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DOI: 10.


Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Volume 9, No. 34, April-June 2019

Oxidative stress-related pathophysiology in chronic
rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: research challenges
Ala Istratenco1,2
 epartment of Otorhinolaryngology, “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Department of Laboratory Medicine, “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is considered a multifactorial pathology with negative impact on the qual-
ity of life and considerable socio-economic effects. The pathogenesis of CRSwNP has not yet been fully elucidated despite re-
markable studies in this field. This limits the pathogenic treatment and, therefore, the pathological process is expressed by a
greater tendency of recurrence. Patients with recurrent CRSwNP remain in a severe state and therapeutically uncontrolled. In
recent studies, the involvement of oxidative stress (OS) in the pathogenesis of CRSwNP has been more frequently mentioned.
CRSwNP is considered a response of the sinonasal tissue on the inflammatory state, associated with OS and production of reac-
tive oxygen species, causing injury to sinonasal tissues. It was demonstrated that the amount of ROS in the nasal polyp tissue
corresponds to the severity of CRSwNP.
A literature review on the role of OS in the pathogenesis of CRSwNP was undertaken. The relevant information was identified using
a search of electronic databases. Keywords used to highlight relevant papers were a combination of “chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal
polyps” and “oxidative stress”.
This review demonstrates that there is a strong relationship between OS and CRSwNP pathogenesis. It is hypothesized that antioxi-
dants may have a preventive role in CRSwNP. Nevertheless, additional research is required to further evaluate the effectiveness of
antioxidant therapy.
KEYWORDS: chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, free radical, oxidants, antioxidants.

INTRODUCTION sleep disturbances in a high proportion (60-75%), which

can lead to a considerable decline in quality of life, being
Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) or responsible for the impairment of cognitive function and
otherwise called nasal polyposis (NP) is a major health depression6. In the spectrum of otorhinolaryngological
problem, frequently encountered in otorhinolaryn- disorders, the prevalence of recurrent CRSwNP is near
gological practice. CRSwNP is a chronic inflammatory 20-40%. Approximately 20% of patients are facing an
condition of the upper airway characterized by forma- uncontrolled pathology despite adequate medical treat-
tion of nasal polyps, benign formations, often manifested ment and modern sinus surgery7.
by a high tendency of recurrent growth after surgery1,2. The causes that determine the persistence of chronic
CRSwNP has a significant negative impact on the quality inflammation in the sinonasal mucosa with nasal polyp
of life3, resulting in enormous socio-economic effects. formation have not been fully elucidated despite the
CRSwNP affects patients’ quality of life more than other numerous researches in this field1,2,8-12. The existing
chronic pathologies, such as congestive heart failure, modern treatment of CRSwNP remains unsatisfactory,
coronary artery disease, obstructive chronic broncho- the pathological process being expressed by a high re-
pneumopathy4,5. Patients with CRSwNP exhibit varying currence rate. There is various evidence regarding the

Corresponding author: Ala Istratenco

Address: 165 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Received for publication: February 20, 2019 / Accepted: March 28, 2019
72 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Volume 9, No. 34, April-June 2019

