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Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Lesson 4 - Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines

Learning Objectives

At the end of the topic, students are expected to:

a. recognize R.A. 8491 and its provisions;

b. explain the importance of flag and other national symbols;
c. identify the steps on how to properly fold the Philippine flag;
d. promote nationalism among youth.

For students and instructors’ material, please access at

Learning Content

Salient Feature of RA No. 8491 of 2002 (Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines)
Philippine Flag

Our national flag is the symbol of our country. It

shows our unity as a people. It stands for our high
ideals and noble heritage. Therefore, when you show
respect for the flag, you also show respect for our
country and people. One way to show respect is to
handle the flag properly.

A flag is a sacred and respected feature of the nation

which it represents. Each nation’s flag has a specific
way in which it should be displayed and folded.

The Philippine national flag is said to be the primary symbol of the nation’s camaraderie,
sovereignty, solidarity and unity. It is therefore, the symbol of nationalism and patriotism in our

Flag History
The national flag of the Philippine is a horizontal bicolor with equal bands of blue and red, and
white equilateral triangle based at the hoist side, at the center of the triangle is a golden yellow sun
with eight primary rays (which signifies eight provinces) each containing three individual rays;

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS

Module 1 – Citizenship Training

and at each corner of the triangle is a five-pointed golden yellow stat. The sun with eight rays in
the Philippine flag represents the first eight provinces (Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija,
Tarlac, Laguna, Batangas and Cavite) that revolt and fought for independence from the Spanish-
The flag was conceptualized by Emilio
Aguinaldo. The first flag was sewn in
Hongkong by Marcela Agoncillo, her
daughter Lorenza, and Dona
DelfinaHerbosa de Natividad, niece of Jose
Rizal. The flag is displayed with the blue
field on the top in times of peace, and with
red field on top in times of war. The flag is
unique in the sense that it can indicate a
state of war when the red field is displayed
on top or on the observer’s left when the
flag is displayed vertically, with the white
equilateral triangle at the top end.

Flag Construction
The flag’s length is twice its width, which translate into an
aspect ratio of 1:2. The length of all sides of the white triangle
is equal to the width of the flag. Each star is oriented in such
manner that one of its tips points towards the vertex at which it
is located.

Flag Protocol
The flag should be displayed in all government buildings, official residence, public plazas, and
schools every day throughout the year. The days of the 28th of may (national Flag day) and 12th
of June 9Independence day) are designated as flag days, during which all offices, agencies and
instrumentalities of government, business establishments, institutions of learning and private
homes are enjoined to display the flag. In Section 9 of RA 8491, the Philippine flag must be
permanently hoisted and illuminated at night at the following locations:

1. Malacaňang Palace,
2. The Congress of the Philippine buildings (Senate and House of Representatives)
3. Supreme Court of the Philippine Building
4. The Rizal Monument
5. Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, Cavite
6. Barasain Shrine in Malolos, Bulacan
7. Tomb of theUnknown Soldiers in La Union, Libingan ng mgaBayani in Makati)
BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

8. Mauseleo de losVeteranos de la Revolucion

9. All international ports of entry
10. All other places as may be designated by the National Historical Commission of the
Philippines (NHCP).
The flag may be flown at half-mast as a sign or mourning. Upon the official announcement of the
death of the president or a former President, the flag should be flown at half-mast for 10 days. The
flag should be flown at half-mast for seven (7) days following the death of the Vice President, the
Chief Justice, the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House of the Representatives.
The flag may also be required to fly at half-mast upon the
death of other persons to be determined by the NHCP, for a
period less than seven days. The flag shall be flown at half-
mast on all the buildings and places where the decedent was
holding office, on the day of death until the day of interment
of an incumbent member of the Supreme Court, the Cabinet,
the Senate or the House of Representative, and such other
persons as may be determined by the NHCP.
When flown at half-mast, the flag should be first hoisted to
the peak for a moment then lowered to the halfmast position.
It should be raised to the peak again before it is lowered for
the day.

Folding the Flag

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS

Module 1 – Citizenship Training

1. Hold the flag at each of its four corners and pull it taut.
The folder holds the corners at the end with the blue and
red fields.
2. Fold the flag in half, lengthwise, with red field covering
the blue field. Pull it taut again making sure the open
side’s edges are flush with one another.
3. Fold it in half again, the closed side over the open side,
again maintaining the flattening tension and parallel,
flush edges on the open side. The blue field should now
be displayed face up.
4. Take the closed side’s blue field corner and fold it over
the open side such that what was the bottom edge is now
parallel and flush with open side forming a right triangle
(with 900).
5. At the right angle, fold the flag again such that a new right
triangle is formed, still keeping the open edges parallel.
6. Fold the right –angled corner of the new triangle over
such that it forms a new right triangle with what had been
the bottom edge now flush with the side of the flag below
7. Continue this sequence of folds creating right triangle
until the flag is completely folded into right triangle
bundle. The white field and yellow sun should now
predominate in the visible areas of the flag. Prohibited Acts
In Section 34 of RA 8491, the flag cannot be used in the following rationales:
1. Defacing or ridiculing the flag by dipping the flag as a salute, or adding additional marks
on the flag;
2. As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth, a covering, or as part of a costume or a uniform;
3. As a trademark or for commercial or agricultural labels or designs;
4. As part of merchandise or in any advertisement or infomercial; and
5. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor vehicles.

