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It stands for Unified Modelling Language. The unified modelling

language is a graphical language notation for drawing diagram of
software concept.

Grady Booch and James Rambaugh at Rational Software Corporation

started work on UML in 1994. Their goal was to create a new method
called Unified Method. The first version “1.0” was released in 1997. It is
a general-purpose visual modelling language which is used to specify,
visualize, construct and document the genuine factors of a system. It is
not just a notation for drawing diagram but an implicit language for
computing knowledge about a subject and expressing the knowledge
about any particular system.

It is totally based on OOP. It captures the information about both static

structure as well as behaviour of the system. The static structure define
the kind of object as well as the relationship between the different
objects. Behaviour defines the history of the object a number of
communications between them.

It is a universal general purpose modelling language for discreet

system. It can be used for software modelling, communication, business

UML enables the capturing, communicating, operational knowledge,

strategic planning and tactical plans to facilities, increase qualities
reduce cost, time and risk.

Diagram of UML

Diagrams are the graphical representation of a set of model elements.

Diagrams are the collection of graphical constructs with visual
relationship. They are also called as models because they are the visual
representation of the program or system. It is a part of specific view
depending on the content of diagram. UML has three main kinds of
diagram, they are:

i. Static diagram
ii. Dynamic diagram
iii. Physical diagram

Static diagram: It describes the unchanging logical structure of

software elements by classes, objects, data structure and the
relationship that exist between them.

Dynamic Diagram: It shows how software entities change during the

execution; the flow of execution are the way entities change

Physical diagram: It shows the unchanging physical structure of

software entities by physical entities such as source file, binary file,
data file and the relationship that exist between them.


It describes the functionality of the system and the user of the

system, this diagram contains actor(user), cases and their
relationship, actor represent the user of the system and the cases
represents the conditions for which the actor will be active.

In the below figure the big rectangle represents the System

boundary and the inner rectangle represents the functionality of the
system or actor. The stick main icon represents an actor or human

Use case diagram can be represented with the following figure:

Class diagram

Class diagram shows the major classes and relationship in the program.
A class diagram represents the static structure of classes. A class
diagram may contain the followings:

a. Classes representing the entities with common features which

include operation attributes.
b. Association represent relationship between classes can be related
to each other in a number of ways which are follows:
i. Associated classes
ii. Dependent classes
iii. Specialized classes
iv. Package classes

A class diagram can be represented with the following figure:

Sequence diagram (Interaction diagram)

Sequence diagram describes the interaction between two classes. The

interaction is the exchange of message between them. These diagram
focus on the followings:

i. Class rolls that object may play with the interaction.

ii. Representing the existence of object over a period of time.
iii. Message representing communication between object.
iv. Activation representing the time during which object
performing an operation.

The main aspect of these diagram is that it shows the message

communicated in between two objects at regular of time. The
sequence diagram can be represented with the following figure:
Collaboration diagram: (24.02.2022)

It describes the interactional among the classes and association. It is

modelled as the exchange of the message between many classes and
its association. It may include the followings:

1. Class roll.
2. Association roll.
3. Message flow etc.

Collaboration diagram can be represented with following figure:

State-chart diagram (Statement- Scenario diagram):

The state-chart diagram describes the behaviour of a class in response

to external events. It also describes the life cycle of an object in which it
satisfies some conditions, perform activity and may wait for some

A state-chart diagram typically a component

to the description of a class. It shows all the
possible states of an object. A State-chart
diagram can be represented with following:
USE CASE: (03.03.2022)

Introduction to Use Case:

Use case is a modelling technique that defines the functionality of the

system, actors and their different relations.

1. System
2. Actor
3. Relationship

System: A system is defined as a collection of interrelated

components responsible for any particular purpose. The system is
modelled by a top-level sub system that indirectly contains the entire
set of models and its elements. UML can be used address different
types of system.

A system is addressed by a box with the name inside it such as:

Business management system

Reservation system

Actor: Someone that interact with the system for any purpose, in
other words we can say that the actors are responsible for carry out
the cases. An actor is a type rather than an object.

An actor may have list of goals to desire. The interface of an actor

can interact with system very easily and efficiently. The actor can be
represented with the stick man.