prevalence of the recurrent CRSwNP, varying from 15- flammation stage of the nasal cavity, which is clinically
25%13 to 40-50%14. A large, multi-center, prospective manifested by nasal obstruction, anterior/posterior
cohort study demonstrated nasal polyp recurrence in rhinorrhea, hyposmia/anosmia, headache, recurrent
40% of patients despite endoscopic sinus surgery plus respiratory infections, sleep disturbances1,2,8,9,17.
continued medical therapy, while other cohort studies The causes that determine the persistence of chron-
reported 50–60% recurrence rate of NP14. ic inflammation with irreversible histological changes,
CRSwNP has a multifactorial etiology, inflammation manifested by the formation of nasal polyps, have not
playing one of the most important roles8-10,15-19. The in- yet been fully established1,2,8-12. There are theories that
volvement of oxidative stress (OS) in the pathogenesis consider nasal polyps as a consequence of conditions
of CRSwNP is being mentioned more frequently in re- that cause chronic sinonasal inflammation, character-
cent studies9,10,15-21. Oxidative stress is a term used to de- ized by stromal edema and the presence of various
scribe the diseases caused by reactive oxygen species cellular infiltrates. There is a considerable amount of
(ROS), which have a destructive and pathogenic char- literature on the role of several factors involved in the
acter. The tissues of otorhinolaryngological organs, in- pathogenesis of CRSwNP. Among them, there are: the
cluding sinonasal mucosa, are inevitably subjected to impact of allergy, mucosal allergy, eosinophilic media-
OS exposure, causing local injuries. tors, Bernouilli phenomenon, nitric oxide, infection,
A challenging area in the field of CRSwNP is repre- fungal infection, genetic predisposition, aspirin in-
sented by the treatment. CRSwNP should primarily be tolerance/sensitivity, vasomotor imbalance, epithe-
approached as a pathology with the possibility of medical lial rupture, superantigens, genetic polymorphism of
therapy. Surgical treatment, that ameliorates the condi- inflammatory genes, environmental factors1,2,12,21,24-27.
tion and facilitates nasal medication, is indicated in pa- Numerous cytokines, chemokines, adhesion cells and
tients in whom medical management fails or who have receptors with various target activities favour the in-
complications. The only method of medical therapy with flammatory response in the nasal polyps15,24.
demonstrated efficacy is represented by glucocorticoster- In recent years, there has been a great deal of atten-
oids (GCS)22, although it induces a series of side effects tion toward the field of the implication of OS in the
and does not always prevent the recurrence. Patients pathogenesis of CRSwNP. It is ironic that oxygen, an
with recurrent CRSwNP have a limited response to the element indispensable for life, under certain situations,
existing treatment; therefore, they remain in a severe has deleterious effects on the human body. OS and oxi-
state and therapeutically uncontrolled, being subjected dants are involved in the pathogenesis of over one hun-
to multiple surgeries, that furthermore decline their dred diseases of the human species by aggression on
quality of life. The presence of NP and comorbidities, all types of biomolecules, causing various pathological
such as asthma, aspirin-exacerbated respiratory pathol- conditions such as inflammation, tumors, atherosclero-
ogy, are frequently associated with the “difficulty to sis, degenerative pathologies12.
treat”23. The understanding of the pathogenic mecha-
nisms of CRSwNP can help in finding alternative treat-
ment methods. Presumably these findings may contrib- OXIDATIVE STRESS: SOURCES OF
ute to the evaluation of the perspective related to using PROVENANCE AND INJURY MECHANISMS
antioxidant therapy for patients with CRSwNP refractory
to existing treatment, for patients with recurrent Oxidative stress (OS) is the term used to describe
CRSwNP and associated with comorbidities. the conditions produced by reactive oxygen species
Far from being exhaustive, this paper aims to review (ROS) that are highly reactive molecules, produced
the most important data, summarizing the role of OS in by the human body, having harmful and pathogenic
the pathogenesis of CRSwNP through the new research effects. Human body, at the same time, is equipped
in order to nuance pathogenic therapy. with antioxidant systems, which eliminate the harmful
The literature review was undertaken using a search effects of ROS, preventing or reducing the damage
of MEDLINE electronic databases. Relevant articles caused by oxidation. In essence, in OS there is a dis-
that highlight the problem of OS in association with turbance of oxidants/antioxidants balance in favour
CRSwNP were selected, using the combination of key- of oxidants. The imbalance between oxidants and
words such as “chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps” and antioxidants leads to cell injury, cell death, underly-
“oxidative stress”. ing tissue damage and chronic inflammation develop-
ment12. OS and ROS are inherent in human metabo-
lism. ROS are essential in the maintenance of normal
CRSwNP: A MULTIFACTORIAL PATHOLOGY cellular function. At low concentrations they can act
as cellular and intracellular signalling molecules that
CRSwNP is considered the most severe manifesta- facilitate normal biological processes. The excess of
tion of rhinosinusitis, representing a final chronic in- ROS due to the acceleration in their production or a
Istratenco Oxidative stress-related pathophysiology in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: research challenges 73

