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Education plays an important role in enriching knowledge,

enhancing competence, and developing the value of appreciation. It is not

easy to gain though, and inculcating its truest essence the present and

future generations is another thing since it always undergoes changes

andreforms. But through education, people are able to participate with the

different sectors of economy such as the agriculture, industry,and even the

education sector itself. This only manifests the diversity and active role of

education in providing quality goods and services for the nation-building.

Quality education is a primary tool towards individual growth. The

commitment to quality education requires strengthening of inputs, methods

and evaluation of outcomes and mechanisms to measure students’

progress. Further, educators have to be empowered, adequately recruited,

well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated and supported within well-

resource, efficient and effectively governed systems. The target is to

achieve quality education which fosters creativity and knowledge, ensures

the acquisition of the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy as well as

analytical, problem solving and other high order thinking skills.


The Department of Education (DepEd) has always been trying its

best to respond to the needs of the Filipino learners. One of such is the

continued improvement of instruction in Mathematics. Mathematics

instructionemphasizes understanding of the relationship between the

students’ knowledge and perception about the concrete structure and

theoretical nature of mathematics(RA 10533, s. 2013). In addition, it is a

skill – oriented subject which needs sufficient instructional materials to help

students master the necessary mathematical competencies(Mathematics

Curriculum Guide, 2012).

In the Philippines, the components of K to 12 Mathematics

curriculum are clustered into five strandsthat must be learned

systematically and with much depth. Learning with understanding is

essential to enable students use what they learn in solving different

problems that they may encounter in the future. Students learn more and

learn better when they can take control of their learning by defining their

goals and monitoring their progress. One of the most important

characteristics of K-12 Mathematics Curriculum is that it evolves attitude

wherein students develop critical thinking skills. The development of skills

progresses from level to level. Thus, schools should encourage students’


creativity and curiosity, reward perseverance, intellectual honesty,

objectivity and independent thinking (Marchadesh, 2012).

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science

Study (TIMSS) offers consistent and timely information on the mathematics

and science achievement of students. Results showed that Filipino

students had poor performance placing them at the bottom of the

ranking(TIMSS, 2019).With this, students in the Division of Batangas

aimed to increase their performance in the National Achievement Test.

The Division NAT results in mathematics for the past two yearshowing

urgent need to find ways to improve mathematics program and instruction.

The call to establish and create quality and competent teachers to fully

strengthen the state of teaching mathematics is of great concern.

However, Mathematics being abstract in nature is usually a subject

that is best endured rather than enjoyed by most young learners who are

not mathematically inclined. Its importance is not fully understood by some

learners. Hence, experts and academicians have begun to recognize the

possibility of improving instruction through supplementary instructional

material and use of modules on various subject areas. Just like other fields

of academic interest, mathematics must be learned comprehensively and

with much depth (Hovel, 2012).


The difficulty of teaching the concepts in mathematics has become

the motivation for the discovery of different teaching strategies, methods,

and approaches and its usage to make mathematics teaching easy,

understandable and enjoyable. Therefore, it is very important for teachers

to discover how instructional design can be used in a traditional learning

environment to improve teaching. Instructional design, which contains

systematic development of instructional materials and activities,

guarantees that learners accomplish specific learning goals or educational

outcomes reproduced in the education curriculum and offers relevant

instructions appropriate for a wide range of learning environment.

Likewise, the ability of teachers to deliver the lesson effectively,

develop mastery of content; employ suitable questioning techniques,

classroom management skills, assessment data gathering and interpreting

processing; manifest good communication skill; and develop instructional

plan are factors to be considered in order to ensure the enhancement of

instructions. Teachers need to be reflective of their current practices and

be open to judgments and revisions so they can work better with diverse

group of students. They should also be able to learn from the students’

experiences as they learn from them.


Given these situations coupled with sixteen years of teaching

secondary mathematics, the researcher strongly believed that increasing

mathematical understanding of the students does not merely mean getting

high scores in different assessments or being able to solve drills in

mathematics books; rather, it is more about enabling students to relate,

communicate, and used previously acquired knowledge for practical


It is on this note that the researcher’s spirit to contribute and develop

a management guide based on the learning and pedagogical

competencies in Mathematics with special emphasis on teachers’

management skills was ignited. Hence, it is hoped that through the

effective use of this managementguideteachers can provide students with

moreopportunitiesand meaningful experiences to improve their skills and



This study assessed the mathematics instructions in small schools in

the Province of Batangas, SY 2019-2020 with the end view of developing a

management guide to enhance the mathematics instruction.

Specifically, it successfully achieved the following objectives:


1. Describe the teachers’ competencies of Mathematics/lessonalong

the following areas:

1.1 Number and number sense;

1.2 Algebra;

1.3 Geometry; and

1.4 Probability and Statistics

2. Determine the pedagogical competencies relative to:

2.1 utilization of approaches and strategies;

2.2 application of evaluation tools; and

2.3 classroom setting

3. Identify the respondents’ management skills along:

3.1 planning;

3.2 resource allocation; and

3.3 decision making

4. Determine the significant relationship between pedagogical

competencies and management skills

5. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of mathematics teachers

6. Prepare a management guide for Mathematics instructions


The study tested the null hypothesis.


There is no significant relationship between the assessments on

pedagogical competencies and management skills.

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the assessment of mathematics instruction in

small schools in the Province of Batangas, schoolyear 2019-2020. Further,

it covered the learning competencies of the respondents in four learning

areas: number and number sense, algebra, geometry, probability and

statistics. Likewise, the pedagogical competencies of teachers relative to

utilization of approaches and strategies, application of evaluation tools,

and classroom setting was also determined. Identifying management skills

of mathematics teachers in terms of planning, resource allocation and

decision-making was also covered in this study. Moreover, it also identified

the strengths and weaknesses mathematics teachers. On the basis of the

results, management guide to foster teaching enhancement in

mathematics instruction was prepared.

School heads perspective about the main focus of this study was not

included in this research endeavor. Their insights and perceptions were

not solicited mainly because the researcher wanted to focus only on the

point of view of teachers themselves as the ones who should be the first

one to prioritize this matter before somebody else does. Further, the actual

distribution of the hard copy of the questionnaires in every school did not

become possible because of the global health crisis that is happening at

present and as part of the safety of the researcher. This was in connection

with the health protocol by the IATF about the community quarantine in the

entire province. Lastly, it excluded teachers from other neighboring

divisions in Region IV-CALABARZON as respondents due to limited

interactions brought by the pandemic.

With the threat of the virus spreading in the entire country to one’s

health, the distribution of questionnaire and collection of data were purely

done through social media website like facebook messenger, electronic

mail and google spreadsheet due to limited face to face interaction

because of the pandemic. In this case, the researcher assumed that the

139 junior high school Mathematics teacher-respondents from the four

schools division offices in the entire province of Batangas honestly

answered the survey questionnaire and sincerely expressed their opinions,

insights and views during the formal interview and focus group discussion

which was done virtually and was used to strengthen the findings. School

year 2019-2020 covered the time frame of this academic undertaking

which formed part of the limitation of the study.


Pedagogical Implications

The results of the study may provide baseline ideas and inputs in the

planning of programs and activities geared toward improving the

mathematics instruction of teachers in schools and divisions. The identified

competencies and management skills of mathematics teachers may give

them enough insights and knowledge to increase teaching performance

and empower them by adopting innovations essential for the development

of methodologies and instructional materials.

It is hoped that through this study, readers may find useful evidence

to pursue addressing the challenge of making mathematics instruction

interesting, meaningful and responsive to the 21st century learning.

Definition of Terms

For clarity in the presentation of the study, some of the important

terms used are defined herein conceptually and operationally in this


Management guide. It is composed ofseveral parts focused on

giving employees clear cut directions on specific areas where they are

expected to have an improved performance(Poole, 2018). In this study, it

is composed of different parts which feature the different pedagogical


competencies of teachers, giving them guide as to how they can manage

these competencies towards better Mathematics instruction.

Management skills.Certainattributes or abilities that an educational

leader should possess in order to fulfill specific tasks in an

organization(Pawilen, 2019). In the context of this study, it involves

mathematics teachers’ ability to perform functions relative to planning,

resource allocation, and decision making.

Pedagogical competencies. It refers to the combination of

observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal

attributes that contribute to enhance a person’s performance and ultimately

result in organizational success (Salganik, 2013).In this study, it refers to

the skills expected among mathematics teachers to develop in enhancing

mathematics instructions in small schools.

Small schools. There refer to autonomous schools of no more than

400 students, and optimally under 200 with low number of personnel

(Pring, 2015).Inthis study, mathematics instruction for small schools relates

to the thirty identified schools within the province characterized by limited

number of teachers, students, resources and access to learning materials.

These schools are located at the four divisions in the Province of


Strategies. Refers to the different ways of executing instruction.

This also covers the teachers’ ability to present lessons clearly and

systematically, use activities to maximize student participation and improve

students’ performance.

Resource allocation. This refers to assigning and managing assets

in a manner that supports an organization’s strategic goals. It enables

teachers to use available resources inside the classroom, the facilities for

holistic development of learners, and ensure that there are funds to

support the learning of the students.




This chapter presents the literature review, theoretical and

conceptual framework of the study.

Literature Review

The following literature shows specific concepts that concern

mathematics instruction in secondary schools, pedagogical competencies,

enhancing management skills and management guide preparation.

Mathematics Instruction in Secondary Schools. Mathematics

education develops learners’ abilities, attitudes, and undertaking to enable

them to interpret, and predict(RA 10533, s. 2013).The new vision of

mathematics education is one in which all students have the opportunity to

engage in as inquiry—to explore and construct ideas and explanations

within a supportive community of learners. Solid mathematical knowledge

is necessary for teachers; more importantly they should have contagious

curiosity, a willingness to explore with their students, and a commitment to

personal excellence and continued learning.

Department of Education prescribes mathematics as a required

subject for basic education and as a specialization in higher education with

the content and coverage specified in their respective curricula. The


responsibility in providing the knowledge and experiences needed for

successful curricular implementation is laid on teachers in pre-service

training and teachers in the field (RA 10533, s. 2013).As far as

commitment in instruction is concerned, the level of execution of duties

and responsibilities in this area like carrying regular teaching load and

interpreting test results to track learners, progress are manifested to a

great extent (Ojales, 2015 &Clopino, 2015).

Another study by Reyes (2013) confirmed that there were no

significant differences in the instructional competency of the teachers to

the five subject areas in elementary covered by her study. It implies that

the teachers need to provide and extend help for the attainment of their

competencies in teaching the different subject areas. She proposed

instructional design for the basic grade six subjects.

Related to instruction, Velasco (2018) concluded that teaching

competencies in all content areas of Junior High School are moderately

evident. Teachers manifested teaching competencies and instructional

skills to a moderate extent. Assessment of teachers and administrators

differed in all indicators of instructional skills. Based from the results, it was

recommended that teachers be given opportunities to attend seminars,


workshops, and trainings related to component of instruction, strategies

and techniques.

Moreover, the study of Sarmiento (2013) revealed that teachers’

competencies were enhanced when administrative support was high and

instructional factors were available such as ideal library facilities and

equipment. Teachers were likewise expected to acquire more skills to be

better prepared in making their program.

The K to 12 mandates mathematics instruction to be delivered by

those with mastery of the subject matter and smartness in choosing the

technologies and pedagogies that best fit students’ needs, interests, and

learning styles. The more closely the technologies and pedagogies match

the preferred learning style of the students, the more effective instruction

will be(Mathematics Curriculum Guide, 2012).The secondary education

curriculum has the following features: it is lean and focuses on essential

understanding and is standards-based; it expresses in terms of what

students should know and the quality and proficiency of the skill that they

are expected to demonstrate as evidence of learning; and it is rich and

challenging that it provides for a personalized approach and passion for

work and lifelong learning (RA 10533, s. 2013).


Mathematics pervades life at any age, in any circumstances. Its

value goes beyond the classroom and the school. It is a discipline that

must be learned comprehensively and with much depth. The twin goals of

mathematics in the basic education levels,K to 12 are critical thinking and

problem-solving (Gee, 2011 &Lerman, 2010).Critical thinking is the

intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing,

applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or

generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or


Further, mathematical problem solving is finding a way around a

difficulty, around an obstacle, and finding a solution to a problem that is

unknown (Barwell,2013&Hovel, 2012).Thetwo goals are to be achieved

with organized and rigorous curriculum content, a well-defined set of high-

level skills and processes, desirable values and attitudes, and appropriate

tools, recognizing as well the different contexts of Filipino learners. There

are five areas in the curriculum, as adapted from the framework prepared

by MATHTED and SEI (2010):Numbers and Number Sense,

Measurement, Geometry, Patterns and Algebra, and Probability and


The learning competencies for mathematics aim to develop the

students’ competence, skills, and values. Students follow competencies in

identifying the mathematical principles involved in a particular situation,

and applying some concepts and principles to a given situation. It is also

aimed that no student should fall short of these minimum learning

competencies(Mathematics Curriculum Guide, 2012).Certainflexibility is

allowed for the students to go beyond the minimum, depending on the

schools’ facilities and resources. It envisions the development of

scientifically, technologically, and environmentally literate and productive

members of society who are critical problem solvers, responsible stewards,

innovative and creative citizens, informed decision makers, and effective

communicators. When done with quality, mathematics education can

develop informed and participative citizens who are able to make more

reasonable judgments and decisions(Chapman, 2012).

Mathematics teaching should consist of experiences exemplifying

the spirit, character, and nature of technology. Definitely, the study of

mathematics should arouse and sustain among students a further interest

in mathematics which may lead to the pursuit of science careers and

lifelong mathematics-based undertakings(Barwell, 2013).Teachers must

help students develop desirable social attitudes. Thus, mathematicsis one


of the most important subjects in school due to its relevance to students’

lives and its ability to develop students’ problem-solving and critical

thinking skills.However, the studiesofHerbel-Eisenmann, Wagner&

Cortes(2010) about the principles of effective teaching found out that the

focus of student teaching in mathematics is on classroom management

and non-mathematics specific teaching strategies. Hence, decreases the

professional competence of future mathematics teachers.

Teachers can do a lot in motivating students to learn.Red

(2010)suggested that it isthe responsibility of teachers to make learning

active, investigative, adventurous, social, and useful as possible. They can

do this by analyzing learning experiences that students respond to with

interest when they are given the opportunities to make free choices.

Subjects become appealing to students if they are given the opportunity to

manipulate, construct things, observe, investigate, use their mental

ingenuity in solving problems or puzzles, and create their own designs in

working problems at hand.

Furthermore, they should make students discover and work out

things for themselves, instruct them to be systematic in producing

documents and developing blueprint of future learning activities. Teachers

who are judged high or deliver systematic instruction are those who can

explain confidently and coherently why they had planned to use the

learning activities and how such activities will facilitate their students’

learning. They know how to use contextualized teaching where students

learn because of the activities which are applicable and understandable in

their dayto day life.

Pedagogical competencies. It articulates what constitutes teacher

quality in the K to 12 reforms through well-defined domains, strands and

indicators that provide measures of professional learning, competent

practice, and effective engagement. This set of standards makes explicit

what teachers should know, be able to do and value to achieve

competence, improve learning outcomes, and achieve quality education. It

is founded on teaching philosophies of learner-centeredness, lifelong

learning and inclusivity/inclusiveness, among others (DO 42, s. 2017).

It is important to emphasize that pedagogical competencies define

teacher quality. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’

increasing level of knowledge, practice, and professional engagement in

the different career stages (DO 42, s. 2017). At the same time, the

standards allow for teachers’ growing understanding, applied with

increasing sophistication across a broader and more complex range of

teaching/learning situations. Additionally, it defines what knowledge and


skills constitute to teacher quality both in pre-service and in-service

education, aside from being aligned in the K to 12 reform.

The content knowledge and pedagogy recognize the importance of

teacher’s mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within

across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding

of the application of theories and principles of teaching and learning (DO

42, s. 2017). This encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally

appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge

and research (Nilsson & Mason 2012). It takes into account teacher’s

proficiency in the teaching and learning process, as well as the needed

skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies, and

technologies to promote high quality learning outcomes, (DO No. 42, s.


As reiterated by Ryve, Hemmi&Börjesson (2013), appropriate

delivery of content and properly paced learning helps large number of

students masters most topics and the teachers can make these things

possible to help every school child. One support teacher can give students

is instilling to them the importance of taking responsibility for their learning

which is an important attitude towards lifelong learning (Sriraman&

English2010). The only time that a teacher can teach is when the students

have motivation to learn. When students are motivated, they have the drive

to finish a project, complete a reading assignment and get group activities

done. With interesting teaching strategies and relevant content, teachers

can motivate students to strive for their own learning.

Similarly, teachers should have sufficient teaching strategies that

allow learners to reflect with their day-to-day lessons (Boaler,

2010).Students as active participants in the teaching-learning process are

inquirers, free to ask questions as they try to make sense in the lesson

activities and discussions. For Furner & Gonzalez-DeHass(2011),the best

action teachers could take is to encourage learners to view problem-

solving situations not as hindrances but chances to be met. Doing so,

teachers make adjustments to their instructions so that students will be

given equal chance to succeed learning the subject matter.

Transfer of learning refers to applying what one has learned from a

particular situation to another situation (Ferlazzo, 2014). It is the desire of

every school to see its students apply the knowledge and skills they learn

with it to other challenges inside and outside of the classroom. It is a

common assumption among teachers that it is automatic for the students

to apply what they learn. Transfer of learning occurs when students have a

solid understanding of the lesson that is desired for them to apply to new

situation. For this reason, memorization of facts, names and dates or

enumerations of list of procedures are not contributory to sufficiently

understand concepts for application later on(Chang, 2017). Moreover, it

highlights the need for teachers to utilize a range of resources and provide

intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage

constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high

standards for learning.

