opportunity to host a party and the Scentsy Consultant opportunity.

If you had fun at this party, I want to let you in on a real deal: free Scentsy! Hosting your own Facebook party gets you the
most bang for your buck. The average Host gets $___ in free product and three half-price items. The best part is, you don’t
even have to clean your house!

And, if you want to try all the things, let’s chat. Becoming a Consultant is easier than you think. I know you have questions
about what I do, so fire away.

Really. Ask me anything. Don’t hold back. I want to hear the tough questions. You know the ones I’m talking about — the
ones that typically get answered with, “I’ll PM you.” Not here. I’ll answer anything right here because there are no secrets
and no gimmicks. And each question you ask about my business will get you five extra tickets!

Just so you know, our new Consultant Starter Kit includes some of our most popular products and all the supplies and
support you’ll need to do your first parties with no additional investment!

:28 Objective(s): Provide your Host with Objective(s): Thank guests for joining, let them know they can still participate in the games/activities they missed, and
positive reinforcement and set an make sure they know how to order and how to stay connected.
expectation for follow-up.
Look, I know you’re busy. The fact that you popped in means so much to [Host] and me! This is what I love most about what
This was so fun tonight — thank you. I do. Thanks for hanging out!
I hope you had fun too. (I loved your
friends.) Listen, I know it’s getting late, If you missed us live, no worries! You can still catch up. I’ll announce the winner before the party closes, so collect all the
but right now, it’s looking like your tickets you can. Did you claim a sticker from the #adultingishard game?
party brought in about $_____! Not too
shabby, huh? Here’s a quick video to show you what all the fuss is about: (Link to Fill Your Life with Fragrance video.)

I expect more orders to roll in tonight Our catalog: (Link to catalog.)

and even into the morning. I’ll message
you tomorrow to let you know where Don’t forget to message me with your order so I can try to save you some money or just use [Host’s] direct shopping link:
you officially stand. Thanks again — you (Insert party link.)
Here is one more chance to grab some tickets! Comment below with what you enjoyed most about tonight for three more
tickets to the drawing. (Insert VIP group link; your cover photo will populate as the post’s image.)

The 30-minute party is over, but don't forget about the after-party — continued on the next page.

After the party Coach your Host via private/direct message or text message Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
Day after the party Objective(s): Work with your Host to gather additional orders after the Objective(s): Remind guests that they still have time to participate in the games/
party. activities they missed.

Hey, my Host with the most, how’s your party hangover? Last call, y’all! Life is crazy, I get it. If you’re catching up with us today, you still
have time to be entered into tonight’s drawing.
Let’s reach your party goal today. (Give your Host any updates). Send
a quick message to all your friends who were in the party but didn’t I’ll be going live tonight at 8 p.m. Just follow the posts and be sure to grab a
officially attend or haven’t ordered yet. Something like: sticker from the #adultingishard game (and don’t forget to read the rules).

Hey, ______, my party is almost over and I just wanted to make sure See you back here at 8:00; let [Host] know if we can help you narrow down your
you got everything you wanted in before we close. Would you like for wish list!
me to send you the link that has all the final info?
If they say yes, send them this link: (Insert the link directly to the last
post in the group. If you’re on mobile, click the three dots in the top right Objective(s): Let guests know you’re about to wrap up the games/activities and
corner to save. Head to your Saved items then copy the link.) to keep an eye out for messages.

Also, I’ll let you know when your guests place orders. As I do, be sure to (Tag everyone who chose a sticker first.) It’s prize time! My favorite part of the
thank them in the group/event page throughout the day to help create a party is where I get to be like Oprah and spoil you. Be looking for a gift in the mail
little fear of missing out within the group for those who haven’t ordered from me.
[Host] will be sending you a DM this evening telling you what you won, so keep
____________________ your eyes on your messages. If you won a party, let’s get that on the calendar
ASAP. You, my friends, are the true grand prize winners — you’ll see!
Objective(s): Work with your Host to wrap up any games or activities,
gather guest contact information, and book more parties. Next up: I’m going Live in 15 minutes right here to pull the winner of the _______.
Join me! (Choose a fun Oprah GIF instead of an image.)
OK, here’s the list of everyone who played the #adultingishard game and
what they won. (Send a list of everyone who won and what they won.) ____________________

For those who won samples, please send them a message like this: Objective(s): Follow up with guests regarding any games/activities or other
unfinished business and share more about why you love your Scentsy business.
Guess what! The sticker you picked from my party won you a sample
of (insert the sample they won from above). You’re going to love it, Final call/winner live: Go live. You don’t have to be at your computer — you can go
it’s so good. If you want it sent to you, just message [Consultant] your live from anywhere. Talk a little about what Scentsy has done for you, share some
address. tips and tricks, and explain how to change the wax. Talk about the flexibility and
the rewards of becoming a Consultant and shower your Host with appreciation!
Send those who won the shopping spree a message like this:
Go live in the Facebook group/event page. This should last under two minutes.
Guess what! The sticker you picked from my party won you a party.
You can have one on Facebook like I did, and [Consultant] could give What to say:
out samples to your guests. You already know I’ll support your party —
what do you say? • Describe what Scentsy has done for you.
• Share some tips and tricks.
If they say yes, you can start a three-way chat with us to kick things off.
• Explain how to change the wax.
• Highlight the flexibility and rewards of becoming a Consultant.
• Shower your Host with appreciation.
• Draw the winner.
After the party
Engage with guests via regular posts in the Facebook event
Two days after Objective(s): Remind guests that there is still time to order, and work to resolve questions or concerns and overcome objections.

If you’ve already placed your order, it’s in the system and getting ready to ship. For those of you who are still trying to narrow down your choices, don’t worry!
You’ve got until _______. Let me know if you need any help.

If you’ve already gone over your budget this month but would still like to order, I offer a complimentary alibi in your thank you happy mail in the form of
“Congratulations on winning this item!” (If that’s you, just let me know.)


Objective(s): Offer another reminder that there is still time to order and provide some helpful links/tips for choosing what to buy.

How’s everyone doing with picking out their new décor and scents? I know with so many options it can be a bit overwhelming, so I wanted to give you a tip!

Did you know that we have our very own Pinterest-style inspiration board right on our website that’s full of ideas of how to use our products?

You can scroll through the gallery and if you see something you like, click to add it to your shopping cart and you’re done (just make sure you choose [Host’s]
party before checking out).

I know y’all love some inspo, so go find it here:


Objective(s): Express appreciation to all guests for attending, share what your Host earned in Host Rewards, and invite guests to stay connected with you.

Well, it’s been fun, but it’s officially time for me to say goodbye! Before I go, I wanted to give you some final numbers from [Host’s] party.

[Host] earned $___ in free Scentsy and half off of ___ items of their choosing.

Now, here are a few things to do if you want to stay in touch, which I would totally love.

Join my customer support group on Facebook, where you’ll see all the new Scentsy products first.

Let’s hang out! If we aren’t already Facebook and Instagram friends, add me. (Insert links.)

I’ve seriously had so much fun with you guys. Remember, we can always do a little Facebook party with you and your friends, and you can be swimming in a
pool of free Scentsy like [Host].

Until next time! (Post a picture of you.)


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