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Ash Fusibility Results

Date of Test: 12 februari 2018

Test Start Time: 09.14
Date of Analysis: 12 februari 2018
Time of Analysis: 12.36
Test Name: ASCRM 010-02
Test Reference: OKSIDASI

Identity Description DT ST HT FT
1 CRM OKSIDASI ASTM 1345 1435 1480 1490
2 CRM OKSIDASI ASTM 1345 1435 1480 1490
3 CRM OKSIDASI ISO 1380 1440 1445 1495
4 CRM OKSIDASI ISO 1380 1440 1445 1495

Temperature Scale = Celsius

DT = Initial Deformation temperature

ST = Sphere/softening temperature
HT = Hemisphere temperature
FT = Flow/fluid temperature ˜vˆÝÊ*ÀœÊ* Ê `ˆÌœÀÊ

Date of Test: 11 February 2019
Test Start Time: 14:02
Date of Analysis: 11 February 2019
Time of Analysis: 15:07
Test Name: BB056, BB061.,
Test Reference: OKSIDASI

Identity Description DT ST HT FT
1 BB056-1 1220 1225 1240 1290
Date of Test: 11 February 2019
Test Start Time: 14:02
Date of Analysis: 11 February 2019
Time of Analysis: 15:07
Test Name: BB056, BB061.,
Test Reference: OKSIDASI

Identity Description DT ST HT FT
2 BB056-2 1220 1225 1240 1290
Date of Test: 11 February 2019
Test Start Time: 14:02
Date of Analysis: 11 February 2019
Time of Analysis: 15:07
Test Name: BB056, BB061.,
Test Reference: OKSIDASI

Identity Description DT ST HT FT
3 BB061-1 1285 1310 1345 1375
Date of Test: 11 February 2019
Test Start Time: 14:02
Date of Analysis: 11 February 2019
Time of Analysis: 15:07
Test Name: BB056, BB061.,
Test Reference: OKSIDASI

Identity Description DT ST HT FT
4 BB061-2 1285 1310 1345 1375

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