Different types of learning environment had been promoted in the

past decades. The kind of options taken for the kind of seating

arrangement and the selection of classroom may affect the students in

terms of their learning styles, motivation to learn, study habits and

attitudes, and classroom behavioral tendencies. These aspects have

effects on students’ learning and participation degree during the lesson


In addition, Ariani and Mirdad (2016) mentioned that important

teacher’s competency to assure a child-friendly learning environment and

school is the ability to commend the achievement of the learners by giving

awards and recognitions as positive reinforcements. It encourages the

celebration of diversity in the classrooms and the need for teaching

practices that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful


citizens in a changing local and global environment. The study of Starkey

and Rawlins (2012) revealed that understanding the teaching environment

is a significant factor towards learning during practice teaching. In this way,

student teachers already knew what they were supposed to do and why

they were supposed to do it. The concepts and theories that were in their

minds were not put to waste as they got to practice them in a real

classroom setting.

On the other hand, the study of Walshaw (2010) and Meaney (2013)

find ways to support their pedagogy through numeracy, literacy and

technology. Their efforts were supported and influenced by district

administrators and peers.Furthermore, the study of Usop, (2013) and

Tolentino (2015)revealed that teachers display a high level of performance

through pedagogical competencies. The level of teaching behavior of the

faculty is not significantly related with their level of teaching performance.

Teachers’ performance in curriculum and planning addresses their

knowledge of interaction with the national and local curriculum

requirements. This also covers teachers’ ability to translate curriculum

content into meaningful learning activities that are relevant to learners and

based on the principles of effective teaching and learning. It expects

teachers to apply their professional knowledge to plan and design,


individually or in collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and

sequenced lessons (DO No. 42, s. 2017).These lesson sequences and

associated learning programs should be contextually relevant, responsive

to learner’s needs, and incorporate range of teaching and learning

resources. Additionally, Player-Koro (2011) shared that the use of

assessment data in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching

and learning process and programs is equally essential in improving

students’ performance. It concerns teachers in providing learners with the

necessary feedbacks about learning outcomes.

This feedback informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to

select, organize and use sound assessment processes. Through this kind

of feedback, parents are informed of their children’s performance in the

classroom, the knowledge they had gained and their children’s strengths.

Reflecting on the assessment is a crucial component of the assessment

tool development process. Feedback regarding the test should also be part

of the exam file. Moreover, along with the feedback form are the purpose

and information about the examinees, test blueprint with learning objective

alignment and the statistical tools to be used (Butler, 2010,Rogier, 2014 &

Bailey, 2010).

In a day-to-day teaching, formative assessments also concern the

teachers. As argued by Mitten et al. (2017), teachers should identify simple

methods to incorporate into their instructions. It is noteworthy that there are

numerous assertions that effective execution of formative assessment

develops student performance. Chang (2017) added that alongside

assessment is giving more feedback to students, providing peer and group

assessments in addition to individual assessments, focusing on the

learning process, implementing knowledge, and involving students in all

the processes of assessments. Assessments are conducted to find out

how much students had learned after a certain period. Teachers can

actually calculate for the grades of the learners in a particular quarter for a

specific learning area.

Epstein (2018) noted that understanding family variations,

community resources, learner experiences both inside and outside the

school and using effectively all available teaching resources are imperative

for teachers. In fact, this skill is considered fitting to measure the

professional standing of teachers. Teachers, therefore, are viewed as

professionals who realize that education is a product of shared vision and

responsibility. To attain this, collaboration among schools, homes and

communities must be in place.


A certified teacher is always learning and growing personally and

professionally. Progress on these aspects is an endless journey. This is a

continuous process of reflection and review that is anchored on the

development planning to meet the institutional and individual needs.

Learning is a process that calls for self-development. The pursuit of

learning among teachers will lead to their personal and professional

development as well as improvement of knowledge and skills that enables

the learning of the young. Teachers ought to serve as positive example

and powerful role models of values of the pursuit of learning as manifested

in their actions, words and gestures towards their students and colleagues.

Such actions determine the level of their professionalism (De Silva, 2010)

Enhancing management skills.Management plays a crucial role in

the teaching and learning process. Without the ability of teachers to

manage instruction, maximization of students’ learning will not be


Planning involves converting strategic objectives to program goals.

For effective planning, some of the best practices must be done. Program

charter must be created to help provide direction, scope and program

objectives. Constraints, resources, skills needed, risks, methodology,

implementation plan and control metrics must also be documented and


communicated as needed. Likewise, organization policies and procedures

need to be reviewed to ensure that any practices being implemented are

not in conflict with norms of the organization (Wagner&Herbel-Eisenmann


Working as a teacher requires excellent time management skills

Stentoft& Valero (2010). Teachers need to balance the long-term goals of

the classroom, the immediate educational needs of the students and the

large volume of paperwork that comes with every assignment. Between

writing lesson plans, grading exams and actually teaching, teachers often

feel that it is impossible to fit everything into the allotted time frame.

Although the career path seems to have too much work for the number of

hours in a day, it is possible to manage the situation and clear extra time in

the classroom and outside of class. With effective time management skills,

teachers can increase their productivity and provide a better education for

their students. These include organizing the day by priorities, planning

strategically homework assignments, avoiding loaded procrastination and

planning for potential crisis.

The study of Morallos (2014) and Glanz (2016) focused on

management skills of the teachers like classroom and instructional


management. It was highlighted that teachers trusted the capability of the

school heads to develop these skills to contribute in attaining school goals

and objectives. Teachers once motivated improve organizational and

management performance and decision making.

On the other hand, Sindhvad (2009) stressed on his study that

decentralization and school-based management redefined the role of the

school personnel. It also showed that the effectiveness in instructional

support was attributed much to the hands-on training they received since

trainings enabled them to learn research-based strategic learning and

teaching practices, how to empower teachers to use their full potentials,

collaborate with colleagues on best practices and benchmark them for the

welfare of the school.

Sopide (2016) studied the competencies of teachers and concluded

that most of them in high performing schools were competent in human

relation skills which is related to management skills. This due to the fact

that the quality and character of human relations at a workplace impacts

how an employee views his job and interacts with his co-workers.

Managerial functions refer to the different roles and responsibilities

of managers, who need certain skills to execute these functions:

controlling, directing, organizing, planning and staffing (Wager, 2012).The


controlling function involves setting strategic and operational goals,

measuring the performance of subordinates against these goals, and

taking corrective actions when performance does not live up to the

expectations. In the directing role, managers communicate operational

goals, motivate employees to achieve these goals, and provide regular

feedback. The organizing function includes preparing schedules and

budgets, delegating authority, and coordinating research and development

activities. For Tirosh (2009). effective leaders work daily to develop team

members through positive feedback and coaching. Communication is

another important skill for academic managers. They must become a

student of effective communication in all its applications. They must realize

that the most important aspect of communication is listening

Collaboration is another skill that must be developed among leaders

and managers. They should serve as role models for working together and

should support cross-functional efforts and model collaborative behaviors

to set the example for the team members. Critical thinking skills are also

included here. The managers should strive to understand where and how

the projects fit into the bigger picture to enhance their effectiveness. They

must review priorities in light of larger goals and translate this

understanding into meaningful goals and objectives for the team members

(Wager, 2012&Tirosh, 2009).Furthermore, managers need to develop and

hone different skills. They got to be able to set priorities and motivate the

team members. This involves self-awareness, self-management, social

awareness and relationship management. They must be source of energy,

empathy, and trust. Effective leaders work daily to develop team members

through positive feedback, constructive feedback and coaching.

Finance skills must also be considered by managers. They must

learn the language of numbers. Managers must strive to understand how

funds are invested and to ensure that these investments earn a good

return for the firm. Finally, leaders must have project management skill.

Everything that is set in an organization is created in the form of

projects(Johnson, 2013). Today’s managers understand and leverage

formal project management practices to ensure timely completion and

proper control of initiatives. Managers at all levels make decisions and

make choices. Similarly, all organizational members make decisions that

affect their jobs and the organization they work for. Their decision provides

framework within which other organization members make decisions and

act (Bujis, 2010).

In the field of education, school administrators and managers make

decisions. These decisions aim to achieve the goals set and objectives of

the school. In decision-making, the attainment of the goals depends on the

behaviors of decision-makers. Solving problems and making sound

decisions is a skill that a person needs to develop like any other. Definitely,

decision making is a vital component of organizational success. Decisions

that are based on knowledge and sound reasoning can lead the

organization into long term prosperity (Tomlinson & Imbeau (2010).Further,

decisions that are made on the basis of flawed logic, emotionalism, or

incomplete information can quickly cause issues and problems. Ultimately,

what drives organizational success is the quality of decisions and their

implementation (De Silva, 2010).

Other expectations about school managers include that they

promote ongoing personal, academic, occupational, and professional

growth through pursuing reflective study and research in their respective

learning areas. They also have to practice and promote critical, committed

and ethical attitude towards developing a sense of respect and

responsibility towards others. They must uphold the constitution and

promote democratic values and practices in schools and in society.

Falco, Summers & Bauman (2010) expressed the skills and qualities

that can be learned and developed through practice in the educational

environment. It can therefore be suggested that educational institutions


must be properly managed by effective leaders. Educators in leadership

positions who manage and lead need to continually reflect on their

management tasks, skills and attributes, and improve these. They have to

look forward towards effective management in order to meet the

challenges and demands of the educational institution and be able to

achieve goals and realize the vision of the educational institution. Hence,

an important consideration for the educational manager is effectiveness in

performance so as to produce and work towards the desired results.

Management Guide Preparation.A management guide has several

purposes, they serve as a guide for trainers; serve as a guide and later

reference for trainees; provide ready-made checklists for performance

evaluation; standardize task accomplishment; represent employee input

and ownership; and provide content for e-learning applications (Evelyn,

Mitten 2017).

Anderson (2011)added that a management guide for learning is an

organized collection of course material in one location. It is like a packet of

information dedicated towards supporting a specific course goal, theme,

objective, or subject. It can be set-up in a way that students must first read

about how a specific analytic device works before they can access the

experimental procedure that uses that device. Alternatively, it can allow


students free access to the course material. One of the greatest

advantages of creating a management guide for learning is that it allows

one to integrate various tools in one place. In a management guide, one

can include files and folders, assignments, URL links, multimedia,

discussion boards, and tests.

As mentioned by Thiry (2010) and Fajardo (2013),management

guide has been proven vital in implementing strategic initiatives and critical

to the success of the organization. It is also an essential link between

strategy and projects and as a vehicle for organizational change. It offers

the means to manage groups of projects with a common purpose in an

integrated and effective way. Likewise, it offers an understanding

management guide connection to organization’s strategy and value

realization, beyond multiple- project management.

Additionally, it emphasizes the need for guide specific processes,

based on an iterative life cycle and the management of multiple

stakeholders and their expected benefits. It analyses the best

organizational structures for managing guides and provides tools and

techniques to deal with complex, unplanned change in a structured

manner. Likewise, management guide is practical discipline that becomes

effective when used on what is needed by the situation of the organization.


In relation with this, the study of Fornal (2018),proposed

competency-based management program, to address issues and concerns

encountered in the field based on the performance in accordance with the

seven domains of NCBSSH. The conceptualized management program

provided activities based on domains to enhance organizational

performance. It was recommended that the proposed management guide

be presented to the top management for enhancement.

The content of management guide should be developed by a team

who does the job on a regular basis. Having teams create the

management guide for learning speeds up the process dramatically and

ensures buy-in from the people who will be most affected. Ideally, the team

should consist of subject matter experts, those workers who are

knowledgeable in the job but not experts yet, as new teachers. With this

diverse group, it is possible to develop a management guide at just right

the level for those who will use it. When subject matter experts alone

develop the material, it may be over the heads of new teachers or they

may leave out important information that the new teachers might not feel

comfortable using in certain in learning situation. It can also be tried out for

a couple of times before using it in a larger scale(Ong, 2013).


According to Butler (2010), managementguide is directly related to

the skills, knowledge, and strategies necessary to do a particular job. It

can include teaching staff members’ new skills, exposing them to

unfamiliar ideas, giving them the chance to practice and get feedback on

particular techniques or styles of working with people, or simply

encouraging them to discuss their work with one another. In fact,Ong

(2013) mentioned that a management guide offers one of the most

promising roads to the improvement of instruction. It includes goal and

content, the process and the context. The primary purpose is to guide

teachers in their instruction and in the improvement of their instructional

skills. It focuses on helping the teachers deliver their lessons more

effectively. In this aspect, teachers are the driving force behind much

changes that occur in the area of teaching and learning.

It is vital that teachers keep up to date on the most current

concepts, thinking and research in their field and also promote

professional growth among teachers in order to promote excellent and

effective teaching and learning environment for students. According to

Kazmi et al. (2011), amanagement guidefor teachers enables the

teachers to be more systematic and logical in their teaching style.It is a

planned process whereby the effectiveness of teachers collectively or


individually is enhanced in response to new knowledge, new ideas and

changing circumstances in order to improve, directly or indirectly the

quality of learners’ education.

Watson and Grossman (2013) mentioned that amanagement guide

promotes improvement in the institution on large part through helping

individual evolve, unfold, mature, grow, cultivate, produce and develop

themselves as individuals and as contributors to the institution’s mission.

Its main focus is for professionalism and professional growth. A continuing

development for the teachers is highly important to make them more

updated and competitive in the ever-changing environment. Likewise,

Arvizu (2011) emphasized thatguides are needed to improve specific skills

that are not yet inherent to any of the teachers so as to improve their

productivity and level theirmorale. More so, the purpose is to attain

progress of knowledge among teachers, increase versatility, and improve

his standards of performance.

Good management means providing conditions that enable people

to develop and demonstrate their potential and help them come up with

good decisions. Moreover, amanagement guide as defined by Buijis (2010)

is a group of related parts managed in a coordinated manner to obtain

benefits and control not available from managing them individually. A


management guide may include objectives, target users, strategies, and

expected outcomes. This can be useful incremental benefits to the

organization before the program itself has completed. It is normally

designed to deliver organization’s strategy.

Further,Haughey (2013)defined management guide asa set of

structures, processes and/or a framework for aligning project and

operational change activities with organizational strategy. It is the art and

science of optimizing the pursuit of strategic goals in an uncertain and

complex environment by dynamically adapting plans for the investment of

resources. It addresses the need for an active and continuous oversight

process to ensure that project and operational activities continue to

support achievement of strategic objectives over the entire lifecycle of a

program. According to Savellanoand Robles (2012), managing instruction

is widely considered to be a major factor in a country’s economic output

and national innovation system, the so-called push toward a western-style

knowledge economy. The process involves an initial plan or roadmap that

links how strategies and activities are intended to deliver benefits that

support achievement of strategic goals.

The foregoing review of conceptual and research literature greatly

added insights on the researcher’s ideas on developing management


modules for small schools. The concepts and study results derived from

the review were necessary as they added more inputs on the need to

strengthen teachers’ competencies. Mathematics education develops

learners’ abilities, attitudes, and undertaking to enable them to interpret

and predict. The new vision of mathematics education is one in which all

students have the opportunity to engage in as inquiry—to explore and

construct ideas and explanations within a supportive community of

learners. Solid mathematical knowledge is necessary for teachers; more

importantly they should have contagious curiosity, a willingness to explore

with their students, and a commitment to personal excellence and

continued learning.

In order to achieve better mathematics instructions, teachers must

be equipped with needed pedagogies and competencies. Through these,

they will be able to give and instill students the importance of taking

responsibility for their learning which is an important attitude towards

lifelong learning. Indeed, teachers have to make use of sufficient teaching

strategies that allow learners to reflect with their day-to-day lessons.

In the field of education, school administrators and managers make

decisions. These decisions aim to achieve the goals set and objectives of

the school. Leaders are modern examples of the organization’s vision and

therefore must be imbued with competitive and innovative management

skills. Management guideis the totality of educational and personal

experiences that contributes toward an individual being to become more

competent an assigned professional role. The primary purpose is to enable

teachers to acquire new understanding and instructional skills. It focuses

on creating learning environments which enable teachers to develop their

effectiveness in the classroom.In this aspect, in-service training for

teachers is the driving force behind much change that has occurred in the

area of teaching and learning. Generally, all the concepts found in the

reviewed literature contributed to the content of this study. Moreover, the

reviewed studies affirmed the necessity and significance of this study.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the theories of Bruner, Dienes, and

Piagettogether with the management theory of Mary Parker

Folletassociated to managing mathematics instruction.

Learning theories are conveyed and communicated in response to

the demands of the fast-changing world. Similarly, some are also reformed

and reviewed as a concern of man’s rapid change in developmental

patterns. There are pieces of evidence that emphasize that learning

follows certain processes which comprise a whole person-learning. It


means that individual is engaged into self-activity where he learns by

doing, reacting and experiencing learner motivation. The teacher has to

reflect on activities which may poster positive attitudes.

Theorists likeBruner’s, Dienes, and Piaget recommend that learners’

thoughts progress through direct collaboration with the environment and

materials through which learning can transpire.

Post (2019) stressed that manipulative materials increase the

learning process of students in the classroom. This requirement

significantly modifies the role of the teacher in the classroom from

expositor to one of the facilitators. In addition, learning is a process in

which learners create new thoughts or perceptions based upon their recent

or past knowledge. Use of instructional materials will support students

select and transform information, create hypothesis, and make


Similarly, Dienes as cited by Post (2009) highlighted that the use of

instructional materials would greatly highlight class lessons in order to

accommodate individual differences in capacity and interests and that the

role of students would be lengthened to comprise the assumption of

greater amount of responsibility for their own education. Dienes also


supported Piaget about the role of the teacher becoming a facilitator from

an expositor.Further,the teacher inspires students discover principles by

themselves, encourages the participation in the discussion, and supervises

innovative possibilities of both content and process.

