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14A Pilot, Redding, Conn. June 23, 2011

And although I will miss John Read, I am excited for Joel Barlow. It is something new, the next step to achieving my dreams and regaining my older-sister superiority. It is the next challenge, the next puzzle to solve, the next place to prove myself and stand out from the seven billion that live on this planet. It is the next jump into the unknown in my life, and I might as well do it, since it definitely wont be the last. Alexandria Hayman Life is about taking chances to explore the outside world and ourselves. Its not often we get second chances. I got this one and I am not going to let it go. I could still be in China, and be without a home, or a family. I could still be in China, working in a factory, and not knowing where my next meal would come from. I know what my life would have been if I hadnt been adopted. But I was given a second chance, to live my life to the fullest and be strong and be thankful. Marielle Nicoloro It is important for us all to let go of the fact that, Yes, we didnt ever get our ice cream machine back, or Yes, it was very hot during finals. It is important for us to absorb the fact that we had so many peaceful, exciting and fun memories here, and those are what outweigh the disappointing ones. We are all taking another big leap in the process of growing up, and we should all leave here excited to what may come, but just a little bit sad that we have to leave behind such a beautiful place. Christian Vail Ive learned that staying true to friends will get you far in life, and Ive learned that being kind and friendly to everyone, best friends or not, will always come back to you in a positive way. Ive learned to take care of not only yourself, but the place youre in, and the people surrounding you. And most of all, Ive learned that eighth graders dont really beat up fifth graders for their lunch money. Amanda Preston Some lessons have been learned the hard way. We all have strengths, weaknesses, good times and bad. Still, in this school there is always someone to care about, who will care about you in return. After all of this, we have managed to become a pretty respectable group of people. As we look around JRMS, we can see that we have done our part. By recycling, respecting classrooms and equipment, and keeping our school clean we have made this place better for future classes to come. Nathan Sobel

Alexandria Hayman

Daniel Pirone receives his certificate from Lewis Goldberg, a Redding school board member, and Dr. Michael Cicchetti, superintendent of schools.

Middle school students move on

by Kaitlin Bradshaw
As parents gathered in the lower gym at Joel Barlow High School June 17, members of the eighth grade class at John Read Middle School was eagerly waiting to receive their recognition for completing middle school. Dressed in their best, the students filed down to their seats in pairs of two to the applause of their family and friends. Andrew Knapp, student council president, greeted the students and guests and introduced the speakers. Alexandria Hayman, Marielle Nicoloro, Christian Vail, Amanda Preston and Nathan Sobel addressed the audience with their personal experiences and views on their journey from middle school to high school. Alexandria discussed her initial fears of going into middle school and how she has grown over the past four years. She thanked her family, friends and teachers for her growth and preparation for high school. Marielles speech was all about second chances. From an orphanage in China to a loving family in Redding, Marielle is able to appreciate her second chance at a good life and does her very best to achieve her goals for the future, she said. Christian addressed the issues and realizations of growing up and matur-

Marielle Nicoloro

Shannon Perrott, Julia Heyl and Emily Mobilio wait together before the ceremony starts. At left, Dr. Michael Cicchetti, superintendent of schools, congratulates Shayla Morris.
ing. He is thankful, he said, for the experiences he had at John Read Middle School and hopes younger students will be able to enjoy the same things he did. Amanda expressed the nerves she felt as a small fifth grader and how quickly she overcame them over the past four years. Now feeling those nerves again going into high school, Amanda knows she has her friends by her side and new memories to come, she told the audience. Nathan recited a poem about his journey through John Read Middle School titled Taking Care of Ourselves, which follows the school motto, take care of yourself, your peers and this place. After the speeches, David Lewson, a Redding school board member, said a few words and then Principal Diane Martin announced the students names as they received their recognition from Mr. Goldberg, Kathleen Joyce-Kirk, another school board member, and Dr. Michael Cicchetti, superintendent of schools. At the end, the students filed out by twos, the same way they entered, but this time walking toward their high school future.

