Cayetano Topacio ES SIP SY 2019 2022 Final

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Poblacion IV-C, City of Imus

School Year 2019-2022

School Improvement Plan

This School Improvement Plan (SIP) of Cayetano Topacio
Elementary School for school year 2019 to 2020 is a means for the
continuing growth of the school as an educational institution. This is one
of the challenges to establish Cayetano Topacio Elementary School its
footprint, which will serve best to carry its mission towards the realization
of its vision.

The content of this plan represents the programs, projects and

goals established within our school for the year 2019-2020.

This plan contains the positive and constructive facts about the
current situation in our school to improve its present status, consequently
acknowledging those who have profound interest in upholding the primary
end goal of the school.

Furthermore, this is an endeavor of CTES teaching staff headed by

the present administrator, barangay officials, and PTA officials, SGC
Officials, Supreme Pupil Government Officers and other Pupil’s
Organization and Club Officers.

This School Improvement Plan is a product of brainstorming and

collaborative effort of the teachers and the different stakeholders of the
school, and the pupils, under the guidance of Angelo A. Unay.
This plan was the basis for all teachers and incoming principal to
render services in this institution as leaders to wholeheartedly implement
the stipulated programs and projects to gain opportunities for leadership
and experienced to apply leadership skills. Likewise, by achieving this
goal, pupils and other stakeholders will increase their engagement and
support for this institution.

OIC-School Head

School Improvement Plan

CHAPTER 1. Department of Education Vision, Mission, Page 1
and Core Values Statement

CHAPTER 2. School’s Current Situation Page 4 C

CHAPTER 3. Planning Worksheet Page 5 H
CHAPTER 4. Monitoring and Evaluation Page 9


School Improvement Plan

Department of Education Vision, Mission and Core Values


We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution,

the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable,

culture-based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an
enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and
share responsibility for developing life-long learners.



School Improvement Plan

Cayetano Topacio Elementary School convened the School
Planning Team (SPT) for vision sharing anchored on the DepEd vision,
mission and core values as stated above.

It was explained to them based on DepEd Order 44, s. 2015 and in

line with R.A. 9155 Governance of Basic Education that the SIP is a
roadmap that target is to identify specific interventions that a school, with
the help of the community and other stakeholders, undertake within a
period of three (3) consecutive years. The SIP seeks to provide an
evidence-based systematic approach with the point of view of the learner
as the starting point. Ultimately, it is envisioned to help schools to reach
the goal of providing access to quality education.

Also, it was mentioned to the CTES SPT Team that DepEd

implements the K to 12 Basic Education Program, a curriculum that caters
to the needs of Filipino learners and the society by making them holistic
individuals rooted on sound education principles geared towards
excellence in life.

This includes the acquisition of foundation and life skills, the

competence to engage in work and be productive both locally and
globally, the ability to co-exist in fruitful harmony with different
communities/races, the capability to think critically, and the capacity to
transform others and one’s self.

After this, the CTES SPT were asked to reflect and given
opportunity to share what they can do or contribute in order to attain this
goal of SIP. “Ano po ang masasabi ninyo bilang kabahagi ng ating SPT
Team upang makamit natin ang ating hangarin para sa ikauunlad ng ating
paaralan sa susunod na tatlong taon?”

The SPT responses positively to the given questions and they are
all gave their commitment and accept the challenge to help the school and
our young learners to improve performance and attain quality education.

It is clear to every member of the SPT that the school

administration, faculty & staff cannot attain this goal of SIP alone without
the support from different stakeholders such as parents, LGU, Barangay,
NGOs, Alumni and other volunteers. Just like the African Proverbs “it
takes a village to raise a child.” They really understood that every
member of the community has an important role to attain quality

Table 1. Roles and Responsibilities of SPT Members


Angelo A. Unay School Head Facilitate and discuss
Rosemarie A. Teacher Representative Represent the faculty
Tuason and their participation
in SIP
Chelsea Avery Pupil Representative Share or input pupils’
Legaspi ideas or perspective on
how the school should
implement PPAs
Elizabeth Moyano Parent Representative Give voice to the
perceptions and