Other Rules on the Display of the Philippine Flag

1. On board naval vessels, the flag shall be displayed on the flagstaff at the stern
when the ship is at anchor. The Flag shall be hoisted to the gaff at the aftermast when the
ship is at sea.
2. On all aircraft with Philippine registry, the Philippine Flag shall be prominently
displayed horizontally on its fuselage with the hoist side pointing the forward direction.
3. The flagpole must not be of equal height or higher than the Independence Flagpole at
the Rizal Park, Manila (107ft).

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS

Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Learning References

RA 8491
July 25, 2020

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS

Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Lesson 5 - Good Citizenship Values

Learning Objectives

At the end of the topic, students are expected to:

a. analyze the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution;

b. give the duties and obligations of Filipino citizens;
c. cite activities in teachingnationalism.

Learning Content

Developing Good Citizenship

Every right has a corresponding responsibility. Next to the right to live is the right for
citizenship. It provides man the necessary protection of the state, identity, education, job
opportunities, securities and all other rights provided by existing laws.

To the students and instructor, you may access the diagnostic test on Philippine
Citizenship at

Preamble of the 1987 Constitution

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a
just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure
to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the
rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain
and promulgate this Constitution.


Citizenship is a term denoting membership of a citizen in a political society, which

membership implies, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part member and duty of
protection on the part of the State.
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS


A citizen is a person having the title of citizenship. He is a member of a democratic

community who enjoys a full civil and political rights and its accorded protection inside
and outside the territory of the State.

Article IV, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution identifies the following as citizens of the

1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of said
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; those born before
January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine Citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority; and
3. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

Great ideal in the life of every citizen

The greatest ideal in the life of every citizen must be patriotism or love of country. This
achieved through the exercise the positive nationalism and the defense of our sovereignty
when it is threatened by outside and inside forces.

Next to loyalty to God is loyalty to country which is sealed by a pledge of allegiance such
loyalty is neither through compulsion of force, as motivated by certain material

Filipino citizen’s loyalty

As a citizen, we have several objects of loyalty in our country, superiors or duly constituted
authorities, principle, our flag, our word of honor.

Filipino may differ in physical features but they are bound by their love for the country
they call their own. They are proud of the cultural heritage and prouder still to belong to a
race of people known for their courage and love of freedom.

Loyalty must be inspired by the respect and faith in the cause to which we subscribe. It
should not be servility or fanaticism. Loyalty is based on love of country, respect for
superiors, belief in the cause and principle, reverence for national symbols and loyalty to
one’s world of honor.
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Acquiring Citizenship
1.There are two principles of citizenship in the world, “jus solis” (by blood) and
“jus sanguinis” (by birth).
2. A baby who was born within the air space or within 12 nautical miles from
the boarder of the United States will automatically have US citizenship regardless
of the parent’s nationality.

3. Commonwealth Act No. 473 provides the qualifications and processes for
acquiring Filipino citizenship.

Learning References

1. 1987 Philippine Constitution

2. Commonwealth Act No. 473
3. GuilloJr.,Romeo M, Content Standards of Literacy Training Service, Morlanda
Publishing, 2011
4. July 25, 2020
5. July 25, 2020

BatStateU - National Service Training Program 1 – CWTS/LTS

Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Lesson 6 – Voter Citizenship Education

Learning Objectives

At the end of the topic, students are expected to:

a) recognize the duties and responsibilities as voter;
b) inspire to participate actively in activities whether in national or local elections

Learning Content

The Filipino citizen-voter education cover the political and electoral system, human
rights, and governance that serve to contribute to efforts at developing matured and informed
political attitudes and decisions of Filipino citizen-voters.

1. What is election?
Election is the means by which the people choose their officials for definite and fixed

2. What are the different types of electoral exercises? The two (2) types of electoral
exercises are:
a) regular elections (national, local, barangay, ARMM, SK)
b) special elections (plebiscite, referendum, initiative, recall)

3. What is the right of suffrage?

Suffrage is the human right to vote to which, in the Philippines, is embodied in three
a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
b) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and
c) The 1987 Philippine Constitution.

These documents all call for universality of the right; equality in access to public
service; and secrecy of voters. The political choice and decision you make will determine
the kind of government that will serve the country. The will of the people, then, will be
best expressed in clean, orderly and honest election.