In use case defines as a set of sequence of action in a system

performed by any actor to produce the result. The action may be
communication, calculate etc. Inside the system boundary with a
system name and connected to the association symbols.
Relationship: Association is normal to a ‘one-to-one’ relationship
with no direction. Use case can be represented and containing the
name of cases such as:

Documenting Use case: There is a lot of documentation associated

with use-case of that needs organised somehow. We want the
documentation to be understood but we need other things for e.g.,
We can want to able to trace from system land to sub-ordinate use
case or from use case to test plan. We can want to be able to set
priority users on a use-case or any part of use case than seen a report
later listing all use case of a system.

Guideline for developing use case:

The document of use case is very sensitive therefore, certain guidelines
are defined to develop the use case model. The use case model consists
of multiple cases, actors, bundles and relationship etc. The guideline for
development of use case in defined to the component of use case
model of an organisation. The model may be either static or dynamic,
some of the common guidelines are as follows:

1. Avoiding analysis paralysis: It specifies that during the

development of use case no analysis or processing is required,
rather the system is clearly studied and different cases of
system are identified. Sentence analysis may create as
generate the abnormal user. The straight forward method is
applied to understand the system its responsibility, boundaries
and attribute.
2. Identifying the actor: Identification of an actor is a tough task in
a use case model. Proper actor should be identified and they
should be assigned the proper cases to handle efficiency. To
handle efficiency is the loss of organisation as per the
identification of actors. Actors are classified into two groups:
A. Primary actor: Primary actor are the actor that uses
the system main function or functionalities. It
means that primary actors are goal are to hold the
important cases which are more sensible and can
affect the organisation directly.
B. Secondary actor: There are the actors that uses the
secondary functionalities with or without facilities
or permission. These functionalities are much
sensible and cannot affect the organisation directly.
Some of the secondary cases are Database
management, backup, system communication,
administration etc.
Sometimes actors are also classified as Active or
Passive. Active actors are those who initiate any but
the passive actors cannot initiate any use case,
rather than participate
3. Identification of essential use case: It is very important to
identify the most sensitive aspect of a use case. The essential
responsibility of the system or case can directly affect an
organisational performance. The identification of essential
issues of use case can depends on the following steps:
i. Study the organisation, boundary, cases.
ii. List all the attribute of the cases.
iii. Tick out the important aspect that are directly associated
to the cases.
iv. Again, filter the aspect which may directly enhance or
hamper the performance of cases.
Identification of these essential may require case
discussion, case study and independent case analysis.
4. Establishing use case bundles: The use case bundles defines the
interrelationship between the cases. There may be different
kind of relationship in different cases.
According to there attributes and behaviour it is must to
establish and specify the perfect relationship between the
cases to achieve the system goal the relationship may be
association, aggregation, generalization etc.
5. Developing use case details: This guideline is used for the
development and definition of use case details it’s associated
to the documenting the different components and there
specification so that the next phase should be proceed. The
developing of use case details may require different types of
diagrams such as notation, expression, etc. It must to clearly
identify them define all the exact of use case including their
total methods and diagram.
6. Identification of the supporting of use case: It is must to
identify the supporting except of this use case. The use case is
associated to many components. To many components to
better their performance. The supporting factor must be
identified and clearly define so that the developers can have on
them. This supporting factor may play vital role during the
implementation and maintenance.
7. System modelling: System modelling specify the limit of an
organisation it also separate the internal component of a
system. During the development of use case, system boundary
must be developed in their associated components.

Building of Object-Oriented Model:

Object oriented system are reliable and efficient than another object-
oriented model. The concept of object-oriented model was proposed
by James Rambaugh, Grady Booch and Jacobson. The object-oriented
system may provide following advantages to the developers:

i. Development of object-oriented system. A problem is very

flexible than the other system.
ii. It also promotes the reusability of modules and object.
iii. Object oriented system are more consistent and reliable
then other structural models.
iv. It also provides the procedure for easier, better
v. Best design and design performance is providing by this
object-oriented model.

Some of the application domain object-oriented models can be

implemented for development are as follows:

1. Advance database management system

2. System software design
3. Medical appliance
4. Scientific research
5. Embedded system
6. Business application

The building of object-oriented model requires more

concentration and precision. The development of object-oriented
model system requires some definite step to be followed. Some of
those steps are as follows:

a. Identification of object and object behaviour: During the

development of the object-oriented system, object and their
attributes must be identified at the beginning. So that the system
can easily be modelled and defined. The identification of object
requires the study of the system, system behaviour and the
b. Specification of attribute and behaviour: An object consist of
attribute(data) and behaviour(method) both decide the object
influence and sell a system. The attribute and behaviour are
abstracted and encapsulated to gain the advantage of object-
oriented model.
c. Class specification: A class is defined as a group of similar type of
object. It is must to specify the classes of the system to develop
the require object. Before the development of object, class must
be defined achieve the goal object orientation.
d. Static behaviour: It define a system behaviour the fixed attribute
and method which are not affected by any condition or
circumstances. The static behaviour of a system may depend on
the designing issues and attribute of an object for the system. The
system software is responsible for the identification and
implementation of this behaviour. The static behaviour is not
flexible rather they are very useful in terms of consistency and the
initialisation of an object.
e. Design: It specifies the overall structure and organisation of
entities of a system. The design specification may contain the
introduction of the case and every entity of a system and how
they are interrelated to each other. It is an important aspect to
develop a system. It guides the development and implementation
procedure during the system development.

A quality design may reduce the development overhead time,

money, errors. A poor design specification may catch software
arise or insufficient package that cannot market demand. The
designer specification may include the proper plan to implement
organising a system. A phase of development that may be of
different types algorithm and diagram. It also includes data
definition procedure and data structure for the physical data
representation of different types of diagrams use during the
design may be use case, class diagram, interaction diagram
(sequence diagram), association diagram (collaboration diagram).
The system design is associated to the key internal factor
associated to system development whereas the detail design
includes the overall internal and external aspects of the system.

f. System design: The system design specifies over factors of a

system required for its development of its operation. It generally
includes internal factor of a system working on processes. It
directly affects the system development and implementation
following steps must be followed for the specification of system
i. Study the system and identity of the objects.
ii. Categories the object on the basis of their behaviour.
iii. Define the specification and relationship of an object.
iv. Draw the specified diagram in order to specify the
composition and relationship between the object and
their classes.
v. Specify the development and implementation,
planning for the system.
g. Detail design: It includes the specification system internal as well
as external factors. It may specify recruitment specification,
operation specification etc. Detail design should be precise and
relevant. System can be properly maintained and implemented.
Detailed specification may use different types of diagrams and
procedure and to specify the system activities and
implementation. Detailed design is used for testing,
implementation, maintenance and future reference it is used by
the student for case to identify organisational behaviour, and
system behaviour.
h. The model:
 Object oriented model (OOM): Object Oriented Model
specify the defining of a system through object-oriented
technology. The introduction of object oriented may
increase the performance are flexibility of the system
object-oriented modelling may use the following concept
associated with the development:
i. Class an object implementation
ii. Abstract and encapsulation
iii. Inheritance and interface
iv. Polymorphism
v. Generic programming
vi. Error handling

Object Oriented Model may provide following advantages to the


1. Object oriented model may provide higher level of integrity to

the system data and information.
2. Object oriented model reduce the development overhead.
3. This provides reusability to the development modules.
4. It supports RAD (Rapid Application Development). It means it
supports parallel module development.
5. How development time is an object-oriented model?
6. Maintenance and implementation of object-oriented system is
very easy.
7. It provides logical and physical independency to object of
object-oriented system.
8. Object-oriented model is used web precise a large system is
required to development Object-oriented model may have a
broad application regarding the development in research.
Object-oriented technique can be applied on the various field
such as:
a. Database design: Now a days, object-oriented database
management system is getting popular due to its flexibility
and versatile attribute. These databases are used in artificial
intelligence and management information system.
b. System software design: OOM are used for development of
fast and precise OS. Realtime OS are based on the OOM. So
that they can be faster in response to user.
c. Medical and research tool should be very criticised, fast so
that they can produce the information in time with accuracy
or let may cause a huge loss or problem.
d. Business application: For a large business with a huge
number of transactions object-oriented modelling is
preferred to design a base application. The application must
represent a real time information to user. It helps to take
better decision during the business process.


Sub-systems are some small systems inside a large many sub-system

are interconnected or assembled. Create a large and complex
aggregated system. Some of these sub systems are also considered as
module and object-oriented system. For example, the school
management system can be developed by some system, library
evaluation system, employee management, system, student
management system etc.
The division of large and complex system and system may provide
advantage to the developer. Following are the advantages:



Subsystem is broad implementation of object-oriented model to

develop a large and complex systems. The implementation of system
requires the following steps to be allowed by the developer:

 Identifying systems: It is a process of analyzing a system to

identify and select the subsystem. The identification process
may the following capabilities in the system analyze:
a. We must have the complete information about
process, system and its working.
b. We must have the knowledge of software
engineering and its module.
c. We must have an idea about the different phase
analysis and development.
d. We should be sharp minded with bold
communication skill.
 Organizing subsystem: This step is responsible to organize or
define this interconnection between all the subsystem so
that the required objective can be achieved. Organizing
subsystem is the most important and sensitive phase of
developing an object-oriented system. It required regular
testing and calculating the performance. So that the security
of system cannot be related.