deficiency in the antioxidant defence system attacks tion of stress-inducible genes that participate in cellular
important macromolecules, leading to cell damage repair (in cases of adequate growth)12.
and homeostatic disruption. Targets of ROS include
all kinds of molecules in the body: carbohydrates, li- Antioxidant defence systems and sources of their prov-
pids, nucleic acids and proteins12,28-30. enance in the human body
The human body is equipped with integrated anti-
Oxidants and sources of their provenance in the hu- oxidant defence systems that protect against ROS and
man body their unfavourable effects. Antioxidants (AO) are sub-
From a chemical point of view, oxidants or ROS are stances that, at relatively small concentrations, are ef-
compounds derived from molecular oxygen and have fective in blocking harmful effect of ROS. AO can be
a tendency either to donate an electron to or accept produced by the human body; they can be absorbed
an electron from other molecules. Therefore, they from dietary intake or direct consumption of drugs
can behave as oxidants or reductants and be capable with antioxidant effect. Therefore, AO can be divided
of initiating aggressive oxidative reactions on the cell into several groups, this depending on their cellular
membrane or intracellularly if they cannot be coun- localization, chemical nature and sources of prov-
teracted by antioxidants12,29,30. There are two types enance. Hence, there are intracellular AO (reduced
of ROS: free radicals (superoxide, hydroxyl, peroxyl, glutathione, thioredoxin reductase), extracellular AO
alkoxyl, hydroxyperoxyl) and non-radicals (hydrogen (uric acid, albumin, bilirubin, vitamin C, β-carotene,
peroxide, hypochlorous acid, ozone, singlet oxygen, vitamin E, folic acid), enzymatic AO (superoxide-dis-
peroxynitrite). Free radicals (FR) are highly reactive mutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase,
species with one or more unpaired electrons in their catalase), inorganic AO (selenium, zinc, magnesium)
outer electron shell. Non-radicals are created when 2 and drugs with antioxidant effect (local anaesthetics,
free radicals share their unpaired electrons. 3 major calcium channel blockers)12.
ROS have physiological significance: superoxide anion An excessive production of ROS and/or a deficiency
radical, hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide12,29,20. in the antioxidant defence system conduct to an imbal-
The major sources of provenance of ROS in the hu- ance, which induces injuries to biomolecules, triggering
man body can be conventionally divided into endogenous a number of diseases. The tissues of the human body,
and exogenous sources. ROS are generated in the human including ENT organs, are inevitably exposed to OS,
body by various endogenous systems in normal essen- causing local injuries. According to the literature, many
tial metabolic processes, by exposure to different physi- otorhinolaryngological nosological entities are associat-
ochemical conditions and pathological states. FR are ed with OS: rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, CRS, CRSwNP, otitis
derived from the enzyme activity of the mitochondria, media (with effusion and chronic), cholesteatoma, tym-
xanthine oxidase, peroxisomes, inflammation, phagocy- panosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, neurosensory deafness,
tosis, arachidonate pathways, ischemia/reperfusion inju- tonsillitis, laryngeal pathologies, tumors12,31.
ry30. FR can be formed as a result of reperfusion after is-
chemia and cellular necrosis, associated with the release
of purines, which are responsible for producing two su- INVOLVEMENT OF OXIDATIVE STRESS IN
peroxide radicals. Furthermore, FR can occur in associa- THE PATHOGENESIS OF CRSwNP
tion with tissue haemorrhage, which is responsible for
the generation of free hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen CRSwNP is a multifactorial disease, inflammation
peroxide. FR can be derived from the metabolism of pu- playing an important role. Depending on the duration
rines (from the DNA of damaged cells), catecholamines, and the activity of the inflammatory process, oxidative
prostaglandins and uric acid biosynthesis12. ROS can be reactions initiated by ROS emerge from a physiological
generated from exogenous sources, penetrating the hu- adaptation mechanism to a pathological one, forming
man body from the external environment following the an important pathogenic link. Many studies have been
exposure to ionizing radiation, ozone, hyperoxia, ciga- reported that histological changes in CRSwNP are cor-
rette smoking, heavy metal ions, harmful air pollutants, related with the infiltration of inflammatory cells. As
industrial chemicals, certain drugs, pesticides, foods, a result of the inflammation, activated neutrophils
etc.12,29,30. If the impact of exogenous FR on the human migrate to the inflammatory site where they exert bac-
body can be limited by endeavour, this is not possible tericidal function by producing ROS that, at the same
with endogenous FR. time, trigger a set of cellular and intracellular distur-
ROS manifest not only a negative impact on cells bances at the sinonasal mucosa level.
function, but also a positive one, being expressed by The examination of bacterial biofilms’ prevalence in
their intervention in antibacterial immunity (by de- different areas of the sinonasal mucosa in patients with
struction of phagocytic organisms), by active participa- chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) has related that it prevails
tion in the biological signalling processes, by stimula- more in patients with CRSwNP compared to patients
74 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Volume 9, No. 34, April-June 2019