In the framework of the foregoing theories, the researcher enhanced

the management of mathematics instruction using the developed

management guide which is expected to guide the mathematics teachers

and learners, thus, providing them with substantial mathematical skills and

concepts that require mastery.

Another theory found relevant to this study was the management

theory of Follet. It emphasizes that leadership is not defined by the

exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power

among those led. No function of management can be efficiently performed

unless the activities under the function are coordinated. Coordination is the

unification and integration of the efforts of group members and to provide

unity of action in the achievement of common goals. Thus, coordination is

a hidden force that binds all other functions of management. It is helpful in

achieving the objectives of the organization. It is a process and not fixed.


Individual activities are not applied in coordination; it prefers group

activities. The managers have to make special efforts for coordination.

Further, the management theory emphasizes unity of action and is

essential at every level to achieve the organizational goals. In an

organization, there are many individuals, groups and departments that

perform many different activities. Coordination, in this situation, means to

integrate or bring together these activities to achieve the objectives of the

whole organization. Coordination encourages team spirit and gives proper

direction to the organization. This also motivates employees and makes

proper use of the resources. Coordination, therefore, affects all the

functions of management.

Follet gave four main principles of coordination which must be

followed to make coordination even effective. The first is the principle of

early stage. According to this principle, coordination must start at an early

stage in the management process particularly in the planning stage. This

will result in making the best plans and implementing these plans

successfully. If coordination is started early, only then can all the

management functions be performed successfully. Thus, by initiating

proper coordination, the organization may achieve its objectives and

benefit from them. The second is the principle of continuity. Coordination


must be a continuous process; it must not be a one-time activity. The

process begins when the organizations starts and it must continue until

organization exists. It must be done continuously during the management

process; planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

In summary, the insights and knowledge gained from the different

theories were found relevant to this study in the development of

management guide in teaching mathematics for small schools in the

division of Batangas. These theories served as strong bases in the

preparation of a management guide for mathematics teachers. Moreover,

these theories were also considered in the strategies to prepare a

management guide included in the output. Figure 1 presents the

theoretical framework of the study.


Bruner’s, Dienes, Piaget

Learning Theories

Management Guides to
Enhance Mathematics
Instruction for Small Schools

Mary Parker Follet

Management Theory

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Possessing management skillsis crucial to every teacher; it consists

of attributes or abilities that an educational leader should possess in order

to fulfill specific tasks in an organization (Pawilen, 2019).It involves the

teacher’s ability to perform functions relative to planning, resource

allocation, and decision making.

This study focused on describing teachers’ mathematics

competencies, determining pedagogical competencies, identifying the

respondents’ management skills and determining the significant

relationship of those variables. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of

Mathematics teachers was also covered in order to prepare a

management guide.

The first figure highlights the description of teachers’ competencies

of mathematics lesson as regards to number and number sense, algebra,

geometry and probability and statistics. The first arrow from the first box

shows connection to the pedagogical competencies relative to the

utilization of approaches and strategies, application of evaluation tools and

classroom setting. This means that competencies in these lessons in

mathematics must be established by the teachers in order for them to be

able to use the right teaching approaches and strategies, appropriate


evaluation tools, and manage the classroom setting well. The

competencies of teachers in these lessons influence their pedagogical


In continuation, the three arrows from the second box directly points

to the management skills including planning, resource allocation and

decision making. This signifies that teachers’ competencies in

mathematics can influence their management skills because if they do not

have these competencies develop in them, it may significantly impact their

planning, resource allocation, and decision making.

Lastly, the arrow from the management skills is pointing toward the

output of the study which is the management guide. This signifies that

inputs taken from teachers’ competencies and their management skills

serve as the springboard for the preparation of a management guide to be

able to improve mathematics instruction.


Teacher’s Pedagogical
Competencies Competencies:
 Number  Utilization
and number of
sense Approaches
 Algebra and Resource



e for


 Geometry

 Probability  Application
and of
statistics Evaluation
 Classroom

Figure 2

ConceptualParadigm on Managing Mathematics Instruction in Small

Schools in the Province of Batangas



This chapter presents the research design, subjects of the study, the

instrument and procedures used in gathering the data as well as the

statistical tools to treat data.

Research Design

This study aimed to assessed the mathematics instructions in small

schools of the four divisions in the province of Batangas. To attain this

purpose, the researcher used the descriptive method of research.

As defined by Ariola (2016), descriptive research is used to obtain

information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe

what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The

method may involve survey, which describes the status quo, a correlation

study, which investigates the relationship between variables, or

developmental studies, which seek to determine changes over time.

Considering the characteristic description of this design, the researcher

deemed it most appropriate to be used in this study.

Subjects of the Study

The study involved 139 teacher-respondents in the selected small

junior high schools in the Province of Batangas during the academic year

2019 – 2020.Table 1 presents the distribution of respondents among the

participating small JHSs in Batangas province.

Table 1
Distribution of Respondents

JHS Teachers
Population Sample

Batangas City 48 32
Batangas Province 90 59
Lipa City 45 30
Tanauan City 27 18

Total 210 139

Stratified random sampling with proportionate allocation was used while

Rao Soft application was used to determine the sample size of JHS


Data Gathering Instruments

The study utilized a self-constructed questionnaire as the main data

gathering instrument. Focus group discussion and interview were also

conducted to enrich the findings of the study.

Questionnaire. A three-part questionnaire was the primary tool to

gather pertinent data. The researcher constructed a questionnaire based

on the gained concepts and insights about mathematics teachers’

competencies and management skillsand other relevant factors about the


study. The researcher’s personal observations were also considered in its


Part I of the questionnaire focused on the assessment of the

learning competencies of teachers in terms of number and number sense,

algebra, geometry, probability and statistics. Part II covered the

pedagogical competencies along utilization of approaches and strategies,

application of evaluation tools, and classroom setting. Part III dealt on the

assessment of management skills in terms of planning, resource

allocation, and decision making. Part IV concentrated on the strengths and

weaknesses of mathematics teachers.

Construction. The instrument used was developed based on the

statement of the problem, interviews and readings from related literature

covering the concepts on mathematics competencies and management

skills of teachers. The first draft was presented to the adviser for

comments and suggestions which were then incorporated in the second

draft. After several refinement of the questionnaire items and upon

approval of the adviser, several copies of the questionnaire were prepared

for the members of the panel for validation.

Validation. The researcher was advised to present the draft of the

questionnaire to the experts in the field for validation. A dry run to test the

validity of the instrument was likewise conducted. Reliability testing was

done using Cronbach alpha Test. The result revealed that the

questionnaire contained high internal efficiency level of 0.871 which was

higher than the minimum constant value of 0.70, indicating the instrument

was reliable and the options in questionnaire were appropriate for


Administration. The researcher personally administered the

questionnaire to the different JHSs in Batangas. Respondents were

informed of the purpose of the study and the need for their honest and

objective participation. The researcher retrieved the copies of the

questionnaire from the respondents soon after they have finished

answering the instrument. After all the data were tallied and well-

accounted for, these were subjected to statistical treatment with the help of

the statistician.

Scoring of responses. The data gathered from the respondents were

given weights ranging from 1 to 4 with 1 representing lowest assessment

up to 4 for highest assessment. The responses were likewise provided

corresponding verbal interpretation as reflected in the scale continuum.


Option Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Great Extent/Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Moderate Extent/Agree

2 1.50-2.49 Slight Extent/Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Least Extent/Strongly Disagree

Interview. An interview was also conducted with the eight

JHSteachers from the participating JHS. The researcher provided

questions to be answered by the participants which covered competencies

and management skills, strengths and weakness of mathematics teachers.

Questions asked during the interview are presented in Appendix C.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD). To strengthen the data gathered

from the questionnaire, focus group discussion was conducted utilizing

modern technology like google meet since there is a pandemic.

12Mathematics teachers from Maabud National High School, San Nicolas

National High School and Sta Teresita National High School were invited

and served as participants. These teachers shared their ideas based on

the agenda prepared by the researcher about the strengths and

weaknesses they are experiencing relative to their specialization.

Pedagogical competencies and management skills were also discussed as

well as the teachers’ competencies in the process of instruction and


research. Ways in achieving management skills were also emphasized on

the discussion beneficial in developing the output of this study for the

teachers. Participants freely expressed their point of view and perspective

about the agenda prepared prior to the actual discussion.

Data Gathering Procedure

Proper communication among concerns was secured after the

researcher asked approval of the higher authorities to conduct the

administration of questionnaire in the field. With the approval of the school

administrators, the questionnaire was distributed to the faculty and pre-

service teachers. Retrieval was 100 percent which took two weeks. The

interview conducted with teachers last May 10, 2020 enriched and

validated the responses of the subjects of the study. The data were then

submitted to the statistician for treatment after which the data were

analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data collected, the following statistical tools were

used to answer the research questions.

Weighted mean. This was used to determine the assessments in

learning and pedagogical competencies, strengths and weakness of


Pearson r. This was used to determine significant relationship

between the assessment on pedagogical competencies and management




This presents the analysis and interpretation of data regarding

learning and pedagogical competencies and management skills of junior

high school mathematics teachers in small schools in the Province of


1. Mathematics Teachers’ Competencies in Four Learning Areas

This study determined the mathematics teachers’ competencies in

the four learning areas namely number and number sense, algebra,

geometry, probability and statistics. Data are presented in tables 1 to 4.

1.1 Number and Number Sense. This refers to teachers’ ability to

use and understand numbers, knowing their relative values and use them

to make reasonable judgments. Table 2 presents teachers’ competencies

in terms of number and number sense.

The assessment of teachers proved thatperforming fundamental

operations on integers was done to a great extent. This implies that they

had thorough understanding and wide mastery of the concepts in terms of

performing operation in integers. This also means that they are capable of

teaching the concepts successfully as seen in their quality and mastery of

the concepts. This relates with the mandate of Mathematics Curriculum


Guide (2012) that teachers must deliver instructions with mastery and

smartness towards the subject.

Table 2
Mathematics Teachers’ Competencies in Number and Number Sense

Indicators WM VI
1. Perform fundamental operations on integers 3.64 GE
2. Describe the intersection of sets 3.61 GE
3. Describe well-defined sets 3.60 GE
4. Use Venn diagrams to represent sets 3.58 GE
5. Represent the absolute value of a number on a number line as
3.52 GE
the distance of a number from 0
6. Describe the different subsets of real numbers 3.49 ME
7. Performs operations on rational numbers 3.49 ME
8. Convert rational numbers from decimal to fractional form 3.46 ME
9. Determine the square roots of a number 3.45 ME
10. Arranges rational numbers on a number line. 3.44 ME
11. Plot rational numbers on a number line 3.44 ME
12. Solve problems involving sets 3.42 ME
13. Represents real-life situations which involve real numbers. 3.42 ME
14. Describe principal root and tell whether it is rational or irrational 3.41 ME
15. Solve problems on operations on rational numbers 3.40 ME
16. Solve problems involving real numbers. 3.40 ME
17. Write numbers in scientific notation and vice versa 3.38 ME
18. Estimate the square root of whole number to the nearest hundredth 3.31 ME
19. Solve problems involving numbers in scientific notation. 3.29 ME
20. Plot irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a number line 3.26 ME
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

This was also affirmed in the FGD in which the participants shared that it is

a must for them to be chapters ahead of their students and maintain the

advance-paced in order to relate the concepts to most of the learning


It can also be noted that the respondents were competent to a great

extent in describing the intersection of sets and in describing a well-defined

set. This infers that they are knowledgeable and exhibit mastery about the

topic sets. They master the concepts and this made them easily discuss

the topic to their students. This supports the mandate of RA 10533 (2013)

which emphasizes teachers’ proficiency and skills in teaching the concepts

of sets and other mathematical theories.

Other indicators revealed that teachers were competent to a

moderate extent in determining between two integers the square root of a

number, arranging rational numbers on a number line, plotting rational

numbers on a number line, solving problems involving sets, and

representing real-life situations which involve real numbers. This means that

the respondents need to have wide vocabulary in dealing with the concepts

of integers, rational numbers and in solving word problems about sets. This

could also mean that knowledge on the abovementioned topics need to be

enhanced as has adverse effect in their teaching. In the interview conducted,


it was revealed that these topics and concepts were commonly the least

mastered by teachers as this involves confusing items and variables. They

also shared that they sought their colleagues’ advice and assistance

whenever they teach the said topics. However, they also agreed that video

presentation and other supplementary lessons found in the internet made

them better understand the concepts and these helped them a lot.

In the same assessment of teachers, it revealed that they were

competent in writing numbers in scientific notation and vice versa, estimating

the square root of whole number to the nearest hundredth and solving

problems involving numbers in scientific notation to a moderate extent. This

implies that teachers need to review and master its core about scientific

notation and estimating numbers to the desired place values. Moreover,

these also infer that they had difficulty in solving problems that deal with

significant figures and scientific notation. In the FGD conducted, teachers

confessed that they are confused and found common mistakes in the

movement of decimal point whether to the right or to the left. Although they

found difficulty, they shared that they are always doing their best to

understand and grasp the concepts since it is expected of them as

mathematics teachers.

Likewise, teachers were competent to a moderate extent in plotting

irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a number line, this obtained their

lowest assessment. This means that they had little knowledge and

background onusing the number line as they plot irrational numbers. This

also further reveals that they need to double their effort and pay much of

their attention in learning the competency. This is in consonance with

Mathematics Curriculum Guide (2012) which emphasized that learning

competencies of students like plotting irrational numbers must be addressed

to help students better understand the succeeding concepts in the subject.

Hence, no students should fall short of these competencies.

The composite mean signifies that teachers were competent to a

moderate extent with regard to number and number sense. This means that

teachers need in-depth understandings of the concepts and theories related

to number and number sense. This supports the reiteration of RA 10533

(2013) that teachers must be knowledgeable in what they teach and that

teaching experiences are needed for successful curriculum implementation

and students’ learning.

1.2 Algebra. In real- life problems, they are often seen as certain

values that keep on changing. But there is a constant need to represent

these changing values. Here in algebra, these values are often represented

with symbols such as x, y, z, p or q, and these symbols are called variables.

This is one of the broad areas of mathematics, together with the number

theory, geometry and analysis.This magnifies teachers’ skills to deal with

symbols and follow rules to manipulate those symbols. It also encompasses

number theory and analysis. In addition, it is a unifying thread of almost all of

mathematics. Some represent quantities with and without fixed values

known as variables.Table 3 presents teachers’ competencies in terms of


As revealed in the assessment, teachers were competent in defining

constants and variables in a given algebraic expression to a great extent.

This implies wide understanding and mastery of the lesson about algebraic

expressions. Also, they are competent in differentiating one variable to

another by means of its constant and variables in the given expression. In

the interview, teachers revealed that defining and identifying constant and

variables was their forte in the subject algebra. This result further supports

what Shaikh (2013) underscored that teachers’ ability to teach the

concepts of algebraic expressions still remains to be the most reliable

ability of mathematics teachers.


Other competencies which were assessed to be on a moderate

extent by the respondents include factoring completely different types of

polynomials and illustrating the slope of a line.

Table 3
Mathematics Teachers’ Competenciesin Algebra

Indicators W.M. V.I.

1. Identify constants and variables in a given algebraic expression 3.63 GE
2. Evaluate algebraic expressions for given values of the variables 3.58 GE
3. Classify special products of polynomials 3.52 GE
4. Graph a linear equation given any two points 3.49 ME
5. Illustrate the uses of the rectangular coordinate system 3.46 ME
6. Factor completely different types of polynomials 3.45 ME
7. Illustrate the slope of a line 3.45 ME
8. Perform operations on rational algebraic expressions 3.43 ME
9. Describe and generate patterns 3.40 ME
10. Rewrite quadratic equation in standard form a x +c=0 3.40 ME
11. Perform operations on radical expressions 3.37 ME
12. Solve quadratic equation using quadratic formula with rational solutions 3.36 ME
13. Solve problems involving factors of polynomials 3.35 ME
14. Solve word problems involving sequences using algebraic solution 3.35 ME
15. Solve problems involving linear functions 3.30 ME
16. Solve problems involving system of linear equations and inequalities 3.30 ME
17. Create polynomial equations given the roots of a polynomial 3.29 ME
18. Apply the concept of fundamental theorem in finding the roots of polynomial
3.28 ME
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

This highlights the need and furtherance of teachers’ mastery in the

factoring system of polynomials and in the illustration of slope of a line. They

also need to develop their skills in factoring completely with the need

assistance from their master teachers and even their department heads. As

mentioned by Guzano (2014), teachers must be creative enough in helping

students’ overcome difficulty towards the concepts in Mathematics. Such is

complemented by the teachers in the FGD conducted. They expressed that

teachers have to be supportive and exhaust all their means to make students

learn the mathematical concepts and competencies.

Similarly, the assessment of teachers revealed that they were

competent to a moderate extent in terms of performing operations on radical

expressions, solving quadratic equation using quadratic formula with rational

solutions, and solving word problems involving sequences using algebraic

solution. This stressed the need and development of teachers’ skills in

performing operations on radical expressions and solving quadratic formula.

Teachers have to be competent by seeking academic support from their

colleagues and even have to continue learning the skills with the help of

online resources. Once students fail to master skills like in solving quadratic

equation, teachers have to employ effective teaching strategies which would

help students perform better the least mastered skills.

Other indicators which revealed teachers’ moderate competence were

solving problems involving linear functions, solving problems involving

system of linear equations and inequalities, and creating polynomial


equations given the roots of a polynomial. This means that teachers have

limited knowledge and understanding on problem solving involving linear and

polynomial equations. This also reveals the need for these teachers to

collaborate with other teachers within the same district to share their best

practices and adopt the necessary skills to better understand the concepts.

This result, however, brings into the limelight what Mathematics Curriculum

Guide (2012) stressed that it is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure that no

students are left behind in learning the competencies.

