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LAGO Grade Level & Section 10-

NHS Archimedes/Einstein/Newton
Name of Teacher QUENNEE R. Learning Area English
Teaching Date August 22, 2023 Quarter/Week/Day 1/1/1
Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

MOST ESSENTIAL Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a material
LEARNING viewed.
COMPETENCY: EN10VC-Ia-1.4/2.4:
Get information that can be used in everyday life from news reports,
speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. Define the term information and PWD;
2. Identify the connected events to determine the totality of events; and
3. Valuing the importance of getting information that can be used in
everyday life.
II. Subject Matter A. Topic:
a. Determining connected events to determine the totality of events
b. Getting information that can be used in everyday life
B. Reference: Learner’s Material, Internet
C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Cards, Name Tags,

III. Procedures A. Preparation

• Prayer
• Greetings
 Greet the students then ask them to seat properly.
 Checking of attendance

B. Review
“Everyone has feelings”
Psychosocial Competency: Self- awareness and Self- expression
C. Presentation
The teacher presents the topic for the day and post the objectives that
are going to attained.
IV. Activity Proper A. Activity
 Video presentation entitled, “Inspiration to Life” watch?v=b_N_dYRb4_4

B. Analysis
Questions for discussion:
1. What’s his physical disability? Describe.
(Nick has no arms and legs)
2. What kind of attitude did you observe about Nick V?
(Nick does not feel sad even if he is a PWD.)
3. Why do you think he always looks happy despite his
physical disability?
(He has positive outlook in life.
4. If you were Nick, how would take this challenge?
(Maybe, I will be a beggar.
Maybe, I will always be at home to hide my physical disability)
5. Were you inspired by the speaker in the video?
(Yes, I admire him.)
6. What keeps him going as an individual?
(His outlook/ attitude in life keeps him going positively about life)
7. How does he accept physical disability? How does this attitude
affect his outlook in life? (When you are contented about life, you become
8. How did he inspire the young students in meeting challenges?
(He influences other to be happy despite physical disability.)
9. What did you learn from Nick V?
(I learned that physical disability is not a hindrance to happiness)
C. Abstraction
Group Task: Information Galore
Group the class in five groups and let the leader assign one student to act as
TV News Reporter. Then, let the student read a report from TV or
Gadget about a PWD turned famous and successful.
Let the student read the news report aloud.

After the group task, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What common physical disability do you see in your community?
(Answer may vary)
2. What sort of difficulty do they suffer as PWD? (Answer may
3. What Government program is being promoted by the government
nowadays for PWDs?
(The government promotes that PWDs be given special attention)
4. As a responsible Filipino citizen, how could you help promote this
program in your locality?
(I will uphold and promote this government program to support the PWDs
to live equally with ordinary citizens of the community.)
D. Application
Ask: Why do we get information? In what way can getting information help
us in our daily lives? Cite instances to support your idea.
V. Evaluation Group Task: U and I Equals
(Use same grouping as in F)
1. Just make an estimate # of PWDs enrolled in school this school year
and talk about what special treatment you can do for them. (Answer may
2. Why should these people be treated special? Why not?
Let each student choose their stand and make them debate to come up with
the desired idea.

Group Stand - 50%
Content - 30%
Cooperation - 20%
V. Assignment 1. Take pictures of Information Stickers that you usually find from
Cars/Vehicles, Comfort Rooms, Restaurants, etc. that promote PWDs
2. Compile your collections in a well-prepared scrapbook.

Prepared by: Checked by:

T-1/ Subject Teacher HT-3/ School Head

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