with  chronic  rhinosinusitis  without polyps (CRSsNP), morphism in the gene segments encoding iNOS en-
being more distributed in the area of the ethmoid bulla zymes (the GG genotype distribution for the (-277)
and the uncinate process compared to the middle tur- A/G polymorphism in iNOS gene) and CAT enzymes
binate32. This supports the involvement of bacterial bio- (the TT genotype distribution for A/T polymorphism
film in the pathogenesis of CRSwNP32. Thus, in the na- in CAT gene at position -21). Therefore, FR increased
sal and paranasal tissues, the most common sources of level may occur due to genetic polymorphism of the
FR are neutrophils, which release ROS as a part of the enzymes in the antioxidant system and might contrib-
innate inflammatory response. ROS are capable of de- ute to the pathophysiology of NP26.
stroying bacteria and fungi. ROS formation is favoured Nitric oxide radical (NO), a highly reactive and dif-
by proinflammatory cytokines, like Interleukin-1 (IL-1) fusible FR, is implicated in the regulation of various
and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). physiological and pathological events. NO has an im-
NP is considered a tissue response to the inflamma- portant role in the pathogenesis of CRSwNP. The
tory condition associated with OS and an increase in sinonasal epithelial cells appear to be the primary
the inflammatory cells amount, especially the eosino- source of NO in the respiratory system. NO has multi-
phils. The major basic protein (MBP), a proinflam- ple effects on tissues. At sinonasal level, NO plays a dual
matory mediator released by eosinophils, is able to role – it increases ciliary beat frequency through intra-
increase the influx of Na+ into the apical epithelium cellular signalling pathways and diffuses into the mucus,
of the nasal polyps, resulting in the development of where it fights against bacteria and viruses as part of the
edema – the major histopathological characterization innate immune response12,35,36. In addition to the physi-
of nasal polyps25. ological effect, NO is an important cofactor regarding
Nasal epithelium plays a crucial role in NP forma- the migration and proliferation of keratocytes, angio-
tion. A pathogenic mechanism of CRSwNP, described genesis and collagen deposition. NO is involved in re-
by Norlander et al., assumes that a defect of the nasal cruitment of inflammatory cells, inhibiting apoptosis of
epithelium or a deep mucosa trauma induced by any eosinophils, disturbance of the cytoarchitecture leading
microorganism can be essential in NP formation16,33. to modifications of the extracellular matrix, and ex-
Wladislavosky-Waserman et al. have reported about the travascular leakage with consequent edema12,36. It has
involvement of epithelial damage in NP16,34. Dagli et been previously demonstrated that upper respiratory
al. have described that NP tissue damage is caused by epithelial cells receptors detect some quorum-sensing
FR, claiming that ROS lead to mucosal edema in early molecules, secreted by Gram-negative bacteria, which
stages and epithelial damage in advanced stages. Ede- subsequently trigger the production of NO with a bac-
ma of the nasal mucosa occurs as a result of affecting tericidal effect. According to several research data,
the transport of ions through the nasal epithelium as a quorum-sensing molecules secreted by Staphylococcus
consequence of transport pump dysfunction. Oxidants aureus (Gram-positive bacteria) and by Staphylococcus
affect the cell membrane of the ion pump, favouring epidermidis (Gram-positive, coagulase-negative bacte-
the increase in intracellular Na+, movement of Ca2+ into ria) trigger a naturally NO-mediated innate response in
the cell and the decrease in intracellular K+ 16. sinonasal epithelial cells, expressed by secretion of NO.
Myofibroblasts from the sinonasal tissue are involved Patients’ reaction to NO secretion as a response to path-
in nasal polyps’ formation by inducing extracellular ma- ogen molecules secreted by bacteria is heterogeneous.
trix accumulation. ROS are released during differentia- This may contribute to a complex interplay between
tion of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. Stimulation with genes and environment, predisposing some CRS pa-
transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) increases the tients to Gram-positive infections. Genetic differences
production of ROS by nasal fibroblasts. The differentia- in NO production triggered by bacteria may play a role
tion of myofibroblasts and the production of collagen in the pathogenesis of CRS35,37.
in nasal polyps can be prevented by inhibiting ROS by Nasal epithelium is the first respiratory epithelial sur-
some antioxidant medication, such as diphenyliodo- face exposed to environmental pollution. Epidemio-
nium, N-acetylcysteine and ebselen12. logically, there is an association between air pollution
A study was performed based on the hypothesis that and the increased prevalence of chronic sinonasal pa-
FR of oxygen plays an important role in the pathogen- thology. A component of the innate defence of the
esis of CRSwNP. The main aim of the study was to iden- sinonasal mucosa against inhaled pathogens includes
tify the genetic polymorphisms of the antioxidant en- the continuous release of low levels of hydrogen perox-
zymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD2), catalase ide (H2O2) into the nasal secretions. For a better under-
(CAT), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), in pa- standing of the effects of pollutants on the nasal mu-
tients with eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic CRSwNP cosa, the release of H2O2 and the level of Interleukin-8
and their effect on CRSwNP pathogenesis. As a result of (IL-8) were studied after exposure of the sinonasal mu-
the study, significant differences between eosinophilic cosa to pollutant substances (particulate matter). As a
CRSwNP and control groups were obtained for poly- result of the study, an increased amount of H2O2 se-
Istratenco Oxidative stress-related pathophysiology in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: research challenges 75