The lowest assessment made by the respondents which revealed they

were only competent to a moderate extent was on applying the concept of

fundamental theorem in finding the roots of polynomial equations. This

strikes the need for mathematics teachers to develop competencies in the

application of concepts about fundamental theorem in polynomial equations.

Further, it is also indicative that teachers need to expose themselves to other

academic experiences that can help them develop this competency so that

they can translate it in their teaching.

The composite mean signifies teachers were competent to a moderate

extent in algebra. This indicates the need for teachers to expose themselves

to various strategies and techniques to better teach the concepts of algebra.

Besides that, algebra also serves as a foundation for learning of other higher

mathematics. Thus, it imposes a great demand for teachers to recalibrate

themselves so they can increase students’ interest in the subject and

develop their skills as well towards better learning. This affirms the findings

of Atabay (2016) that teachers must have sufficient teaching strategies that

would allow learners to reflect with their day-to-day lesson performance.

1.3 Geometry. It is concerned with setting forth and justifying methods

of solving geometrical problems on the basis of given representations of

these forms. It enables to visualize the shape of objects and their relative

positions in space, to determine their dimensions, and to study their

geometrical properties.This also refers to teachers’ ability to distinguish

sizes, shapes, positions and dimensions of angles of things. Table 4

presents teachers’ competencies as regards togeometry.

Teachers assessed that they are competent to a great extent in

identifying the different kinds of angles. This highlights teachers’ mastery in

identifying kinds of angles and their high familiarity to easily distinguish the

forms and figures of a certain angle. This could also be due to the fact that

a lot of lessons in geometry involve measuring angles which resulted to

teachers’ mastery of that specific competence. As emphasized by the DO

No. 42, s. 2017, secondary school teachers must be a master of their own

area of specialization and profess advanced learning towards the subject.


The teacher with a good knowledge of mathematics is able to plan and teach the

lesson by way of highlighting the main points of the lesson to the learner while

clarifying the knowledge misconceptions.

Table 4
Mathematics Teachers’ Competencies in Geometry

Indicators WM VI
1. Identify the different kinds of angles 3.73 GE
2. Derive relationships among angles formed by parallel lines cut by a
3.64 GE
transversal using measurement
3. Illustrate a circle and the terms related to central angle/inscribed angle 3.60 GE
4. State and illustrate SAS, ASA and SSS congruence postulates 3.50 GE
5. Find the six trigonometric values of special angles 3.48 ME
6. Solve problems involving angles of a polygon 3.45 ME
7. Derive inductively the relationship of interior angles in a convex polygon 3.44 ME
8. Construct regular polygons 3.44 ME
9 Solve problem involving trigonometric ratio of special angles 3.39 ME
10. Solve problems involving angle of elevation/ depression 3.38 ME
11. State and apply the right triangle similarity theorems 3.37 ME
12. Apply the postulates and theorems on triangle congruence to prove
3.36 ME
statements on congruence, including right triangles
13. Illustrate theorems on triangle inequalities 3.36 ME
14. Determine the number of triangles using law of sines 3.31 ME
15. State and apply the converse of basic proportionality theorem 3.31 ME
16. Apply law of cosines in solving oblique triangles 3.30 ME
17. Solve oblique triangles using law of cosines given two sides and one
3.26 ME
included angle
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

Other indicators showed that teachers were competent to a

moderate extent in illustrating a circle and the terms related to central


angle/inscribed angle, and stating and illustrating SAS, ASA and SSS

congruence postulates. This implies that teachers have sufficient

understanding and mastery on the topics concerning about circles, angles

and in illustrating the congruence postulates. They can easily illustrate,

state and identify the different triangle postulates.

Moreover, they had the best background in those lessons which

allowed them to easily transpire skills to their students. In the FGD,

teachers shared that in learning those, they have the so-called special

techniques and strategies that made them easily teach the concepts to the

students. More so, their creative examples and illustrations helped

students to learn the concepts easily.

Similarly, the assessment of teachers revealed that they are

competent to a moderate extent in deriving inductively the relationship of

interior angles in a convex polygon, constructing regular polygons, solving

problem involving trigonometric ratio of special angles, and solving

problems involving angle of elevation/depression. This relates the need for

teachers to widen their thoughts and understanding on the concepts about

polygons and solving problems about trigonometric and angles of

elevation. This also means that teachers need to develop their craft as

these topics are part of the curriculum in the junior high school.

In the interview, the participants shared that these concepts were

true to be really challenging on their part as these are in the higher

mathematics. They also expressed that this cannot be the reason why they

perform poorly in the said competency. True to this observation and

experience, they also shared that because ofthislackingskills and mastery,

this has been part of the localized faculty development program every

Friday where they invite an expert on the topics so they may be able to

enrich their minds, too.

The assessment of teachers also revealed that they are competent

to a moderate extent in applying the postulates and theorems on triangle

congruence to prove statements on congruence, including right triangles,

illustrating theorems on triangle inequalities, determining the number of

triangles using law of sines, and stating and applying the converse of basic

proportionality theorem. This implies due to the limited understanding of

teachers on the skills about triangles, they find it hard to apply the

postulates and theorems on triangles. Likewise, this assessment stresses

the need for teachers to improve and develop skills on the topic sparingly.

This result highlights what Ferlazzo (2014) mentioned that teachers must

refine their skills in transferring learning to the students. But difficulty is

when they themselves have limited understanding of the concepts.


Teachers were also noted to be competent to a moderate extent in

solving oblique triangles using law of cosines given two sides and one

included angle which received their lowest assessment. This infers that

teachers have to expand their learning and insights on how to solve

obliques triangles using the law of cosines. The composite mean signifies

teachers’ moderate competency in geometry. This implies that in-depth

learning must take place and assist secondary teachers in learning the

competencies in geometry. When this is done, this can lead to utilization of

better and more appropriate teaching strategies which will benefit not only

them but their students as well.

1.4. Probability and Statistics.Understanding probability and

statistics is essential in the modern world, where the print and electronic

media are full of statistical information and interpretation. Basic concepts and

logic of statistical reasoning gives the students introductory-level practical

ability to choose, generate and properly interpret appropriate descriptive and

inferential methods. The goal of mathematical instruction in this area should

be to make students sensible, critical users of probability and statistics, able

to apply their processes and principles to real-world problems. It holds the

key for enabling our students to better understand, process and interpret the

vast amounts of quantitative data that exist all around them, and to have

probabilistic sense in situations of uncertainty. Table 5 presents teachers’

competencies in terms of probability and statistics.

Table 5
Teachers’ Learning Competencies in Probability and Statistics

1. Calculate the measures of central tendency for grouped/ungrouped data 3.72 GE
2. Organize data in a frequency distribution table 3.68 GE
3. Describe the importance of Statistics 3.66 GE
4. Describe the measures of variability of a statistical data 3.60 GE
5. Calculate the measures of variability 3.59 GE
6. Describe an experiment, outcome, sample space and event 3.53 GE
7. Compute the deciles for grouped data 3.50 GE
8. Compute the Deciles for ungrouped data by interpolation. 3.49 ME
9. Use percentiles in analyzing and interpreting research data 3.47 ME
10. Solve simple problems involving probabilities of events 3.46 ME
11. Draw conclusions from variability/measures of central tendency 3.45 ME
12. Explain and interpret the probability of an event 3.44 ME
13.Interpret the computed upper and lower quartile of grouped data. 3.43 ME
14. Derive the formula for each percentile point in the given set of
3.42 ME
grouped data
15.Interpret the computed upper and lower quartile of grouped data 3.42 ME
16.Count the number of occurrences of an outcome in an experiment 3.41 ME
17. Derive the formula for finding the number of permutations of n
3.39 ME
objects taken r at a time
18. Differentiate experimental from theoretical probability 3.37 ME
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

Teachers’ assessment revealed that they are greatly competent in

calculating the measures of central tendency for grouped/ungrouped data.


This means that the respondents have thorough knowledge and skills

about the measures of central tendency specifically mean, median and

mode both for grouped and ungrouped data. This also highlights that they

have the skills to easily calculate and determine the necessary steps in

identifying the needed measure for each class or interval.

Likewise, the respondents were also found to be competent to a

great extent in calculating the measures of variability, describing an

experiment, outcome, sample space and event, and computing the deciles

for grouped. This means that teachers have the needed skills and mastery

in calculating measures of variability, describing an experiment and in the

computation of deciles for grouped data. This could also imply that this

competence is often practiced by teachers especially that this is a common

topic in probability and statistics.

On the other hand, the teachers’ assessment revealed that they are

competent to a moderate extent in drawing conclusions from

variability/measures of central tendency, explaining and interpreting the

probability of an event, and interpreting the computed upper and lower

quartile of grouped data. This signifies that teachers have limited

knowledge in formulating conclusions taken from variability and measures

of central tendency. Also, they had little understanding on the application


and interpretation of such which prevent them from coming up with a

sound and reasonable conclusion. Moreover, they need to enhance their

skills and competence in defining and applying the number of outcomes

and the probability of an event.

Other indicators which revealed teachers’ moderate competence

include deriving the formula for each percentile point in the given set of

grouped data, interpreting the computed upper and lower quartile of

grouped data, and counting the number of occurrences of an outcome in

an experiment. These results stressed the need for teachers to expose

themselves to better understand how to derive formula on percentile point

and how to interpret the upper and lower quartile. More so, teachers have

to widen their tools and crafts in these concepts for them to better teach

these concepts.

Obtaining the lowest assessment from the respondents which also

showed teachers’ moderate competence was on differentiating

experimental from theoretical probability. This means that insufficient

knowledge of teachers was manifested in the factors that determine the

probability of things to happen. Moreover, this also stressed that teachers

have to strategize and use number of possible ways an outcome may

happen. This also implies that teachers have not had much experience

with experimental and theoretical probability so it was not very easy for

them to differentiate the two.

The composite mean signifies that teachers were competent to a

moderate extent in probability and statistics. This implies that teachers

should find ways on how they can improve their knowledge and skills in

statistics so they can better teach it to their students especially that these

subjects are practical mathematics subjects on which application in real life is

easily observable.

2. Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies

The quality of teaching should be the primary consideration. Scope,

breadth and depth are also important, as should the ability to plan, initiate,

lead and develop education and teaching, as well as the ability to provide

researched-based teaching and learning. Teachers’ creativity in sustaining

effective classroom instruction is measured in terms of pedagogical

competencies. It refers to educational and teaching qualifications.This

involves utilization of approaches and strategies, application of evaluation

tools, and classroom setting. Data are presented in Table 6 to 8.

2.1 Utilization of approaches and strategies. The classroom is a

dynamic environment, bringing together students from different backgrounds

with various abilities and personalities. Being effective teacher therefore


requires the implementation of creative and innovative teaching approaches

and strategies in order to meet students’ individual needs.Teaching

approaches and strategies help teachers sustain effective teaching-learning

experience. Table 6 presents teachers’ pedagogical competencies in terms

of utilization of approaches and strategies.

Table 6
Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies Relative to Utilization of
Approaches and Strategies


1. Assist learners in board work method 3.78 GE
2. Show discussion method in class 3.76 GE
3. Utilize think, pair, share strategy in group activity 3.74 GE
4. Utilize demonstration method in clarifying some topics 3.69 GE
5.Address learners’ queries about the topic using communicative approach 3.68 GE
6. Present the instruction clearly and systematically to help learners organize
3.67 GE
7. Promote direct instruction to improve learners’ attitude towards the subject 3.66 GE
8. Apply pedagogical approaches in planning 3.64 GE
9. Elicit learners’ active participation through collaboration and cooperation 3.64 GE
10. Provide effective introduction and motivation in starting new lessons 3.62 GE
11. Initiate inquiry – based method and let them construct their own knowledge 3.60 GE
12. Maximize collaborative/cooperative learning 3.59 GE
13. Create and utilize good instructional materials alongside with ICT resources to
3.59 GE
deliver lessons effectively
14. Encourage problem solving method 3.58 GE
15. Improve students’ performance through reflective teaching 3.53 GE
16. Impose small group discussion 3.51 GE
17. Utilize project-based task 3.37 ME
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

The assessment of teachers revealed that they are competent to a

great extent in assisting learners in board work method. This means that

teachers are assistive and considerate in seeing the students learn. They

see to it that through their help, students are able to perform board work

which helps students master and better understand the lesson. This

relates with what Olawale (2013) mentioned that teachers can support

students by instilling the importance of taking responsibility in their


Similarly, results showed that teachers were competent to a great

extent in utilizing think-pair-share strategy in group activity, demonstration

method in clarifying some topics, addressing learners’ queries about the

topic using communicative approach and presenting the instruction clearly

and systematically to help learners organize thoughts.This only means that

teachers are aware that students enjoy lessons by providing meaningful

and challenging activities that enable them to be more active participants

of the daily discussion. Students become sociable and creative through

these strategies and challenging activities set forth by the teachers. These

findings are in line with the idea shared by Jacques (2009) that effective

teaching strategies yield better academic performance of the students. As

teachers, their best actions are to encourage learners to view problem-


solving situations not as hindrances but chances to be met. In doing so,

students will be given equal chance to succeed learning the subject matter.

This finding was also supported by the teachers during the interview

conducted. They shared that they are competent in identifying activities to

facilitate the lessons effectively. They further revealed that students find

lesson more interesting and easier to lean if there are creative and

interactive activities.

Other indicators revealing teachers competence to a great extent

include maximizing collaborative/cooperative learning, creating and

utilizing good instructional materials alongside with ICT resources to

deliver lessons effectively, and encouraging problem solving method. This

means that teachers strongly manifest thorough knowledge and

understanding of the concepts. Through the teachers’ innovative strategies

and instructional devices, knowledge and concepts register longer in their

students’ mind. In addition, it is vital for teachers to see the connection and

meaningful relevant content for their students to grasp the relevance of the

concepts better. As revealed in the interview, teachers have mastery of the

subject matter and this is translated to their prepared learning activities for

the students. Through this, they are able to sustain students’ attention


Utilizing project-based task was assessed to be a moderate

competence of teachers and was the respondents’ lowest assessment.

This means that teachers have to maximize the use of project-based or

performance task among their students. Through this, they can be assured

that students got the concepts taught and they are able to apply it in real-

life situation. This is in line with the idea of Rogier (2014) that drawing

appropriate assessment task must be deliberately done by teachers.

Further, reflecting on the assessment is crucial component of the

assessment development process.

The composite mean indicates that the teachers are competent to a

great extent in terms of utilization of approaches and strategies. This infers

that teachers have wide and diverse teaching strategies and motivations to

support quality learning. It can also be said that teachers address the varied

interests and needs of their students by using different teaching strategies. It

is highly important that teachers do not confine themselves with limited

strategies because different topics and different students may required the

utilization of different approaches and strategies.

2.2 Application of evaluation tools. Students’ academic progress is

sustained through teachers’ appropriate assessment tools. It helps to build

an educational program, assess its achievements and improve upon its


effectiveness. It serves as an in-built monitor within the program to review

the progress in learning from time to time. It also provides valuable feedback

on the design and implementation of the program. Table 7 presents

teachers’ pedagogical competencies in terms of application of evaluation


Teachers’ assessment revealed they are competent to a great extent

in utilizing paper and pencil test to assess knowledge acquired. This

signifies the teachers’ deep understanding of the use of assessment tools

to assess students’ learning after a given period of time. This supports DO

42 s. 2013 which dictates that variety of assessment tools and strategies

must be used by teachers must also be properly monitored, evaluated and


Similarly, teachers are also competent to a great extent in giving

immediate feedback to learners’ performance and giving fair rating to the

learners; assessing learners own learning and reflecting on the

assessment results to identify what the learners need to learn and how to

better learn them; and diagnosing learners’ needs. These revealed

teachers’ capacity to identify students who need attention when it comes to

academic development. This also means that it is a must for teachers to


have an eye on struggling learners so they can keep up with the


Table 7
Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies Relative to Application of Evaluation

Indicators W.M. V.I.

1. Utilize paper and pencil test to assess knowledge acquired 3.77 GE
2. Administer written test, performance tasks and other alternative course
3.74 GE
requirements properly
3. Prepare relevant assessment plans both for formative and summative based on
3.68 GE
DepEd curriculum standards
4. Give immediate feedback for learners’ performance and gives fair rating to the
3.68 GE
5. Assess learners own learning and reflect on the assessment results to identify
3.65 GE
what the learners need to learn and how to better learn them
6. Diagnose learners’ needs 3.64 GE
7. Applies individual activity 3.63 GE
8. Employ assessment tasks that are appropriate to the content and to the nature
3.60 GE
of the learners
9. Use rubrics in assessing group work output 3.60 GE
10. Assess lesson to determine desired outcome within the allotted time 3.58 GE
11. Prepare portfolio of students’ output 3.57 GE
12. Use checklist in daily lesson 3.54 GE
13. Initiate open – ended question 3.54 GE
14. Maintain HOTS questions in evaluation 3.50 GE
15. Assist learners in dyadic work 3.47 ME
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

Likewise, teachers must be able to design appropriate assessment

tools to cater students’ diverse needs. It is also expected among teachers


that they provide timely feedback to help students reflect and monitor their

progress. This is in consonance with the idea of Ajami, K &Soleiman

(2014) that providing feedback to support students’ achievement is highly

necessary in the teaching and learning process.

As revealed in the interview, teachers need further enhancement

when it comes to meaningful assessment procedures. They also need to

foster mastery on such since K to 12 curriculum in the Basic Education

envisions them to be good lesson facilitators and assessment tool

designers. This reinforces the concept of DO No. 42, s. 2017 that teachers

use a variety of assessment tools and strategies to address students’

difficulties and to inform and enhance the teaching-learning process.

