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The role of ecological balance in the

Ecological balance is a term describing the equilibrium between living organisms
such as human beings, plants, and animals as well as their environment.
Photosynthesis aids in the establishment of a healthy ecosystem in which all
organisms can coexist. Harmonious interactions are a reflection of a healthy and
ideal ecological equilibrium. Because humans have the maximum thinking
capability of all living organisms, they play a key role in preserving ecological
balance. the availability provision of adequate food for all living organisms, as
well as their stability, indicate the presence of ecological balance. Therefore, this
balance is very important because it ensures the survival, existence, and stability of
the environment.

A favorable ecosystem ensures that each

organism thrives and reproduces as
expected. They get sufficient food to
stay alive. Ecological balance is also
important because it leads to the
continued existence of the organisms. It
guarantees that no species is
overburdened or exploited. For example,
human activities such as farming and
resource exploitation are constantly and
strictly checked to prevent excessive
destruction of the forests. Drought is
exacerbated by deforestation, and drought affects food production, resulting in a
food shortages. Inadequate food leads to famine and, eventually, death,
diminishing the number of species in the world.

Furthermore, ecological balance assures the organisms' and environment's stability.

It creates a conducive environment for organism multiplication and thriving.
Human activities have a major influence on environmental stability. Tree planting
and reduced deforestation rates prevent undesirable climate change. Controlling the
population of exuberant wild animals helps to maintain the ideal population
increase. Therefore, a human can
contribute positively to creating and
maintaining ecological balance.

In conclusion, the ecological balance

ensures the world's continuous
existence. Humans, plants, animals,
and other microliving things continue to
exist on Earth. These species get a
conducive environment to reproduce
and thrive. The planet will be able to
produce adequate food for all species.
Hunger caused by drought becomes history. This is due to the fact that the drought
will never happen. Also, a green environment is maintained. This means that the
world can achieve the equilibrium state that benefits and protects all living
organisms in it.

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