School Improvement Plan

concerns of parents to
the management of the
Brgy. Capt. Louie
Camantigue Barangay LGU Extract local resources
Representative to support the needs of
the school, especially
in terms of security
and facilities
Brgy. Secretary BDRRMC Member Work hand-in-hand
Gilbert Ramos with the SDRRMO to
give drills or training
to prevent or lessen—
if not totally avoid—
casualties during
Maricar B. Rojas Child Protection Policy Assure the
Member stakeholders that
children are well-
protected and policies
are fully implemented
for the protection of
the children
Ian Kenneth Balinas Alumni Representative Seek support to fellow
alumni by coordinating
the needs of the school
and the learners
Renato Abernes NGO Representative Give materials,
trainings or other
modes of support to
learners in various
school programs,
projects and activities
Perpetua Figueras Community Represent the
Representative Cayetano community
and gather support in
extending valuable
help to the school

School Improvement Plan

Assess C
This chapter of the SIP discusses the updated and accurate
organized data and information about the school’s status for the current
year. P
Cayetano Topacio Elementary School is one of the schools in Imus R
City located at F. Yengko St. Poblacion IV-C, Imus City. It sits on a land
area of more than 2,000 sq. m. donated by the descendants of Capt.
Cayetano Topacio one of the well-known heroes of Imus. It started its 2
operations with only two school buildings. Today, it has 19 instructional
rooms and 20 newly constructed instructional rooms, which are all
powered by a power grid. With 737 pupils enrolled class size is around 32
pupils per class. However, the classes data based on Learners Information
System (LIS) for Beginning of the School Year 2019-2020 (BOSY)
reached to pupils enrolled, 377 (51.15 %) male and 360 (48.85 %) female

The school has 23 teaching personnel under the nationally-funded

as of June 17, 2019 having the plantilla positions with the teacher pupil
ratio of 1:31. Teacher assignments for nationally-funded teachers working
in this school were given ancillary services rendered as a guidance teacher,
librarian, property custodian, canteen manager and coordinators. Non-
teaching is composed of 6 School Security Officers, 2 utilities, 1 clerk and
the school is presently headed by Angelo A. Unay.

Our pupil chair ratio is 1:1 per learner, Toilet ratio is 1:15 while
the ratio of our learning materials from grades 1-4 is 1:1 except for Grade
5 Filipino and Grade 6 English, Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH
and Science.

The SBFP beneficiaries was to reduce from 60 (8.10%) from

previous SY 2018–2019 to 32 (4%) this SY 2019-2020 who are currently
the SBFP beneficiaries both wasted and severely wasted. The data
gathered for SY 2019-2020 indicates that the 18 (56.25%) female pupils
are dominant compare to 14 (43.75%) male pupils, thus most of them are
wasted and severely wasted. The program “Strengthening Parents
Participation in the Implementation of School-based Feeding Program to
Improve Nutritional Status of the Beneficiaries” was implemented from
July – September 2019. After three months of implementation 23 (72%)
became normal.

In addition, the school utilizes its funding resources thru MOOE,

GPTA fund raising projects, canteen funds, donors, and local government
units as noticeable.

The school constantly doing its best to strive towards excellence,

achievements as well as to improve performance hence, the following are
the identified priority improvement areas must be given importance.

School Improvement Plan


Drop-out Rate
The school has a target of zero dropout rates by the year 2022 as
indicates in this plan. Based on the school report card of SY 2018-
2019, the total number of dropout is 19 (2.55%) from 756 total
enrollees. The highest number of drop-out rate comes from grades 1
and 3 which is 1.10% and the main cause of dropping are problems
within the family and most of them are male pupils. Several factors
have trigger and affect the performance of the school. However, these
indicated factors are needed to be resolve for the sustainability and
accessible to all stakeholders through projects and programs.

Enrolment Rate

The school target for three years is at least 2% increase per year.
The total enrolment this SY 2019-2020 is 737. Based from the previous
data last school year the enrolment is 744. It reveals that there’s a slight
decreased of 1%.


Literacy Level

The literacy level of pupils in both English and Filipino likewise are both
noticeably alarming based on the Phil-IRI result in pre-test for SY 2019-
2020. Based on the result of administration of pre-test in English,182
(25%) and in Filipino 121 (16%) belong to the frustration level. Project
DEAR was implemented and strictly monitored to ensure the
improvement of the students in terms of comprehension.