The respondents’ assessment also revealed that they are competent

to a great extent in using rubrics in assessing group work output,

assessing lesson to determine desired outcome within the allotted time,

and preparing portfolio of students’ output. This indicates that teachers

know the importance of devising rubrics and other assessment tools to

help measure students’ higher-order skills or evaluate complex tasks. It

also implies that teachers’ manifest knowledge of evaluating students’

progress and achievement. As shared by teachers in the interview

conducted, it is a must for them to monitor students’ progress and use


student performance data to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their

teaching. In the same way teachers should make more informed

instructional decisions.

Given the lowest assessment, teachers considered themselves to be

competent on a moderate extent in assisting learners in dyadic work. This

means that teachers need to value the importance of pairing their students

in learning the lesson effectively. This also relates the need for them to

strategize for in terms of class assessing the students’ learning and

understanding. As mentioned by Magat (2014), students learning needs

must customized and learner-paced to allow students reflect and develop

their skills and knowledge through meaningful classroom activities. The

composite mean indicates teachers’ great pedagogical competency relative

to application of evaluation tools. This infers effective assessment tools and

strategies are always in mind of teachers.

2.3Classroom setting. Classroom setup is an important component

in learning environment because it is essential piece of classroom

management to support both teaching and learning. The physical

arrangement of the classroom should be also reflective of the student body

and must be consistent with the needs of the learners.It can dramatically

affect students' attitudes toward and habits of learning. This area of


managing classroom entails passion and commitment in providing

conducive learning environment for the learners. Table 8 presents the

assessment of teachers in terms of classroom setting.

Table 8
Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies Relative to Classroom Setting


1. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom,
3.82 GE
conducive to learning
2. Encourage respect among learners 3.81 GE
3. Impose positive discipline in all learners 3.80 GE
4. Encourage proper hygiene among learners 3.80 GE
5. Assign groups for the maintenance of classroom cleanliness 3.78 GE
6. Follow waste management procedure 3.75 GE
7. Formulate and implement classroom rules and measures 3.74 GE
8. Create and organize learners’ sitting arrangement 3.73 GE
9.Promote open communication in fulfilling tasks and monitoring
3.73 GE
10. Facilitate classroom election and PTA officers 3.72 GE
11.Handle learners’ misbehavior properly by observing the
3.71 GE
provision in the Child Protection Policy
12. Sustain learners’ attention and keep them highly engaged in
the learning process by employing good motivational 3.70 GE
13. Organize classroom furniture 3.66 GE
14. Make DRRM corner functional and show display of emergency
3.64 GE
contingency plan
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation GE – Great Extent ME – Moderate Extent

As revealed in the results, teachers assessed themselves to be

competent to a great extent in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness of

the classroom, conducive to learning which obtained their highest

assessment.This is a clear manifestation that teachers are well-educated

in promoting safe and secure learning environment. They know the

system-feature concerning the safety and security of the students. From

the FGD conducted, participants highlighted that teacher as second

parents perceive safety as their utmost concern and priority. Students must

feel that they are in a safe and secure environment.

Imposing positive discipline in all learners, encouraging proper

hygiene among learners, and assigning groups for the maintenance of

classroom cleanliness were all considered by the respondents as

indicators they are competent to a great extent. This implies that teachers

are knowledgeable in providing ways which best help in disciplining

students. They believe that responding positively creates a spirit of

openness and trust. Moreover, the interview conducted with the teachers

revealed that trainings and lessons about classroom management helped

them the most in handling students’ discipline and behavior.

Notably, teachers assessed themselves to be competent to a great

extent in terms of sustaining learners’ attention and keeping them highly


engaged in the learning process by employing good motivational strategies

and organizing classroom furniture. This implies that teachers also take

into account students’ motivation as one of their considerations in

classroom setting. This is possibly done by teachers in terms of arranging

and positioning the different furniture in a way that students can actively

move and participate in different group activities. This affirms DO No. 42,

s. 2017 which emphasized the need for teachers to utilize a range of

resources and provide stimulating activities to encourage better and high

standards for learning.

Teachers’ assessment showed that they are competent to a great

extent in making DRRM corner functional and showing display of

emergency contingency plan which, this however received the lowest

assessment. This means that teachers understand and recognize the

mandate of putting up emergency corner in every classroom so as to be

responsive to the call of DepEd. They also need to be familiar with such

though they are mathematics teachers. Also, it is a shared responsibility in

school to make everyone informed and updated.

The composite mean indicates that teachers are competent to a great

extent in terms of classroom setting. This proves how responsive and

committed teachers are, not only in instruction but also in managing the

learning environment. This is in line with the idea shared by Cator (2010) that

teachers’ ability to recognize students’ academic skills is a must. Hence, they

should be able to make these students adoptive to the lessons.

3. Teachers’ Management Skills

A teacher needs managerial skills not only to effectively plan,

organize and execute tasks but also to enable him to relate people. The

task of overall development of future citizens is an enormous task for

which teachers need to work together. Teachers’ creativity in sustaining

effective instruction is measured in terms of their classroom management

skills. This also involves planning, resource allocation, and decision

making. Data are presented in Tables 9 to 11.

3.1 Planning. Planning helps educational managers to anticipate

problems and opportunities, to think forward and to contribute efficacy of

other managerial functions. It is a role of effective principal to provide a

basis for control in a school and set priorities to focus their emergencies on

important things first. Table 9 presents the assessment in terms of

planning. It can be seen from the assessment of teachers that they

expressed strong agreement in engaging learners in assessment


Table 9
Teachers’ Management Skills in Planning

Indicators W.M. V.I.

1. Engaging learners in assessment processes 3.78 SA
2. Formulating objectives of the lesson appropriately 3.76 SA
3. Consider learners’ needs in the activities to be implemented 3.74 SA
4. Selecting appropriate instructional materials based on the topic 3.73 SA
5. Ensuring that lessons are aligned to the standards of DepEd 3.72 SA
6.Organizing the content of the lesson and activities well 3.72 SA
7. Adopting suitable evaluation tool for a specific purpose 3.71 SA
8. Providing appropriate activities and motivation 3.71 SA
9. Integrate diversity of learners in planning the lesson for the day 3.70 SA
10. Preparing questions that develop higher level of thinking 3.69 SA
11.Using variety of assessment methods to meet different purposes 3.68 SA
12.Collaborate with seasoned teachers in finding appropriate strategies to be
3.68 SA
13.Create possible innovations to address the gaps and test student proficiency 3.65 SA
14. Streamlining expectations of the learners and eliminate ineffective teaching
3.63 SA
15. Designing intervention program 3.60 SA
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation SA – Strongly Agree

This reveals that teachers are held responsible in monitoring the

students’ progress and achievement. Further, it can also be inferred that

teachers so understand that assessment is not only for the purpose of

giving feedback to students performance but also to serve as an additional

learning experience for them, hence it is imperative that students are

engaged in the assessment of their learning. In the interview conducted,


teachers aired that they were trained to identify students who are

experiencing difficulty in the classroom instruction.

They have this intervention activity to help students better

understand the concepts. This relates with what Morgan (2015) mentioned

that assessment is diverse and a delicate responsibility of the teachers

hence they need to involve students, parents, and other stakeholders in

the process of assessment. In addition, it was also mentioned in the

interview that teachers always hold parent-teacher assembly were

everything concerning schools and students’ achievement is discussed

and laid down.

Teachers also strongly agree that they select appropriate

instructional materials based on the topic, ensure that lessons are aligned

to the standards of DepEd, and organize the content of the lesson and

activities well. This implies that teachers are knowledgeable in adapting

techniques to align each of the components of the teaching-learning

process with that of DepEd’s mandate. Further, they are competent in the

selection and identification of instructional materials to effective classroom

instruction. In the FGD conducted, the participants reiterated that creativity

in the lessons must be shown to properly address students’ learning.


Strong agreement was also expressed in terms of integrating

diversity of learners in planning the lesson for the day and preparing

questions that develop higher level of thinking. This reveals teachers’

competency in identifying teaching strategies and applying content in a

diverse curriculum appropriate for the needs and diversity of the students.

Additionally, teachers must also practice their roles evidently by

establishing and providing higher order thinking skills (HOTS) questions in

every day discussion which could best elicit these skills. Further, they plan

with the necessary creativity to promote students’ active engagement and

participation. As stressed by Ariani and Mirdad (2016),teachersmust

assure a child-friendly learning environment by aligning teaching strategies

according to students’ learning styles and diversity.

Using variety of assessment methods to meet different purposes,

collaborating with seasoned teachers in finding appropriate strategies to be

used and creating possible innovations to address the gaps and test

student proficiency were strongly agreed by the respondents. These imply

that teachers utilize performance-based and other assessment tools in

their daily teaching. Through these performance-based assessments,

students are able to collaborate and engage in meaningful learning

experiences. Moreover, this helps teachers in the realization of the K to 12


curriculum and relevant to the 21st century learning. As shared in the FGD,

teachers usually require their students to have portfolios where all records

are intact and kept. Moreover, teachers continue to uphold the significant

value of assessment tools in light of the student progress and


Teachers also strongly agree that they design intervention program,

this however received their lowest assessment. This refers to teachers’

proficiency in coming up with enrichment and intervention program when

students find difficulty in the teaching-learning process. This is also in

support of the no child left behind policy that is why teachers have to really

put an intervention program in place so they can help those students who

cannot keep up with their regular classes. In the interview, they shared that

their length of experiences and academic qualifications enabled them to

easily adjust and address the needs of their students.

The composite mean indicates that teachers strongly agree that they

have management skills in terms of planning. This manifests that teachers

fully understand how important planning is in the success of the teaching and

learning process. It is through planning that teaching is made more

systematic and geared towards the achievement of specific objectives.


3.2 Resource allocation. Managing resources whether its human or

financial resources is a vital part in improving school -based management.

Allocating these resources properly could really ignite high performing work

place and could poster positive outcome in the workplace. This is the

process of assigning and managing assets in a manner that supports an

organization's strategic goals. Table 10 presents teachers’ assessment in

terms of resource allocation.

Table 10
Teachers’ Management Skills in Resource Allocation

Indicators W.M V.I.

1. Observing proper time management in the class 3.75 SA
2. Utilizing the available resources inside the classroom 3.70 SA
3. Supporting teachers training development program 3.68 SA
4.Maximizing the use of funds for purchasing necessary instructional
3.62 SA
5.Utilizing school facilities for holistic development of learners’ skills 3.61 SA
6. Using localize materials for instruction 3.60 SA
7.Ensure proper accounting of the section’s class fund for a certain activity 3.54 SA
8.Purchase basic materials needed in a school activity from MOOE 3.53 SA
9. Using school library and other laboratories for hands-on activities 3.51 SA
10. Participating in the preparation of Annual Procurement Plan 3.47 A
11. Seeking donation from LGU and NGO when needed 3.31 A
12. Soliciting fund for classroom improvement 3.20 A
13. Solicit financial assistance from private sectors to support other school
3.15 A
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree

As shown in the result, teachers strongly agree that they observe

proper time management in the class. This implies teachers’ effective

managerial skills in dealing with students’ classes. They are punctual that

observing proper time is their daily reminder. It was shared in the FGD that

they know how important it is to stay punctual in dealing with their daily

classes. They also shared that once they started late, all the rest of the

day’s classes suffer.

Teachers also strongly agree that they maximize the use of funds for

purchasing necessary instructional materials, utilizing school facilities for

holistic developmentof learners’ skills, and using localize materials for

instruction.These reflect teachers’ readiness and priorities in terms of

managing students learning. They know that for every fund entrusted to

their school, it should benefit the entire student and therefore they must be

their number one priority. Also, all school facilities should be supportive

and relevant to foster holistic development among learners.

Respondents strongly agreed that they ensure proper accounting of

the section’s class fund for a certain activity, purchase basic materials

needed in a school activity from MOOE, and use school library and other

laboratories for hands-on activities. This implies teachers’ transparency in

all activities and undertakings that use funds, especially students’ funds.

This could also be because teachers want to maintain their integrity as

educators that no issues involving misallocation or misuse of student funds

can be charged against them. They also expressed in the interview that

school-related expenses like water and electric bills were paid through the

quarterly budget allocation of the MOOE.

In addition, teachers manifested agreement on the importance

ofparticipating in the preparation of Annual Procurement Plan, seek

donation from LGU and NGO when needed, and solicit fund for classroom

improvement. This infers teachers’ recognition of their responsibilities to be

consulted and be part of the annual procurement plan making, seeking for

donation and soliciting funds for classroom improvement. They know also

that as members of the school community, they have to support and act

reasonably in terms of school’s welfare. As highlighted by De Silva

(2010),the support and cooperation to school must always be manifested

as this constitutes to the organization’s success.

Similarly, teachers also agree that they solicit financial assistance

from private sectors to support other school programs which however was

the respondents’ lowest assessment. This means that teachers had been

part of the planning and in seeking financial muscles from the private

organizations which aim to support and benefit the entire school. In the

interview, teachers shared that they have strong relationship with all their

alumni and alumnae especially the private associations within their locality

and vicinity.

The composite mean indicates teachers’ strong agreement with their

management skills in terms of resource allocation. This implies that teachers

can produce, manage, and organize resources and materials to be able to

support students’ learning. This management skill is indeed very highly

necessary to be manifested by teachers because students learning is not

only affected by the teaching strategies used by the teachers but also by the

resources and materials provided to them.

3.3 Decision making. Coming up with a decision for the betterment

of all school learners is really a must for teachers considering various

factor. This is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-

by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate,

thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining

alternatives. Table 11 presents the assessment of teachers of their

decision-making skill.

Results showed that teachers strongly agree that they accept

suggestions of colleagues and prioritize basic learners’ needs.


Table 11
Teachers’ Management Skills in Decision Making


1. Accepting suggestions of colleagues 3.83 SA
2. Prioritizing basic learners’ needs 3.83 SA
3. Manifesting fairness and justice 3.80 SA
4. Addressing the immediate needs of the students 3.79 SA
5 Express open mindedness on issues concerning improvement of teaching 3.78 SA
6. Committing sense of responsibility and leadership 3.77 SA
7. Considering superiors’ constructive criticism for improvement 3.77 SA
8. Show flexibility and willingness to cope up with the latest trends in teaching 3.76 SA
9. Taking full accountability and responsibility for every decision 3.75 SA
10. Accepting changes on educational governance 3.75 SA
11. Ensuring legal basis for every decision 3.75 SA
12. Showing decisiveness in every task 3.72 SA
13. Manifesting deep sense of accountability 3.72 SA
14. Showing personal judgement in emergency cases 3.63 SA
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation SA – Strongly Agree

This reveals that they have constant coordination to all concerned

and establish open communication with them. They share the task to

everyone and they are open for suggestions and insights. In addition, this

also implies teachers’ high human relation skills because being able to

open oneself to feedbacks from others requires human relation skills.

It was also strongly agreed by the respondents that they address the

immediate needs of the students, expressing open mindedness on issues

concerning improvement of teaching, committing sense of responsibility

and leadership and considering superiors’ constructive criticism for


improvement. This infers teachers’ contention of being responsive to

students’ needs and interest in the school and in dealing with the

profession they know that they have to value their superior’s comments

and feedback in terms of their academic and teaching performance. In the

FGD, participants shared that as teachers they must know that it is their

responsibility to enhance their crafts through attendance to post-graduate

degrees and in various trainings and seminars which would help them

improve their teaching capabilities.

Taking full accountability and responsibility for every decision,

accepting changes on educational governance and ensuring legal basis for

every decision were strongly agreed by the respondents. This means that

they are well-informed of their accountability once instructed and entrusted

with something. It is also crucial for them to stay on the right track when

leading and dealing the school and organization. They have in mind that all

sides are seen including the legality of some things in dealing with

problems. In the interview, participants shared that they are firm and have

conviction in giving decisions on matters concerning the management of

the school. They stick to the decision made which is well-thought of and

fair for everyone concerned.


Showing personal judgment in emergency obtained the respondents’

lowest weighted mean though also strongly agreed. This implies that

teachers have to be assertive and in control in times of emergency cases.

They should not panic and stay decisive so as to not affect students’ mind

and attention in dealing with the problem/case.

The composite mean indicates teachers’ strong agreement with their

management skills in terms of decision-making. This implies that the

respondents are good decision makers in so far as the field of teaching is

concerned. This can also be associated to the fact that a lot of trainings and

seminars related to the development of decision making skills are provided

to teachers.

4. Relationship between Pedagogical Competencies and Management


Comparison between the respondents’ assessment on

pedagogical competencies and management skill was also considered in

the study. Tables 12 to 14 present the relationship between pedagogical

competencies and management skills of mathematics teachers from small

schools in the province of Batangas. Product – moment correlation or

Pearson, r – correlation is utilized for this purpose.


Table 12 presents the relationship between the utilization of approaches

and strategies and management skills.

It can be gleaned from the above table that the computed r – value

of 0.4900 yielded a p – value that is less than 0.05, level of significance.

Table 12
Relationship between Utilization of Approaches and Strategies and
Management Skills
V1 V2 r– r − va Decision
p-value Interpretation
value lue on H0
Planning 0.4900 0.2401 0.0000** Reject Significant
Utilization of
Approaches 0.4651 0.2163 0.0000** Reject Significant
Strategies 0.5057 0.2557 0.0000** Reject Significant
**Significant at α=0.05 with p<0 . 001

When utilization of approaches and strategies and resource

allocation skills are correlated, table shows that there is a moderate

relationship between them. This is revealed by the computed r – value of

0.4651 and the probability value is less than 0.05 level of significance. This

indicates that there is significant relationship between the respondents’

utilization of approaches and strategies and their skills in resource

allocation. Also, it can be seen from the table that 21.63% of the variance

and outcome variable resource allocation is associated with the predictive


variable utilization of approaches and strategies as shown by the

computed r − value of 0.2163.