creted by epithelial cells was obtained, thus demonstrat- seems to be a moderate-sized benefit for nasal block-
ing the contribution of pollutants to the installation of age and a small benefit for rhinorrhea (moderate-
the OS, as part of a normal defence mechanism against quality evidence), whereas the risk of epistaxis is in-
pollutants. However, prolonged exposure to pollutants creased (high-quality evidence)41.
results in increased levels of H2O2, IL-8 and mucin pro- GCS can regulate the expression of GRX-1 (glutare-
duction. Therefore, the effort to reduce air pollutants doxin, glutathione-dependent oxidoreductase). The
(particulate matter) may lead to the decrease in H2O2, expression of GRX-1 represents the primary line of de-
proinflammatory cytokine IL-8 and the production of fence against OS from chronic sinonasal inflammation.
mucin, preventing the installation of the OS in the GRX-1 expression from the mucosa of patients with
sinonasal epithelium38. CRSwNP is significantly higher than in the normal nasal
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a non-radical derived mucosa. IL-1β increases the production of intracellular
from oxygen, is formed as a result of the action of my- ROS. This increase can be inhibited by N-acetylcysteine.
eloperoxidase in the sinonasal tissues. HOCl has the GCS can regulate the expression of GRX-1 and, respec-
ability to damage the underlying tissues. However, in tively, IL-1β-induced ROS formation12. 
low concentrations, HOCl has been demonstrated to Antibiotics are widely and heavily used in the treat-
express both antibacterial and antiviral activity (against ment of CRS. Antibiotics with a bactericidal effect fa-
the influenza virus, rhinovirus) as part of a normal de- vour ROS formation and support inflammation in
fence mechanism12. sinonasal human cells. Kohanski et al. performed an
Ozone, a non-radical derived from oxygen, directly experimental study, which investigated the influence of
increases the level of FR and DNA synthesis. Ozone bactericidal antibiotics (amoxicillin and levofloxacin)
exposure affects mucociliary transport of the sinona- and of bacteriostatic antibiotic (clarithromycin) on the
sal epithelium, increases cell permeability and facili- sinonasal epithelial cells collected during endoscopic
tates the migration of inflammatory cells with prolif- surgery. As a result, it has been established that bacteri-
erative and secretory responses. Cytokines released cidal antibiotics significantly increase the level of ROS
by effector cells of innate immunity due to exposure with an associated increase in antioxidant gene expres-
to ozone as well as cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase sion as well as the expression and production of proin-
activity facilitate the elevation of FR, diminishing the flammatory cytokine TNF-α and IL-1β. Therefore, this
mucociliary clearance and contribute to the patho- may suggest that prolonged or inappropriate use of
physiology of CRS12. bactericidal antibiotics in the treatment of rhinosinusi-
tis may result in OS injury to the sinonasal epithelial
cells as a result of ROS action42.
MEDICAL TREATMENT OF CRSwNP AND ITS Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), even if it can harm
IMPACT ON OXIDATIVE STRESS sinonasal tissues, exhibits both antibacterial and antivi-
ral activity (anti-rhinovirus and anti-influenza virus ac-
Currently, there is a wide variety of medical treat- tivity)12,43. The treatment with HOCl can significantly
ments of CRSwNP. Recent research opts for the use of inhibit the secretion of interleukins IL-6 and IL-8, the
anti-IL-5, anti-IgE, anti-IL-4 antibodies, calcium chan- synthesis of which is induced by a human rhinovirus,
nel blockers, assuming promising results. However, thus reducing the titer of the virus in sinonasal tissues12.
further studies are needed to implement the immu- The irrigation of the sinonasal mucosa of patients with
nomodulatory therapy39. The only method of medical CRSwNP refractory to medical treatment for 8 weeks
treatment with demonstrated efficacy is represented by with low concentrations of HOCl has demonstrated an
GCS, which continue to be the cornerstone of medical improvement in the symptomatology of CRS by de-
therapy of the CRSwNP. Nevertheless, GCS, especially creasing in SNOT-20 score (20-Item  Sino-Nasal Out-
those that are systemically administered, might induce come Test), Rhinosinusitis Disability Index (RSDI) and
side effects and do not always prevent the recurrence. bacterial growth rate. Therefore, a low dose of HOCl
According to a survey on CRS, performed by Passali can be used in patients with CRS refractory to tradi-
et al., CRSwNP is encountered in 20-40 % of all pa- tional medical therapy as an adjuvant treatment43.
tients with CRS. The medical treatment options for
CRSwNP were found to be nasal GCS (90%), systemic
GCS (50%), nasal washes (46%) and systemic antibi- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OXIDATIVE
otic therapy (34%)40. The topical (intranasal) GCS are STRESS AND CRSwNP
widely used in the treatment of CRSwNP, considering
that inflammation is the major component, despite lit- Inflammatory conditions established in the nose and
tle information regarding the quality of life after GCS paranasal sinuses are perfectly suitable with the forma-
use (very low-quality evidence), improvement in all tion of NP. The investigations of OS parameters in NP
symptoms of CRSwNP (low-quality evidence). There have revealed that there is a strong relationship be-
76 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Volume 9, No. 34, April-June 2019

