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Giving Complaint
1. Putra Ramadhan
2. Seira Nazwa Chaetrina
3. Rizaq Amrizal
4. Hibni Alfi Syahril Ramadhan

Giving Complaint
Giving complaint example is when you order something in online shop, and then when the product is
arrived, is different as you ordered, of course you will complaint about it because have been pay it. So
you have to explain the problem and then find the solution , we will learn about it after this.
There are a few kind of complaint:
1. Letter complaint
For this time we will find rarely about letter complaint litteraly, because it turn it into online letter
in this era, so many people complaint with email in this day. You can find it commonly on
customer service
2. Complain Directly
It is more commonly we see in our daily life, little example when you ordering something and
then it doesn’t coming or different as you or ordered, you will complaint to the waiter or the
manager right, so that mean you complain directly

Other example
When you getting laundry to and then you clothes getting damaged with other color, you will
complaint to the manager
1. Explain the problem
To explain ur problem you need use good language don’t be anger when explaint it, example
“execuse me.. I think my clothes getting damage in your laundry”
“sorry, I think u made mistake when ur laundry my clothes”
2. Ask for action or solution
To get action, u need ask the manager or the worker, why your clothes getting damage
“sir, I think u made mistakes, look my clothes getting damaged, Can you fix this or do something”
3. Connecting the step
To giving complaint with good way, u first thing u need explaint the problem and ask for
action/solution to get better way to solve it, and then we can continue to next thing, that is
accepting complaint
“im really sorry about ur clothes maam, I hope we can fix it, or thing that we can do for you, you
don’t have to pay it the laundry bill”
“im sorry maam, my worker doesn’t mean to do that, I will talk to him, and im really feelingl not
good about this, for u, u don’t have pay ur laundry bill, I hope that pay our mistake
Making a complaint Accepting a Rejecting a complaint

 -I’m sorry to say this -I’m so sorry, but this -Sorry, there is nothing we
but… will never happen can do about it.
 -I hate to tell you but…  -Sorry but it’s not our fault.
-I’m sorry, we promise
 -I’m angry about…  -I’m afraid there isn’t much
never to make the same
we can do about it.
 -I have a complaint to mistake again.
make… -I can’t tell you how
-Sorry to bother you sorry I am.
but… -I wish I never

Examples Dialogue:
1. In this situation Chaetrin dinner at restaurant, and giving complaint about her food because there is
fly on her soup…
Chaetrin as Customer
Hibni as Manager
Rizaq as Waiter

Chaetrin: execuse me, there is fly floating over the soup

Rizaq: I’m sorry about that, but i don,t see the fly, ma,am

Chaetrin: how can you not see it? Its right here, I want to speak to the manager.

Rizaq: Right away, Ma’am

(3 minutes ago by….)

Hibni: ma’am I’m the manager, Hibni. What seems to be the problem?

Chaetrin: well, as i mentioned the waiter, there is fly over the soup.

Hibni: Oh, my sincere apologies, ma'am. I will fix this right away and it will be on the house.
I will personally bring you a new dish right away!

Chaetrin: Thank you. Please make it as quiqkly as possible, I have been waiting for a while

Hibni: of course, ma’am. Again, deeply sorry for this situation.

(5 minutes ago by. . . )
HIbni: Here is your new dish, ma’am. As we mentioned, on the house. Hope you enjoy.
Chaetrin: Thank you, I appreciate it that this issue has been solved quikly

So that the example about asking and giving suggestion dialogue, thanks for listening us, hope you
guys enjoyed our presentation and, thank you. Good morning

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