Similar results are obtained when utilization of approaches and

strategies and decision-making skills of mathematics teachers are

considered. The computed r – value, 0.5057 revealed a p – value which is

less than the level of significance which means that the null hypothesis of

no significance is rejected. Also, the computed r – value, ,0.5057 indicates

a moderate relationship between the two variables. The computed r2−

value of 0.2557 shows that 25.57% of the variance and outcome variable

is associated with the predictive variable.

These results imply that planning, resource allocation, and decision

making affect the utilization of approaches and strategies. When teachers

have good skills in planning, they can identify the most appropriate

strategies for teaching. Hence, when no proper planning is done, teachers

may tend to use approaches and strategies that are inappropriate. Same

holds true with resource allocation since utilization of certain teaching

approaches and strategies normally demands the support of materials and

resources. But all these require the right decision making as well in order

to ensure that everything is in support of students’ acquisition of learning

and development of skills.


Table 13 presents the relationship between the application of

evaluation tools and management skills.

Table 13
Relationship Between Application of Evaluation Tools and Management
V1 V2 r– r − va Decision
p-value Interpretation
value lue on H0
Planning 0.5801 0.3365 0.0000** Reject Significant
of Resource
0.5168 0.2671 0.0000** Reject Significant
Evaluation Allocation
Tools Decision
0.5584 0.3118 0.0000** Reject Significant
**Significant at α=0.05 with p<0 . 001
It can be gleaned from the above table that the computed r – value

of 0.5801 yielded a p – value that is less than 0.05, level of significance.

This indicates that the null hypothesis of no significance is rejected. Thus,

there is significant relationship between the respondent’s application of

evaluation tools and their planning skills. Also, the r – value, 0.5801

indicates a strong relationship between the variables tested. This also

reveals r − value of 0.3361 which indicates that 33.61% of the variance

and the outcome variable, planning is associated to the predictive variable

application of evaluation tools.

When application of evaluation tools and resource allocation skills

are correlated, table shows that there is a moderate relationship between

them. This is revealed by the computed r – value of 0.5168 and the


probability value is less than 0.05 level of significance. This indicates that

there is significant relationship between the respondents’ application of

evaluation tools and their skills in resource allocation. Also, it can be seen

from the table that 26.71% of the variance and outcome variable resource

allocation is associated with the predictive variable utilization of

approaches and strategies as shown by the computed r − value of 0.2671.

Similar results are obtained when application of evaluation tools and

decision-making skills of mathematics teachers are considered. The

computed r – value, 0.5584 revealed a p – value which is less than the

level of significance which means that the null hypothesis of no

significance is rejected. Also, the computed r – value, 0.5584 indicates a

moderate relationship between the two variables. The computed r − value

of 0.3118 shows that 31.18% of the variance and outcome variable is

associated with the predictive variable.

These results imply that planning can affect the application of

evaluation tools which means that if teachers plan carefully the tools it will

use to evaluate students’ learning, the more that students can benefit from

it and the more that the process of evaluation becomes relevant to

students. This is the same with resource allocation since the use of

evaluation tools requires resources; hence if the skill of the teachers in


resource allocation is not sufficient, teachers may tend to confine himself

to a limited number of tools to evaluate students learning. Notably, the

results also emphasized that decision making skill significantly relates with

the application of evaluation tools which clearly suggests that teachers

should enhance their ability in choosing the best tools to evaluate students

learning as the decisions they make affect the application of evaluation


Table 14 emphasizes the degree of relationship of the respondents’

pedagogical competencies relative to classroom setting and their

management skills.

Table 14
Relationship between Classroom Setting and Management Skills
V1 V2 r– r − val Decision
p-value Interpretation
value ue on H0
Planning 0.6201 0.3845 0.0000** Reject Significant
Classroom 0.5224 0.2729 0.0000** Reject Significant
0.5531 0.3059 0.0000** Reject Significant
**Significant at α=0.05 with p<0 . 001

In terms of planning when associated to classroom setting, it can be

noticed from the above table that the computed r – value of

0.6201revealed a p – value less than 0.05 level of significance. This

indicates that the null hypothesis of no significance is rejected. Thus, there


is significant relationship between the respondents’ competencies in

classroom setting and their planning skills. Also, the study showed a

strong relationship between the two variables as revealed by the computed

r – value with 38.45% of the variance and outcome variable (planning)

associated with the predictive variable (classroom setting).

Similar results are obtained when the respondents’ competencies in

classroom setting is associated in their skills in resource allocation and

decision making. The table proved that there is significant relationship

between the classroom setting competencies and the respondents’

resource allocation and decision making skills. This is revealed by the

computed r – values of 0.5224 and 0.5531, respectivelyand confirmed by

the p – values less than 0.05 level of significance. Results of the study also
show strong relationship between the two variables. Finally, the r − values

of 0.2729 and 0.3059 indicate that 27.29% and 30.59%, respectively, of

the variance and the outcome variable (classroom setting) is associated

with the predictive variables (resource allocation and decision making).

Likewise, these results imply that the planning skill of teachers can

affect the classroom setting. It can be said that to be a highly effective

teacher, one must not only be good in teaching the lesson but must also

be good in managing the classroom and part of that is managing the


classroom setting, hence proper planning is necessary. More so, it was

revealed in the results that the teachers’ skill in resource allocation can

also affect their classroom setting, this can because part of managing the

classroom set up is managing the furniture, materials and other resources

inside it. Decision making was also found to be significantly relating to

classroom setting since managing the class in whatever aspects, be it

physical or social requires making decisions.

5. Strengths and Weakness of Mathematics Teachers

Teachers in the work place particularly in the schools have both

strengths and weaknesses. Strengths ensure delivery of quality basic

education services while weaknesses create room for improvement. These

two are essential components in becoming a better public servant.

Identifying the teachers’ strengths and weaknesses ensures effective

teaching-learning experiences. Teachers who know their strengths are

likely to build on and make use of them, while those who are aware of their

own weaknesses may take extra steps to overcome them. For teachers,

an understanding of strength is especially important. Someone aware of

what they’re good at and what could use improvement may also be better

qualified to help their students do the same. Table 15 presents the

assessment on the identified strengths and weaknesses of teachers.


Table 15
Strengths and Weaknesses of Mathematics Teachers

Indicators W.M. V.I.

1. Show respect to colleagues, parents, students and superiors 3.79 SA
2. Promote culture of dedication and commitment in service 3.73 SA
3. Share best practices to others 3.72 SA
4. Sustain motivation in workplace 3.70 SA
5. Analyze problems through various strategies 3.68 SA
6. Explain importance of communicating to the learners 3.66 SA
7. Find motivation in making lesson plans and teaching aids 3.66 SA
8. Assume responsibility and ownership for every decision 3.64 SA
9. Face difficulty in art of questioning 3.41 A
10. Conduct researches about identified school problems 3.33 A
11. Make believe teaching: doing what can be done not what should be done 3.22 A
12. Exhibit incivility among faculty members 3.18 A
13. Make rush decisions in time of need 3.10 A
14.Show gender and ethnic discrimination among faculty members 3.01 A
15 Find difficulty to relate with other co-teachers in school 2.92 A
16. Show lack of confidence regarding subject content 2.63 A
17. Refusal to curricular and methodological innovations 2.60 A
18. Forget to follow coherence between classroom practices and expressed
2.52 A
educational beliefs
19. Lack of dedication to establish good students’ learning 2.47 D
Legend: WM – Weighted Mean VI – Verbal Interpretation SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree D – Disagree

As shown in the results, teachers strongly agree that they show

respect to colleagues, parents, students and superiors, this obtained their

highest assessment. This infers good trait and character of teacher to stay

respectful to all especially in the imposition of their profession. They act as


good role models since they know that whatever their students see and

find of them, the greater the chance of having been emulated.

Promoting culture of dedication and commitment in service, sharing

best practices to others and sustaining motivation in workplace as

assessed by themselves were strongly agreed as teachers’ strengths. This

infers teachers’ strong desire in realizing their duties and responsibilities as

public servants. This is connected to what De Silva’s statement that such

actions determine the level of their professionalism. Teachers, therefore

are viewed as professionals who realize that commitment and dedication is

a product of shared vision and responsibility. Through their daily teaching

and innovative lessons, they manage to sustain the students’ motivation

and interest. Further, it was shared in the FGD that teachers share their

best practices during their localized faculty development every Friday in

the school.

Strong agreement was also expressed by the teacher-respondents

in explaining the importance of communication to the learners, finding

motivation in making lesson plans and teaching aids and assuming

responsibility and ownership for every decision.

This means that teachers have realized the value of getting clarified in

terms of communicating students’ success and concerns. They know also


that in planning the lesson, it is not about them, rather it is how to make

their students learn the concepts identified on a specific day. Teachers

also revealed in the interview that in everything they do, be it for the

students and other members of the school, it is necessary for them to keep

accountable and held liable.

Facing difficulty in art of questioning, and conducting researches

about identified school problems as assessed by themselves were agreed

by teachers. This infers that mathematics teachers find it challenging to

strategize and be creative enough in terms of their questions in class. They

shared in the interview that they can explain and express but they have

limited vocabulary, meaning they struggle in saying verbalizing what they

should say. They also claimed that as long as they can ask questions,

regardless if it is HOTS or not, they believe that they contribute to students’

successes. Although in the end, they admitted that they have to learn and

master their ability of asking questions. Further, they shared that since

they teach in a small class, where designations are given into one person,

they find it hard to conduct researches and pursue graduate studies.

Finding difficulty to relate with other co-teachers in school, showing

lack of confidence regarding the subject content, and refusing to curricular

and methodological innovations were agreed to be another weakness. This


means that since they are mathematics teachers, they hit words and ideas

straightly. They do not have plenty of words over matter. Once they say it,

they are through. For this reason, relating with their co-teachers becomes

difficult sometimes. That is why they shared in the FGD that when

mathematics teachers are in the same room, they flock together. Other

aspect is their confidence in teaching the subject, this is attributed to spiral

progression where all areas in mathematics are covered including the

higher mathematics. This is also evident in the competencies revealed in

the study.

However, teachers disagree that they lack dedication to establish

good students’ learning. It can be inferred that the motivation and

commitment within themselves to provide quality learning remained to be

their utmost concern. It can be noted also, that part of the professional

standards for teachers emphasized that teachers should act as facilitators

inside the classroom. In consonance with this, they are tasked to create

innovations and interventions that would address the gaps and

bottlenecks. This implies that as teachers, it is inherent to be a vessel of

good characters towards the profession. Moreover, dedication and

commitment are always present on the teachers.


The composite mean indicates agreement with teachers’ identified

strengths and weaknesses. This means that teachers believed that the

above mentioned items were their strengths and weakness.

6. Management Guide for Mathematics Instructions

Enhancing Mathematics teachers’ competencies in the different

areas in mathematics ensures effective students’ progress and

performance. Further, pedagogical competencies are relatively found

significant in the improvement of students’ academic performance vis a vis

teachers’ improved management skills toward the instruction. Therefore,

they must enhance their skills and competencies so as to perform their

duties with proficiency and excellence. A developed management guide for

mathematics teachers would help them to successfully achieve desired

goals and objectives. It identified what has to be improved in terms of the

teachers’ competencies and pedagogies with emphasis on their

management skills.

This study proposed a management guide to help school

administrators and mathematics teachers in managing mathematics

instructions for small schools and implementing the program effectively, as

well as helping them in enhancing their management skills and support the

program. This output was conceptualized based on the key results of the

study, specifically on the assessment of the respondents’ competencies

and pedagogies in mathematics. A few indicators need to be given

attention for them to enhance the instruction. As such, management guide

was carefully prepared considering all the pertinent data acquired from the



Differentiating Instruction

Utilizing Project-Based, Reflective and

II. Collaborative Teaching Strategies

III. Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills

Thru Assessment

Every learner is unique from one another. He or she learns best

according to his or her learning style. Teachers especially those
who are handling Mathematics should think of ways and strategies
to address the needs of diverse learners in acquiring concepts in
this discipline. One of the best things to consider is the utilization
of differentiating instruction.

I. I. Differentiating Instruction

Description:This uses varied activities depending on learners needs and

styles. Factors are being considered in using this like the level of learner’s
understanding and many more. Through this, learners know the concept on
which they feel enjoyable and adaptable on their level

Objectives:Know the learning styles and learner’s level of understanding;

and utilize differentiated instruction that suits learners’ needs and interests.

Management Areas:
Planning. Teachers Resource Management.Proper communication
must know first the with the key teacher in this area is a must. His or her
level of suggestions must be taken into consideration
understanding of especially those who have been teaching this for a
their students as well long time of whom we can say experts. With regard
as their interests and to the materials, localization will take place. Use only
needs in this area. those materials available at the school or within
Consider also the reach
Decision Making. Assessing will be a challenging
availability of the
task in doing this because there are various activities
materials that will be
and every activity will require different assessment.
utilized to fully
This is when the patience and commitment of
maximized this.
teachers will be measured.

Activities.The activities are aligned to the DepEd Junior High School

Curriculum and in the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) for
Mathematics. It contains classroom activities with suitable pedagogical
approaches and strategies.

Activity 1 Significant Digits and Scientific

1. Determine the significant digits in a given situation.
2. Write very large and very small numbers in scientific notation.
3. Calculate the measured quantities in a more precise and accurate measure.

Find out and why?

Directions:Study the following list of numbers. The number of significant digits
in each number is written in the parenthesis after the number.
a) 234 (3) f)7890 (3)
b) 6007 (4) g)1.3 x 102 (2)
c) 0.012300 (5) h)8.004 x 10-3 (4)
d) 100.0 (4) i)7.50 x 10-7 (3)
e) 560000 (2) j)0.0003668 (4)

Let’s talk about it!

 What are the forms of numbers listed above?

 Describe what digits are significant? Not significant?
 Compare the significant digits in c and j to e and f? What can you say?
 Do 100 and 100.0 have the same number of significant figures?
 Do 2.08 x 104 and 2.080 x 104 have the same number of significant

Scientific notation is a way of writing very large and very small numbers. It is
written in the form:
a x 10n ; where 1≤a¿ 10
n is an integer

a) 9.25 x 0.52 x 11.35 = 54.5935
Answer: 55 since the least number of significant digits is 2,coming from

b) 1.25 ÷ 3 = 0.4166667
Answer: 0.4 since the least number ofsignificant digits is 1, coming from 3
 When adding and subtracting measured quantities, round the
answer to the same number of decimal places as there are in
the measurement with the least number of decimal places.

c) 1.5 + 32.8 + 0,85 = 35.15

Answer: 35.2 since the least number of decimal places is 1, coming from 1.5 and

d) 32.561 – 2.67 = 29.891

Answer: 29.89 since the least number of decimal places is 2, coming from 2.67
 Writing a Number in Scientific Notation

1. Move the decimal point to the right or left until the first significant digit and copy the
significant digits to the right of the first digit. If the number is a whole number and has
no decimal point, place a decimal point after the first significant digit and copy the
significant digits to its right.

2. Multiply the adjusted number in step 1 by a power of 10, the exponent of which is the
number of digits that the decimal point move, positive if moved to the left and negative
if moved to the right.

Desired location true locationtrue location desired location
of decimal of decimal of decimal of decimal
point point point point

125 000 = 1.25 x 105 0.00098 = 9.8 x 10-4

5 decimal places to the left4 decimal places to the right


Let’s try it!

A. Directions: Determine the number of significant digits in each of the following
numbers. Identify them
1) 849 11) 6.05 x 103
2) 0.0258 12) 3.060 x 104
3) 20. 0087 13) 7. 502 x 10-2
4) 2 300. 14) 4.8 x 107
5) 590 000 15) 1.36 x 10-6
6) 59.200 16) 2.807800 x 105
7) 24 853.216 17) 5.0600 x 10-3
8) 14.530 18) 2.67 x 108
9) 0.0000074 19) 4.70 x 10-2
10)15.85 20) 2.0 x 10-7

B. Directions: Perform the indicated operations. Write the final answer to the
correct number of significant digits.

1) 43.11 + 0.530 + 2.3

2) 142.53 – 12.835 + 2.01
3) 40.36 x 1.003
4) 152.20 x 0.004
5) 2.735 ÷ 0.03

Let’s Practice!
A. Directions: Change the following measurements to scientific notation.

1) The diameter of the sun is 1 390 000 000 meters.

2) The distance from Pluto to the sun is 5 797 000 km.
3) The mass of a proton is
0.0 0 000 000 000 000 000 001 672 grams.
4) The length of an Angstrom is 0.0000001 mm.
5) The approximate width of human red blood cell is 0.0000007

Activity 2

Objective: Determine and illustrate polynomial functions.

Let’s TRY this!

Which is Which?

A. Tell whether the following is a polynomial

1. f(x) = 4x3 + 3x2 + 4x – 12

2. p(x) = x-4 + 8x3 – x2 + 2x + 8

3. f(x) = x3 - 6x2 + 12x + 4

4. f(x) = 7x5 – 9x3 + 5x –2

5. p(x) = 2x-3 + 3x2 + 5x – 3

6. p(x) = x2 + 3x + 1+

7. f(x) = x3 + 13

8. p(x) = 5x - 6 + 2√x +

9. f(x) = √2 x4 + x

10. f(x) = 2x4 + 3x3 + 2x + 1

Fix and Move then Fill Me Up

B. For each function, determine the leading coefficient (LC), leading term (LT),
constant term (CT) and the degree (D) of the given polynomials.