tween OS and CRSwNP pathogenesis. The amount of sinonasal diseases, can be caused by ROS. The inflam-
FR in polyp tissue corresponds to the severity of the mation, markers of inflammation and conventionally
pathology9,11,12. In the nasal polyp tissue, the level of nasal polyp formation can be prevented by blocking
oxidants is increased, while the level of antioxidants is ROS, eliminating them, or by promoting their decom-
decreased. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a major end position. It is hypothesized that antioxidants may have
product of lipid peroxidation that can be used as an a preventive role in CRSwNP. Therefore, ROS forma-
indicator of FR levels. High levels of MDA in nasal pol- tion in sinonasal tissues derived under the influence of
yps reflect the involvement of OS and signal injury by genetic polymorphism of enzymes in the antioxidant
FR9,12,16,20. The levels of Advanced Oxidation Protein system, under the action of sinonasal bacterial biofilm
Products (AOPP) can be used as markers of OS in the or the bactericidal effect of antibiotics, under the envi-
etiology of CRSwNP. The results of one research report ronmental pollution can be prevented or can be re-
that patients with NP have significantly higher AOPP duced by using the antioxidant medication (diphenyli-
values than patients without NP12,44. odonium, N-acetylcysteine, ebselen) as well as the GCS
In normal state, ROS are controlled by the antioxi- (GCS regulates the expression of GRX-1 and respec-
dant system, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), tively IL-1β-induced ROS formation).
catalase (CAT), xanthine oxidase (XO), glutathione Nevertheless, additional research is required to fur-
peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione (GSH). In NP, a ther evaluate the effectiveness of antioxidant therapy.
decrease in GPx activity is noted, while the activity of The investigation of OS-related pathophysiology of
CAT and XO is increased9,12,15,20. SOD and NO play CRSwNP will suggest novel insights for clinical applica-
important roles in OS. The values of SOD and NO are tion and therapeutic target. The current studies defi-
significantly lower in CRSwNP patients compared to nitely provide significant information to further expand
the control group8. The severity of OS in NP is ex- the research in this domain.
pressed in Total Antioxidant Status and NO that are
significantly correlated with the severity of nasal ob- Conflict of interest: The author has no conflict of
struction and congestion11,12. Colantonio et al. found interest to declare.
that NO level was correlated directly with the extent of Contribution of authors: All authors have equally
polyposis and that successful treatment, with reduc- contributed to this work.
tion in polyp volume, was associated with a rise in NO
level12,15. Pasto et al. evaluated the relationship be-
tween NO concentration and the production of super- REFERENCES
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