Numeracy Level
To assess the numeracy level of the students we administered the Division
Pre-Computational Skills from Grades 1 to 6.
The following is the MPS result of the administration of a 40 item Pre-
Computational Skills;
Grade 1 - 38.17%, Grade 2 – 52.92%, Grade 3- 51.91%, Grade 4 –
36.37%, Grade 5 – 30.65% and Grade 6 – 50.13%. Based from this result
programs were crafted to improve the skills of the students as stated in the

School Improvement Plan

Learning Materials Pupil Ratio
The ratio of learning materials from grades 1-6 is 1:1 except for Grade 5
Filipino and Grade 6 English, Filipino, Araling Panlipunan ,
MAPEH ,Science and Mathematics.

Child-friendly School Survey

In terms of action items the school scored 13 while the score in
progress towards the targets is 14 with a total of 27. This means that
Cayetano Topacio Elementary School is a Child-Friendly School.
On other hand, the results reveal the following items that need to
be address;
Goal 2 - Treats pupils with decayed teeth
Goal 3 - Identify and prepare alternative learning spaces in
cases of emergencies.
- Program for children with special needs.
Goal 4 - A system to regularly check on the attendance of its
pupils and address problems concerning non-attendance.
Goal 5 - Provides students access to ADM, ALS, and/or other
learning materials for their use during emergencies.
Goal 6 - Lounge and/or work area for teachers.
Goal 7 - Coordination with barangay institutions to identify
who are physically or sexually abused or are made to do
hard physical
labor, for the purpose of identifying their special needs.
School-Based Child Protection/Anti-Bullying Policy Implementation

Based on the evaluation of the checklist there are 20P’s or in place

and 17A’s or not in place in terms of compliance in the implementation of
Child Protection Policy. The result means that the school need to work on
it’s 17A’s particularly on the following; fully comply with DepEd Order
No. 40, s. 2012 and DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2013.

Student-led School Watching and Hazard Mapping

Based on the hazard mapping conducted by School LED Watching

Team (SWT) composed of DRRM Coordinator, SPG Officers, Class
President, Yes-O Officers and Girls/Boy scout the following areas are
found to be hazards and may cause harm to our students and school
personnel. So, immediate attention was given to address this problem.
This problems was presented during the meeting with the SPT members.
Deliberation and proper evaluation was conducted and solutions were
School Improvement Plan

presented and approved by the body as stated in the AIP.

Stakeholders’ Participation and Contribution

The stakeholders’ participation and contribution still in

adaptable with the rate of 75 % of the total attendance including co-
curricular, extra-curricular, meetings and assemblies. The target of the
school is to achieve 100% participation by the year of 2022, to get this
target, an increment of 8.33% each year would apply. In contrary, in
terms of financial contribution the school has remarkably got the
financial assistance from the city government (LGU) during the
closing program. However, in the number of volunteer hours during
scouting, contests other activities have limited financial assistance
from the stakeholders. In response to this, the school still has
manageably create funding resources for the sustainability of the
school projects. But during the Brigada Eskwela the school
remarkably got a convincing number of volunteer hours.

Learner-Teacher Ratio, Learner-Classroom Ratio, Learner-Toilet Ratio,

Learner-seat Ratio
The learner-teacher ratio in each grade level has a very good indicator to
maintain the standards of the department with an average ratio of 1 is to 20
for kinder and 1 is to 30 for grade one to grade six pupils. Likewise,
learner-classroom ratio has enough number of classrooms, comfort rooms
and toilets; learner-seat ratio has enough chairs to use by the pupils and
thus relatively met the standard.

Based on the evaluation of the SPT the school is currently not contributing
to the division target in terms of dropout rate wherein, dropout rates over
the last three years is 2.55% which is greater than the 2% of the division
target. The School aims to attain 0.85% target of increase in every year
for three years to meet the said division target.

School Improvement Plan

Priority Improvement Areas

The following are the Priority Improvement Area identified by the

SPT for Access Quality and Governance;


 Absenteeism
 Nutritional Status
 Reading Comprehension
 Learning Materials
 School Clinic
 Functional CCTV
 Numeracy Skills
 Sports Program
 Ancillary and other task distribution
 Transparency
 Client Satisfaction
 Stakeholders Participation

The following are the general objectives for Access, Quality and
Governance as stated in Annex 5.