1. f(x) = 2x6 -5x2+2x3-x-3 ____ ____ ____ ____
2. f(x) = √ 5x4 -3x2+12 ____ ____ ____ ____
3. f(x) = 3x3- x5-4x-1 ____ ____ ____ ____
4. f(x) = -x -3x4+6x3-4x-2
____ ____ ____ ____
5. f(x) = x10 -3x8+7x4-3x-4 ____ ____ ____ ____


Guide Questions.
1. What is the standard form of polynomial functions?
2. From the given expression, which are polynomial functions? and which
are not polynomial functions?
3. How did you identify polynomial function and not polynomial function?
4. What is the degree of each polynomial functions?
5. How would you determine the leading coefficient, leading term and
constant term?
6. How does a polynomial expression differ from a polynomial function?

Let’s SUM IT UP!

A polynomial function of degree nin the variable x is a function defined

P(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-2xn-2 +…+ a1x + a0
Wheren is a whole number,an, an-1, an-2… a0 are real numbers and an≠ 0.
 anis called the leading coefficient
 anxn is called the leading term
 a0 is called the constant term
 P(0) = a0is the y-intercept of the graph of P

A. Identify each function if it is a polynomial or not.

1) P(x) = 5x3+5x2+7
2) P(x) = 5/x
3) P(x) = 3x3/4 +4x3+2x2-x-3
4) P(x) = ½x5-3x3+2x2-3x-1
5) P(x) = √ 3x6 -5x5+4x3-x-3

B. Here are polynomial functions in x. Write the leading term, leading

coefficient, constant term and degree.

Polynomial Function LT LC CT D
f(x) = 5x - 7x5 + 4x6 -20
g(x) = 2x2 –7x4- 3x3 - 4
h(x) = 8x3 – x7 - 4x4 + 8x2
p(x) = 6x4- 4x2 + 2x5- 3x + 9
f(x) = -x8 - 4x3 + 8x2 + 32

C. Find the polynomial function given the following information.

1. n=2,a2= 5,a1= -2,a0 = 7
2. n = 3, a3 = -4, a2 = 1,a0 =5
1 1
3. n= 1,a1 = , a0 = -
3 3
4. n = 4, a4 = 12, a1 = -4
5. n = 5, a5 = 4, a4 = 3, a3 = 8,a2 = -2, a1 = 5,
a0 = -1
Identify Me…
Each school received awards in the district meet. Use the number of
medals for gold, silver and bronze as the numerical coefficient and the degree is
3for gold, 2 for silver and 1 for bronze.
Given the following data, illustrate polynomial functions. Determine the
leading term, leading coefficient and degree.

Awards Received
Gold Silver Bronze
ANHS 3 2 5
BNHS 4 3 1
DNHS 7 4 6
FNHS 6 2 3
LNHS 5 5 2


Make research about the different kinds of special polynomial

functions.Determine the leading term, leading coefficient and degree.

Activity3: Probability

Define experiment, outcome, sample space, and event.

Defining Terms in Probability


Directions:Analyze the picture belowand figure out the word/s that will form
out of it.






Let’s investigate!

Directions: Analyze the statements below and match them with the words
formed in the activity.

1. A chance that something will happen - how likely it is that some event will
2. An action where the result is uncertain
3. All the possible outcomes of an experiment
4. Just one of the possible outcomes
5. One or more result of an experiment
6. The result of a single trial of an experiment

Basic Concepts in Probability

Consider the following example below, how will you identify them using the
concepts given in the activity above?
1. Tail
2. True – False
3. King of Spades
4. Tossing a five - peso coin
5. Rolling a die

Defining Terms in Probability

Probability - chance that something will happen - how likely it is that some event
will happen.
Experiment - an action where the result is uncertain.
Sample space - all the possible outcomes of an experiment.
Sample point - just one of the possible outcomes.
Event - one or more result of an experiment.

Outcomes - the result of a single trial of an experiment.

Considering the example above:

2. True – False – SAMPLE SPACE
3. King of Spades – SAMPLE POINT
4. Tossing a five - peso coin - EXPERIMENT
5. Rolling a die – EXPERIMENT

Peel It!

Probability is a branch of Mathematics thatdeals with

uncertainty. It is a measure or estimation of how likely something will occur, the
chance that something will happen. Events cannot be predicted with total
certainty. We can say, “How likely they are to happen.” Some of the basic
concepts in probability are: experiment, sample point, sample space, event, and

Can Do It,

A. Directions: Use the basic concepts of probabilityto identify the following.

1. 5/6
2. Getting head when tossing a coin
3. 50%
4. Right-Wrong
5. Ace of Spades
6. Flipping a 5-peso coin five times
7. The chance that something will happen
8. Tossing a coin and rolling a die simultaneously
9. Guessing the number of marbles in a container
10. A chance process which leads to well-defined results

B. Directions: Make a 3 by 3 square grid card. Write thedifferent basic concepts

terms in probability in each grid. As your teacher reads a statement, you
willlocate and mark what basic concepts was illustrated oneach situation. The
first one who makes the x pattern wins.

True or False 100%

Queen of Hearts Tossing a Coin
Getting 5 when rolling a die Rolling a die
Picking a marble in a container King
The chance that something will happen Yes or No

Directions: Give your own example of situation illustrating the different terms in
probability such as:

1. Probability
2. Event
3. Sample Point
4. Sample Space
5. Experiment
6. Outcomes

Let’s Reflect!

1. I learned today that Probability is:


2. I learned today the different basic concepts in probability such as:


II. Utilizing Project-Based, Reflective

and Collaborative Teaching Strategies

Description:No specific strategy will suit and fit to the learners.

They need to be exposed to different ways on how they will easily
learn. The strategies mentioned above will really help in addressing the
challenges of the students in learning this discipline. Output-based
learning will be of great help to them because learning by doing is one
of the best things in the instruction process.


1.Gain differ insights in using various strategies

in teaching Mathematics;

2.Apply different strategies according to the

styles of the learners; and

3.Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies

in their acquisition of concepts and facts.

Management Areas:

Planning. Browsing and searching for facts and information will be

the first thing to do in utilizing these strategies. This activity will give
background information necessary on the proper delivery in the

Resource Management.Since various strategies are needed, there is

a need to expose oneself first on different trainings first before
utilizing it. Coordination with the school administration should also
be secured to have a full support in this academic endeavor .

Decision Making. Choose only the strategy that captivates learners’

attention and those that really unleashes their potential. They must
secure that the chosen strategy will really fascinate learners to know
more are regards in this area.

Activities The activities are aligned to the DepEd Junior High School
Curriculum and in the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
for Mathematics. It contains classroom activities with suitable
pedagogical approaches and strategies.

Activity 1
Objective: Draw the graph of polynomial functions.

Let’s TRY this!

Sketch Me…

A. Draw the graph of the following polynomial functions.

(Factored Form)
1) y = (x+1)(x-1)(x-3)
2) y = -x(x+3)(x-3)
3) y = -(x)(x+2)(x-2)(x-4)
4) y = (x+4)(x+2)(x-1)(x-3)
5) y = (x-1)3(x+2)

B. Sketch the graph the following polynomial functions. (Standard Form)

6) p(x)= x3 + x2 – x - 1
7) p(x)= -x3 + 1
8) p(x)= x3 - x2 - 9x + 9
9) p(x)= -x4 + 1
10) p(x)= x4 + x3 + 13x2 – x + 12


Guide Questions.
1. At what point(s) does the graph pass through the x-axis?
2. For which interval(s) is the graph above and below the x-axis?
3. What does “end behavior of a polynomial function mean?
4. How can you use the Leading Coefficient test in determining the end
behavior of a polynomial?
5. Do the leading coefficient and the degree affect the behavior of the
graph? Why?
6. Explain the relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the
number of turning points on its graph.

Let’s SUM IT UP!

Graphing Polynomial Function P(x)= anxn + an-1 xn-1 + an-2xn-2 +…+ a1x + a0
1. Use the leading coefficient test to determine the graph’s end behavior.
2. Find the x-intercepts by setting P(x) = 0 and solving the resulting
polynomial equation. If there is an x-intercept at r as a result of (x–r)n in
the complete factorization of P(x) then:
 If degree is even and a n> 0 the graph rises to the left and to
the right.
 If the degree is even and an< 0 the graph falls to the left and
to the right.
 If degree is odd and an> 0 the graph falls to the left and rises
to the right.
 If degree is odd and an< 0 the graph rises to the left and falls
to the right.

The figures below illustrate the given statements.

n is even n is odd

a n> 0

a n< 0

3. Find the y-intercept by equating x to 0 and compute P(0).

4. Use the fact that the maximum number of turning points of the graph
is n-1 to check whether it is drawn correctly.

Identify Me…
A. In the given graph below determine the degree,
X-intercepts and the number of turning points.


B. Draw the graph of the following polynomial functions.

1) f(x) = x2(x-3)(x+4)
2) f(x) = (x+1)(x-2)(x-4)
3) f(x) = (x)(x+5)(x+3)
4) f(x) = -(x+2)(x-1)(x-3)

5) f(x) = -(x-1)(x+1)2(x+2)

C. Draw the graph of the following polynomial functions.

1) f(x) = -x3 + 5x
2) f(x) = x3 + 3x2 - x - 3
3) f(x) = 2x3 - 3x2 + 2x - 5
4) f(x) = x4 - x3 - 8x2 + 12x
5) f(x) = -x6 + 3x5 - 2x4 + 2x3 - x2 - 4x + 2


Draw the graph of the following polynomial functions.

1) P(x) = (x+1)(x)(x-3)
2) P(x) = -(x+1)(x-2)(x+4)
3) f(x) = x3 - 2x2 – x + 2
4) f(x) = -x4 + 2x3 - 3x2 - 8x + 4
5) f(x) = x4 - 3x3 + 2x2 – x - 1


Use the pictures below to determine the behavior of the graph of

polynomial functions. Identify the degree if it odd or even, the leading coefficient
if it is positive or negative and the number of turning points.

A. B.

C. D.

Activity 2: Trigonometric Ratios of Special Angles


1. Determine trigonometric ratios involving special angles.

2. Compute the numerical values of trigonometric expressions
involving special angles.

Activity 1: Special Triangles

Case 1:
1. Get a piece of paper and cut a square.
2. Measure the length of a side.
3. Cut the square on a diagonal.
4. Solve the length of the diagonal using Pythagorean Theorem.

Case 2:
1. Get a piece of paper and cut an equilateral triangle.
2. Measure the length of the sides.
3. Cut the equilateral triangle along an altitude.
4. Solve the length of the altitude. You can use Pythagorean Theorem.

1. What kind of triangle is formed after cutting the square along its diagonal
in case 1? What kind of triangle is formed after cutting the equilateral
triangle along its altitude?
2. What have you noticed about the lengths of the sides of the resulting
triangle on case 1? How about the resulting triangle on case 2?
3. What can you generalize on lengths of the sides of the resulting triangles?

A. Given an isosceles right triangle:

1. if a leg is 8 cm, find the length of the hypotenuse.
2. if a leg is 12 cm, find the length of the hypotenuse.
3. if a leg is 5 cm, find the length of the hypotenuse.
4. if the length of the hypotenuse is 8 mm, find the length of the leg.
5. if the length of the hypotenuse is 5 cm, find the length of the leg.

B. Given an equilateral triangle:

1. if a side is 6 cm, what is the length of the altitude?
2. if a side is 9 cm, what is the length of the altitude?
3. if a side is √ 6 cm, what is the length of the altitude?
4. if the length of the altitude is 8 cm, what is the length of a side?
5. if the length of the altitude is √ 6 cm, what is the length of a side?

f special triangles
use of the following right triangles, solve the length of the side and give the values of the six trigonometric ratios. Expr



sin 600 = _____

os600 = _____
an600 = _____
ot600 = _____
ec600 = _____ 1
sc600 = _____

Complete the summary of values of trigonometric ratios of the given

special right angles.

θ sin cos tan csc sec cot


1. Were you able to complete the table of values?

2. What have noticed on the values of trigonometric ratios of given special
right angles?
3. Share a method on how you can determine the value in quick time

Let’s use the values of trigonometric ratios of the angles in

evaluating trigonometric identities.

Evaluate the given trigonometric expressions.

1. cos 450 + sin 450
Solution: Refer to the table of values.
cos 450 =
√2 and sin 450 =
2 2
√2 + √2 = 2 √ 2 = 2
cos 450 + sin 450 =
2 2 2

2. tan 300 – cot2 600 + 2 sec 600

Solution: Refer to the table of values.
tan 300 =
√3 ; cot 600 = √3 ; and sec 600 = 2
3 3
tan 300 – cot2 600 + 2 sec 600=
√ 3 – ( √3 ¿2+ 2(2)
3 3

√3 – 1 + 4
3 3
11+ √ 3
3. If θ = 300; evaluate (sin θ) ¿ ¿
Solution: Substitute the value of θ and refer to the table of values.

(sin θ) ¿ ¿ = (sin 30)¿ ¿

( 12 )( √23 )+( √33 )(2)
√ 3− √
2 3

( √43 )+( 2 √3 3 )
3 √3−2 √3
3 √ 3+8 √ 3
11 √ 3 3
= ∙
12 √3
11 3
= or 2
4 4

Compute the numerical value of the following trigonometric

1. sec 300 sin 600
2. tan 450 (sin 300 + cos 300)
3. 3 sin2 450
4. tan 600 – 2 cos 450
5. (cos 300) (sin 600) + (cot 450) (tan 450)
6. (sin 300 ) ¿¿
7. (tan 30 0)¿ ¿
8. ( sec30 0 )−¿ ¿

. Developing Higher Order Thinking
Skills Thru Assessment
learners’ higher order
thinking skills will really


Planning. Focus group Resource Management.

discussion among other Certain room for the discussion

Decision Making.It will not be easy for learners to think critically and
came up with the correct answer. The role of the teacher here is to really
guide learners from time to time for them to adapt with the tasks. They can
also give clues or hint or provide them the correct process in doing the

Activities. The activities are aligned to the DepEd Junior High School
Curriculum and in the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) for
Mathematics. It contains classroom activities with suitable pedagogical
approaches and strategies.

Activity 1
Solving Problems involving Polynomial

Objective: Solve problems involving polynomial functions.

Let’s TRY this!

“Are you CLEVER enough?”

Solve the following problems.
1. Mr. Guingona owns factory that makes special mailing boxes. The volume
of the boxes is expressed as P(x) = x 3 +10x2 + 31x +30 cm3, where x
represents the time in hours to finish a box with certain dimensions. For
maximum profit, x should not more than 4 hours.
a) What should be the dimensions of a box if it can be finished in x hours?
b) What is the volume of a box that can be finished in one hour? in 4
hours? in half an hour?

2. Dr. Lopez invented a new fertilizer which will enable a tree to produce a
number of fruits according to the amount of fertilizer put in a month. This
relation is expressed in the following function:
F(x) = x5 + 17x4 +92x3 + 164x2 +91x + 147,
where x is the amount of fertilizer in grams used. However, the amount
of fertilizer should not be more than 10 grams.
a) How many fruits will a tree bear if one gram of fertilizer is used?
b) How many fruits will a tree bear if 10 grams of fertilizer is used?
c) If fertilizer is not applied to the tree will it still bear fruits?

3. The side of a cube is represented by x + 1.  Find, in terms of x, the volume
of the cube.

4. Find the value of the constant a in P(x) = ax 4 – x2 + 2x + 1 so that P(-2) =

5. What is the value of the constant p so that F(x) = px 3 – 10 has a remainder
-2 when divided by (x – 2)?


Guide Questions.
1. What are the given in the problems?
2. What mathematical solution should be applied to solve the given
3. What are the steps in solving word problems?
4. Do you think you can use polynomial functions to solve problems related
to our daily lives? Why?

Let’s SUM IT UP!

Steps in Solving Word Problem

1. Read the problem.

Read the problem carefully and explore what is the problem is about.

2. Plan the solution.

 Choose a variable to represent one of the unspecified numbers in the

 Use the expressions to replace the word sentence by an equation.

 A diagram helps you visualize the problem (but not always).
 Develop formula that use for computation.

3. Solve the problem.

 To solve equation, familiarize yourself with the properties of equality-
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
 To simplify, use MDAS rule for series of operations.

4. Examine the solution and Check.

A. Solve the following problems.

1. The total number of books which were borrowed from a library from Monday to
Sunday can be modelled by the function F(x) = 200x 3 + 542x2 + 179x + 1605 and
the number of visitors to the library from Monday to Sunday can be modelled by
G(x) = 100x + 321, where x is the number of days since Monday. Which of the
following expressions correctly describes the average number of books per
(A) 10x2-x+5 (C) 2x2-x+5
(B) 50x2-x+5 (D) 20x2-x+5

2. The total number of fans who went to watch professional tennis games from
March to December can be modeled by the function F(x) = 90x 3 + 232x2 + 1075x
+ 3125 and the number of professional tennis games played from March to
December can be modeled by G(x) = 9x + 25, where x is the number of months
since March. Which of the following expressions correctly describes the average
number of fans per tennis game?

 (A) 25x2-2x+125

 (B) 45x2+2x+125

 (C) 10x2-2x+125

 (D) 9x2+2x+125

3. Find the value of k so that (x – 2) is a factor of 5x 3 + kx2 – x - 6.

4. Determine the value of A so that (x + 5) is a factor of Ax 3 + x4 – x2 – 5x.

5. What value of the constant A in P(x) = 2x3 – x2 + Ax + 5 so that P(3) = 35?

B. Answer the given problems.

1. The length of a rectangle is (5x2 + 2x -1)cm and the width is (3x2 -5x +7)cm.
Find the perimeter in terms of x.

2. The three sides of a right-angled triangle are x, x+1 and 5. Find x and the area,
if the longest side is 5.

3. The number of cameras produced in a year is represented by the function

P(n) = n3 – 2n2 – 5n + 6 and the cost per camera is (n – 3). How many cameras
can be generated in terms of n?
4. A ball is thrown upwards from a rooftop, 80m above the ground. It will reach a
maximum vertical height and then fall back to the ground. The height of the ball
from the ground at time t is h, which is given by,
h = -16t  + 64t + 80.

a. What is the height reached by the ball after 1 second?

b. What is the maximum height reached by the ball?
c. How long will it take before hitting the ground?

