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Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City

Master of Management Major in Business Management (MMBM)

Vance Joseph L. Vinalay MM112-Global Trends in Service Excellence

MMBM – 2 Mr. Rodelio B. Pasion, Ph.D


 Basic Customer Service by Toyota Cagayan De Oro, Inc.

 What is Customer Service?

- Is an organizations ability to supply customer’s wants and needs.

 What does Toyota Strive for?

- EXCELLENT Customer Satisfaction
- The ability of and organization to constantly and consistently exceed the
customer’s expectations.
- Kind of service that makes customer feel special, service that makes
him/her want to come back and do more business with the company and
recommending the company to the people.

 Why is CS (Customer Satisfaction) Important now?

- I am A Happy Customer.
- Provides the key advantage in attracting new customers, regaining old ones,
and keeping those loyal to the brand for the longest period of time.
- Supports the image that the company wants to protect to its target market.
- Tangibly translates the business values statement into actionable terms.
- Has been proven as a major factor in reducing low seasonality sales levels
and business threats posed during difficult economic periods.
- Minimizes or avoids sales opportunity losses; the business threat factor.
- Can be a low cost incremental sales generator; and
- Creates team spirited work ethic within an organization; the can do attitude.

 What are the basic expectations of Toyota Customers?

- Products that brings excitement and joy.
- Thoughtful and welcoming personalized customer care by dealership staff.
- New Innovative sales and service methods to address changes in customer
purchasing behavior and lifestyle.

 Types of Customers: Make the Right moves

 Celebrity Sue
- Socialite; Love to bask in the limelight and flaunt celebrity status
- Can be tough customer before sale can be concluded.
- Treat with utmost care.
- Ask for purchase plans and present all best merchandise.
- Correct negative perception.
- Smile.
 Mean Minnie
- Tougher than demanding chit.
- Can be very tactless.
- Few traits of Nitpicky Thelma
- Sensitive to everything she feels or sees.
- Disarm this customer as early as possible by:
- Being a good listener.
- Act fast in serving this customer.
- Perfection is the key.

 Polite Joe
- Treats you with respect.
- Has polite ways and humble looks.
- Have lots of questions for technical products.
- May ask to repeat spiel and test patience
- Be polite under the same tone of voice.
- Answer the credibly and clearly.
- Do suggestive selling for faster transaction.
- Thank him and invite to do business again.

 Undecided Marilen
- Typical customer who can’t make up her mind.
- Will take time to read labels of several brands.
- May abort purchase after a long winded sales pitch.
- Needs a lot of help, offer suggestions.
- Compliment every decisions made.
- If still undecided, ask why try to turn things around through a dialogue.

 Eccentric Vicky
- Display mannerisms when talking.
- Can be an annoying customer.
- Often looks to the mirror to check on her make up or other features during
- May ask to repeat spiel and test patience.
- Be quick to observe on her traits and feed on her ego. Be polite.
- Be quick in satisfying her requests.
- Offer suggestions if undecided.

 Impatient and Demanding Chit

- Typical Businessman/rich with bad attitude.
- Marks time at anything she does and know what she wants.
- Does not want to repeat herself.
- Be a very good listener.
- Repeat what has been said as a way of confirming. Write down instruction.
- Be fast and be a quick thinker.
- Be calm when a hint of impatience is brewing.

 Arrogant Jenny
- Always keep her head high.
- May look rich, and looks down at others.
- Looks at the staff as servants.
- You feel cold wind when dealing with them.
- Have a big smile and positive disposition
- Look subservient
- Offer a lot of suggestions and praise them for their choice.

 Boring Ben
- The sale or service cannot start without you lending and ear over to her life
- Something that you may not want to hear at all as you are marking time.
- Be a very good listener.
- Ask a lot of questions.
- Come back to him if it takes a while to make decision.
- Be watchful and check if he is ready.

 Cheap Danny
- Immediately looks at the price.
- Loves to compare prices and buys according to budget.
- Can be a tough negotiator in haggling for the price of the item.
- Be helpful in allowing him go through the merchandise.
- Narrate products advantages.
- Offer other cheaper options.

 Nitpicky Thelma
- Meticulous with the product.
- Good at noticing flaws.
- Particular with the value of price tag relative to product features.
- Loves to compare products.
- Thank the customer for being alert and say the you will correct the mistake.
- Be a listener.
- Make sure you inspect the product first.
- Provide utmost comfort and convenience.