4. Who are qualified to vote in Philippine elections?

a) Citizens of the Philippines;
b) Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of elections;
c) A resident of the Philippines for one year and in the city or municipality wherein he/she
proposes to vote for at least six months before the elections.
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

5. Who are qualified to vote under the Overseas Absentee Voting Law?
a) Filipino citizen abroad
b) Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of elections
c) Immigrants with affidavit to resume residence in the Philippines
d) Permanent residents with affidavit of intent to resume residence in the Philippines.

6. Who are disqualified by law to vote in Philippine elections?

a) Persons sentenced to be imprisoned for not less than one year
b) Persons who committed rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti-subversion and
firearms law, or any crime against national security or disloyalty to the government
c) Insane or incompetent persons

7. How often are the elections held?

a) Every 2nd Monday of May for national and local election
National and local elections are held on the second Monday of May every third
year starting 1992. The presidential and vice presidential elections are held every six
years. Election Days in which the president and vice president and barangay officials
are not elected are called "midterm elections"; Election Days in which the president
and vice president are elected are called "presidential elections". Barangay-level
officials, although are currently elected in the same year as the other officials, are
elected separately the succeeding months.
b) Every last Monday of October, every 3 years for barangay and SK officials
Barangay-level elections, starting from 2007, are to be held every three years
during the last Monday of October, although these elections are frequently postponed
(and incumbents' terms are extended) as a cost-saving measure.
c) Every 3 years from March 1993 – ARRM elections
Elections for the positions in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao (BARMM), starting from 2011, are to be held every three years during the
second Monday of May.

8. What are the actions points for citizen-voters in exercising the right of suffrage? a)
Before elections
Prepare to exercise the right of suffrage and the right to an informed and free choice.
➢ Register during the period allowed for voter registration.
➢ Be informed of the issues, platforms, and personalities of the political
➢ Set specific guidelines in choosing government leaders in terms of the
candidate’s social affiliations and interests, competence, lifestyle, and
performance records.
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

➢ Conduct/participate in public debates that would inform citizens and gain the
commitment of the candidates to integrate, foremost, the interests and welfare
of the citizen in their program of government.
b) During elections
Exercise vigilance and the right to vote.
➢ Vote according to your conscience
➢ Protect the integrity of your own vote from any other undue influence
➢ Volunteer in organizations that work for clean and peaceful elections
➢ Watch out for instance of cheating in the elections and inform authorities and
the rest of the electorate of such activities.
c) After elections
Practice continued vigilance and participate in governance. ➢
Be vigilant in the counting and canvassing of votes
➢ Attend consultations and public hearings, and participate in local special bodies.
➢ Legislate advocacy – s process where citizens talk with lawmakers and other
implementers in the government to ensure that the concerns and welfare of the
general public are included in the discussion and making of laws.
d) The Election process
These are the steps in the election process:
➢ Registration day
➢ Revision day
➢ List of votes
➢ Casting of votes
➢ Counting of votes
➢ Preparation of election returns and other reports
➢ Distribution of election returns
• Board of Canvassers (for President and Vice President
• Board of Canvassers (for Senators)
• Board of Canvassers (for Provincial/City/District/Municipal)
➢ Proclamation of winning candidates
e) Citizen-voter participation in Political affairs
➢ Initiation and Referendum
Through the system of initiative and referendum, the people can directly
propose, exact, and reject laws at the local level. Citizens may directly
propose amendments to the Constitution by a petition of at least 12% of the
total number of registered voters where three (3) % of registered voters in
each legislative district are presented
➢ Plebiscite
Through plebiscite, the people approve or reject the call for a Constitution,
approve or reject proposed changes in the Constitution and, at the local level,
express their will on certain local issues.
➢ Sectoral Representation
The party-list system of representation gives sectors the chance to be
represented in Congress together with Congressmen/women or
Module 1 – Citizenship Training

Representative. The Constitution and the 1991 Local Government Code

(LGC) allow for representation of sectors in the local legislature or
➢ Local special Bodies
Ordinary citizens are called to sit in local special bodies such as the local
health boards, school boards, peace and order councils, and
developmentcouncils for consultation. The barangay assembly has the power
to hear and judge the report of Sangguniang Barangay’s (SB) performance.
➢ Absentee Voting system
Republic Act 9189 or the Absentee Voting Law provides for a system which
allows qualified Filipinos abroad to vote in national elections in the

Learning References

1. Modules on 16 Good Citizenship Values: Reference for Values Formation by Good

Citizenship Movement, EPPC in partnership with CHED. Institution Building Team EDSA
People Power Commission. 2010.
2. Soriano (SR), L.E. RA (Commissioner Chairperson) Modules on Good Citizenship Values
Good Citizenship Movement, Institution Building Team EDSA People Power Commission.
3. Your Vote. Our Future: Citizen Participation in Election 2003 (A Primer)

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