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The only constant thing in the world is change. Man

has always craved for knowledge from the time he has
set foot on earth. The Internet, a network of networks,
provides a lot of services related to exchange of
information like FTP, e-mail and World Wide Web. To
publish information for global distribution, one needs a
universally understood language, a kind of publishing
mother tongue that all computers may potentially
understand. The publishing language used by the
World Wide Web is HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language). A standardized language of computer code,
imbedded in “source” documents behind all web
documents, containing the textual content, images,
links to other documents and formatting instructions b
Hyper Text Markup Language is defined as:
Hyper text is the method by which you move around
on the web – by clicking on special text called
hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The fact
that it is hyper just means it is not linear- i.e., you can
go to any place on the internet you click on links.
History Of HTML
HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee
while at CERN, and popularized by the Mosaic browser
developed at NCSA. During this time, HTML has been
extended in a number of ways. The Web depends on
web page authors and vendors sharing the same
conventions for HTML.
HTML 2.0 was developed under the aegis of the
Internet Engineering Task Force to codify common
practice in late 1994. HTML+ (1993) and HTML 3.0
proposed much richer version of HTML. The efforts of
Group to codify common practice in 1996 resulted in
HTML 3.2. Most people agree that HTML documents
should work well across different browsers and
platforms. If the effort is not made, there is much
greater risk that the Web will develop into a
proprietary world of incompatible formats reducing the
Web’s commercial potential for all participants.
HTML has been developed with the vision that all
manner of devices should be able to use information
on the Web: PCs with graphics displays of varying
resolution and color depths, hand held devices, devices
for speech for output and input computers, and so on.
A table is an orderly arrangement of data distributed
across a grid of rows and columns similar to a
spreadsheet. In printed documents, tables commonly
serve a subordinate function, some point described by
accompanying text.
Tables are used on websites for two major purposes:
1. The obvious purpose of arranging information in a
2. The less obvious- but more widely used- purpose
of creating a page layout with the use of hidden tables.


In order to create a table in a Web page, firstly the
structure of the table is to be defined using TABLE tag
in HTML. The Beginning and end of a table are marked
using <TABLE> and </TABLE> tags. When the structure
of a table is created <TR> tag is used to add row on the
table. It marks the beginning of a row. The closing tag
is optional but you are advised to include all closing
tags in order to enhance the readability of the code. In
the absence of closing tag, debugging of the code may
be frustrating.
1. <TH>: Marks a heading cell within a row. It is
roused to give a proper heading to the columns of
the table. This tag is optional and you can create
tables without using <TH>tab.
2. <TD>: It is a data cell tag and used for the body of
the table.

Rows and Columns: A table usually consists of
multiple rows and columns. Row run horizontally and
columns run vertically.
Cells: Each data field in a table is called a cell.
Sometimes referred to as a data cell. Cells used for
table headings are called header cells.
Caption: The table caption is a title of the contents of
the table. It is placed above or below the table.
Borders: A table can be created with or without a
border. It can appear on all sides of the table or on
selected side.
• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets •

CSS describes how HTML elements are

to be displayed on screen, paper, or in
other media
• CSS saves a lot of work. It can control
the layout of multiple web pages all at
• External stylesheets are stored in CSS
Style sheets officially known as cascading style sheets
represent a major breakthrough for Web page designers,
expanding their ability to improve the appearance of their
pages. Style sheet solve these problems at the same time
they supersede the limited range of presentation
mechanisms in HTML. CSS is a great new technology that
allows you to centralize and customize the formatting of
virtually all elements in a document. Style sheets make it
easy to specify the amount of white space between text
lines, the amount lines are indented, the colors used for
the text and the backgrounds, the font size and style, and a
host of other details.
Types of CSS (Cascading
Style Sheet)
There are three types of CSS which are given
Inline CSS
Internal CSS
External CSS

Inline CSS: Inline CSS contains the CSS property

in the body section attached with element is known
as inline CSS. This kind of style is specified within
an HTML tag using the style attribute.
Internal: This can be used when a single HTML
document must be styled uniquely. The CSS rule
set should be within the HTML file in the head
section i.e. the CSS is embedded within the HTML
External CSS: External CSS contains separate
CSS file which contains only style property with the
help of tag attributes (For example class, id,
heading, … etc). CSS property written in a
separate file with. CSS extension and should be
linked to the HTML document using link tag. This
means that for each element, style can be set only
once and that will be applied across web pages.




Name- Divyansh Sharma Mr. Bhupender
Class-BCA 4th Semester
Roll. No- 2419

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