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Takeaway No. 2:
Explain the following Concepts in Research:

Concepts, Variables and Indicators (Cite Example)

Concepts are the phenomena being studied. These are terms that represent a set of ideas.
Concepts are highly subjective and cannot be measured. In order to measure concepts, you
have to convert them into variables. Variables are the characteristics of concepts. Indicators
are ways in measuring variables.

For example:
The concept is the educational achievement of an individual.
The variable for example to the given concept is school performance.
Its indicator is grade record.

Measurement (Cite Examples)

In research, measurement refers to methods used in observing, collecting and

recording data. Oftentimes, measurement is used to know and describe a phenomenon and
expressed it through numerical values. In research studies, we can measure data quantitatively
and qualitatively. Example of these are surveys, questionnaires and interviews. Measurement
is important in research because it gives us wider understanding of our research topic and
discover concept under study.

Hypothesis (Cite Example)

A research hypothesis is a statement of predicted outcome that will be tested in the

research study. In some, hypothesis is also called thesis statement. In writing a hypothesis, a
researcher is predicting the outcome of the study and the connection of variables to one
another. A hypothesis also introduces the research question and proposes an answer. A good
constructed research hypothesis is based on facts and observation rather than a guess only.

A decrease in the intake of soda decreases the chance of obesity of an individual.

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