Christian Vail

Kaitlin Bradshaw photos

Amanda Preston

Nathan Sobel Alexander Flynn and Ralph Scalo Anthea Taeuber, Lauren Weggeman, Gaelen McLean and Laura give each other a congratulatory Giamportone posed for a photo after the ceremony hug at Recognition Night. John Read Class of 2011
Ania Alexandra Abbott Samuel Ward Aldershof Melanie Eve Ambler 3 Willemien Valentina Araya Andrew Ryan Bass Elaine Rebecca Baulsir Michelle Louise Bayer Ryan Elizabeth Beach Michelle Olivia Bender Charlie Knowlton Berry Kelly Quinn Blackwell Emily Anna Blumenfield Shawn Philomena Burger Allan Colin Burgess Patrick Alexander Burns Madison Lyn Cammarota Christopher James Catania Nicholas Salvatore Catania 6 Jonah Arthur Cerbin 5 Dylan Laurence Cheung Schuyler Matthew Chubet Julian Frederick Cohen Patrick Kevin Connolly Nina Vincent Constable Nicholas Benjamin Cooke Cassandra Lee Cormier 7 Julia Hannah Cornell Kathleen Sarah Cowherd Elyse Christina Cowles Kevin Lawrence Cunningham Hannah Lamb Curtis Brooke Ann Curto Michael Jacob Dazzo Zachary Thomas Devine Tyler Steven DiCamillo Jessica Elizabeth Dinowitz Jack Thomas Doherty Madeleine Simone England Alexander Taugher Flynn Keeley Danielle Gambino Stephanie Hayley Gerschwer Laura Rose Giamportone Colin William Gillap Lucas Jeffrey Glidden Samuel Charles Gold Suzanne Hope Goldberg Juan Miguel Gomez Alyssa Anne Gontzes Jessica Maria Greco Patrick William Gregg Emma Jane Gregory Cameron Taylor Gurley Daniel Alfred Hackworth Alexander John Hamill Madeline Anna Haug Alexandria Nicole Hayman Rebecca May Heald Ryan Elizabeth Healey John Thomas Healy 3 Rebecca Ann Hermenze Julia Naomi Heyl Matthew Allen Hoffman Matthew James Hushion Killian Mireille Jampierre Peter Alexander Kaouris Katrina Rosanne Karl Matthew Pierce Karp Kendra Christina Kirby Eleni Ann Kiriazidis Sean Robert Kirk Madison Ilya Kirshaw Andrew Dalton Knapp Graham Anderson Kolf 7 Alexander Joseph KrupnikoffSalkin Emily Min Lazo-Wasem 4 Graham Franklin Lewson Harrison William Lindner Margaret Louise Loery 5 Abigail Katrina Longpre Paige Margaret Macpherson Caroline Ann Mahoney Alexander William Malcy Matthew Cameron Andrew Mallozzi Alison Rose Malone 7 Kaitlyn Marie Marino 7 Molly Kate Martin Alexander Martin Mayper Kylie Wallis McAdam Devin Skye McBrayer Andrea Rachael McGowan 2 Gaelen Louise McLean Clare Margaret McLeod Maggie Dorothy McQuade Aidan Forbes Mitchell Lily Rae Mittleman Emily Paige Mobilio Shayla Elizabeth Morris Natalie Ann Morrison Mary Hope Mulcahy Julia Egan Murphy Penelope Wrenn Murphy 7 Sean Robert Murray Michelle Krissie Neidhart Marielle Wen Tao Nicoloro 1 Luke Anthony OHara Ryan Francis OHara Jake Raymond Paltauf Aldo Alexander Parisot Shannon Leigh Perrott Katherine Barber Phillips 6 Daniel Francis Pirone Joseph Thomas Pirone Zachary Jon Pompea Amanda Marie Preston Ellen Maria Probst Mark Alexander Raymond Arya R Reddy 2 Andrew Michael Rejeski Cassidy Rose Rooney Cassandra Marie Rosa John Michael Sand Ralph Frank Scalo Calvin Georges Schneider Zoe Taylor Schneider Zachary Norman Schur Anthony Warwick Shaw Nathan Emir Sobel 7 Brendon Gustav Soodek Jason Gabriel Spilka John Alexander Stefanopoulos Chatham Edgar Studer 1 Gregory Ryan Sullivan Anthea Rose Taeuber 8

Thomas Mackenzie Taylor Callum Michael Edward Tennant William Christopher Tower Jakob Arthur Tritchonis Jonathan Isaiah Tyson-Tucker Samuel Filippus Ulfsson Katherine Elisabeth Unfried Zinnia Anne Upson Christian John Vail Robert William Van Buren Hannah Rachel Villhauer Harrison Wagner von Dwingelo Lauren Diana Weggeman 4 Ryan Michael Wexler Hannah Isabella Wilk Tristan Victor Wilmott Beacon Award 1 REA Scholar Award 2 Scholar-Leader Award 3 CAS Leadership Award 4 State of Connecticut Award 5 Superintendent's Award 6 Town of Redding Award 7 Patricia Tuzzio Memorial Writer's Award 8

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