5. Janna has finished weaving a blanket. She wanted the length of the blanket to
be 1 foot greater than twice its width, because otherwise her toes get cold. If the
area covered by the blanket is 28 square feet, how long is the blanket?
Complete the solution:

a) Whenever it makes sense to do so, draw a picture.

b) We need a variable somewhere. We pick the variable to be the width
since the problem discusses the length in relation to the width.
The area covered by this blanket is length of blanket × width of blanket
c) Since we're told the area covered by the blanket is 28 square feet, so the
equation will be;
d) Solve now for the length of the blanket


Note: negative solution to this problem is disregarded since we are talking with
dimension of the blanket.

C. Solve the following problems.

1. A rectangular swimming pool is twice as long

as it is wide.  A small concrete walkway
surrounds the pool.  The walkway is a constant
2 meters wide and has an area of 196 square
meters.  Find the dimensions of the pool.

2. The picture shows the shape of a certain grass patch. If the area of the
patch is 80m2, find k.

3. The picture shows the shape of a rectangle from which a smaller

rectangular part is removed. If the remaining area of the larger rectangle is
35cm2, find k.

4. The dimensions of a pool: height = x - 2 meters, length = 2x + 5 meters,

and width = 2x - 1 meters. . If the volume of the pool is 182 cubic meters,
what is the value of x?

5. The dimensions of a room are: height = 3x - 6 meters, length = x + 2

meters, and width = 2x – 3 meters. If the volume of the room is 45 cubic
meters, what is the value of x?


What a Box!
Ask the students to work out this activity in groups:
1. Prepare a 30cm by 20cm cardboard.
2. From each corner draw a small square of side x.
3. Cut out each of the squares and make a box by folding the sides as
shown on the figure.
4. Express the volume of the box in terms of x.

x x
x x

x x

x x

5. Complete the table below based on the activity above.

Dimensions Representation

Where S = side of the square in each corner


L = length of the box formed

W = width of the box formed

H = height of the box formed

V = volume of the box formed

Represent the polynomial function using the volume of the box.


“In every problem there is a solution.”

Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the
believer. So believe the answer will come. It will. 

Activity 2: Organizing Outcomes of an Event

Learning Competency
1. Count the number of occurrences of an outcome in an experiment and
organize them using a table, tree diagram, systematic listing, and the
fundamental counting principle.

Organizing Outcomes Of An Event And

The Fundamental Counting Principles

Organize Me!

Directions: Read and analyze the story problem below.

Dante gets up late on Saturday morning. He
enjoys being able to sleep in on a day off from
school. When he goes downstairs to eat
breakfast, his mother reminds him that she and
Dante are going to visit Dante’s grandmother
today. After breakfast, Dante goes to his closet
and pulls out a pair of black pants and a pair of blue pants. He also gets three
shirts—a red one, a green one, and a blue one. He thinks, “I have several
choices to make. I wonder how many different combinations of pants and
shirts I could choose.”
Complete the tree diagram and the table below by filling in the blanks
with the possible choices Dante could make. Then, list the possible

Tree Diagram (Sample Space)

Table of Clothes’ Choices (Sample Space)



List of Possible Outcomes (Sample Space)


Let’s Investigate!

Answer the following questions.

1. How many possible outcomes are there?

2. How did you determine the number of possible arrangements in the above

story problem?

3. How many pants can Dante choose?

4. How many shirts can Dante choose?


5. If you are going to multiply the number of pants and the number of shirts

Dante could choose from, will it be equal to the possible outcomes? What

principle is used?

Organizing Outcomes Of An Event

And The Fundamental Counting Principles

How many ways can you organize the outcomes of an event? How can

you find the number of possible outcomes of an event easily?

To be more knowledgeable on how to organize outcomes of an event and

the fundamental counting principles, please consider the following.

You and your friends went to a famous Filipino

restaurant at Lipa City to buy some snacks. The menu
says, for food: pansit, spaghetti, or palabok and for
drinks: coffee, fruit juice, hot chocolate, and tea. How
many different choices of food and drink do you have?
Illustrate the choices by using the tree diagram and
table. List also the possible outcomes.

Table of Choices
Drinks Coffee Juice Hot Choco Tea
Foods (C) (J) (H) (T)
Pansit PC PJ PH PT
Spaghetti SC SJ SH ST

List of Possible Outcomes

Pansit and Coffee Spaghetti and Hot Choco
Pansit and Fruit Juice Spaghetti and Tea
Pansit and Hot Choco Palabok and Coffee
Pansit and Tea Palabok and Fruit Juice
Spaghetti and Coffee Palabok and Hot Choco
Spaghetti and Fruit Juice Palabok and Tea
Tree Diagram

Using the fundamental counting principle, number of foods multiply by the

number of drinks equals the number of possible outcomes, thus, 3 x 4 = 12.

Therefore, there are 12 possible outcomes of foods and drinks to choose.

Peel It!

There are different ways on how to organize outcomes of an

event. These are the tree diagram, table or chart and by listing.

The Fundamental Counting Principle states that if one event

has m possible outcomes and a second independent event has n

possible outcomes, then there are m x n total possible outcomes for the

two events together.

Do It
Now…Directions: Answer the following.

1. A restaurant offers four sizes of pizza, two types of

crust, and eight toppings. How many possible
combinations of pizza with one topping are there?

2. Mario has 4 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of shoes that all coordinate.
How many outfits can he put together?

3. Elizabeth loves to eat salad. How many salads can

she put together if she can pick out one type of
lettuce from 2 choices, one vegetable from 4 choices
and one dressing from 7 choices?

4. A movie theater sells 3 sizes of popcorn (small,

medium, and large) with 3 choices of toppings (no
butter, butter, extra butter).  How many possible ways
can a bag of popcorn be purchased?

5. Allyssa has finally narrowed her clothing choices for

the big party down to 3 skirts, 2 tops and 4 pair of
shoes.  How many different outfits could she form from
these choices?

Directions: Read and analyze the following situations and answer the questions
that follow.

1. “Happy Birthday to You”

Rico has asked his girlfriend to make all the decisions for their date on her
birthday. She will pick a restaurant and an activity for the date. Rico will choose a
gift for her. The local restaurants include Dedek’s, Florenel, Latrix, and 3J’s. The
activities she can choose from are zumba dancing, bowling, and movies. Rico
will buy her either ice cream or flowers.
a. How many outcomes are there for these three decisions?
b. Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the choices.
2. A travel agent plans trips for tourists from Manila to Bicol Provinces and gives
them three ways to get from town to town: airplane, bus, train. Once the
tourists arrive, there are two ways to get to the hotel: hotel van or taxi. The
cost of each type of transportation is given in the table below.

Transportation Costs
Airplane P4,000
Bus P2,500
Train P2,000
Hotel Van P800.00
Taxi P500.00

a. Draw a tree diagram to illustrate the possible choices for the tourists.
Determine the cost for each outcome.
b. If these six outcomes are chosen equally by tourists, what is the probability
that a randomly selected tourist travel in a bus?
c. What is the probability that a person’s trip cost less than P3000?
d. What is the probability that a person’s trip costs more than P2500?

Let’s Reflect

A. Based from the activities and the exercises you answered, summarize
your learning about organizing possible outcomes of an event and the
fundamental counting principle.

I have learned that _____________________________________




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

This study assessed the mathematics instruction for small schools in

the Province of Batangas, SY 2019-2020 with the end view of preparing a

management guide for the better performance of mathematics instruction.

Specifically, this study aimed to describe the teachers’ competencies in the

areas of Number and Number Sense, Algebra, Geometry, Probability and

Statistics. This study also determined the pedagogical competencies of

teachers relative to utilization of approaches and strategies, application of

evaluation tools, and classroom setting. Further, this study also assessed

the management skills of teachers along planning, resource allocation, and

decision making.Strengths and weaknesses of Mathematics teachers were

also identified. Results from these specific objectives guided the

researcher in the conceptualization of his output which is a management

guide for Mathematics instructions.

The study employed the descriptive method of research with the

questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument complemented by


FGD and interview to substantiate the data gathered. Respondents of the

study were 139 mathematics teachers from the participating JHSs in the

Province of Batangas. The statistical tools applied were weighted mean

and Pearson r.

1. Teachers’ Learning Competencies

1.1 Number and Number Sense. Teachers were competent to a

great extent in performing fundamental operations on integers, describing

the intersection of sets, and describing well defined sets. However,

teachers were only found to be competent to a moderate extent in terms of

plotting irrational numbers on a number line. The composite mean

revealed that teachers were competent to a moderate extent in number

and number sense.

1.2. Algebra. The data revealed that teachers were competent to a

great extent in identifying constants and variables in a given algebraic

expression; evaluating algebraic expressions for given values of the

variables; and classifying special products of polynomials. On the other

hand, teachers were found to be competent to a moderate extent in terms

of creating polynomial equations given the roots of polynomial and

applying the concept of fundamental theorem in finding the roots of


polynomial equations. The composite mean revealed that the teachers

were competent to a moderate extent in Algebra.

1.3. Geometry. It was found out that teachers were competent to a

great extent in identifying the different kinds of angles, deriving

relationships among angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal

using measurement, and illustrating a circle and the terms related to

central angle/inscribed angle. However, teachers were found to be

competent to a moderate extent in terms of solving oblique triangles using

law of cosines given two sides and one included angle. The composite

mean is indicative that teachers were competent to a moderate extent in


1.4. Probability and Statistics. The data showed that teachers

were competent to a great extent in calculating the measures of central

tendency for grouped and ungrouped data, organizing data in frequency

distribution table, and describing the importance of statistics. On the other

hand, teachers were found to be competent to a moderate extent in terms

of deriving the formula for finding the number of permutations of n objects

taken at a time and differentiating experimental from theoretical probability.

The composite mean revealed that teachers were competent to a

moderate extent in Probability and Statistics.


2. Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies

2.1. Utilization of approaches and strategies. The data revealed

that teachers were competent to a great extent in assisting learners in

board work method, showing discussion method in class, and utilizing

think-pair-share strategy in group activity. The composite mean revealed

that teachers were greatly competent in utilizing approaches and


2.2. Application of evaluation tools. It was found out that teachers

were competent to a great extent in utilizing paper and pencil test to

assess knowledge acquired; administering written test, performance tasks

and other alternative course requirements properly; and preparing relevant

assessment plans both for formative and summative based on DepEd

curriculum standards. However, teachers were only found to be competent

to a moderate extent in terms of assisting learners in dyadic work. The

composite mean revealed that teachers were competent to a great extent

in applying evaluation tools.

2.3. Classroom setting. The results revealed that teachers were

competent to a great extent in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness of

the classroom conducive to learning; encouraging respect among learners;

and imposing positive discipline in all learners. The generated composite


mean revealed that teachers were competent to a great extent in

classroom setting.

3. Teachers’ Management Skills

3.1 Planning. The data revealed that the teachers strongly agreed

with engaging learners in assessment processes, formulating objectives of

the lesson appropriately, and considering learners’ needs in the activities

to be implemented. The generated composite mean implies that the

teachers are in strong agreement with respect to planning as part of their

management skills.

3.2. Resource allocation. It was found out that teachers strongly

agreed that they observed proper time management in the class, utilize the

available resources inside the classroom, and support teachers training

development program. On the other hand, teachers only agreed that they

solicit assistance from private sectors to support other school programs.

The composite mean revealed that teachers strongly agreed with the

indicators under resource allocation.

3.3. Decision-making. The data revealed that teachers strongly

agreed that they accept suggestions of colleagues, prioritize basic

learners’ needs, and manifest fairness and justice. The composite mean

then shows that the teachers strongly agreed that they have decision

making skill.

4. Relationship between Pedagogical Competencies and Management

The data revealed that there is significant relationship between the

respondents’ utilization of approaches and strategies and resource

allocation skills. This is shown by the computed r- value of 0.461 and the

probability value less than 0.005 level of significance. It was also found out

that variance and outcome variable resource allocation are associated with

the predictive variable utilization of approaches and strategies. Similar

results are obtained when utilization of approaches and strategies and

decision-making skills of mathematics teachers are considered.

Similarly, significant relationship was observed between application

of evaluation tools and planning skills as evident by the results obtained. In

addition, when application of evaluation tools and resource allocation skills

were correlated, it revealed that there is moderate relationship between

them. Similar results obtained whenapplication of evaluation tools and

decision-making skills of mathematics teachers were considered. This

implies moderate relationship between two variables.


Finally, the data also revealed that there is significant relationship in

terms of planning when associated to classroom setting. It was also shown

that there was strong relationship between two variables as revealed by

the computed r- value with the variance and outcome variable associated

with predictive variable.

5. Teachers’ Strengths and Weakness

Teachers strongly agreed that they are showing respect to

colleagues, parents, students and superiors; promote culture of dedication

and commitment in service; and share best practices to others. However,

teachers disagreed that they lack dedication in establishing students’

learning. The generated composite mean revealed teachers’ agreement

with the identified strengths and weaknesses of Mathematics teachers.

6. Proposed Management Guide for Mathematics Instruction

The output was conceptualized based on the key results of the

study, specifically on the assessment of the respondents’ competencies

and pedagogies in mathematics. A few indicators needed to be given

attention for them to enhance the instruction. As such, management guide

was carefully prepared considering all the pertinent data acquired from the



In the light to the foregoing findings, the following conclusions are


1. The teachers were found to possess sufficient knowledge on

probability and statistics, number and number sense, algebra and


2. The mathematics teachers manifest pedagogical competence in

utilization of approaches and strategies and application of evaluation tools.

3. Mathematics teachers were found to have management skills in

planning, resource allocation and decision-making.

4.Pedagogical competencies and management skills showed

substantial associations.

5. Being respectful to all members of the school community served

as the greatest strength of teachers and limited ability with the art of

questioning as their weakness.

6. The management guide may be a relevant resource for the

enhancement of teachers’ mathematical competencies.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the collected

data, the researcher recommends the following:


1. Junior High Schools may consider provision of additional

initiatives and concerns among mathematics teachers in the aspects of

enhancing their competencies in number and number sense, algebra and


2. The proposed management guide may be reviewed, refined and

later used to enhance teachers’ mathematical competencies.

3. A similar study using other variables may be conducted in other

JHSs outside the province.



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DepEd Order No. 42, s.2013

DepEd Order No. 42, s.2017

MATHED and SEI 2010

Mathematics Curriculum Guide 2012

TIMMS 2019

R.A. 10533, s. 2013




Request Letter for Validation


1. Dr. Rowena R. Abrea – Dean, College of Teacher Education

2. Dr. Corazon B. Cabrea – External Representative

3. Dr. Gloria G. Mendoza – Member of the Panel

4. Dr. Felix M. Panopio – Member of the Panel

5. Dr. Wilson T. Ojales – Member of the Panel


Request Letter for Data


1. Dr. Merthel M. Evardome – Schools Division Superintendent,

Batangas Province

2. Dr. Felizardo O. Bolanos – OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Batangas City

3. Mrs. Helen A. Ramos – OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Tanauan City

4. Mr. Homer N. Mendoza– OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Lipa City

Request letter for Distribution


1. Dr. Merthel M. Evardome – Schools Division Superintendent,

Batangas Province

2. Dr. Felizardo O. Bolanos – OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Batangas City

3. Mrs. Helen A. Ramos – OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Tanauan City

4. Mr. Homer N. Mendoza– OIC-Schools Division Superintendent,

Lipa City

Interview Guide

The following questions were asked to the interviewees related to

managing mathematics instruction as a professional and as junior high

school Mathematics Teachers:

1. How do you improve your teaching skills with regard to the

teaching of various areas of Mathematics?

2. What are the pedagogical competencies that the teachers should

know in order to deliver quality teaching to the learners? Are they

important? Why?

3. What is your perception about management skills of teachers?

4. How do they help in delivering quality instruction?

5. What are the issues and challenges that Mathematics teachers

encountered and how do they resolve it?


Focus Group Discussion Agenda

Date: June 25, 2020

Time: 10:00-11:00 AM

Venue: Virtual Venues (Google Meet and

Facebook Messenger)

Participants: Eight Secondary Mathematics Teachers

Area of Concern: Managing Mathematics Instruction for Small

Schools in the Province of Batangas.


1. Ways to improve Mathematics Teachers’ Competencies

2. Idea on Pedagogical Competencies

3. Application of Management Skills

4. Strengths of Mathematics teachers

5. Issues and Challenges Encountered in Teaching the


Photo Documentation during Focus Group Discussion

Mathematics teachers from different schools share their thoughts and

ideas about the topics covered in FGD.


Photo Documentation during the Interview

Online interview to the teachers was conducted through video call

using google meet since limited face to face interaction is strictly
observed due to the pandemic. This does not hinder in getting the much
needed data through their answers to the questions.




Address: Talang,San Nicolas, Batangas

Date of Birth: November 04, 1978

Age: 42

Civil Status: Married

Place of Birth: Dayapan, Lemery, Batangas

Citizenship: Filipino

Mobile Number: 0966 613 1677

E-mail Address:


Graduate Studies
Batangas State University
Doctor of Education
Major in Educational Management

Rizal College of Taal

Master of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Administration

Rizal College of Taal
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Mathematics

Gov. FelecianoLeviste Memorial National HS
Lemery, Batangas

Dayapan Elementary School
Dayapan, Lemery, Batangas


Licensure Examination for Teachers

August, 1999
Manila, Philippines


San Nicolas National High School

Secondary School Teacher III
July 07, 2011 – Present

Duba Mall, U. A. E
Sales Executive
May 2008 – January 2011

Payapa National High School


Secondary School Teacher I

June 2002 - March 2008

St. Jerome International School

Secondary School Teacher
Lemery, Batangas
June 1999- March 2001

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