 To decrease regular absences from 5 to at least 2 learners per day
Grade 2WO
 To achieve zero status of cases of severely wasted and wasted 
 To reduce the frustration level in English by 8.33% and 5.33% in
Filipino a year respectively.
 To decrease regular absences from 6 to at least 2 learners per day
Grade 6
 To achieve 1 is to 1 ratio for Grades 5 and 6 for learning materials
across all levels
 To allot available room that will serve as a clinic that can
accommodate at least two patience.
 To install at least 8 CCTV around the school premises  
 To increase the MPS in Mathematics by 10% every year until it
was able reach the target of 85% by 2022.
 To produce winners and competitive athletes

School Improvement Plan


 To distribute equitably among the teachers all the needed

educational services
 To continuously keep the organization in form through
 To provide good service to the stakeholders
 To promote a sense of responsibility among learners 
 To establish a long term partnership 
 To develop program of activities 
The why-why-why RCA process was used to identify the root causes
of the problem stated under the column PIA of Annex 5.


The Planning Worksheet states the seven identified priority

improvement areas that the school will and should address within three
school years (2019-2022). These include the poor performance in
academics, poor reading level of learners, high dropout rate, instructional
supervision, safe and protective spaces, parent participation and support,
and children’s health and well-being.
Please see attached Annex 5 – Planning Worksheet for Access,
Quality and Governance for the detailed discussion of the planning phase
where PIAs’ relevance and alignment with intermediate outcomes were
carefully considered.

School Improvement Plan

Plan H
This chapter discusses the solutions or projects per identified PIAs P
with the corresponding work plan and budget. T
A. Project Work Plan & Budget Matrix
Through active collaboration and commitment, the SPT were able
to craft and design solutions or projects per identified Priority
Improvement Area (PIA). Table ___ shows the list of PIAs, their root 3
causes and the projects to be implemented by the school with the help of
external stakeholders.

Table 2. List of Solutions

Improvement Areas Root Causes Projects and
Activities (PPAs)

1. Reading  Disinterest  Project

Comprehension  Boredom “DEAR-
 Decoding (Drop
 Support and Everything
follow up of And Read”)
2. Numeracy and  Disinterest  MATH (Each
Literacy  Boredom One, Teach
 Follow up of One)
parents at home  English
Festival of

3. Drop-Out  Family Problem  Oplan SPP

 Child Labor (Support
are at risk to
 Project
Growth thru

4. Absenteeism  Family matters  Project AA

 Child Labor (Avoid
 Distance from Absenteeism)

5. Safe and  Emergency  Oplan

Protective Spaces hotlines not Kalikasan
for Children visible in  Project Ligtas
different areas
School Improvement Plan

of the school  Project Handa
 Insufficient Pasilidad
school signage
 Security

6. Parent’s  Poor recognition  Project PSSA

Participation and and relationship (Parents and
Stakeholders with Stakeholders
Support stakeholders in School
 Parents’ Acitivities)
pessimistic  Project
attitude towards
Kabagay sa
school where
their children
are enrolled
 Communication
7. Children’s Health  Economic status  Oplan
and Well-Being of family Kalusugan
 Parents’ Mo, Sagot Ko
Cooperation 

The following are some of the PPAs in terms of Access, Quality

and Governance that will address the PIAs identified in Chapter 2:


Project “DEAR”

This project aims to improve the reading ability Cayetano pupils

and to reduce the number of pupils in the frustration level from 182 to at
least 15 or decrease of 56.6 annually for 3years at the end of SY 2021-
20222. The following activities shall be done:
 Formation of School Reading Program Team/Committees
 Identify list of pupils to undergo DEAR Program
 Orientation both teachers and parents on measures or interventions
that may help raise the reading level and comprehension of pupils
 Procurement/Production of reading materials
 Conduct Monitoring and assessment

Project SAGIP

Among the learning areas offered in CTES the Mathematics has

the low MPS which is 57.65%. This project aims to increase the
Mathematics MPS of at least 5.78% every year for three consecutive
years. The following will be the process of this project:
 Identify learners who will undergo this project
 Orient students and parents of the project
 Implementation of the project
 Monitoring and assessment of the project

School Improvement Plan

Project AA (Avoid Absenteeism)

