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Chapter 4

4.1 Case Study (Many Managers, Different Styles)

1. Marion shows Theory X philosophy because he constantly supervises his staff
and make sure that they achieved their goal for that month. This firmly shows that
his subordinates need to be directed and controlled by watching, evaluating and
criticizing the output his subordinate received. As for Bruce, Theory Y was
observed because he firmly believed that his subordinate does not need much of
attention for, they are committed to their work. He doesn’t control Vannessa but
just let her work on her own. In between is Heather who shown Theory Z kind of
leadership that is likely to be same as democratic. She knew that Vanessa seeks
responsibility but she also needs some encouragement to help her pursue her
2. In this type of setting, democratic style of leadership is most effective because this
stye is positive, open for criticism, constructive and helpful. Heather shows this
leadership style, and for this instance he shows the most appropriate kind of
leadership. To have happy customers, happiness should start from all the workers,
so positivity and encouragement should flow free to everyone.
3. I would advise Marion to be sensitive enough in criticizing Vanessa so that she will
not be pressured in work and would allow her to express strategies in order to meet
their goal at the bank. For Bruce, I would commend him for showing his trust to
Vannessa but I would appreciate it even more if he evaluates her performance,
knowing and making her know what areas to improve. For Heather, I would simply
say that he leads in a manner that helps her subordinates, he is a good example
4. Vanessa can look at this review as a way for growth and improvement in her ways
of doing work at the bank. I would tell her to get rid of the negative thoughts she
heard and apply all the strategies and constructive criticism she receives from the
other boss. Learning will never stop, so as improvement in every aspect of her

4.2 Case Study (Leadership Styles Questionnaire)

If your score is 26-30, you are in the very high range.

Authoritarian – 18
If your score is 21-25, you are in the high range.
Democratic – 28
If your score is 16-20, you are in the moderate range.
Laissez-Faire – 17
If your score is 11-15, you are in the low range.

If your score is 6-10, you are in the very low range.

4.3 Observational Exercise

1. a. Authoritarian – Jeremiah
b. Democratic – Jhun
c. Laissez-Faire – Eric

2.1 Jeremiah is a leader who always wants his members to be perfect. He has high
standards with regards to music and during performance with the band in our
church. He always pushes each of us to go out of our comfort zones and embrace
the confidence we should have whenever we have events to come. Jhun is a type
of leader who always inform his subordinates, he usually calls meeting to all the
workers in our church to allow the free flow of ideas whenever there are planning
and events. He does not criticize anyone without having a goal for him or her to be
a better person. Eric possesses Laissez-Faire leadership because he is hands-off
to all the ministry we have. He usually oversees and allow everyone to do things
at their own. He visits for sometimes to check accomplishments.

2.2 Jeremiah usually get mad and criticize the members of his team in order for
them to know the things that got wrong, but he praises them when the presentation
is good. Jhun talks to them directly on things that needs to improve or what should
they do in order to achieve that particular task. Eric gives some foods to the
members of his team every time so that they will be motivated every week.

2.3 They have different reactions regarding the leadership of the three people
stated above. Because of their different styles in leadership some people see it
unfair for them to have boss like that.

2.4 I saw the leadership of Jhun more productive because all of the goals and
commitments have been achieved and finished. People are encouraged every time
that there is an event because they are well informed and the task that was
assigned to everyone was clear. He uses his position to raise up more leaders like

4.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet


1. I firmly agree that I am a leader who falls under Theory Y leadership because I
believe that my subordinates have their goals and objectives in our workplace in
achieving a particular task. They are motivated because they are informed and
they have the ability to communicate perfect solutions when some problem arises.

2. I find easy to have a democratic style of leadership because you are not the only
one who is working, but everyone. Different types of people in the organization can
hep me bring out the best in everything that we do, free flow of ideas and
camaraderie surely plays a vital role in the group.

3. I would talk to them regarding the things I observed that needs improvement. I will
encourage and criticize them in a manner that they will be motivated to do the best
in every task and work they are doing.

1. I would encourage every leader to asses each one so that they will know their
strength and weaknesses and so that they can assess the effectivity of their
leadership style. Through these methods gaps and weaknesses will be known and
filled with new ideas that will encourage and help each one of them.
2. I am satisfied with the results I get because I know the style of leadership I uses in
different situations. If I were to change some, I would like to give emphasis in
reaching and evaluating the extreme downlines of my team for them to know that
even though I am their leader, I have the intention of making them grow in the best
manner they can be.

3. First, I would watch motivational and inspirational videos to have some insights
and techniques regarding the leadership of other people. Secondly, I will
disengage myself to all the activities that hinders me to become the best that I
could be. And the most important, I will apply those things to my workplace
because I believe that through experience, I can become a better leader.
4. Through these changes, I can influence and help people and aspiring leaders to
be like no one else. Each of us have different styles and abilities, different
perspective and technique. Acceptance of their weaknesses and turning it into
something useful will surely create an impact in leadership style.

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