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Section 1: Discussion Questions

1. What makes this a descriptive study?

Answer: collecting information trough perception is sufficient confirmation that

this can be an expressive think about, besides as the analyst watches he did not
put any variable or mediation to the community because it does compare with the
run the show of clear consider to let the characteristic happening of an existing
issue, in arrange to induce the substantial information. The Analyst moreover
utilizes surveys as an information gathering method

2. Why did the researcher collect information about the lifestyle of community residents?
What about the type of businesses present in each community? Medical records?

answer: Quoted from the context “A researcher wants to know why individuals in
Community A have a higher rate of a rare form of cancer when compared to those
living in Community B” subsequently the analyst has to know any of the existing
records that he can collect, for the reason that the think about, does not as it were
require the show records, there ought to be a survey of past therapeutic records
for audit

3. Can the investigator establish that the chemical plant and cigarette smoking are the cause
for the higher rate of cancer among those in Community A?

answer: Quoted from the context ” the headquarters for the Toxico Chemical Plant is
located in Community A, there is a higher rate of cigarette smoking in this community” in this
manner there's a plausibility cap the analyst will consider community A having the higher
rate of cancer, but as long because it is still a case example and the information collected
isn't displayed considering that conclusion cannot be made.

4. Can the investigator establish that lower smoking rates and the absence of a chemical
factory explains the lower rate of cancer among those in Community B?

answer: Yes he can in case that's what comes with the result of the study he
performed, but as long as information are not displayed and has not come up with
a conclusion at that point he cannot.
Section 2: Discussion Questions
1. What makes both of these studies experimental?

answer: There's a variable being utilized such as in case 1 the educator

employments diverse educating fashion between the bunch of A&B in this manner there's
a contrast that can control comes about same. Illustration 2 has the same thing the
exercise center educators uses two diverse pill to see the difference between of the two,
once more there's a variable mediating a normal event which makes it an exploratory

2. What type of information might the investigator collect in these two studies to see if the
treatment (e.g. new teaching method or herbal supplement) is effective?

answer: a substantial speculation, demonstrating their contention in case what is

more compelling and which is less, deciding the adequacy of their chosen variable in
expansion it isn't fair a straightforward information in the event that their study is
something that's untried, the analysts might too present something unused and more
productive for the mass

3. Can the researcher establish cause and effect in either or both of these two studies?


4. What would happen if the researcher allowed the students to study together or talk about
the different methods that were being used to teach the math lesson? Would this be a
good or a bad idea? How would this influence the study results?


5. What if the fitness instructor allowed participants to take other herbal supplements in
addition to the supplements being tested? Would this be a good or a bad idea? How would
this influence the study results?

answer: In the event that the instructor permit the member to require other
homegrown supplement beside the testing supplement at that point that will
invalidate the result, it could be a terrible thought to blend two supplement at a
time because, the teachers cannot characterize on the off chance that the impacts
is from what he needs to test or from the other one that's been taken in as an extra.
The comes about can be considered as a invalid and void.

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