Project AA (Avoid Absenteeism) is another project to ensure that C

learners decrease to number of absences of pupils from 5 absentees to 2 H
absentees every day and to enhance school participation. This process
will be: A
 Monitoring of SF2 P
 Identify the name and number of pupils in every section T
 Formation of AA committees E
 Orientation of AA committees
 Implementation of project AA
 Monitoring of the project

Project Handa Pasilidad

This project aims to improve the instructional facilities to enhance

the teaching and learning process that will benefit the learners through the
following activities:
 Identify available classroom to be used as ancillary/laboratory
 List down priority laboratory equipment
 Identify key teacher to handle the laboratory room

Project PSSA (Parents, Stakeholders in School Activities)

Project Parents Stakeholders in School Activities aims to strengthen the

participation and involvement of parents and stakeholders in school
activities and to gain support and assistance for the benefits of the young
Cayetano learners. The process of this project will be as follows:
 Formation of PSSA Committees
 Crafting Work Plan
 Sending communication/invitation letter
 Orientation of the Project PSSA to the stakeholders
 Signing of pledges and commitment
 Implementation of the project
 Monitoring and evaluation

B. Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

As SIP’s operational plan, please see attached Annex 10 - Annual
Implementation Plan (AIP) which contains the activities to be undertaken
and implemented by the school for years 2019 and 2020, including the
outputs, activities, schedule, required resources, source of fund, and the
individuals accountable for the conduct of these projects. It also includes
operational cost such as but not limited to utilities, supplies and materials,
etc., that are considered eligible expenditures in the existing MOOE

School Improvement Plan

Monitoring and Evaluation

The SPT of Cayetano Topacio ES commits to regularly monitor

the progress of every program, project and activity according to the
implementation period and timeline set by project teams with focus on the
middle and end of conduct.
Attached herein are the project monitoring report forms – Annex
___ to be used by the SPT which indicate the name of project, objectives
and targets, schedule and status of the projects and proposed dates of
monitoring. Using the said template, project teams are also expected to
provide progress reports.
The SPT and the Project Team Leader are tasked to ensure the
monthly monitoring of the SIP.
Monitoring and evaluation activities are as follows:
1. Focus-Group Discussion
2. Interviews
3. School Monitoring and Evaluation Adjustment (SMEA)
4. Monthly and Quarterly Meetings (Status of PPAs)
5. Monitoring of PPAs using Different M&E Tools
6. Performance Review
7. Utilization of School Report Card
8. Communication to Stakeholders

Annex ____

School Improvement Plan

DepEd – Department of Education
SBM – School-Based Management
SIP – School Improvement Plan
SRC – School Report Card
SPT – School Planning Team
BDRRMC – Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee
LGU – Local Government Unit
NGO – Non-Government Organization
CBMS – Community-Based Mapping System
FGD – Focus-Group Discussion
PIA – Priority Improvement Area
AIP – Annual Implementation Plan
ICT – Information and Communication Technology
DCP – DepEd Computerization Program
SLAC – School Learning Action Cell
SY – School Year
4Ps – Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
MOOE – Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
GPTA – General Parents-Teachers Association
PARDOs – Pupils At-Risk of Dropping Out
SMEA – School Monitoring and Evaluation Adjustment

Annex ____


School Improvement Plan

Table 1. Roles and Responsibilities of all SPT Members Page 5

Table 2. List of Solutions Page 14

Annex ____


School Improvement Plan

Preparatory Activities: June 17, 2019
Organize data using school-
community data template
Step1.Prepare for SIP
Gather and organize the data June-August 2019
Form the SPT July 2019
Convene the SPT Orientation July 2019
Vision-Sharing and scheduling July / August 2019
Step 2. Identify /Review Priority August / September2019
Improvement Area
Conduct meeting for September / October 2019
And discussion of gathered
Identify PIA based on October 2019
gathered data
Step3. Analyze the PIA November 2019
Conduct FGD/Survey
Analyze the school process
Select area of focus
Do root cause analysis
PHASE 2: PLAN November2019
Convene the Project Team
Review gen.objective
Formulate Solution
Develop Project Design
Prepare AIP
PHASE 3: ACT December 2019
Test the solutions
Roll out the Solution
Finalize the SIP January to March 2020
Submission of SIP

School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan


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