 Characteristics of Good Customer Service

1. Meet and greet your customers in warmest and friendliest manner.

2. If you are able to recognize you customer on their second visit, thank them for
coming back.
3. Make them comfortable in taking with you during your transaction.
4. Always use soft selling approach and do it with proper tone of voice.
5. Listen carefully to what they are saying and properly respond with the right
6. Talk intelligently- be knowledgeable on many things without being abrasive,
condescending, or braggart.
7. Have some humor during your discussions in order to diffuse any tensed
8. If price is a deal breaker, be prepared to negotiate within what you are
allowed to counter offer.
9. Do suggestive selling when a customer is showing some ambivalence or
hesitating a purchase decision.
10. Be presentable to the customer at all times by being well-dressed, well-
groomed, and above all showing a happy disposition.
11. Stay focused on the customer and avoid attending to an incoming mobile call
while you are engaged in a transaction.
12. Be cool under pressure and don’t show you are emotionally stressed.
13. Do not have the “can’t do” attitude, rather show your best side of flexibility
and candor.
14. Be a solution to the problem and not source of a problem.
15. Do the unexpected where you can create a “customer delight”.
16. Be sensitive to their needs and satisfy them in a cheerful manner.
17. Make the transaction as convenient as possible.
18. Call your supervisor if its only needed and not immediately if you cannot
satisfy a question.
19. Be sure that you can deliver on your customer promise.
20. Always thank the customer when the transaction has concluded.
21. Invite the customers back the soonest time and make them feel very

 7 Sins of Customer Service

1. Apathy- When service provider almost ignore the customers presence.

Usually utter or keep in his mind statements like “that is not my job” or that’s
not my department”.
2. Brush-off- When the service provider tends to disregard the customer’s
concern with statements like “the boss will be back in one hour”.
3. Coldness- Service provider tends to be rude and aloof in his statement to his
customer. Sometimes, shyness is perceived as coldness.
4. Condescension- Commonly seen in situations like a certain customer may be
ridiculed or being made fun of by the frontline staff. Sarcasm often sets in and
is felt by the customer.
5. Robotic Behaviour- When the daily activities of the service providers becomes
very routinary, they sometimes forget to act with some affection.
6. Inflexibility- When the service provider know how to adopt in any given
situation. He becomes narrow-minded and refuses to take extra effort.
7. Run-around- When the customer is being transferred from one person to the
another in the organization. Given a bouncing ball feeling without getting any
action from management.

 Techniques for Handling Angry Customer

- Apologize
- Venting
- Listen and empathize
- Acknowledge the anger
- Don’t ask “why” questions
- Don’t jump to hasty conclusions
- Avoid humor, sarcasm and jargon
- Don’t blame others

 Toyota Complaint Handling Procedure

1. Receive Customer Complaint

2. Listen with your eyes and ears
3. Establish facts and find out causes
4. Reappraise seriousness and make decision
5. Explain decision and get agreement
6. Follow up
7. Review and Reflect results to prevent recurrence
 Philosophy of Customer Relations Activities

- Open a larger Window for customers

- Swift and sure inquiries and complaint handling
- Make Voice of the Customer the basis for corporate renewal
- Improve corporate image and better inform customers to support sales and
service activities

 Customer Satisfaction Management

 CS Measurement
 CS Movement
 CS Marketing

- Aims to establish system to ensure the maintenance of our service levels

and guarantee customer satisfaction.

 CS Measurement- Aims to understand and analyze exactly what the customer

needs by actively listening. We regard customer requests and complaints as
invaluable information and endeavor to capitalize on them to assist us on
providing the best-possible service.

1. Service Star Customer Survey

2. Internal 360 Degree Survey
3. Survey Monkey

 CS Marketing- Developing and providing services and facilities that exceed

customer’s expectations.

1. Lifetime advantage Card

2. Thank you cards
3. Birthday treat
4. Vehicle Anniversary treat
5. 1k periodic maintenance service reminder card
6. Coffee kiosk
7. Customer lounge
8. Kidstop
9. Viewing room
10. Laptop station
11. Masjid prayer room

 CS Movement- CS Awareness and acting from the viewpoint of the customer.

1. Service Star
2. CS Forum
3. Wearing of CS shirts
4. Basic Trainings
5. Royal Bell
6. Suggestion Program

 My Pledge as a Customer Service Provider

“I may only be one of the many employees in my organization. But I must always
keep in mind that to the customer….I am the Company.”

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