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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu



Quarter 1- Week 6

Humans have their natural and universal tendency to relate, to establish
attachments, and seek close relationships with other people. Our human nature drives us to
reach out to other people and interact with them in meaningful ways. Our ability to engage in
meaningful interactions with other people, our surroundings and everything around us is rooted
in our capacity for self-awareness and transcendence. Before we begin to relate with others,
we must first be aware of ourselves as rational individuals capable of determined and
reasonable action. Interpersonal relations are made possible when the self becomes aware of
the other which includes everyone and everything outside of the self. Take a moment to look
at your seatmate. Are you aware of his or her existence? The answer is yes, since you can
perceive your seatmate through your senses. Your seatmate is the other who exists outside of
your self. Now, look at an object on your desk. It may be a pencil, ballpen, piece of paper or
any object. That object is also an other as it is a thing that exists outside of your self.
Interacting with other human beings is a more complex act. Our human nature not only
enables us to recognize the self that defines our individuality, it also enables us to recognize
that other human beings also possess a self.

Learning Objectives:
In this module, the learner is expected to:
a. Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing on
b. Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different
from themselves.
c. Performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for the talents of persons
with disabilities and those from the underprivileged sectors of society.
Direction: Right TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
________1. Whenever a person speaks, we should listen.
________2. It's OK to tag other person as “negra” “pandak” and other degrading words.
________3. We should listen to the side of others before we judge them.
________4. When somebody talks, you should give him your full attention.
________5. It is better to hide one's feelings rather than to show it.
________6. In order to have more friends you should be friendly.
________7. It's better to have few trusted friends than to have many fake ones.
________8. Always try your best to make a good impression, even if you pretend about it.
________9. Just don't mind the beggars begging on the street.
________10. If you could have the opportunity to help other people, then do it.
________11. White lies will cover bad deeds.
________12. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.
________13. Always say positive things.
________14. Sometimes we need to shout and complain in order for us to be heard.
________15. It is always good to comfort others who are experiencing sadness and

Activity 1
Name of Activity: Name Them!
Direction: Think of the people you encounter every day. Identify the person or persons to
whom you are most likely to say the following statements. Write their names on the blank.
(maximum of 3 names only).
Use common nouns like mother, father, sister, friend, neighbor, fireman, driver, cook etc.
1. “How are you today” > ______________________________________________
2. “Did you hear the latest news” > _______________________________________
3. “Would you go to the church with me?” > ________________________________
4. “Can I ask you some questions?” > _____________________________________
5. “Where will this bus be going to?” > _____________________________________
6. “Can we go out and have a dinner date tonight?” > _________________________
7. “I want to ask permission; I will be absent tomorrow” > _______________________
8. “Please pick up those pieces of paper” > __________________________________
9. “Can I go to my classmate’s house to do my project?” > ______________________
10. “Hello Sir, our neighbor’s house is on fire and it’s burning!” > ___________________
Lesson Proper:
I. Intersubjectivity:
> The philosophical concept of the interaction between the self and the other. It is the
mutual recognition of each other as persons. It cannot be denied that we interact with other
beings in the world but some of these beings that we interact with are persons and must be
recognized as such.
> Intersubjectivity also carries the meaning a unique relationship between distinct
> It refers to the characteristic of the human person to engage in a very intimate and
personal relationship with others who are different from him or her or who are also like him or
> Intersubjectivity also allows a person to become closer to others in many ways. In
everyday social interactions and persons can agree and cooperate with each other.
> There is also the experience of shared knowledge and shared emotions such as grief,
joy, and love through intersubjectivity.

II. Genuine human interaction

> Our human nature drives us to uphold dignity and goodness. Our interactions with
others are also geared toward what is good and beneficial. These lead humans to strive to
achieve deeper and more substantial interactions and relations with other people.
III. Dialogue
> Deeper and more genuine interaction made possible when the self realizes that the
other is a genuine and unique individual.
> When two individuals begin to view each other as an other -that is truly
acknowledging each other's presence, then that is the beginning of an authentic relationship
and dialogue.
> A dialogue is an interaction between persons that happens through speech or the use
of words expressions and body language. the person is a being who is open to others and can
receive others in a dialogue. Actions, gestures, and other expressions may be used to convey
a person's inner life.
> Whenever a person speaks, he/she expresses a personal interiority and
communicates this part of himself/herself to another person. This is the reason why it is not
possible to have a dialogue with a material object a plant or a pet. Only Beings with interiority
or an inner life can engage in a dialogue.
III. The Way of a Good Dialogue
A. Being= Proceeds from what one really is. The true nature of a person without any
pretension. “I approach to the other for what I really am, not wanting to impress on
B. Personal Making Present= The process of fully opening oneself to other.
C. Unfolding= Finding in another what is recognized as true, good, and beautiful and it
is my duty to do in the dialogue to bring him to see it for himself.
IV. Obstacles of Dialogue
A. Seeming= A way of approaching the other governed by the image one desires to
impress on the other. It involves deliberately playing up for hiding aspects of yourself to
appear more desirable or impressive. This is the contrast to Being.
Example: The boy tells the girl she courts that he is rich though it is not true.
Quote: “The origin of all conflict between me and my fellow-men is that I do not say
what I mean, and I don't do what I say”- Martin Buber
B. Speechifying = is talking past another. It is hearing without listening to what one
says. This is the Impassable walls between partners in conversation.
Quote: “Narinig ka nga!........ Hindi ka naman pinakikinggan”
C. Imposition = Dictating one's own opinion, attitude, or any personal motive that
he/she may influence the other.
Quote: “Where there is love, there is no imposition.”- Albert Einstein.
“I’m a free thinker, do not impose your ideas to me”- Anonymous
V. How does Inter subjectivity define our interaction with other persons?
Philosophers agreed that it is important for humans to pursue and achieve genuine
relationships to obtain development. Human persons naturally seek and can achieve
meaningful relations with each other. Human existence is a continual dialogue with the other
and that the self becomes whole through interaction with other people and his or her
VI. Aspects of Intersubjectivity
A. Empathy= The ability to share emotions. It is driven by a person's awareness that
the other is a person with thoughts and feelings. Empathy enables us to experience
another person's emotions such as happiness, anger, and sadness. Sympathy is
“feeling with” Empathy is “feeling in”.
B. Availability = the willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of
another. You may have encountered a situation where you needed help, or
somebody need your assistance. For instance, let's say a stranger approached you
in a street asking for help. What would be your first reaction? Would you try and help
that person, or will you ignore him/her?
C. Ethics of care = an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of
relationships and interactions. this moral perspective encourages individuals to help
other people specially those who were vulnerable.
D. Alienation= It is a negative view of a person towards another person. He considers
the other as a mere object or a means to satisfy personal interest. The person who
has this view sometimes show rude and offensive manner against others whom they
considered different from them.
Enrichment Activities:
Independent Activity #1:
Name of Activity: One Day in My Life!
Direction: Have you ever engaged in a genuine and meaningful interaction with another
person? Write a reflection paper describing this encounter and how it affected you?
Independent Activity #2:
Name of Activity: Biography!
Direction: Research on a person with disability who has lived a productive and meaningful life
despite his/her disability. Discussed his/her background, significant achievements as well as
traits that enabled him/her to succeed in life. (Nick Vujicic, Hellen Keller, Roselle Ambubuyog,
Muniba Mazari, Andrea Bocelli etc.) (50 points)