It specifies the logical connection between every type of entities.

Relationship can be considered as a conceptual entity that specify how
the entity are interrelated to one another. The interrelationship may be
structured or behavioral. There are different types of relationship
specify the type of connections according to behavior in UML. There are
following kinds of relationship:

1. Dependency
2. Flow
3. Generalization/specialization
4. Link

Dependency: How an object is associated or dependent on another

object. The dependency would be function and an entity would be
functionality depend on another unit. It can be considered as a
symmetric relation between two model or element.

Flow: This relationship interconnect to version of an object at

different time/place. The flow is a simple relationship with a weak
bind. Flow relationship is only an object associated to another object
by its behavior. For example; The different types of versions of operating systems.

Generalization/specialization: This is the type of relationship that

relate the general description of parent class to the specialized class.
The concept of generalization promotes reusability and
maintainability of object-oriented system. The process of
generalization can be implemented through inheritance. In
generalization, the common property of specialized class is inherited
to construct a new general class having the common characteristics
of all distinct element. The concept of generalization has following
advantages to the developer.

 It supports the reusability of object.

 The concept of generalization/ specialization provides an
easy maintenance of program.
 It also makes the development easier as a complex concept
can be implemented is smaller module.
 Existence of specialized/ generalized process also provide an
easy modification in the behavioral structure of a program.

Link: Links are the simple relationship between two or more object.
It’s a dynamic behavior that specify a logical connection between two
or more object. The related two object but they are not the part of
any object. A link must have qualified as well as role. There are
different types of roles of object some are as follows.

a. Global
b. Local
c. Parameter
d. Broadcast
e. Vote

Global: It is the …………….that specify the object invisible to the


Local: It is applicable to all the link that specify the object invisible
to only limited area or limited user but not all user.

Parameter: It specify the object visible to honor the method to

which it is final.

Broad cast: It is the constraint applied to the set of managers

receive by all the object manage invisible to only who has received
a message.
Vote: It is a collection of returned messages; links can be identified
by their nature and behavior. Links plays an important role to
define the relationship between the object of different classes.
Links are identified in the qualities set along with them.
Managing and Documenting the relationship:

The word management is associated with organizing, specifying,

defining implementation and maintenance of object-oriented system.
UML provide different method to manage relationship. The
management of relationship include the following steps:

1. IDENTIFICATION OF ENTITIES: It identify each and every entity of

a system. The identification process should be precise and so that
dependent and independent entities can be uniquely identified
with their attribute.
2. ENTITY DEFINITION: It include the definition of entities together
with their role and their activities. UML manager apply use case
diagram to define entities and their role.
3. RELATIONSHIP IDENTIFICATION: It should be very precise for the
development of correct and efficient system. Each and every entity
should be analyzed to identify how entities in term of association,
links, aggregation.
4. DOCUMENTING RELATIOSHIP: The step may include different
method and technique to define relationship between different
entities of a system. Documentation may be included the
definition of all types of relationship diagram. The relationship
diagram may include association diagram, interaction diagram,
(sequence diagram) etc.
implementation is associated with applying the relationship
between during the relationship should be apply and tested to be
identified the effect and result.
Rules in the UML defined the conditions and criteria according to which
two or more object interactive with each other. It also guides the
mapping of parent and child. There specifications:

Rules are implemented to develop quality software with runtime

adaption features. Some of the phase of rules in UML is as follows:

1. Identification of statement
2. Specifying rules
3. Documenting rules

Identification of statement:

This is the first step of phase of rules of UML. This is the phase which
the identify the declarative statement. This is the first phase that
seen each and every part of the statement to implement the rules

Specifying rules:

It is associated with the declaration and definition of the rules in

order to define the implementation. This is the second phase or step
in which rules are clearly define in the native form to implement an

Documenting rules:

It specifies the diagram and algorithm use to define the specification

of rules. It is an important phase of UML for implementing then an

Object oriented technologies use the rule to implement object

oriented concept such as Inheritance, Overloading, etc. rules are
applied to map object. The mapping rules of the UML are
responsible for implementing the object it is must for complex
system to guideline the instruction rules between the object to
maintain consistency. For this purpose mapping rules can be applied.


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