 A person's ability to engage in meaningful interactions with other people, his/her
surroundings and the things around him or her he is rooted in the human capacity for
self-awareness and transcendence.
 Inter subjectivity refers to the shared awareness and understanding among persons. it
is made possible by the awareness of self and the other.
 The relationship between the self and the other enables the person to relate to others
and establish and maintain meaningful relationships.
 A deep and genuine relationship between persons is called dialogue. Dialogue happens
when two persons truly acknowledge each other's presence and treat each other as

Name of Activity: Venn Diagram!
Direction: look at the Picture. Give a short reaction of what you understand about it.

My Reaction:

Post Assessment:
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the blanks
before the number.
(15 items)
_____1. the characteristic of the human person to engage in a very intimate and personal
relationship with others who are different from him or her or who are also like him or her. What
is it?
a. Availability b. Empathy c. Intersubjectivity d. Sympathy
_____2. the willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another. Which of
the following is implied?
a. Availability b. Empathy c. Intersubjectivity d. Sympathy
_____3. It is driven by a person's awareness that the other is a person with thoughts and
feelings. What is it?
a. Availability b. Empathy c. Intersubjectivity d. Sympathy
_____4. Finding in another what is recognized as true, good, and beautiful and it is my duty to
do in the dialogue to bring him to see it for himself. What aspect of dialogue is implied?
a. Being b. Seeming c. Speechifying d. Unfolding
_____5. It involves deliberately playing up for hiding aspects of yourself to appear more
desirable or impressive. What aspect of dialogue is implied?
a. Being b. Seeming c. Speechifying d. Unfolding
_____6. It is hearing without listening to what one says. What aspect of dialogue is implied?
a. Being b. Seeming c. Speechifying d. Unfolding
_____7. “I approach to the other for what I really am, not wanting to impress on them”. What
aspect of dialogue is implied?
a. Being b. Seeming c. Speechifying d. Unfolding
_____8 What is the process of fully opening oneself to other.
a. Being b. Imposition c. Personal Making Present d. Unfolding
_____9. Dictating one's own opinion, attitude, or any personal motive that he/she may
influence the other. What aspect of dialogue is implied?
a. Being b. Imposition c. Personal Making Present d. Unfolding
_____10. White people think that they are superior to Blacks and Asians. What aspect of
Intersubjectivity is implied?
a. Availability b. Alienation c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy
_____11. It enables us to experience another person's emotions such as happiness, anger,
and sadness. What aspect of Intersubjectivity is implied?
a. Availability b. Alienation c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy
_____12. The Fire fighter responded to the alarm that the new market was in flames and
needs to be extinguished. What aspect of Intersubjectivity is implied?
a. Availability b. Alienation c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy
_____13. What is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral dimension of relationships and
a. Availability b. Alienation c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy
_____14. It is an interaction between persons that happens through speech or the use of
words expressions and body language. the person is a being who is open to others and can
receive others in a dialogue. Actions, gestures, and other expressions may be used to convey
a person's inner life.
a. Availability b. Dialogue c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy
_____15. Your neighbor’s father just died of heart attack. You visited and give flowers to
comfort them. What aspect of Intersubjectivity is implied?
a. Availability b. Alienation c. Ethics of Care d. Empathy

1. Abella, Roberto D., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (2016); C & E
Publishing Inc.,
2.Loreto G. Camiloza, Edgardo B. Garnace, Rommel M. Mazo, Evelyn D. Perez., Philosophy
of the human person: an introduction text for senior high school (2017)., Phoenix Publishing
3. InterSubjectivity.Slideshare.pdf



Quality Assurance (QA) Team ANA LIZA B. LAYASAN

Education Program Supervisor in Social
(Content/Language Evaluator/Reviewer)

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(Content/Language Evaluator/Reviewer)
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Recommending Approval GENDA P. DE GRACIA

Chief Education Supervisor, CID


School Division Superintendent

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